Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Apparently Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse and Ice Age: Continental Drift are still being sold over at Direct2Drive. Family Guy's 75% off ($9.99 + 0.99 DLC) and Ice Age is $8 (80% off.)

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Auuugh Anno 1404 is 75% off everywhere but in regions where its called "Dawn of Discovery" UGH WHY
Can Redditors Europeans gift it I wonder?

I already own it on disc so I probably shouldn't bother though.

Also I read the DRM was never patched out of the digital version, supposedly, just the disc version. Getting definitive clear verifiable answers from a reliable source on Anno DRM is confusing and a pain in the ass though.
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The only thing I picked up this sale was Date Warp for 2k gems. Gems created from worthless emoticons sitting in my inventory, because I was too lazy to dump on the trash bot.
Can Redditors Europeans gift it I wonder?

I already own it on disc so I probably shouldn't bother though.

Also I read the DRM was never patched out of the digital version, supposedly, just the disc version. Getting definitive clear verifiable answers from a reliable source on Anno DRM is confusing and a pain in the ass though.
I highly recommend that u buy the disc GOLD version. It's DRM free and the installation process is PAINLESS.

I know b/c in the past, I have searched heaven and earth and almost pull all my hairs out just to get this game to install and play properly without having to deal with such draconian DRM.

the retail disc version is the way to go without all the headache.

If u have the disc, then the latest patch remove DRM

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I highly recommend that u buy the disc GOLD version. It's DRM free and the installation process is PAINLESS.

I know b/c in the past, I have searched heaven and earth and almost pull all my hairs out just to get this game to install and play properly without having to deal with such draconian DRM.

the retail disc version is the way to go without all the headache.

If u have the disc, then the latest patch remove DRM
That's actually what I have, but you know, there's this part of me that wants it on Steam even having to get it from European to get it on a decent sale and having it have shitty DRM and all that just because.

Trash bot must have made out like a bandit from the gem auction.
Emoticons and backgrounds and such never last long on the Trashbot. They get taken really quick. The only things that stay are the crappier coupons and even those eventually some fool comes along and takes them all. I don't know if they just like hoarding useless digital crap or they think they can actually swindle some idiots out of something, anything, in trade for them or what, but that's how it goes.
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Eh, I want it but I don't $20 want it given how far 2K eventually will go down with discounts not to mention their love of DLC.

I can see how that might seem like a good price to console people though.

There are texture mods & ENB for Underground 2 & Most Wanted (2005) that really rejuvinate them. I've gotten them up and running for Underground 2... and a little no-CD patch magic. I'm really surprised I've never seen anyone try to copy NFS U2's drift mode.
EA really should re-released NFS: Underground 1 + 2 to the digital market on at least Origin.

Even if they have to go the Rockstar route and pull songs from the digital versions.

I'm sure modders will find a way to mod 'em back in.

GreenManGaming has Wolfenstein for 20.39 - which comes down to 16.31 with their 20% off voucher. I'm tempted at that price, but does anyone know if they're still giving preorder keys? Nuuvem is still giving those when you purchase the game.

All it is happens to be a Weapon Pack?

Meh - when are some real content DLC's and Season Passes coming?
They've said they didn't do content DLC right off the bat intentionally because in the past they got shit for doing day one/on disc DLC. They did one multiplayer DLC already. There's very likely to be some single player content DLC on the way; they've hinted at it but nothing officially announced yet.

If anything, they're pretty much obliged to do another Warden's Keep style DLC to add a storage chest back in because for some dumbass reason they purposely omitted including one with the base game which got lots of complaints. :p

I don't think Bioware has ever done a season pass. Hell they don't even do GotY editions since Origins.

Anyway there's a TON of stuff to do in the base game. It's not like there's any real shortage of playing time there so I don't see that they really needed any content DLC on or soon after release.

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They've said they didn't do content DLC right off the bat intentionally because in the past they got shit for doing day one/on disc DLC. They did one multiplayer DLC already. There's very likely to be some single player content DLC on the way; they've hinted at it but nothing officially announced yet.

