Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Many years ago a rumor was spreading around town that an employee at the local Dominos was going in the back and spreading his "special sauce" all over the pizzas. Despite the ludicrous nature of the rumor, the owner felt the need to run a full-page ad in the paper that said any rumors about the place were untrue. He went to great lengths to not be specific but everybody knew it was basically a huge ad saying "nobody is jacking off on your pizza, I promise!" The rumors of course would have went away on their own but this kept it in everybody's mind and almost certainly did more harm than good. I will forever associate Dominos pizzas with that now. Anywho.
So... that's how you make a pizza with cream in America mmmm.
You don't want to hear how the local poultry merchant does brass chicken on my neighborhood.
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So now I finally got why Steam Support is utter shit, they have taken days to change my old phone number that is attached to my steam account and then every response from them is from a different person. 

And they screwed over previous users in the process. If you check the link forums theres tons of bitching. VH support has been in the link betas for a long time. Previously the free VH client from their site allowed you to use 1 device for free, and if you wanted more you could purchase a license. Now that that link firmware is out of beta they completely locked it down to ONLY work with the steam version of VH so the free version and even purchased version from their website no longer work, despite telling people during beta to go ahead and buy it

Win 10 does actually support it, but you have to change it from settings. Next version should ask if there's no enough space on default.
Settings for the Store? If so how do I get into them... I read a support page from MS and it says swipe from the bottom left and up... Which doesn't seem to do anything.

Did you know that Siren screams defuse explosives? So you have to hit them when they're not wailing. Maybe you knew that -- just checking.

Reminds me though, they reduced the AOE on Demo explosions because apparently they're not supposed to clear a bunch of trash with a grenade/rocket :roll:
No, actually I didn't. I'd never played demo until after the last bro night when I kept finding demo and firebug weapons when I was playing. That makes more sense, but it still doesn't explain why a grenade shot to a pack of zombies only kills one. My rage is not reduced, but only re-aligned.

can i preorder bad rats 2016 on gleam?
No need. It will be automatically added to everyone's Steam account.

Then you will receive a Steam notification that "you license for the game is being revoked" and your account will be flagged so that idling for cards will take forever.

EDIT: "you" is not a typo. The Bad Rats dev are just that careful with details.

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I was okay with them showing some dlcs. The spent pretty minimal time on it, it sure beats ea showing 40 minutes of sports or ubisoft showing assassins creed movie. Honestly i would've liked to see a little more detail on the nuka world dlc. The biggest disappointment of the conference was that they are making quake into what looks like a multiplayer only game, would've liked a single player campaign
I'm fine w/ Quake Champions being MP-focused, since they did that w/ Q3A...

...but like yourself, it's been a long while and I really want a Quake SP Campaign more than anything.

I'd really like a mix of the Quake 1 levels (that strange gothic world) & Quake 2+4 type of world (sci-fi stuff w/ The Strogg).

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Maybe i'm missing something but i don't understand why they would pull rdr2 because of Orlando

Days gone didn't look horrible but I had no idea why they chose to close with an extended gameplay of that. It was very reminiscent of last of us, not only in terms of it being another zombie type game but also just the way the game looks. Its fine that they're making it but really they didn't need to show more than they did in the brief teaser the first time in the show, it wouldve made more sense to close with almost half the games they brought out. That being said it was really impressive to see the animation of the horde on screen; I'm extremely jaded and sick of zombie games, but seeing that did catch my eye a bit.
It was weird they showed Days Gone trailer earlier; then showed gameplay later at the end (or close to it). I did think Days Gone looked good, especially w/ the hordes - but it was weird to close w/ that, more or less; then jump into a compilation of Sony's games. It's like...they left something out; or was planning to drop something else for a surprise at the end; or what.

It was also weird that Sony didn't even really show-off much Indie games, either. Sony did a great job w/ making their past presentations also include Indies, since Microsoft really doesn't. And yes, I realize how ironic it is with me mentioning it's weird Sony not doing much with Indies, given how "much" I actually play them...

So my PC started randomly crashing/freezing. Basically at random intervals it would either shut off or just completely freeze or BSOD and I would need to restart. Tried running Memtest86 and that froze as well.

I am thinking my RAM took a shit, but I am trying to be sure before I spend money on it. Would anyone be able confirm? Want to get this fixed before the summer sale if possible.

So my PC started randomly crashing/freezing. Basically at random intervals it would either shut off or just completely freeze or BSOD and I would need to restart. Tried running Memtest86 and that froze as well.

I am thinking my RAM took a shit, but I am trying to be sure before I spend money on it. Would anyone be able confirm? Want to get this fixed before the summer sale if possible.
Welcome to CAG support!

if it freezes on memtest its probably the ram, but of course could also be something wrong with the mobo or even the CPU. I once spent a long time to figure out a similar issue and it wasnt the memory on my build but was the mobo.... its a crapshoot for us to try and tell you what it could be. memory is usually the cheapest thing to replace, or if you have another machine you can swap the memory from and see if that works or still causes issues.

