RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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Back on the Pokemans here-- Pokemon X this time. I'll be pretty much caught up on my Pokemon gens after this (the only one I haven't played in either original or remake form is the first >_>).

Seeing the intro with the Pokemon Professor in full 3D was a magical moment. Currently, my party's in the low 20s level-wise, plus I've placed a Pikachu amongst my regulars for the first time ever.

The Legend of Dragoon is immensely bad. I'm now learning to approach 'cult classics' cautiously.
I remember reading at the time it came out that it wasn't very good, and avoided it ever since. Never quite understood some people's love for it after that.
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Back on the Pokemans here-- Pokemon X this time. I'll be pretty much caught up on my Pokemon gens after this (the only one I haven't played in either original or remake form is the first >_>).

Seeing the intro with the Pokemon Professor in full 3D was a magical moment. Currently, my party's in the low 20s level-wise, plus I've placed a Pikachu amongst my regulars for the first time ever.

I remember reading at the time it came out that it wasn't very good, and avoided it ever since. Never quite understood some people's love for it after that.
I had the same reaction with Breath of Fire III which also got a so-so reception,but has a quite fanbase. Playing it I really I do not understand the appeal of it,considering how painful average it is. Never bothered with Dragoon for the same reasons.

I have a lot of love for Breath of Fire 3 and 4 but both games would improve a hundredfold if they had reasonable fucking cameras.

Still have to try Dragon Quarter, though.

I found myself enjoying both FF13 and 13-2. If I enjoy Lightning Returns as well, it will be time to move past contemplation and into implementation of driving myself off of a cliff.

LoD's time based combat was really innovated for it's time or something panzerfaust prove me wrong
The quick time sequences for every single attack, you mean? Dunno man, just makes the whole system unnecessarily bloated alongside its simpler random encounter approach. And then you get the Dragoon powers and its just more time based mini-games for every attack. I think the defensive heal option is interesting but I'm not at a point where it's been needed yet.

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I liked that game a lot when it came out, but it's been forever since I played it. Remembered mostly enjoying the timing sequences for the non Dragoon attacks, but always sucking at them once you transformed.

Back then I liked any RPG that changed up the battle system. I thought that having multiple strings for each character and that timing shit was dooooooooope.

It's also why I liked Xenogears so much.

How far are you dawg?

13-2 is the best Final Fantasy game in the last 5 years or something.
If you aren't including spinoffs like Theatrhythm, then sure?

Post-overhaul XIV is supposed to be pretty good, too, though it's an MMO.

However, I haven't played any of the XIII games, so *shrug*
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Heavensward is good fun and I'm still a bit active with it. Great music and primal boss fights, and the new Job skills are killer. The end game is still nothing but a token grind, though. And once you've maxed that out, it's pretty much an AFK MMO until the next patch's content hits. Each day I can run a couple of brain dead dailys and be over-geared for most end-game content after a month's farm. 

It's not nearly as bad as ARR's end game token grind, though. I quit for a year at that point and never regret doing so.

Yea, a couple friends are telling me Heavensward is fun, and they're still playing it. But SoCal Time Warner had a huge ping issue with their servers, so I don't even know I want to waste money trying. (I was getting frequent 2 second pings, where I would get damaged by AoE before the area even displayed.)

I found myself enjoying both FF13 and 13-2. If I enjoy Lightning Returns as well, it will be time to move past contemplation and into implementation of driving myself off of a cliff.
I still don't quite know what everyone's deal was with FF13. One of the best games of the last generation IMO. The story was nonsense but let's be real, that's not exactly unusual for a JRPG. And the linearity, sure, I wouldn't want every RPG to be structured like that, but FF13 took a chance on something different, and did it well. The battle system was amazing, and really shined in the super-difficult postgame hunts.

I enjoyed XIII-2 and LR13 as well, not as much as the first game but they had their moments (and a ton of great music).

I still don't quite know what everyone's deal was with FF13. One of the best games of the last generation IMO. The story was nonsense but let's be real, that's not exactly unusual for a JRPG. And the linearity, sure, I wouldn't want every RPG to be structured like that, but FF13 took a chance on something different, and did it well. The battle system was amazing, and really shined in the super-difficult postgame hunts.