If anything, they're pretty much obliged to do another Warden's Keep style DLC to add a storage chest back in because for some dumbass reason they purposely omitted including one with the base game which got lots of complaints. :p

I don't think Bioware has ever done a season pass. Hell they don't even do GotY editions since Origins.
if only the base game was 30 dollars or less

Bought Gods Will Be Watching been eyeing it for awhile and it made it to 75% off so you can thank me later when it gets bundled. Looking at you agentghost.
To Thief or not to Thief?!?!
Depends on how much you liked Thief: Deadly Shadows + Hitman: Absolution - since both of those games are much-much more modernized in their gameplay w/ this entry in their respective series in numerous ways than what they were before. Thief 2014 has a combination of some of those things those 2 games had going on.

If you didn't like Thief: Deadly Shadows (open-world experience in a Small City w/ side-quests) + didn't like Hitman: Absolution (b/c of the X-Ray Batman-like skills, easy to kill enemies w/ cinematic one hit kills) - you should probably pass.

One of the coolest things Thief 2014 has is you can tailor-set your difficulty to how you want. If you hate those one-shot kills, X-Ray Mode, objects highlighted, and a lot of the modern-stuff - you can turn it off.

On the other hand - if you liked both Thief: Deadly Shadows + Hitman Absolution, you should get Thief 2014. I really liked Thief's gameplay - but, the story + characters could've been done so much better than how they turned out. Often - it took cliche and predictable routes in the story + character development; and sometimes characters didn't develop enough.

Also, Thief 2014 - like many recent games for me - was a pain on my PC to run properly (i7 950; 1 GB VRAM GF GTX 560 Ti; had 8 GB of RAM when I ran it). I had to run EVGA Precision X and lock it down to either 35 or 40 frames per sec (I can't recall - go read my review on Steam) just to keep it from having insane roller-coaster spikes for rises + drops b/t 30 and 60 frames per sec at any moment. Gorgeous game...if you can get it running right.

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if only the base game was 30 dollars or less in the USA.


They've said they didn't do content DLC right off the bat intentionally because in the past they got shit for doing day one/on disc DLC. They did one multiplayer DLC already. There's very likely to be some single player content DLC on the way; they've hinted at it but nothing officially announced yet.

If anything, they're pretty much obliged to do another Warden's Keep style DLC to add a storage chest back in because for some dumbass reason they purposely omitted including one with the base game which got lots of complaints. :p

I don't think Bioware has ever done a season pass. Hell they don't even do GotY editions since Origins.

Anyway there's a TON of stuff to do in the base game. It's not like there's any real shortage of playing time there so I don't see that they really needed any content DLC on or soon after release.
Why the hell did they do this again w/ the chest? Ugh!

Even w/ Dragon Age 2 - once you got far enough along, you had a house and a chest to store your stuff in.

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I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!

I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!
I'm sure there's a few more, but right now this is what's coming to my mind:

Arcanum -> that string quartet is both unique and killer. Click here for Ben Houge's page, who scored the game - and you can find links to his music somewhere within there.

Vampire: Bloodlines -> for both its licensed music (Lacuna Coil, Chiasm, Genitorturers, Tiamat, etc) + the original score by Womb Music.


Hotline Miami -> click here to hear the OST in full from Soundcloud

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I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!
If you enjoy Bastion, then you might like Transistor OST.

Soundtrack for Civilization series
Gitaroo Man OST
Some videogame soundtracks played by Taylor Davis (ie Gerudo Valley)

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I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!
Jet Set Radio

Interstate '76


I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!
Art of Fighting 3 (the AST, lots of jazzy tunes)

Alone in the Dark 2008 (yes, really)

Edit: I bought Wolfenstein at GMG for $15ish after the personal 22% off voucher... and got the TF2 preorder items. Woo.

Too bad the friggin game is 40 GB...

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I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!
Hotline Miami

GTA San Andreas-Before they removed the tracks

GTA Vice City-Before they will remove tracks

The Binding of Isaac

The Banner Saga

Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP

If you didn't like Thief: Deadly Shadows (open-world experience in a Small City w/ side-quests) + didn't like Hitman: Absolution (b/c of the X-Ray Batman-like skills, easy to kill enemies w/ cinematic one hit kills) - you should probably pass.
It's hard to take that seriously from someone who didn't get Silent Assassin rating even once on A Binomial Nutshot.

It's hard to take that seriously from someone who didn't get Silent Assassin rating even once on A Binomial Nutshot.
Does it look like I even care what you think of me getting or not getting certain ratings, scores, Achievements, or whatever?

