Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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it aged well enough, but for full enjoyment of slayers some D&D knowledge is a good thing :p

plus it's got a surprisingly good dub for the time it was released.

it's an early crispin freeman role... and you have ash katchum playing a female in it :p
Brock also has a role in the show.

Brock also has a role in the show.
That's true, but he isn't playing a female
most of the time
so it's not as amusing :p (granted ash is voiced by a female :p)

but yeah slayers is a fun often overlooked older show. and for $24 for the first 3 seasons is not a bad price at all (of course season 4/5 is two half seasons at nearly the same price if you want to finish it)

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Brock's actor also did SETO KAIBA
And I just connected those voices in my head. I can't believe I never made the connection... but then again, from the episodes I watched I don't think Kaiba ever had a good day and was always pissed (was probably 4kids way of writing him too).

Oh, and he's great in Slayers. My brother had some of the older box sets all I think I watched all of it. I know it had like 3 series... or at least he did. It's been years.

I enjoy it too. Pretty quirky and like you said different from the manga. I think alot of people hated it because of that but I again didn't mind and enjoyed the show. So much so that I hunted down the LE for it just to have it....
Making me want to get the LE for it now, how much did you pay for yours?

The Blue Exorcist Blu-rays... I love the artwork; however, the random ending of the anime for the sake of just ending it really turned me off enough to not want to buy it.

Thank you for identifying the characters on that ad. It's been driving me nuts.

I wouldn't think image search would have worked since it's a screenshot off my phone
So Slayers also has a bluray version. Is is worth to wait for that to drop in price? It seems like a cool series.
Only seasons 4+5 are on blu.

And it depends on where you're looking.

It was actually cheaper during the Cyber Monday deal for that set, but it's still on sale on Funimation for a cheaper price than Amazon, so that's totally up to you if you want to wait until next year to pull the trigger during the Funimation sale, and what your price point would have been.

Also, if you were under the impression the blu was the full series or not that was on blu.

Brock also has a role in the show.
Actually, pretty much every major VA in the show has done a voice in pokemon (including lisa ortiz, who seemed to do EVERY major minor female role in pokemon). Seasons 1-3 of slayers also are only on DVD, as the third season of slayers is about 10 years older than season 4.

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Someone mentioned wanting the the Yu-Yu Hak. blus, they are one at amazon for 20.50$ish each (guessing this is apart of the sale mentioned earlier in the thread). I would still rather pay $16ish each but it beats 101$ for the bundle.

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Allow me to state my distaste of Stella Women's Academy, today's megadeal. If you're looking for a fun girls with guns slice of life, look elsewhere. The main girl was insufferably depressing. The show was just not fun. If you want a fun girls with guns show, better to go with Upotte!!, Strike Witches, or Girls und Panzer.

Actually, pretty much every major VA in the show has done a voice in pokemon (including lisa ortiz, who seemed to do EVERY major minor female role in pokemon). Seasons 1-3 of slayers also are only on DVD, as the third season of slayers is about 10 years older than season 4.
Didn't know that.but it's not surprising considering all those VA's were 4Kids regulars.

Someone mentioned wanting the the Yu-Yu Hak. blus, they are one at amazon for 20.50$ish each (guessing this is apart of the sale mentioned earlier in the thread). I would still rather pay $16ish each but it beats 101$ for the bundle.
i concur froz. 16ish seems a lot more fair than 20. nonetheless i wouldn't mind paying the 20 bucks if this is the lowest it'll get. yuyuhak was a great series.

The Blue Exorcist Blu-rays... I love the artwork; however, the random ending of the anime for the sake of just ending it really turned me off enough to not want to buy it.
Yup. They could have done way more with this anime if they knew what the term "season" was. Too many questions left unanswered and it felt very rushed. The ending was a little heartwarming though.
(with Rin/Yukio's mom)
I really need to read the manga.

If the movie wasn't stupid expensive here, I'd suggest it as it's set in the canon part of the series.

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Allow me to state my distaste of Stella Women's Academy, today's megadeal. If you're looking for a fun girls with guns slice of life, look elsewhere. The main girl was insufferably depressing. The show was just not fun. If you want a fun girls with guns show, better to go with Upotte!!, Strike Witches, or Girls und Panzer.
I wanted to say thank you for pointing this out. I was planning on doing a blind buy of it, assuming that I'd be getting another Girls und Panzer. After reading some reviews, I see that I will not be getting another GuP.

@Gurren (the user, not the show) - Slayers 1-3 has only been below $25 on Amz once, and that was 3 years ago. I'm not sure about the classics line BDs for Season 4 and 5, but it's fairly safe to say that you won't find them for much cheaper than the current sale price at RS.

I wanted to say thank you for pointing this out. I was planning on doing a blind buy of it, assuming that I'd be getting another Girls und Panzer. After reading some reviews, I see that I will not be getting another GuP.

@Gurren (the user, not the show) - Slayers 1-3 has only been below $25 on Amz once, and that was 3 years ago. I'm not sure about the classics line BDs for Season 4 and 5, but it's fairly safe to say that you won't find them for much cheaper than the current sale price at RS.
season 4-5 was slightly cheaper during the funimation sale on monday then RS, but I believe that aside from that the rightstuf price is still the cheapest it's been as I would have picked it up before now if it had been that cheap previously :p

My order just shipped, FYI.
I got an email from them saying with the high volume of traffic and orders they've been delayed and they will be shipping shortly. Only issue I'm still having is when I track it still says its almost $100 more than my confirmation and I checked my bank and the in progress transaction disappeared. I called my bank to make sure it's approved and they said it was fine but Funimation didn't take the money basically. I'm hoping they don't charge me the higher sale prices, I sent in a support ticket twice now I'm hoping to hear back very soon.