I enjoyed XIII-2 and LR13 as well, not as much as the first game but they had their moments (and a ton of great music).
Schlock dialogue,story,and voice acting. It's "tell,don't show" approach with the all the log entries was extremely lazy. Then the leveling system was linear as the game itself. The battle system was good at first,but got extremely monotonous(like a lot of JRPG's),but story is usual drives those other ones when it does.I had more fun with a flawed game like NI No Kuni than I did with FF13.

I actually never read the log entries since the dialogue was already painfully clear. Thought they overdid the explanations, if anything. But they also do plenty of 'Show, don't tell' as pretty much all the Eidolon fights are plainly symbolic for each character, as are the Barty fights that lead to the ending twist, as well as the linear structure itself that is indeed tying you to fate. It's totally transparent and even a bit juvenile. I've never played an FF that wasn't.

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It was clear,but it's script was terrible. It also did a terrible job of making me about care it's world,it's attempts at world-building fell flat. And then the soundtrack which I personal found mediocre(at least it not X-2 bad). I could understand why some people,it didn't do anything for me.

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Doing some Tactics Ogre once more and realized just how artificially written Vyce is . At the most pivotal decision in the first chapter of the campaign, you can choose between a reprehensible or courageous solution. But regardless of which it is, Vyce will make a 180 change of character just to spite your decision. 


Do the bad thing -> "I can't believe you'd stoop so low, Denam!"

Do the right thing -> "You're such a pussy, Denam!"

Practically speaking a player would never know of the other outcome once they make the decision, so maybe it's a harmless inconsistency. But ehhh, after discovering it on a second playthrough, I don't like it.

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Mass Effect 1 did a similar thing. A lot of cutscenes followed the pattern of "party member A wants to do the renegade thing, party member B wants to do the paragon thing, now make your choice", regardless of who your party members were. So if you bring Tali, for example, into a scene with Kaiden, she might argue for the renegade path, but if you bring her in with Wrex, she suddenly believes the opposite and wants you to pick the paragon option.

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Garrus and Wrex. No humans allowed.

Tali is your little sister figure who has a crush on you that you never notice but then you find out later you're actually in love with.

Wrex is your big tough ass homie who kept you safe when the other kids builled you and will protect you to the end because you were nice to him once.

It is the perfect JRPG.

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alright man this game just a merry go round of sieging castles. like, could they not think of war tactics more involved than "oh their army left their base, let's conquer it while they're gone."

Hey, anyone remember Unsung Story? After I heard about its recent troubles, I went back and reread the posts in this thread from when its Kickstarter was active to relive our skepticism. It was on shaky ground to begin with, but now that they're focusing more on multiplayer/PvP, I'm glad I only pitched in $3, plus another $10 for the OST.

I have much more sinked into Project Phoenix, but that's merely in Development Hell :whistle2:? At this rate, the only RPGs I've backed that I still have faith in are Cosmic Star Heroine and Barkley 2, and even those are running late. (And Frog Fractions 2, if that ends up being an RPG.)

(Unrelated ETA: found a P4:DAN announcement trailer link that still works and finally changed it in the OP. Also, this thread is old :cold:)

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Hey, anyone remember Unsung Story? After I heard about its recent troubles, I went back and reread the posts in this thread from when its Kickstarter was active to relive our skepticism. It was on shaky ground to begin with, but now that they're focusing more on multiplayer/PvP, I'm glad I only pitched in $3, plus another $10 for the OST.

I have much more sinked into Project Phoenix, but that's merely in Development Hell :whistle2:? At this rate, the only RPGs I've backed that I still have faith in are Cosmic Star Heroine and Barkley 2, and even those are running late. (And Frog Fractions 2, if that ends up being an RPG.)

(Unrelated ETA: found a P4:DAN announcement trailer link that still works and finally changed it in the OP. Also, this thread is old :cold:)
I backed both Unsung Story and Project Phoenix. I had pledged a lot more for Unsung Story, but they threw up a lot of red flags. So I dropped it down to the lowest tier that gets a copy of game, and added on physical stuff.

Also backed Project Phoenix, but at the lowest tier. Was burned by enough Kickstarters by this point that I didn't trust the platform much any more. Zero percent programming in 2 years is a joke though.

