Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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He sure is a stubborn one I will give you that. It seemed like he was finally going to cave then doubled back down on his bullshit and seems like that was just a ruse to get people to stop emailing him.

*Edit: White knights are starting to come out in force there now. Though the internet is full of people who love to be argumentative and contrary, the cynic in me can't help but wonder if some are Nordic shills.

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If he's just the PR guy then it's probably not his call, and about the only way he can make this worse on himself is to pin the delay or denial on his bosses.

I'm getting more irritated and less confident as this goes on that they're going to make this right. But I'll still probably buy DS3 even if they don't.

It will just be for $6 that I won't be spending on this.

If he's just the PR guy then it's probably not his call, and about the only way he can make this worse on himself is to pin the delay or denial on his bosses.

I'm getting more irritated and less confident as this goes on that they're going to make this right.
I feel like he fed us a line to get us to stop emailing him when he had an OH SHIT moment with his email box getting blown up and it's pissing me off.

But I'll still probably buy DS3 even if they don't.
meh, if I get it I'll be sure to wait for the Super Mega Platinum Deluxe Re-Ducks Derpfinitive Edition. :p

These dumb ass publishers have gone from training people to wait for Game of the Year versions to training them to wait for the re-re-re-release with shit like this. :roll:
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well that's some cool digital stuff and the price ain't bad for the Overwatch: Origin version.  Pre-order for that cool Diablo III MERCY WING bonus and kick-ass Starcraft 2 portrait

This dude in the CDkeys thread is saying that All Russian keys are region locked and is not believe that anybody ever activated a Russian sourced key without a vpn.


Can you post a link to people stating that they've activated Russian keys without VPN? I find it very hard to believe.
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Well, if you're looking for people's posts to link him to, I've gotten keys from Russkies that activated just peachy. I even... played those games. A lot, actually.

It's my one deep, personal shame.
I hope everyone who wanted that girl power classic Girlfriend Rescue at 80% got it because the price has finally been fixed back to the intended 40%.

I actually didn't want it but the peer pressure was too much to bear so I bought it anyway.

Borderlands Pre-sequel physical copy for $6.48 Canadian, good deal? Is there a GOTY edition? 

Hmm, I see there's a season pass.

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Borderlands Pre-sequel physical copy for $6.48 Canadian, good deal? Is there a GOTY edition?
No, and I don't think there will be. 2K Australia went out of business or some such tomfoolery, so there's no planned DLC other than the whatever-it-is-arena, Claptastic Voyage, and the two additional characters. Claptastic has a repeatable arena at the end, and you can get some great weapons from it. It's also the only requisite DLC to tie the three main games together.

That's probably a dollar or two less than what the price normally would be for vanilla, and the DLC will probably be 66% in next month's sale.

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At first I was kind of glad when they announced Overwatch wasn't F2P. Then I quickly realized that in no way means it won't be a microtransaction-infested nightmare in this day and age. 

Petty sure I'm going to end up getting this... anyone in the beta?
I am, and it's pretty fun. The only complaint I have is there aren't enough maps currently. They've got plenty of time before release to hopefully add a bunch more to justify the price though.

I'm glad Overwatch isn't free to play simply for the fact it'll reduce the amount of people willing to risk using hacks.

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I will, it looks fun and 'dem Wings for D3
more wings for you, if you are into that stuff.. including Sony's exclusive Crimson wing at the end (ya, they have exclusive on it but no one said F*&($( Sony.. When M$ does it though, it's a butt load of hurt for the fan boi)

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These dumb ass publishers have gone from training people to wait for Game of the Year versions to training them to wait for the re-re-re-release with shit like this. :roll:
See, Paradox is even smarter then originally thought, they make their different GOTY versions lack all the (good) DLC so people don't wait :p . Plus now they've gotten better on their buggy releases (or so I've heard), they could get in on the re-release business with a smart way to prevent people waiting for it: Classic Edition, relive the joyous old days of Paradox with great classic features like waiting 6 months for the game to be more then a buggy mess.

See, Paradox is even smarter then originally thought, they make their different GOTY versions lack all the (good) DLC so people don't wait :p . Plus now they've gotten better on their buggy releases (or so I've heard), they could get in on the re-release business with a smart way to prevent people waiting for it: Classic Edition, relive the joyous old days of Paradox with great classic features like waiting 6 months for the game to be more then a buggy mess.
I'll be honest, I liked the Paradox Golden Age where everything was bundled in Indie Gala.


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At first I was kind of glad when they announced Overwatch wasn't F2P. Then I quickly realized that in no way means it won't be a microtransaction-infested nightmare in this day and age.
I would bet any money that Overwatch will go F2P just like TF2 did. That is unless when you buy Overwatch there is no microtransations items besides cosmetic stuff.

I am sad that the the weekly humble the game I have been wanting for a long time is secret ponchos, but it costs $9.... just gonna have to wait longer. not interested in the other games oh welpz

All this Fallout 4 talk keeps reminding me I really really need to upgrade my PC at some point, thought rarely play newer non-text sim games but still it'd at least make them text sims even faster!

I am sad that the the weekly humble the game I have been wanting for a long time is secret ponchos, but it costs $9.... just gonna have to wait longer. not interested in the other games oh welpz
It's been free multiple times and some people might have extras to give away
I'm looking at potentially upgrading my RAM. Its not a necessary upgrade, so just doing some browsing. Any suggestions for the best place to get it at the best price? Or any deals going on? TIA.

only 12 year old girls and mysterd celebrate their birthday.

da fuq is this
Nobody said it was a celebration. I just want you guys to give me games for free.

Also men with good strippers in their area celebrate their birthday.

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bread's done