Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies


Lesnar/Bryan would have been so incredible.

Love what they're doing with Stardust.
Cody has consistently been given really goofy and dumb gimmicks and he's shined through most of them. The guy has a real talent and I hope he get into the main event scene in the future but it almost feels like if it hasn't happened yet, it probably won't happen.

I find it hilarious that the people who constantly whine bitch and complain about people like Cena, Reigns, etc being shoved down our throats will turn right around and CONSTANTLY shove Bryan down our throats. 

Stop being hypocrites already. While I like Bryan, all the constant "Bryan this bryan that" bullshit really makes me sick of the guy.

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It's not considered being shoved down our throats if that's what we want.
I agree, but at the same time Rigor Mortis is right. As much as I love Daniel Bryan, it gets old hearing people complain that Bryan isn't consistently in the main event picture. My biggest complaint is that the younger talent rarely gets pushed and part of the problem is that the mid-card titles mean nothing. Rusev successfully defended the U.S. Title against Cena last night, but no one seemed to care that the belt was on the line. What we want collectively, at least what I like to believe is that the WWE become less of a one sided organization and push other titles and superstars with as much effort as they put into the main event players like Cena, Rusev, Reigns, Rollins, and Bryan. I want to see more faces on an episode of Monday Night RAW. In three hours we usually see the same 12 guys each week.

as much as I love Daniel Bryan, it gets old hearing people complain that Bryan isn't consistently in the main event picture.
They're not realizing it's all part of the payoff. WWE constantly teases at Bryan's success, then yank the rug out from under him. They know he's over, so why would they do that? It's simple: 1.) It makes him a huge underdog / fan favorite / peoples' champion, 2.) it makes the payoff sweeter, 3.) and they're not rushing him like other experiments in recent past. The Dubya Dubya Universe is just clamoring for Bryan's swan song. Again, it's like an abusive relationship, except they're taking the role of aloof love interest who strings you along.

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I find it hilarious that the people who constantly whine bitch and complain about people like Cena, Reigns, etc being shoved down our throats will turn right around and CONSTANTLY shove Bryan down our throats.

Stop being hypocrites already. While I like Bryan, all the constant "Bryan this bryan that" bullshit really makes me sick of the guy.
Probably because Bryan is really good at his job, and Reigns is not. It's not hypocritical to want the guy you think is best for the job "shoved down our throats." People are more than willing to swallow at that point. No one was really bitching when Bret was super-pushed as champion because he was a good wrestler and a passable promo. Same principle applies here. I actually think Reigns could be awesome eventually, but sure as hell not right now, and not beating the guy involved in the most significant outcome in Wrestlemania history.

This is how far up its own ass internet wrestling fandom has gone, we now have a backlash against the backlash...just for the sake of having a backlash. Come on.


As far as Bryan eventually getting "the big payoff" or whatever...ain't happening. That ship has sailed, and it was clear even when they GAVE him that huge moment last year that they were not fully behind him (witness the Kane feud as his first thing out of the gate as champion). They could give him the title four more times, AT Wrestlemania, but until he actually gets treated like a Reigns or Orton or Cena, there's little reason to get excited about their handling of Bryan.

But, if you want to continue to believe Triple H and just "enjoy the ride" rather than complain, well...go ahead. When "the ride" is still dumb and annoying 6 months from now, then 10 months from now, then 12 months from now...well, just keep waiting. I'm sure WWE will turn around and be great in just about 5 more minutes.

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This was literally Roman's second singles match at a PPV in the 4 years he's been wrestling. For me it is not so much Daniel Bryan should be the guy who headlines Wrestlemania, but whether they like it or not he is their top guy. It's that the guy who headlines should be able to put on a good show.

Personally I thought that it was Ziggler's year and I was confident that he could have a great match with Lesnar. Roman... Not so much.
Maybe they will push Heath Slater in 2015.

I am glad that Cesaro and Natty's Husband won the tag title. I'm kinda sick of the Uso Bros.

I thought it was a decent show, better than some of the other PPVs in the past year.

FastLane was basically a decent RAW. Wasn't really a PPV. Pretty disappointing how ALL of WWE's "PPVs" before their BIG PPVs are just build up shows now. 

Also, the matches for RestHoldmania look top notch this year. Pretty excited for the great story telling everyone will be doing on their backs. Glad this is the year I'm fulfilling one of my life's dreams and attending!

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As far as Bryan eventually getting "the big payoff" or whatever...ain't happening. That ship has sailed, and it was clear even when they GAVE him that huge moment last year that they were not fully behind him (witness the Kane feud as his first thing out of the gate as champion). They could give him the title four more times, AT Wrestlemania, but until he actually gets treated like a Reigns or Orton or Cena, there's little reason to get excited about their handling of Bryan.

