RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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Any regular to this thread want either of the following?

- FFXV Demo (PS4) Code

- FF Type-0 E-Guide Code

I apparently have an extra of each that I didn't know I had. Pretty sure they're unused anyways as I throw those kinds of things away if I use them myself.

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Wish they'd either put SO 2 on the PSN classics store. And 3 for that matter. Did they ever put the PSP remakes of the first two SO on the store? Love to see HD upscales of them. More Star Ocean is always a good thing. I only played SO2 as a rental and got about halfway thru it before returning it, so I'd love to be able to finish it one day. Never played the first one.

Any regular to this thread want either of the following?

- FFXV Demo (PS4) Code

- FF Type-0 E-Guide Code

I apparently have an extra of each that I didn't know I had. Pretty sure they're unused anyways as I throw those kinds of things away if I use them myself.
Just started Type-0 the other day, so I could use that e-guide code if it's still available.

Finished the second Raidou Kuzunoha game today. It was definitely better than the first one in terms of characters and story, and most of the gameplay changes were great, too (especially being able to go to the Gouma-Den from any Dragon's Cave). The one thing that got on my nerves were the obvious branching points, where a character would ask, "Hey Raidou, would you rather x or y?" with x and y always being roughly the same thing.

Also, the lack of obvious landmarks on the Tsukigata map was kind of annoying at certain points, but eh. Now I only have one more PS2 game left that I'm planning to play: Sakura Wars V. Might take a little break from RPGs and play something shorter, though.
Just a PSA, Image Epoch is in bankruptcy proceedings, so Fate/Extra and Black Rock Shooter may be delisted from the PSN Store soon. Black Rock Shooter had no physical release, only digital. So download now or forever hold your peace.

With the announcement of Star Ocean 5, I decided to go back and replay 4. Last time, I played it on the easiest difficulty and rushed thru it, never did any sidequests or any extra game stuff, so I thought I'd spend a little more time with it. I certainly don't believe it deserves some of the hate it gets. Yes, some of the characters are kinda annoying, kay. The battle system, while not perfect (nor as good as 3), is still pretty solid, kay. I am following a guide to make sure I don't miss some of the endings this time, and I'm already on En II's dungeon, kay. 

Anyone playing Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker? I am on the fence about grabbing it now, or waiting for a digital sale. Atlus seems pretty good about putting their digital 3DS games on sale regularly, and that $50 price tag seems a little too much.

Anyone playing Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker? I am on the fence about grabbing it now, or waiting for a digital sale. Atlus seems pretty good about putting their digital 3DS games on sale regularly, and that $50 price tag seems a little too much.
I have it as part of a Play-Asia order; waiting on Lord of Manga to be released before it can all be shipped. Really liked the first game's battle system, so I'm anticipating good things from this one.

tri-Ace makes good battle systems but sometimes the stuff surrounding that is really shitty.

You should just go play Resonance of Fate.
Is that one good outside of the battle system?
tri-Ace makes good battle systems but sometimes the stuff surrounding that is really shitty.

You should just go play Resonance of Fate.
Resonance of Fate's battle system is what killed it for me. It's overly complex. Maybe I'm getting older but I just didn't have the patience for it.


I really hope we get this over here, but it probably won't be for awhile. I have high hopes that they at least announce DQ 7 coming here at E3, so don't let me down, Squeenix.

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I finished Ys VI. I enjoyed it because I'm hooked on Ys, but it's definitely the least good of the currently available Yses. Probably a good thing they released it last.

I finished Ys VI. I enjoyed it because I'm hooked on Ys, but it's definitely the least good of the currently available Yses. Probably a good thing they released it last.
If nothing else, it certainly has the weakest soundtrack of the bunch.

I mainly want to get it so that I can sell off my PS2 copy.

It's coming to PS4 too.
Tales on PC is kind of a big deal, though. Zestiria on PS4 is a bit more predictable...

Speaking of announcements, Atlus is localizing The Legend of Legacy, which has some really interesting names in its credits. Was also happy to hear that the PoPoLoCrois/Harvest Moon crossover is being localized by XSEED.
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As someone who didn't play Bravely Default, that just looks like Bravely Default to me.

It has Saga people on it. Flip a coin.

Oh shit, it's just a saga game.

Seven Unique Perspectives - Each character in The Legend of Legacy has their own motivation for exploring Avalon, and their individual conclusion at the story’s resolution. Play through as each character to see them all!
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I saw a picture of the dude wearing the Neir head on twitter while at school and I was like

"Did they fuckin announce Neir"

and I maybe said it a little too loud.

I haven't played any games in a while now. I decided to finally play Tales of the Abyss on 3DS. Even though Luke is a whinny b****h, I like the story and characters so far. 

