Humble Bundle Thread


Seriously though...

Maybe it changed, but when I played there didn't seem to be much of a point besides "gather stuff" and "build stuff".

I didn't mind this because I used to play Minecraft the same way.  I would just dig and "build" caverns and stuff.  Last time I played Minecraft I had a giant "room" carved out at lava level.

I enjoyed the mindless exploration when I played Starbound (shortly after launch).

I got tired of the wipes though.

It's a very bland narrative experience.  It plays more like a 1980's Capcom platformer with crappier controls and tepid environments/enemies.  The crafting is only good if you're one of those Minecraft/I like building things for the sake of building things type.  As far as random loot/metroidvania/boss farming actual game games go, Terraria blows the doors off of it.

I just don't even know what to think of this. First click was Oh Darkest Dungeon is in a bundle, then I see the price and the rest of the bundle. X'd out of that so fast. It's like they are not even trying anymore.... well in a while. 

Had my eye on The Park for awhile now, but man there is a bunch of garbage in there. Even at $15 I wouldn't buy this sucker. Rather save the $30 and put it towards a couple monthlies.
This bundle sucks.
More than anything else, it continues Humble's pattern of undercutting themselves.

If they were smarter, they'd bundle a game once and then let the dev go on their way.

But if you work with a dev and put them in a Monthly Bundle and then 2-3 months later toss them into a low tier of one of your bundles (especially the dollar tier!) , you devalue both yourself and the perceived value of the devs work.

Are they seriously so hard up for people to work with that they need to drastically undercut themselves every three months? So much of this is just perception, and Humble just seems to be in a rush to make themselves look two-bit.

It's silly, honestly.

Maybe it changed, but when I played there didn't seem to be much of a point besides "gather stuff" and "build stuff".

I didn't mind this because I used to play Minecraft the same way. I would just dig and "build" caverns and stuff. Last time I played Minecraft I had a giant "room" carved out at lava level.
I feel as though this and "now featuring new and improved crappy pixel graphics" are the selling points of this weird sub-genre. I'm hoping they'll all die soon so people will go back to making actual games.

I feel as though this and "now featuring new and improved crappy pixel graphics" are the selling points of this weird sub-genre. I'm hoping they'll all die soon so people will go back to making actual games.
But crappy pixel graphics are easy and makes it easy to have a "game" where you can destroy the environment and build anything!

Their walkthrough youtube channel is helpful at least.....? Hard pass on this bundle and most likely going to pass on the monthly for December. Things are not looking so hot for HB right now and not sure if that will be $12 wasted or well spent so close to Black Friday deals. 

That sounds about right. . . what are you, about 10 years behind the curve on that one?
I'm thinking more like 20. 1993 was like a hellscape for such things.
It introduced Pogs, Beanie Babies, Magic: The Gathering cards and Creator-run comic book companies like Image.

It's like like someone stood back, said "Hey, hold my beer... I'm going to convince lots of different people that all this worthless crap is worth infinity dollars".

To be fair, those M:tG cards still have value.  I have a friend who I know has a bunch of old dual lands somewhere in storage and I've told him that they're $200-$400 each now but he can't be bothered to go looking for them.  He's lucky we don't live near each other these days or I'd be rooting through his basement.

To be fair, those M:tG cards still have value. I have a friend who I know has a bunch of old dual lands somewhere in storage and I've told him that they're $200-$400 each now but he can't be bothered to go looking for them. He's lucky we don't live near each other these days or I'd be rooting through his basement.
I have a couple of them too... Tundra and plateau, I think but I'm like your friend I cannot really be bothered to look for them... but there around somewhere. I played big during the 3rd edition/The Dark, and got out around homelands. I'm actually shocked at how well Magic has managed to stay relevant over the years.

Still have about 50 duals I need to sell at some point.....and 7 out of the power nine (no lotus or jet). One day I will get around to it. Sold about 25 or so duals and some other crap over the last few years but can't ever stick with the selling.

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Still have about 50 duals I need to sell at some point.....and 7 out of the power nine (no lotus or jet). One day I will get around to it. Sold about 25 or so duals and some other crap over the last few years but can't ever stick with the selling.
I wonder how much my black border Time Walk would sell for today? Not up on nerd ccg prices...
I don't have any Magic cards to sell because I'm not some kind of massive nerd.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a LARP to attend and I have to find my wizard hat.
I wanted to play stuff like Magic, but magic and D&D was how satanists recruited followers so that stuff wasn't allowed.

Looks like there'll be two Humble Originals for the December monthly

Crescent Bay looks interesting

Looks like there'll be two Humble Originals for the December monthly

Crescent Bay looks interesting
Are those in addition to the shitty bonus games or do they take the place of the standard shitty games?

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