The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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I read today that the sequel to that 1000000000000 game is going to be free on iOS for the first day, fyi.
The developer posted about this on his blog. It's going to be free for everyone who bought it on Steam and Humble, as well.

It’s important for me to keep my word so, If you’ve got 10000000, you can have the sequel, the whole shebang, for free too.

For PC, I’ve spoke to Steam and Humble and there a pretty easy way of doing this – If you’ve got 10000000 when You Must Build A Boat launches, you’ll get have it automatically added to your relevant account.

I’ve not quite worked out a good way to do this for Google Play/Appstore yet. If I can’t come up with a better idea – I’ll just launch it free for a day, and then anybody who is a fan can grab it.
Well, this is interesting. Paper Monsters was released today and the dev is claiming that it was released without their permission.

It was in the first Greenlight Bundle.

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This is the best simulator ever, game of the year material.


What could be more exciting than a sequel to the best simulator?


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Well, this is interesting. Paper Monsters was released today and the dev is claiming that it was released without their permission.

It was in the first Greenlight Bundle.
Oh the drama!

Also Sentinel 3 is out. Now let me hold my breath and see if we can get Steam keys for it from Indie Gala 8...

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The developer posted about this on his blog. It's going to be free for everyone who bought it on Steam and Humble, as well.
10000000 is a fantastic game - I loved it so much I beat both the Android and PC versions (they play slightly differently).

Can't wait for You Must Build A Boat (hope he changes the title).

Edit: Haven't seen anything about "100000000"...

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10,001010101,1,101,010's been on my radar for awhile... but.... Humble Store game... and tomorrow could be a new Humble... that is... if it's not the Humble SQUEENIX Bundle.

10,001010101,1,101,010's been on my radar for awhile... but.... Humble Store game... and tomorrow could be a new Humble... that is... if it's not the Humble SQUEENIX Bundle.
If we ever actually get a Squeenix bundle, I think I'd actually really not like it. Their games always hit good sales prices, so I have most of the ones that are worth getting.

I will be showered in extra TR and Sleepy Dongs keys tomorrow!

If we ever actually get a Squeenix bundle, I think I'd actually really not like it. Their games always hit good sales prices, so I have most of the ones that are worth getting.
Yeah, you buy and give them to me, duh! I foresee a lot of people passing if one ever does hit. Tomb Raider is probably the highest profile game it would contain and I'm sure 90% of the people here who want it already own it.

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10,000,000 at 80% smells like a trap to me.
Have you ever considered a career as a detection dog?

... and once you've had some practice against a hopeless amateur you might be able to take on the reigning BGCQ champion.

Only because you're too scared to have a rematch.

When I was king I wasn't afraid to fight for my title :nottalking:

Can I get a mustache ride?
I don't think that means what you think it does.

I will be showered in Dongs tomorrow!
I'm glad you've finally come out of the closet, Mooby.
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This is the best simulator ever, game of the year material.


What could be more exciting than a sequel to the best simulator?

Has it been bundled yet?

Sweet money making scheme. Put up a "fake" version of your game. Let everyone know it's not "legit". Watch people buy up rare game before it gets pulled. Pull game down. Put up "legit" version of game and get all the regular sales.
This is interesting, ReRoll is a survival action RPG in a true open world setting.





I got 10000000 free for Android on the Amazon appstore.  Once I started to get the hang of it, it became fairly fun.  I'd really prefer not to pay above bundle rate for it though, definitely a mobile game.

Sweet money making scheme. Put up a "fake" version of your game. Let everyone know it's not "legit". Watch people buy up rare game before it gets pulled. Pull game down. Put up "legit" version of game and get all the regular sales.
If I ever develop a game and release it on Steam, I'm going to do this.. so Drabe will buy a copy at full price.

I just finished Max Payne 3.... it's a linear Rockstar story with some YouShoot segements. It took me 10 steam hours (probably 8-9 discounting afk/alt-tab). I'm not big on shooters and I haven't played MP1/2. I started on Normal but wound up knocking it down to Easy after a few chapters. I see why it's 30 GB of textures... it is very detailed and has a variety of environments. It usually ran at 60 FPS on my GTX 660 X 1920x1200 with default (very high) settings. I'm tempted to rate it more as an experience, like Brothers, but with more gunplay. I didn't like it; but I didn't hate it. I've beaten it and now can reclaim those 30 GB of diskspace.
I loved Max 3 - other than the fact that you really can't skip cut-scenes.

Someone needs to mod that in - pronto! :D

Max 1 + 2 were great - and I was hoping Rockstar could pull off Max 3. And they did, I thought Rockstar did a hell of a job w/ Max 3 actually trying to make a game that was an actual worthy successor to those Remedy-made masterpieces. Not only did Rockstar bring their own thing to the table here (much more colorful and interesting environments) - when they tried to to the Remedy thing (gritty, grimy environments) in certain areas [the parts in Jersey], they even did that well, as well.

But, OMG - those graphics and textures were freaking fantastic in Max 3.