But, if you want to continue to believe Triple H and just "enjoy the ride" rather than complain, well...go ahead. When "the ride" is still dumb and annoying 6 months from now, then 10 months from now, then 12 months from now...well, just keep waiting. I'm sure WWE will turn around and be great in just about 5 more minutes.
Both the WWE Universe and the IWC adore Bryan. The ship hasn't sailed. None of his fans have given up on him, and their interest would only be enhanced and rejuvenated when they push him closer and closer to the top.

When I see others post about Bryan, I'm a little blown away that they think The Authority in holding him down in real life. :lol: Why would they intertwine reality in their fiction if that were the case? "Holding him down" (while he's getting paid big money every year and prominently featured on their product weekly) is all a part of a larger story arch where WWE is blurring the lines of reality by making people think they're seeing and thinking behind the curtain.

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I love the whole "even though Bryan beat HHH clean and then won a triple threat main event at Wrestlemania for the belt they were never REALLY behind him" argument, it's such a pile of horseshit.  How the fuck do you know what his title reign would've been like?  His first feud being Kane actually made some sense seeing as how they had been tied at the hip for the last 2 frickin years as a popular tag team.  I swear to God Bryan fans are just the worst, I'd take any amount of kids/women marks for Cena and Reigns before I'd take 1 single basement dwelling neckbeard Bryan fan.  They can't even hush their bitching long enough to recognize that Bryan/Reigns was quite good/entertaining.      

Stepping away from the Dub DUb Eeee arguement for a moment here, I think there is something all of us can agree on. 

There was a match between 2 japanese female wrestlers this weekend named Act Yasukawa and Yoshiko that turned into a disturbing shoot where one woman basically, for lack of better terms got her face broken. I read about it on the Reddit wresting pages, so anyone interested in seeing the photos and actual video of this barbarism can go there and read up and watch it if they want. I will warn you, the aftermath of what happened is pretty rough to look at, not only due top how badly one woman got wrecked, but the look of pleasure on the other ones face when it was over. Shit like that is what really give "wrasslin" a bad rep. Hell, I haven't even seen someone take a beating that bad in MMA
I'm surprised they didn't let Undertaker sit out WM ( either this year or last year for that matter). I bet many people don't realize he wasn't at WM 10.

Does anyone here think Reigns is ready to be "the next Cena"?   I'm not trying to troll anyone who says he is, but I'm curious to know what their reason is for thinking so.

I like Daniel Bryan, but with the injury he had I can see why WWE is being cautious. If he ends up getting the belt, terrific. If not, then there's always another chance down the road with a new opponent.  

I'm still pulling for Dean Ambrose during all of this. I wouldn't mind a series where he faces Roman for the title- either guy being the heel. 

Reigns isn't ready for this, but WWE made their bed when they had him win the Royal Rumble. It makes more sense, long term, to keep the meaning of that win (WM main event) sacrosanct.

I mean, who's kidding who? We're all gonna watch WM anyway.

Sometimes the product sucks, sometimes it's good. I'm just way over being upset about a television show.

I had a great time at the ROH show in Atlanta this past Saturday.  A great line-up of matches with the main event being The Briscoes against The Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) in a 2-out-of-3 falls match.  At one point Mark climbed the light scaffold right next to me for a table spot with Taven.  It's easy to forget how rough these things can get until you see it happen less than 10 feet in front of you.  My personal estimate of the attendance number was 1200-1500, certainly more than I was expecting.  A friend went with me who hasn't followed ROH at all and, despite not really knowing any of the storylines or most of the wrestlers, had a great time.  If any of you get a chance to see an ROH show I highly recommend it.

I certainly wouldn't have paid $54 to see Reigns vs Lesnar. For $9.99 it's kinda like meh, at least there's still NXT.

I wonder what they're going to give Bryan for doing everything in his power to put Reigns over.
Good lord. This is was removed off reddit because it's an "unverified rumor," but if

Someone screenshotted it before it was removed.


If that is true, good for Brock for leaving and fuck WWE for being so incredibly blatant about being selective about their drug testing. That also explains why WWE is trying to be so quiet about why Lesnar bolted during the show.

Now I don't necessarily believe it, but if it is phony, it deserves a repost anyway because whoever typed that put a lot of effort into coming up with that bullshit.

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Reigns failing the wellness test doesn't seem very legit. I think Lesnar walking out has to do with Wrestlemania and his pay out without the PPV revenue they would normally get without the network. I believe Lesnar would get a % of the PPV buys, but nothing in terms of payout based on the subscriber base for the Network.

I don't like Reigns anymore than the next smark, but I really couldn't imagine him being dumb enough to risk losing his spot in the company right now with a failed drug test. Reigns is being prepped to be the face of the company, regardless of what we think of him. If this turns out to be true it's bad for everyone involved as the WWE will look bad for not suspending him and pushing him to the moon and Reigns will get a bad rep as well. I think wrestling fans love to speculate and as we have all learned over the years, take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Something is obviously up, but I won't believe anything until I hear it come from those involved in the situation. 

One interesting point that I read somewhere was:

"That if it wasn't true the WWE would have already shot this down."

So yeah they are probably trying to figure out how to handle this situation and not look like hypocrites in regards of how they've punished Orton or Sydal.

