Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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They gave it to some people who own it but not others and we own the same game and DLC like those who got it. It's not about play or not play but fairness and treating all their customers the same.
Agreed 100%.

I bought everything Darksiders when THQ owned it, not Nordic. If Nordic wants to punish THQ-buyers that own everything Darksiders and didn't hand Nordic one penny (AKA one Metro Last Light [regular edition]), I think Motoki's solution of 99% off to D-siders 2 owners is fine.

Hell, I'd bite at even $1. We know some work had to be put into this HD Redux Edition.

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Holy fuck this one affects me. So if you have Deathinitive Edition they gave it to you? And if you didn't, they shorted you?
Basically - if you did NOT buy specifically the Nordic-sold Darksiders Franchise Pack from Steam, you won't get Darksiders 2: Deathinitive for FREE.

Doesn't matter if you own everything individually or separately (like say I do), Deathinitive still won't be free for you.

There might be some discount, depending on what else you own.

If you own at least Darksiders 2 [base-game], you likely will see 80% off Darksiders 2: Deathinitive (for $6 USD).

This 80% off discount is what shows for me - I own everything Darksiders, but did NOT buy that Nordic-sold Darksiders Franchise Pack.

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it was well-intended that Nordic give away the copies of DS2: DE.  Too bad, they handle the giveaway POORLY and hence the backlash.

We can safely guess that in the future, there won't be any freebies like this and more like Square Enix practice (Sleeping Dog Definitive Edition, full charge, no free copy for previous owner or early adopter)

We better enjoy this free ride (well some of us do) while it lasts, guys

If they didn't give it to anyone I would grumble but live with it, but I'm sorry if some people who own the same exact package of the base Darksiders II and the DLC get the Deathinitive for free but then others don't that's bullshit. Either give it to everyone or don't give it anyone. Don't blame Valve either. Just shut up and find a way to make it work.

To avoid lots of DLC checks (since Darksiders 2 had tons of DLC and nonsense) and backlash from their PR stunt, all they had to do was flat-out sell Darksiders 2: Definitive for $1 or less to Darksiders 2 owners.

That's cheap money.

And that $ could help fund Darksiders 3 and move tons of volume of this Darksiders 2 Remaster, all at the same time.

The end. Problem solved.

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I think most of us here got it from that Amazon sale which at the time was really good.

I suspect the real reason they are sifting people out is because they only want to give it to people who bought the pack post Nordic buyout and don't want to give it to the people who bought it when it was under THQ.

Of course they aren't saying that, instead he's going 'Oh poor us we tried but Valve won't let us'.

Then he said okay write in and we will give it to you

Then SURPRISE BITCH he got a kazillion emails.

Then he said Stahp! my poor email box! We'll work something out 2 days ago.

Then he went back to saying we can't do it Valve won't let us.

And he's been a broken record about that since, with apparent selective amnesia that he promised to work something out. Or at least he's gone well out of his way to avoid giving any specifics on that subject.

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That dude is likely going to lose his job over that little blowup. You don't say that kind of thing if you work for a huge company like Nordic.

Nah, just shitty game at a high discount.
*Edit: "SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends November 13"

That's a Carl level 'glitch' :p
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Personally I'd just like to play through the game again with the new version. I'm irritated by how this is being handled by Nordic, especially after how well the Red Faction update was handled, but a lot of the negativity is just a bit overboard. The dev posted that they intend to make good on this, and I hope they do, and I hope everyone can be a bit more patient until we know for sure.
But I don't think Red Faction Guerrilla was saddled w/ possibly doing 10-15 DLC checks from Steam, just to make sure you own everything via some sort of silly tier scheme to get a new version. RFG PC already came with a lot of the DLC already upon its release, since it was released after the console-versions as an incentive for gamers to buy the PC version.

Nordic's RFG upgrade was handled quite basic: if you own RFG on Steam (which also used G4WL at that time), you'll get the upgraded to the RFG Steamworks-only version for FREE.

Nordic probably should've went w/ something similar + basic for Darksiders 2 [original version] to Darksiders 2: Deathfinitive upgrade. Either make the discount so insane for Darksiders 2 owners that everybody buys the upgrade (i.e. $1 or less) or give the new edition away to those who at least own Darksiders 2 [base-game].

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In other news, Age of Barbarian is still working on its extended cut for Steam release some time next year.

Here's a sneak preview.


DooMFanGuy2000 Oct 17 @ 9:41pm

I heard this is a remake of an old game. Is that true??? Also, why does there have to be a princess who has 2 inches of clothing spread around places of her body? IT RUINS IT

ppl bitching about half-naked gaming character is as dumb as ppl bitching about gore and violence and horror element.

if it is not your cup of tea, move along and play something different

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Normally I'd be inclined to agree about eyerolly gratuitous skin (Sakura games anyone?), but it's not like the guy has any more clothing and that's kind of the whole point of a cheesy ass game like this anyhow.

Is she trying to fight off the sabre tooth tiger rape or seduce him?

I got killed by a sabre tooth tiger three times in ARK last night...and I was only wearing undies... so he clearly wasn't interested in me.  

Is Origin Mexico still a viable option? Anyone used it for Battlefront?
yea it does, at least last week it did. Cancelled my gmg pre-order since now they are giving no gaurantees they are giving pre-order bonuses unless explicitly stated. Cancelled it there and went to origin mexico for the ultimate pack at 80$. If you dont want ultimate I believe you can get both the base+season pass for 73(40base+33season)

Ark update: Skydiving initially sucks. If you wait even 3 seconds to pull, your character has built up too much speed to slow down. Pull immediately, then have your ride catch you on the way down for infinity dives.

Did you also buy the Season Pass?
No. Its not available on GMG yet and it remains to be seen when content will be coming for it. That I will get when its on sale or available discounted provided the game keeps my interest like the alpha/beta did. How the content is released and what it contains with each release will decide when I bite. The base has quite a few maps (12) shipping with it as it stands + all the different modes and 2 more free maps later. There's actually more than 12, as thats only the maps for multiplayer. The SP mode has more locations.

Is Origin Mexico still a viable option? Anyone used it for Battlefront?
As far as I know it is. I had credit on GMG that needed to be used, so out of pocket was barely anything for me there. I would bet that its still a very viable option to get it. Its 39.99 on there, or at least thats what it told me when I was browsing it about a month ago.

To my surprise, I found that I have the Darksiders Deathinitive Edition. A little research reveals that I paid way too much for it in 2012 and have yet to even play it.

I don't think they're being honest in why they've selected only one package to upgrade. It's poorly thought out and even more poorly communicated. The PR guy needs a new job, quite frankly. I hope they sort it out.

Meanwhile, take solace in the fact that you probably paid way less than morans like me and will probably end up with the same package.

bread's done