Hey, anyone remember Unsung Story? After I heard about its recent troubles, I went back and reread the posts in this thread from when its Kickstarter was active to relive our skepticism. It was on shaky ground to begin with, but now that they're focusing more on multiplayer/PvP, I'm glad I only pitched in $3, plus another $10 for the OST.

I have much more sinked into Project Phoenix, but that's merely in Development Hell :whistle2:? At this rate, the only RPGs I've backed that I still have faith in are Cosmic Star Heroine and Barkley 2, and even those are running late. (And Frog Fractions 2, if that ends up being an RPG.)

(Unrelated ETA: found a P4:DAN announcement trailer link that still works and finally changed it in the OP. Also, this thread is old :cold:)
Can't say am surprised by that considering the issues it had during that Kickstarter(gave me a lot reasons not pledge). Reading that just confirms they had no idea what the hell they were doing.

Frog Fractions 2 is already among us you just don't know it.

Also, you update the OP?
I don't doubt it. As for the OP, I just swapped the video links, since the old one wasn't working anymore (it should be the same trailer as before, but with subtitles).
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Just played through South Park Stick of Truth over the past few days.

I must say, if this game was anything other than South Park I would of not even bothered with it. Overall I had fun but I am glad it was short for an RPG because the battle system got extremely boring towards the end.

Just played through South Park Stick of Truth over the past few days.

I must say, if this game was anything other than South Park I would of not even bothered with it. Overall I had fun but I am glad it was short for an RPG because the battle system got extremely boring towards the end.
I felt the same way about it. Had the game been some typical faux-fantasy without the South Park IP, I never would have had the motivation to finish it.

Nearing the end of Suikoden II. I wish Japan still made awesome RPGs like this...

Same here with Stick of Truth. The humor is what keeps you playing it. Though Matt and Trey realized this,and want to improve the RPG elements with the sequel.

Been playing The Last Story recently,and enjoying quite a bit. My big issue is the story which is generic as hell.What makes it work for me though is the characters,dialogue,and voice acting. They did a fantastic job with the localization. I do wish the game was a little harder(though you could say that about every JRPG that isn't SMT).

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Wrapped up the Hearts of Stone DLC for Witcher 3 last night. Was pretty damned great. They really stepped up their boss fight game.

Closing in on the last few achievements I need too. Second run on death march and I can't put this shit down.

Same here with Stick of Truth. The humor is what keeps you playing it. Though Matt and Trey realized this,and want to improve the RPG elements with the sequel.
There's a sequel? I won't be playing it for a long, long time. I paid something like $13 for SoT and felt really ripped off. I should've just watched all the game's cutscenes spliced together in youtube.

The only reason I kept playing was to watch cutscenes and spam the spell that made Butters yell "fuck 'em up!"

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Wrapped up the Hearts of Stone DLC for Witcher 3 last night. Was pretty damned great. They really stepped up their boss fight game.

Closing in on the last few achievements I need too. Second run on death march and I can't put this shit down.
Started the game on PS4 last night. It's so choppy compared to PC. Framerates dropped to like the teens when there's like 3-4 wolves. I'm tempted to go back to PC (beat it before the Ciri outfit came out, and haven't touched it since).

Started the game on PS4 last night. It's so choppy compared to PC. Framerates dropped to like the teens when there's like 3-4 wolves. I'm tempted to go back to PC (beat it before the Ciri outfit came out, and haven't touched it since).
Ouch, that sounds rough. I've been on PC from the get go. Loading times are noticeably longer now that the DLC has dropped, but once everything gets to loaded up it's pretty smooth sailing.

I mean I'm not gonna say I called it but that's exactly what I'm saying.
Yeah, I figured it would happen as Wizards of the Coast is bad at licensing out their IPs being the stingy doting asshole parent they are. That and the developer they licensed it to makes sub-par games for the most part. Didn't stop me from hoping we'd get something halfway decent though.

Though you have Games Workshop on the other end who seems to be less stringent lately. I really want to try Vermintide, but I'm going to wait a little as I'll have to buy two copies. Total War: Warhammer looks pretty nice too, which is surprising given the last couple Total War games.

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