Hey, anyone remember Unsung Story? After I heard about
its recent troubles, I went back and reread the posts in this thread from when its Kickstarter was active to relive our skepticism. It was on shaky ground to begin with, but now that they're focusing more on multiplayer/PvP, I'm glad I only pitched in $3, plus another $10 for the OST.
I have much more sinked into Project Phoenix, but that's
merely in Development Hell
? At this rate, the only RPGs I've backed that I still have faith in are Cosmic Star Heroine and Barkley 2, and even those are running late. (And Frog Fractions 2, if that ends up being an RPG.)
(Unrelated ETA: found a P4
AN announcement trailer link that still works and finally changed it in the OP. Also, this thread is old