So it's supposedly false ("100% untrue," although the quote "from WWE" is phrased a little weird...100% untrue that Roman failed a test, or 100% untrue that it was the reason Brock took off?). Not that I think WWE would say he DID fail a drug test at the moment - not until they had a carefully prepared PR strategy for him not being suspended. Assuming it is false at this point, I guess it is kinda sad that a Roman Reigns drug test failure rumor is by far the most interesting story leading up to Wrestlemania.

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Perhaps it's the cynic in me but am I the only one kind of excited at the prospect of Brock never coming back and leaving the WWE in a huge lurch with regard to the Wrestlemania main event?  God would that be entertaining to watch them try and write themselves out of that corner.  I mean really, what would they do?  They've been building up Lesnar this whole time so he could be taken out by Cena 2.0 and then he just quietly disappears?  First ever Wrestlemania tournament match for the championship?  (Never mind Wrestlemania IV, that doesn't count just like the "first" time HHH faced Undertaker was Wrestlemania 27...).

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Dumb enough? They're wrestlers. You think they're clean b/c WWE has a "wellness policy"?

No fucking way.
No I don't think they are all clean, but when you are in a position like Roman is currently in I would think they he would have enough common sense to avoid running into anything that could jeopardize his push.

That story sounds like some random smark had a fantastic wet dream one night and then woke up the next morning and wrote down everything he could remember from it.
Perhaps it's the cynic in me but am I the only one kind of excited at the prospect of Brock never coming back and leaving the WWE in a huge lurch with regard to the Wrestlemania main event? God would that be entertaining to watch them try and write themselves out of that corner. I mean really, what would they do? They've been building up Lesnar this whole time so he could be taken out by Cena 2.0 and then he just quietly disappears? First ever Wrestlemania tournament match for the championship? (Never mind Wrestlemania IV, that doesn't count just like the "first" time HHH faced Undertaker was Wrestlemania 27...).
The only comparable situation I can think of would be when Flair left WCW while still the champ and showed up on WWE television with the belt (and promptly blowing my young mind). The Lesnar situation has the potential to be much bigger just because of the WM angle.

You could take the ending of 2 and a half men and drop pianos on Lesnar and Reigns.  DB wins the title by default.  I used to joke that was the only way to beat Goldberg in 1998.
According to, there is a story out there that caught a lot of steam overnight that started on Reddit. A user claimed that Brock Lesnar had walked out of the WWE Raw taping on Monday due to Roman Reigns failing a WWE Wellness test. The story then said that Reigns wouldn’t be suspended, and would stay in the Mania match. When reached for a statement on the situation, WWE responded with the following…
“That story is absolutely, 100% untrue.”
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That story sounds like some random smark had a fantastic wet dream one night and then woke up the next morning and wrote down everything he could remember from it.
That was sort of my thought on it, if it turned out to be fake. Some smarky fans are so pissed at this point they just start flat out making up shit to try to disrupt the match they don't want to see.

No I don't think they are all clean, but when you are in a position like Roman is currently in I would think they he would have enough common sense to avoid running into anything that could jeopardize his push.
Okay, that's totally fair to think. Good point.

That said, if the backstage culture knows protected guys means a fully protected class (Triple H ain't ever failed no test, as it were), then he might be willing to chance it. Or simply not think of punishments, thinking himself beyond it.

Jack Swagger.
Look at Swagger now. Perfect example and I believe his was related to marijuana, which from what I understand isn't more than a fine normally if you fail a test. His issue was that he was arrested and it was made public, which was the main issue. If he just failed a drug test for pot he would have just gotten a fine and no one would have said anything else about it. Swagger is back to jobber status now and will probably never be higher than a mid-card guy again.

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I think it's bullshit for one very big reason.  Their stock.  If WWE is covering up all of these drug issues, don't you think that someone would eventually leak it and investors would firesale that stock so quick that WWE would be in dire straights financially, if not legally?  It would also destroy their docs lawsuit against Punk as his credibility would be shot worse than it might already be.  

I think it's bullshit for one very big reason. Their stock. If WWE is covering up all of these drug issues, don't you think that someone would eventually leak it and investors would firesale that stock so quick that WWE would be in dire straights financially, if not legally? It would also destroy their docs lawsuit against Punk as his credibility would be shot worse than it might already be.
I believe they have a third party that does their drug testing, so I'm uncertain how much their medical staff have a hand in the matter.

(Even if I believed their wellness policy and enforcement to be on the up-and-up, which I don't, I am also pretty certain their medical staff can't be held legally liable for that.)

Speaking of Punk, I heard the Thor Annual he worked on came out today. Did anyone have a chance to check it out?
I haven't picked it up due to not being caught up on the Thor series and the fact that I had unexpected expenses this week. The book has received solid reviews, but Punk only worked on 1 of the 3 stories in the book.
Just got an email for $25 off wwe shop for being a member of the WWE Network from the start. Not too bad. Finally something for those of us who already subscribe.

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bread's done