[PC] Playfire Rewards Thread

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27 (97%)
The Playfire Rewards BETA thread



(Significant and bundled game rewards only)


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I just stuck it to the man! You can too ...


I followed your suggestion for Rush Bros Idioteque, set slide to R1, but left jump as A. It works better that way for slide jumps. I also changed movement to the D-Pad, I think that's also easier and seems more natural for a platformer like this.

Best time so far is 53 seconds though, I'm not sure how I can go 18 seconds faster for the 5-Star Start-Up cheev.

Edit: OK, nevermind switched movement controls back to left stick and cut it down to 40 seconds.
Slide-jump works fine as long as jump and slide aren't both standard buttons (A, B, X, Y). I just prefer the double bumper setup.

That certainly is one of the hardest time trial levels... You have to jump over the up and down spike things, since they're too damn erratic to slide under. That level just takes practice.

Oh yeah, I'm doing that already. It's much faster to die and respawn back on top after you open both doors.

I got 34.4 seconds just now. It took a while, but I actually enjoy racing myself on this game. I only cursed aloud once or twice, and only PG rated when I did =P

Edit: it only took me about 10 minutes to get the Hipin-Hopper cheev on the next level Acid Skips. That one seemed much easier. No cursing at all.

Edit: Hard Light Show on Cathode Way done, took a little longer ... maybe 20 mins? One "Damnit", that's not too bad.

Edit: Hold your breath done ...took a little while on this one. I think an expletive was uttered during this time. The game's still fun though. I think it definitely helps that it has you racing your ghost self.
Yeah, I enjoy the racing aspect of it. It's unique, and it doesn't hurt that the music is pretty good.

I got tired of waiting and just blew $30 on Shadowrun Returns + Dragonfall. I'm so ashamed. I could have had $6 left over...maybe closer to $15 if I'd waited for a sale. :(
Don't be. 'sok. Dead Man's Switch (The basic campaign) is pretty lame, but Dragonfall's pretty enjoyable. Played DMS as soon as it launched since I did the Kickstarter, and it was let down by it so hard it took me this long to finally get around to playing Dragonfall. Dragonfall mostly redeemed Shadowrun Returns for me. I'd be up to buying another campaign or two if they were Dragonfall quality or better.

Haven't dicked around with any player made runs yet. The editor was part of what pissed me off. Did Neverwinter Nights adventures back in the day and SRR's editor was all kinds of busted and clunky at launch. No idea if they've fixed it up any, but after I got a run mostly put together despite the goddamn editor I learned the most disappointing thing of all. The characters you import only keep the equipment they had equipped. You don't even carry your cash over between adventures. So unlike NWN where you could make short one-offs that people could play and get some XP/loot/money from, SRR adventures need to be more self contained because there's VERY little loot in the game (Understandably) and since money isn't carried between adventures just making fairly short run isn't really worth it.

Bleh. Despite the ranting, pretty good game and decent use of GMG scrip.

Playing QUBE DX now, cutting it a bit short. So far so good, nice clean looking game, kinda simplistic, but we'll see how that changes as I get further.

Hoping the achievements aren't bugged for me, I've heard mixed reports. The game isn't dreadful to play though, so that's nice.

Finally finished the last of the Ascend rewards, going to keep the game installed as it was more fun then I thought it would be. Difficulty isn't too bad (I guess invasions can be mid-level, but not there yet), mostly as you regen health really fast out of battle and monsters generally don't heal. Thus I was able to deal with Ogres by standing on the edge of their range, launching fireballs, then moving back. Block also stops a lot of things, though I was piss poor at using it (it isn't hard I just suck). Wish I had started as Void though, black hole would have helped so much in farming, still doable without though.

EDIT: With Rush Bros, the song has a bit too much of an effect on the level, one of the levels (I forget which now) I was only able to get the achievement for because I found a good song for it. In general found The Worst Hangover Ever by The Offspring to work well in the game since it gets all the spikes (etc) on a consistent set pattern.

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Dark Void got a price glitch on GMG I think. I see it at $1.24 with a MSRP of  $4.99.

Am I wrong?

Edit. Oh didn't noticed this is the Mindriot Thread. Cheers Gatito.

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Dark Void got a price glitch on GMG I think. I see it at $1.24 with a MSRP of $4.99.

Am I wrong?
GMG just got the game according to IATD. Amazon's MSRP is $5 as well, which makes sense considering it's a GFWL.

Still, I'll probably bite because of all the credit I'm sitting on. It'd be nice if they posted a voucher in the next hour or so though.