If this was not helpful please hang up and call back to get the next available CAG support rep.


edit - since we are now talking hardware my 1070 will be here Thursday. Cant wait to see the FPS I get in huniecam studios!

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So my PC started randomly crashing/freezing. Basically at random intervals it would either shut off or just completely freeze or BSOD and I would need to restart. Tried running Memtest86 and that froze as well.

I am thinking my RAM took a shit, but I am trying to be sure before I spend money on it. Would anyone be able confirm? Want to get this fixed before the summer sale if possible.
Assuming you have multiple DIMMs, take one out an run memtest again.

I do wonder if Bulletstorm: Remastered is a Microsoft exclusive.

If it is, could hit PC at some point.

Though, sadly it could become a Windows 10 Store Exclusive. 

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So my PC started randomly crashing/freezing. Basically at random intervals it would either shut off or just completely freeze or BSOD and I would need to restart. Tried running Memtest86 and that froze as well.

I am thinking my RAM took a shit, but I am trying to be sure before I spend money on it. Would anyone be able confirm? Want to get this fixed before the summer sale if possible.
Have you popped the side to check for excessive dust in the CPU fins?

Locked to exactly one user and completely untouchable by anyone?

I find it really funny that Bulletstorm is going to die a horrible death once more because of the same thing that killed it to begin with: GFWL.

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I played the KF2 update tonight and it's ass for a casual style of play. Maybe the hard core folks like it, I dunno but you can't just pop in and casually light shit up for a while any longer which is, you know, kind of the fun of killing zombies.
Keep in mind that it's early access. I opted into the beta over the last week and I can tell you that they tipped the balance too far in favor of reducing the dominance of any one perk. Though, happily, they have made a number of positive changes in reaction to the feedback. I think there's still quite a way to go.

Remember, that this last big update introduced the Sharpshooter so, unsurprisingly, that perk currently rules the roost. Others, like Firebug and Support are still awaiting a rebalance. I'm a Firebug player, and I'll reluctantly admit that it was ridiculously overpowered, though now he's not much more than a distraction.

Once the balance is right, I think high perk levels playing on lower difficulty levels ought to be able to solo easily enough again. I don't think they're going for a pure shooting-gallery style game though, so it might not be as easy as it once was.

God. That sound fucking awful. I hope they fix this. One, I like solo play and it's been one of my favorite things about the KF series. Two, I hate games where if you don't have the right team with everyone playing their part then you can't win. What do they want us to do? Stand in a straight line formation and have the appropriate class pop out when an enemy we're strong against pops up? This isn't Pokemon. I noticed this last time I played demo. Grenade pistol shots to a bloats? Did near nothing. And the sirens would eat rockets like they were nothing. If they keep this up, I might have to go back to KF1.
I'm hoping it doesn't go that route either. I don't usually play with more than 2 or 3 people at a time, so rock, paper, scissors won't work well for me. I think that they've done a pretty good job of righting wrongs based on feedback, so I'm hopeful the balance will once again tip in favor of the survivors.

Don't shoot bloats with explosives... they have big-time resistance. At level 15, if I recall correctly, Demo can choose a perk to give his explosives 100% resistance to siren screams. His fortunes change greatly after meeting that milestone.

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Installing Windows 10... Wish me luck!
So far the OS hasn't done anything too bad to annoy me... Though settings being buried is stupid as MS can be. Settings for a program should always be within the program but if you want a global setting than the program should link to it when you want settings.

My big issue right now... Games from the Windows Store, which is Forza Apex at the moment don't recognize my XBone controller though Steam sees it just fine, and so does uplay (though that might be because of steam not too sure.) I imagine Origins will too when I get around to installing it.

fucking MS...

The Xbox one controller seems to have shit drivers
Yes, maybe...?

It seems to work like champ once you get it working... but getting there can take some stupid leaps of faith.

Anyhow, after letting it setting it aside for awhile I decided to hook up the controller via USB. After that both the Xbox Controller Test and the Xbox Accessories apps on the Win10 Store saw the controller and the Xbox Accessories app wanted to update my controller...After doing so it now works. Wireless, even.

Stupid MS.

^Oh yeah, the controller itself needs to be updated to be PC compatible. I did it via an Xbox One but I guess if you don't have access to one it might be a PIA.

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^Oh yeah, the controller itself needs to be updated to be PC compatible. I did it via an Xbox One but I guess if you don't have access to one it might be a PIA.
Nope, it worked fine on every game minus shit from the MS store. (Yeah, weird ass stuff.)

Anyhow, I just got a Dead by Daylight Beta... but its sitting in my Steam inventory as it won't let me redeem as it says I already own everything in the guest pass. Anyone got any ideas on that?

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In Bronews, we finally got Weiler to play Rocket League with us!  He whined and complained the whole time, but I know deep down inside he was having the time of his life.  

There were times last night in Rocket League where I couldn't tell if my teammates were trying to score for us or against us. It added to the thrill.
There were times last night in Rocket League where I couldn't tell if my teammates were trying to score for us or against us. It added to the thrill.
You can replace Rocket League with virtually any game we play on bronights and that would still be an accurate description.

bread's done