I'm not like some that decide to replay missions, games, and whatnot over + over. It's not normally me. It's fine if they play that way and try to 100% games; replay games; or whatever. And I think it's fine if I am often "one and done" with a game.

There's flat-out a lot of people who DO NOT like how much more modernized in the gameplay department games like Thief: Deadly Shadows became + Hitman: Absolution became from their previous installments. Thief 2014 is even more modernized than the other two, in many ways.

Though, in Thief 2014 - the modernizing-stuff could become more forgivable to some of the hardcore fans b/c of its custom difficulty settings - that's going to be harder to forgive in Hitman Ab b/c they don't even have such a thing. They only have a few preset difficulty settings in Hitman Ab - and that's really about it.

Hitman Ab could really benefit from having custom difficulties settings like Thief 2014.

Hell, many games should + could benefit from having the kind of custom difficulty stuff that Thief 2014 employs.


Besides the gameplay stuff, I'm sure there are other elements in Hitman Ab that I'm sure could piss-off long-time Hitman fans that want a "pure" Hitman experience - i.e. you're not globe-trotting to all kinds of different, interesting, and/or exotic locations; the game only takes place in USA; some levels are very linear (like some Splinter Cell levels); some levels aren't even that huge; and a certain incident starts the game off....

...even though by the end, Diana's death pretty much gets a retcon.

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oh yea my fav game soundtracks-


Last of Us

Hotline Miami


Wolfy: New Order

every Metal Gear game

Silent Hill 1+ 2+3

Vice City

San Andreas

Max Payne 3

Saints Row IV

Shovel Knight

Red Dead Redemption

I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!






Just a handful of some of my favorite soundtracks.

I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!
Wow! I popped into this thread at the right time!

Some of my favorites:

Halo 1 -3 (Marty versions, not the 343 ones)

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Gears of War 1 & 2 (1 is better though IMO)

Goldeneye 64

And the real reason I popped in: so far after 9 days of voting, I have 6 unique elves and 3 of the one that thinks it's a kangaroo! (Zippy)

Hopefully I don't get any more zippys!

And, what exactly, does that mean?
I'm guessing the implication is Snakeybro thinks he has to wear the scarlet letter now according to the PC master race regulars since he's been seen in a console thread or some such nonsense.

He's got a Yu-Gi-Oh! girl in his sig so it should hardly come as a surprise that he plays Playstation.

(And no, I didn't know that was Yu-Gi-Oh! on sight, I reverse image searched it. My weeaboo days are long since over)

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Wow! I popped into this thread at the right time!

Some of my favorites:
Halo 1 -3 (Marty versions, not the 343 ones)
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Gears of War 1 & 2 (1 is better though IMO)
Goldeneye 64

And the real reason I popped in: so far after 9 days of voting, I have 6 unique elves and 3 of the one that thinks it's a kangaroo! (Zippy)

Hopefully I don't get any more zippys!
coincidentally i need zippy to complete my badge...


Nuuvem dailies:

Rise of Venice - R$24.99 - $9.27 USD (64% off)

Borderlands 2 GOTY - R$23.99 - $8.90 USD (76% off) - Game can't be added to cart in NA

Castlevania: Lord of Shadows - Mirror of Fate HD - R$6.99 - $2.59 USD (75% off)

-- The LoS 2 discount is still active: $5.17 USD (80% off), DLCs are 0.37 USD, Revelations is 2.95 USD, Base game is North and South America region locked, DLCs are not

Flockers - R$18.49 - $6.86 USD (50% off)

Meltdown - R$7.99 - $2.96 USD (42% off)

Dishonored: GOTY Edition - R$19.99 - $7.42 USD (66% off) - Game can't be added to cart in NA


And um, if you guys need the card, swap a dupe with me. :p

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I'd be interested in knowing what everyone's favorite video game soundtracks are. I listen to background music while I work, so ideally just music, no songs. So far I have been really enjoying Expedition: Conquistadors and Bastion. I'll toss you some bundle fodder if I listen to and enjoy your suggestion!
A few of my favorites:

Phantom Brave - from the composer of the music from the Disgaea series, but this is his best work, imo

Chrono Cross

Digital Devil Saga & Digital Devil Saga 2

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