Suikoden III is now on the PSN. I think this bring more credibility to the rumor that Konami is working on Suikoden VI. 

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Starting Suikoden 1. Never played any of the series. Its okay, if a little slow to start. There's like, no tutorials whatsoever. Maybe Konami doesn't make games anymore because nobody makes instruction manuals anymore?

Starting Suikoden 1. Never played any of the series. Its okay, if a little slow to start. There's like, no tutorials whatsoever. Maybe Konami doesn't make games anymore because nobody makes instruction manuals anymore?
I can't believe this game is 20 years old already. But Suikoden had an instruction manual and it's really not a complicated game. Are you having issues with something? I beat the game probably 3 or 4 times so if you need help I can give you some pointers.

Also (without spoiling much) if you want a perfect game level up Pahn as much as you can early on. He will have a very difficult fight and if he loses he's gone forever.

Starting Suikoden 1. Never played any of the series. Its okay, if a little slow to start. There's like, no tutorials whatsoever. Maybe Konami doesn't make games anymore because nobody makes instruction manuals anymore?
There's no world map until you get to some town that you have to visit again after a story point that makes no sense to visit that town but you have to if you want a fuckin map it's stupid.

Thanks for the tips. I haven't had any problems so far, but I'm only about 5-hours in, and some of that was spent grinding. I've heard the game isn't very long, so I'm gonna try and push thru it and start on the second one afterwards.

Finally playing through Mother 3. Doing some catchup grinding in chapter 4 right now. Holy shit, they really knocked it out of the park with this fan translation.

Thanks for the tips. I haven't had any problems so far, but I'm only about 5-hours in, and some of that was spent grinding. I've heard the game isn't very long, so I'm gonna try and push thru it and start on the second one afterwards.
Most Suikoden games take a good 5-8 hours to get the ball really rolling. This is one of the faster ones. But if you rush it I think you can beat this in 20 hours or so.

Are you following a guide to recruit characters? I think I remember one more missable, and also if you screw up in war battle you can get characters killed and lose them forever. I think this happened to me once.

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War battles are also really terrible and are a rock/paper/scissors game of luck. Hope you're emulating and have save states available.

Suikoden turned me off so much that it stopped me from getting to Suikoden 2 which people won't stop telling me is massively better.

Yeah, another friend of mine suggested I follow a guide, so I started doing so right about the time I cleared that castle you take over, which is when you start recruiting anyway, so its worked out so far.

No to emulation, I'm playing the PS1 classic on my Vita TV. I haven't gotten to a war battle yet (I think I'm almost at one) but my friend said that if I loose, the computer always re-uses the same tactics, so I should just make note of what they do and can win easily the second time? I assume this means they make the same rock/paper/scissor choice so I just choose the correct counter? Sort of like the hint he gave me about the cup-shuffle gambling game in the second town you visit, where I maxed out my cash at $999,999 because the guy always picked the same cup to hide the coin.

I do love these old games that give you dialog choices that mostly don't mean squat. Kinda reminds me of Mass Effect 3.

I haven't gotten to a war battle yet (I think I'm almost at one) but my friend said that if I loose, the computer always re-uses the same tactics, so I should just make note of what they do and can win easily the second time? I assume this means they make the same rock/paper/scissor choice so I just choose the correct counter?

I believe that's the case. Some of them just don't give you the time to save right before or have a battle preceding them, so it's kind of a chore.

Mos def follow a recruit guide. It's the only way to make sure you get a world map and fast travel as soon as possible.

It has been confirmed.The 3DS versions of DQ VII and DQ VIII are both coming west. I only played 7 as a rental way back when it came out on PS1, so I've only ever got about a quarter of the way into it. I heard the 3DS version fixes a lot of the problems the original game had.

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It has been confirmed.The 3DS versions of DQ VII and DQ VIII are both coming west. I only played 7 as a rental way back when it came out on PS1, so I've only ever got about a quarter of the way into it. I heard the 3DS version fixes a lot of the problems the original game had.

DQVIII I can take or leave, but so happy to finally have a confirmation about the DQVII remake.

ETA: Wait, they've only been confirmed for France. This'll probably mean a European release with multiple languages, but EU 3DS games are of course region-locked. I don't trust Squeenix/Nintendo enough to treat this as a confirmation of a North American release :???:

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DQVIII I can take or leave, but so happy to finally have a confirmation about the DQVII remake.

ETA: Wait, they've only been confirmed for France. This'll probably mean a European release with multiple languages, but EU 3DS games are of course region-locked. I don't trust Squeenix/Nintendo enough to treat this as a confirmation of a North American release :???:
When was the last time a RPG got translate to English but didn't get US release? Terranigma?

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