Edit: Age of Booty is also $1.24, and Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles is on sale for 75% off, as well as the 4-pack.

Might be a Capcom week. That's kind of exciting.

Edit 2: Remember Me is 66% off at $10.19.

Flock is 75% off at $1.24.

Flock and Age of Booty both use GameSpy iirc. This seems more like a "Sell stuff while people are too dumb to know it's shutting down" sale, aside from Remember Me and D&D.

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GMG just got the game according to IATD. Amazon's MSRP is $5 as well, which makes sense considering it's a GFWL.

Still, I'll probably bite because of all the credit I'm sitting on. It'd be nice if they posted a voucher in the next hour or so though.

Edit: Age of Booty is also $1.24, and Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles is on sale for 75% off, as well as the 4-pack.

Might be a Capcom week. That's kind of exciting.
That makes sense, I looked at Steam so I thought was a glitch. Thanks Bobby for the clarification.

Edit. It's a Capcom Sale, since Ruuin mined that already.

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Hoping there's more or that this is another 48h set of deals and we'll get new Capcom ones in 2 days. C'mon GMG, this is a great way to get me to blow through my credit.

Blame Bobby for throwing me off, I can't tell them apart.
I take full responsibility for these "deals".

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To clarify earlier statements:

Flock and Age of Booty have been confirmed to be losing their MP with the GameSpy shutdown.

They're also not on the GameRanger list.

Dark Void is apparently a special case, and only the version sold through Microsoft's GFWL Store (now shut down) use GFWL, the Steam version and retail version do not use it.

This is a useful list for this sort of thing.

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Nooo I just wasted $2 on Remember Me! :(
I wasted $6 on Saturday between Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall. I'm still okay with that, though. When I start to accumulate much of a Rewards balance I always start worrying that my account will get banned for something.

Speaking of which, I just figured out another really obvious and easy way to game Playfire Rewards that could (with a bit of work) get you 6x your rewards; Family Sharing. Create 5 alt accounts, give all the alts access to your library, then as rewards are offered just switch between them to get the rewards. Since Steam doesn't differentiate games on your system from one account to another, you can download the game once and you're good to go for all 6 accounts (or SAM, if you're into that.)

Of course, this would require swapping between Steam accounts every time, and maintaining 6 separate sets of rewards through Playfire. There's definitely some tedium involved...but doable if somebody really wanted to. Way too much work for me, but you could do this and have it be absolutely legitimate (if you didn't SAM.)

Edit: Actually using the same system for all the accounts would mean that you'd have the local save files for your games. As you swapped to an account and launched the game, it might immediately upload all the achievements from your local save files to the Steam server. Basically play once, get paid 6 times.

I haven't actually tested this, btw. But the logic works out.

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Speaking of Remember Me - any thoughts? Most reviews liken it to the recent Tomb Raider in terms of mechanics, but with a clunky combat system. $8 (with coupon) is close enough to 75% off for me...
I really don't know, I just collect. Totalbiscuit and Gametrailers are good places to start though.

If you already owned QUBE on Steam you should now own QUBE Directors Cut too, which has PF rewards until tomorrow evening.

Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - play for the first time - £0.10
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - unlock Behind The Scenes - £0.10
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - unlock Attractive - £0.25
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - unlock Push Me To Completion - £0.50

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Great, I could've used Playfire money to buy the D&D four pack at GMG and saved a bit. Now my group buy from Amazon is borked.

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Goddammit. I hate it when I alt-tab to check something for a post I'm writing, then forget to post after I alt-tab back. Just saw a 3-paragraph post disappearing when I refreshed.  :wall:

Anyway; Started playing WH40k: Kill Team. It's alright. The camera has fixed positions based on where you are in a map, and those positions aren't that smart, so sometimes you can end up hidden behind walls. I've played the first map so far and when I was in a hidden location I shot something that blew up and killed me. Other than that I never got under 50% health while fighting the orks. It's on the easy side (so far.) Attack directions aren't free-range, either; if you rotate your shots you'll see that there are specific angles you shoot at. It's a bit annoying, to be honest. Killing orks is quite fun, but you start out with only Sternguard Veteran rather than being able to choose your character type. I expect the others will be more fun (I already unlocked the Librarian class by beating the first map.)

I wouldn't recommend the game for $8, especially since it's only around 4 hours long. Wait for $2.50 or $5 if you're a big WH40k fan.

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My PF rewards aren't updating at all any more. I really hope I didn't get banned play Rush Bros. last night for nothing.

Also, I scoff at the idea of rewards talk being off-topic. What could be more on-topic than free money?