Yeah, I felt pretty much the same. I think the story was a little too depressing for me - maybe it was just the time/mindset I was in while playing it. I wasn't sorry I played it, but I can't really say I liked it much either. I liked MP1 & MP2 a lot more (although they aren't exactly cheery games either).
Yeah, I might have enjoyed it more if I was in the mood for a gritty and depressing story.

Yeah, you gotta beat four games in February. This was a big thing last year in this thread, but it looks like I'm the only one doing it this year. Or at the very least, I'm the only one talking about it. But then, many of you actually play your games. So the notion of beating 4 games in a month is probably no big deal to you guys.
I tried a bit of that last year but re-affirmed that I like to play what I want when I want. Also I just finished a bunch of shorter games. I think I may play Bioshock Inf next because steam "friends" keep posting certain and probable spoiler pics unspoilered. I was planning on playing BS1 first, but meh.

If nothing else I will tackle Brothers soon because it's short, everyone raves about it, and Asheskitty gifted it to me so it would be really rude of me not to play it.
Speaking of which, I did get around to playing a bit of Defenders Quest. It gripped me more than I was expecting... I suppose due to the story and RPG-elements.

I got 10000000 free for Android on the Amazon appstore. Once I started to get the hang of it, it became fairly fun. I'd really prefer not to pay above bundle rate for it though, definitely a mobile game.
No on mentions this for hours then you beat me by minutes? Grr...

I even played it a bit... I imagine nothing is gained with the PC-port.

I loved Max 3 - other than the fact that you really can't skip cut-scenes.
I regularly saw hit-enter to skip cutscene prompts... never tried them... oddly I think the part I'll remember the most is the attention given to the Panama Canal Museum.

Yeah, I felt pretty much the same. I think the story was a little too depressing for me - maybe it was just the time/mindset I was in while playing it. I wasn't sorry I played it, but I can't really say I liked it much either. I liked MP1 & MP2 a lot more (although they aren't exactly cheery games either).
See, that's what I loved about the Max series - just depressing, dark, grimmy, and gritty.

I regularly saw hit-enter to skip cutscene prompts... never tried them... oddly I think the part I'll remember the most is the attention given to the Panama Canal Museum.
Hmmmm - did Max 3 get an update or something recently?

This was a major complaint, a while back - couldn't skip cut-scenes.

And there was talks that cut-scenes were purposely placed + played at during load-times, too.

If I ever develop a game and release it on Steam, I'm going to do this.. so Drabe will buy a copy at full price.
Hey it's 15% off!

I didn't buy it........I figure it will find its way back to steam at some point if it's pulled. Unlike Motorock which was just made by krokodil addicted I knew I was safe getting that.
Hmmmm - did Max 3 get an update or something recently?

This was a major complaint, a while back - couldn't skip cut-scenes.

And there was talks that cut-scenes were purposely placed + played at during load-times, too.
It's possible. I started playing it for the first time this weekend and I was getting the option to skip them.

Really, I just got the email a few minutes ago. That's it, I'm changing my GetGames bookmark to just GG. At this point, I don't think it will matter if I get them confused.
Weird, I always get them every Friday.

First time doing the four in february. My first game will be tales of xillia. Bought it last year should probably play it.
Isn't that a super long RPG? Will you have enough time to beat it in a month?

I'm pretty excited to see SNK release Metal Slug 3 and at a reasonable price ($5.99 on sale). I wish they'd do some bundles of old NeoGeo games kinda the way SEGA did with the MegaDrive stuff.
I've been keeping an eye out for this game and frankly? It looks like trash. Oh, the original game is amazing, but DotEmu doesn't have the best track record when it comes to emulated games (see Irem Arcade Hits - still waiting on that update that fixed the audio issues, you assholes), but those "upgraded" menus look like something out of a mobile game.

Which is funny because they ported the game to Android and apparently that one worked just fine.

Just look at the trailer they have up for the game - it skips like crazy. They can't even get netplay right for their own damn trailers? The hell?

I am a fan of SNK games, I would love to see NeoGeo Battle Coliseum or Samurai Spirits Sen on steam.

Capcom vs. SNK 3 anyone? :D/

(Fake trailer was here)
YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK, YOU SICK fuck. Don't you ever do that again. The Capcom that worked with SNK doesn't exist anymore... If this ever happened, they'd just charge lots of money to get more characters...

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If I ever develop a game and release it on Steam, I'm going to do this.. so Drabe will buy a copy at full price.
Also be sure to tell him you never, ever pinky promise swear to put the game on sale again so if you don't buy it today you will miss out on a sale FOREVER or until you change your mind.

Speaking of which, I did get around to playing a bit of Defenders Quest. It gripped me more than I was expecting... I suppose due to the story and RPG-elements.
I felt the same. A lot of games I wanted to like but just didn't and this one was sort of the opposite.

Great - so not only do the only Magicka games + DLC's invade sales & bundles, but now some Magicka: Wizard Wars F2P is invading my Steam Library.

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