Good news two of my RightStuff orders shipped!

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I got an email from them saying with the high volume of traffic and orders they've been delayed and they will be shipping shortly. Only issue I'm still having is when I track it still says its almost $100 more than my confirmation and I checked my bank and the in progress transaction disappeared. I called my bank to make sure it's approved and they said it was fine but Funimation didn't take the money basically. I'm hoping they don't charge me the higher sale prices, I sent in a support ticket twice now I'm hoping to hear back very soon.

Good news two of my RightStuff orders shipped!
I just checked my account and I've only been charged for one of my two orders. received shipping confirmation for both orders.
So what was the cheapest slayers 1-3 set has been and the 4-5 blu ray ? I have amassed amazon credit and I feel like buying it from them.
According to price tracker... Slayers 1-3 set was 20.99 back in December 2011. Lowest price is usually close to $27. The season 4-5 bluray set was $29.26 back in August 2013. These are Amazon prices.

I wanted to say thank you for pointing this out. I was planning on doing a blind buy of it, assuming that I'd be getting another Girls und Panzer. After reading some reviews, I see that I will not be getting another GuP.
It's 1920's baseball instead of alt-history tank sports, but aside from that I thought Taisho Baseball Girls had a pretty similar feel to GuP.

The same "Funimation is trying to charge me more." thing is happening to me. I got an orde confirmation when I bought the stuff and a shipping confirmation just now. Two of the items were higher on the shipping confirmation. I haven't checked my bank account to see if I wa charged, but I went ahead and emailed the Funimation store.
I just started watching Akatsuki no Yona. I'm so happy I got back into watching anime. Now I'm so tempted to buy anime, especially since Funi had that huge sale >.
what's the verdict on one piece over here? would the amazon sets be a great buy?
one piece is a great show in general but takes about 30 episodes to really get going.

i would check it out before buying anything as you are looking at a huge commitment if you are going to get it all (we are up over 300 episodes now... aka MORE THAN DBZ. and the japanese version has over 600 eps with about 600 more eps expected before its' run is done.)

The same "Funimation is trying to charge me more." thing is happening to me. I got an orde confirmation when I bought the stuff and a shipping confirmation just now. Two of the items were higher on the shipping confirmation. I haven't checked my bank account to see if I wa charged, but I went ahead and emailed the Funimation store.
Same here with me. Shipping invoice extra $74.53 more than Cyber Monday Invoice. Funimation have not response my email 3 days now. From my previous ordered. Anyone in here have Funimation phone number ?

one piece is a great show in general but takes about 30 episodes to really get going.

i would check it out before buying anything as you are looking at a huge commitment if you are going to get it all (we are up over 300 episodes now... aka MORE THAN DBZ. and the japanese version has over 600 eps with about 600 more eps expected before its' run is done.)
jesus h christ its like shippuden.

i saw some listings on ebay and i was like maybe ill pick it up if i can get 10 of the sets for a 100 bucks.

then i realized we're barely on episode 270 something in English dubs and in the sub world they're well over 400 and still haven't reached the climax of naruto and sasuke fighting which wasn't even that good in the manga. they just apologized and everything was suddenly better. even after all the shit sasuke did he was allowed back in to the leaf village and sakura still married him. ugh the ending was not that good. i mean naruto's kids don't even have the kekki genkai at least its not mentioned. i could go on but its late

Both my initial charge and shipping amounts are the same.

Though the second order I placed with them seems to have disappeared. No charge, no email.
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jesus h christ its like shippuden.

i saw some listings on ebay and i was like maybe ill pick it up if i can get 10 of the sets for a 100 bucks.

then i realized we're barely on episode 270 something in English dubs and in the sub world they're well over 400 and still haven't reached the climax of naruto and sasuke fighting which wasn't even that good in the manga. they just apologized and everything was suddenly better. even after all the shit sasuke did he was allowed back in to the leaf village and sakura still married him. ugh the ending was not that good. i mean naruto's kids don't even have the kekki genkai at least its not mentioned. i could go on but its late
lol... more like more episodes than Naruto+Shippuden.

lol... more like more episodes than Naruto+Shippuden.
Yeah. Even at that after episode 135 of Naruto it was pure filler. Shippuden is almost the same lol but I don't mind watching it. I like the concept of Shounen anime and some of the characters but i don't like the length.

discussion over.

Today's RS Mega Deal


Infinite Stratos 2 DVD Complete Collection


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Wave 5 is a Go.

The same "Funimation is trying to charge me more." thing is happening to me. I got an orde confirmation when I bought the stuff and a shipping confirmation just now. Two of the items were higher on the shipping confirmation. I haven't checked my bank account to see if I wa charged, but I went ahead and emailed the Funimation store.
This happened to me too. Two out of the four items I ordered went up afterward.

I used PayPal and it looks like it's for the original amount, but it's still processing.
and my top picks for today based on price would be

Kids on the slope (from the director of cowboy bebop with just about as much awesome jazz in the soundtrack... quite a different story though)

Romeo x Juliet (this alternate take on the classic is actually quite well done and it doesn't take many flying horses to make you realize this isn't the classic tale you once knew)

Shura No Toki (ever feel like sitting down and just watching a solid fighting series? If so this show is for you. It's not one that will end up making you think it's amazing, but at the same time it's not one to ever disappoint either. It's a solid ride from start to finish following the Mutsu clan as they take out some classic figures from history)

Welcome to the NHK (this series is NEET (not a misspelling :p))

and now for the don't fall for the trap section

Yumeria... unless you are a pedophile it's unlikely you will find this series worth watching :p (for the record it's ok if you like this series, I just wouldn't recommend it even at $7 lol)

bread's done