PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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on an unrelated note: pharm, I'm pretty sure you have to play stardust ultra on the highest difficulty all the time for trophies to pop. If the highest difficulty is locked then you have to format your ps4 and create a new psn id. I think.
Finished Atelier Meremu today. Although it wasn't of my own choosing. Ran out of time, and the game ended for me. Which gave me the "bad"  (and slightly depressing) ending.

Oh well.

On to...Mind Zero?

(did anyone ever finish Dragon Fin Soup?)

And another Chromebook lost t due to kid damage. The screens on these must be really flimsy


Bought the SquareTrade warranty, but all they're willing to do is just give me a refund. (So would Amazon.) It used to be they would ship you a replacement first and then require you to ship in the damaged item.

And I had store-bought Vindaloo for dinner which was actually spicy! So many times when I buy  curry spice mixes or jars at the store they're never spicy enough. good stuff.

Should my wife ever pass away (god forbid) I'm going to find an Indian (red dot) to hook up with. At least for the cooking.

And another Chromebook lost t due to kid damage. The screens on these must be really flimsy


Bought the SquareTrade warranty, but all they're willing to do is just give me a refund. (So would Amazon.) It used to be they would ship you a replacement first and then require you to ship in the damaged item.
Do your kids have hammers where their hands should be?

Stayed up til 3:30 playing an old PS3 game called Eat Them. It's kinda like Rampage but you can build your own monster with different parts that have different stats. It's really damn cool. When I bought it all the way back in 2011 I don't remember getting hooked, but damn jumping back in was pretty awesome.

Man the trophy card for it is terrible though. Doesn't even show any of the monsters.

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Montezuma plat get. The end grind was dumb, about 350 1 minute (or less) puzzle rounds just to get to level 100 after all the content was finished. If they would've just included a regular score chaser mode like tom blitz and gave xp for it I don't think I would've gotten sick of the game.

Now to see how long it takes tt to score the trophies so I can see if it was enough to get me past pharm. I'll bet that happens overnight or something just to annoy me.
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So Gamestop does digital codes now for PSN cards and it no longer takes 48 hours correct?

Yes, I know I could get them from Amazon, but I got a $50 GS card for Giftmas from my father-in-law because he is stuck in the stone age and refuses to buy anything online.

Never mind, it says on the page now that they are download.  Last time I looked to get one there it didnt say that.

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I loaded up AC Syndicate this morning hoping to play through some of the Jack the Ripper DLC...didn't realize it's a damn 17 GB download!  Looks like I literally won't get to that till next year now.

Forgot about the Gears Ultimate Edition deadline to play it and be flagged for the rest of the series free when they release them as backwards compatible, almost missed it. Time to boot that up real quick.

New Years pot luck for us working stiffs.  A lot of donuts for breakfast.  Then chicken wings from publix and an assortment of other great tasting, bad for me food!

i never got into zidane and 9 much. my friend loved it and we were hilariously bad at importing games but we got a 'japanese copy' of that to play a few months early so that was great being as text heavy as it was. i thought 6, 7 and even 8 were better than 9. 9 seemed like a throwback to the older ff days. idk

we doing some rdr again today? lets gold all the advanced co op missions like bad ass cowboys

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bread's done