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It's broken. Achievements don't track, but playtime do.
Mine are still working, but intermittently. I'll see playtime show up for some, but not others. I'll see achievements show up for some, but not others. I'll see some of the achievements that show up in my profile get rewards, but not others. Etc.. I really don't understand how they've got the rewards system set up. It makes no sense at all.

My PF rewards aren't updating at all any more. I really hope I didn't get banned play Rush Bros. last night for nothing.

Also, I scoff at the idea of rewards talk being off-topic. What could be more on-topic than free money?
It's broken. Achievements don't track, but playtime do.
Yeah, it seems First Plays are tracking but not achievements right now. Hopefully they'll catch up and I can grab some freebies on GMG

If you already owned QUBE on Steam you should now own QUBE Directors Cut too, which has PF rewards until tomorrow evening.

Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - play for the first time - £0.10
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - unlock Behind The Scenes - £0.10
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - unlock Attractive - £0.25
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut - unlock Push Me To Completion - £0.50
They're all easy to do. The physics for a couple of the puzzles was glitchy for me near the end of the game, but I had no issues getting the playfire achievements.

Yeah, my play time is still tracking, except for the three f2p games I ran last night. Although I only kept them open for a few seconds, usually that's enough. I still need to make a list of what rewards I never got, I know there were several from Strike Suit Zero and I may have been too close to the deadline for Chompy Chomp Chomp.

Also, despite my earlier comments I can't believe Rush Bros. is so widely hated. 98% thumbs down on Steam seems way over the top. The music integration is a little weak, but the controls seemed fine (maybe they aren't, but I'd usually prefer to blame my own lack of skill) and some of the level designs I tried were really clever.

Speaking of which, I just figured out another really obvious and easy way to game Playfire Rewards that could (with a bit of work) get you 6x your rewards; Family Sharing.
Already tested this. Doesn't work. Presumably Playfire checks your actual library listing instead of just your "Recently played" list. Steam sharing games don't show up in the library-proper even though they show up in the recently played games.

And by tested this I mean a friend of a friend tested it. Behind closed doors with consenting adults.


Will Playfire track my achievements earned on games played via Steam Family Sharing?

Not at the moment, this isn't to say that we aren't going to add it to the service going forwards but there are lots of logistical issues that need to be addressed."

They are probably aware of issues it would cause.


Will Playfire track my achievements earned on games played via Steam Family Sharing?

Not at the moment, this isn't to say that we aren't going to add it to the service going forwards but there are lots of logistical issues that need to be addressed."

They are probably aware of issues it would cause.
Mass SAM bannings imminent.

Done with Rush Bros. Well, there's two .10 achievements left but I can't be bothered. Actually kinda had fun with it and they were really generous with the amounts too.

Went through my achievements and found 4 Strike Suit Zero, 3 Cargo Commander, and 2 Kung Fu Strike rewards they never gave me though, so it's time to contact support. Wish me luck.

They stopped tracking my achievements after I played Tower of Guns and Chompy Chomp Chomp for the first time. Four days ago.

I guess I won't be seeing that extra UKbuck.

I'm enjoying QUBE, it's kinda Portal LITE but it's good fun. Especially for the 50c or whatever it cost from Groupees.
Here's some help with the cheevos.
For the "Behind the Scenes" cheevo, in Sector 5 head left here and through the wall to enter a secret area.

...and for the "Push to Completion" cheevo, once you're in the secret area and get to this part. Push the reset button. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Edit: The "Attraction" cheevo comes fairly quickly after this part too. You complete a handful of puzzles with magnets 'n stuff.

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My PF rewards aren't updating at all any more. I really hope I didn't get banned play Rush Bros. last night for nothing.

Also, I scoff at the idea of rewards talk being off-topic. What could be more on-topic than free money?
They stopped tracking my achievements after I played Tower of Guns and Chompy Chomp Chomp for the first time. Four days ago.

I guess I won't be seeing that extra UKbuck.
Yup, same here. Everything stopped once I got the Chompy achievements.

Also, looks like Dark Void is out of stock. Meh.

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Yup, same here. Everything stopped once I got the Chompy achievements.

Also, looks like Dark Void is out of stock. Meh.
Dagnabbit, you'd think I'd have learned after the last time =/

The only problem with PlayFire is now I have the achievements for rewards for QUBE. I don't want to go on and complete the game and miss out on potential rewards later.

I'm starting to accumulate PlayFire produced backlog.

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Still working on Rush Bros. I've really grown to love this game.
The last and highest paid cheev "Converting Vegetarians" (0.50) is one of the easiest.
Here's a YT vid that shows you how it's done ...

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