GGT 286 bids adieu to the Last-Gen (except gunnm)

Vita is $170 at Best Buy. Tempting again.

My furnace died last night so that's cool.

More Mario 64 tonight I think.
I just read in a review you can invaded like in dark souls in a link between worlds? What?

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Yeah I know I'm looking over lists and not much I want. That bestbuy bf bundle is nice but I wouldn't pay $190 for it.

Yeah I know I'm looking over lists and not much I want. That bestbuy bf bundle is nice but I wouldn't pay $190 for it.
why? that is the best bundle for xbox 360 this black friday for a "new" console, unless u want a used $169 console from awd/

Not much I want either. Ys isn't going on sale so there goes that. Only thing I want is a graphic card and even then I just ordered it from Amazon.

Maybe I'll buy board games or something.

The only thing I am interested in on Black Friday is Tales of Xillia from Gamestop for 20 bucks. I'd like to sink some time in JRPG again and ToX seems fun enough.

Mario 3D World is awesome and addicting.
I was watching my friends stream it 4 player while they were drunk last night, it looked like a blast. Also, they told me you can play as Rosalina, who I love.

In regards to Black Friday stuff I haven't heard of anything too much that I want, but I can't really think of anything either. I'll probably check the ads but I'm not expecting too much, I should probably get some gift ideas to my mom though since I'm sure some of the comic TPBs I want could be a bit more on sale or something. In all honesty I'm just hoping to pick some cheap stuff up during the winter Steam sale.

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There's a few things I might want on Black Friday depending on the online prices.

Assassin's Creed 4 - I know this is gonna be $35 or less at some stores, so amazon will probably have it for that price or less.

SC: Blacklist - Hopefully $30 or less on amazon

ZombiU - $9.99 used at gamestop, not sure if I'll be getting this since I don't really want to go to any B&M stores

Beyond 2 Souls - I have a $20 off coupon for it on amazon, so if they match other stores and have it for $30 or less before coupon, I'll probably pick it up

Some hopeful deals:

Sonic Lost World WiiU-  if there's a deal for this online around $35 or less

XCOM Expansion - Hoping for a deal on Steam since I haven't gotten around to picking this up yet

Zelda LBW - If there's even a tiny discount I'll jump on it

And some movies depending on the online prices matching B&M deals:

Hobbit Extended Blu Ray

Monsters University

For Black Friday there isn't much I want either. I'll probably be picking up Dynasty Warriors 8 and Payday 2. There are a few movies I want as well and some of those cheap USB drives for storage on my 360. And I might pick up an external hard drive for my One as well for extra storage space when it can use them. Might be a few other things but nothing major this year.

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Did last night even happen? My head hurts.

I'll probably just buy a bunch of blu-rays on BF, unless some random $10 games show up like last year (Dragon's Dogma 4 Lyfe)

I'm keeping an eye out for PC stuff too. Uraizen told me to build one instead of buying a console so that I can be next gen.

back from a school play jesus fuck I kept dosing off. It was like I watching a LOTR movie 2 and half hours of all dialogue.

People are actually buying and selling day one achievement codes. What a shit world we live in. I'm willing to sacrifice whoknows for the greater good.

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Yup best 3d castlevania game ever. Don't get mirror of fate and be disappointed doe.

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Pending on prices, some of the Amazon deals might be wortwhile. Otherwise I'll probably just wait for Steam Holiday sale. Cheap Last of Us would be nice, but like frosty I don't think I'd pay more than $25 for it.
bread's done