Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Deals and Discussion Thread


51 (100%)
The Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Thread
Physical media may not be as popular as it was in years past, but that has not stopped it from finding success in more niche areas of the market. In fact, we're seeing so many physical releases, these days, that it has become difficult for even dedicated collectors to keep up with all of them. Many games, usually indie titles, are seeing releases with highly limited prints, regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity or are simply appearing with little notification. The purpose of this thread is to identify, catalogue, discuss and post deals for these releases, in hopes of making information more accessible and supporting the medium.​


Q: tl;dr

A: There are probably games that were released physically that you don't know about. Find them here.

Q: What is the "master list"?

A: The master list is a catalogue of all the games that have been identified here that meet certain criteria that differentiates them from standard, mainstream releases. It offers information regarding regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity, print quantities and more.

Q: What are the criteria? How do you decide which games make the list?

A: For the most part, these will be "smaller" titles that were originally released as digital-only but have been given a physical release. Some exceptions may apply, like if an indie game launches with a physical release, it will likely be listed. Another exception would see a larger title that was only released digitally, for whatever reason, get a limited physical release (example: if Limited Run Games did a print of Fatal Frame V.)

Generally if a game is, as the title says, indie, limited or obscure and has a physical release, you'll see in on the "master list."

Also, the game must be region-free or NTSC-U and in English (subtitles are valid).

Q: Region free or NTSC-U? Doesn't that mean the list is only valid for North American users?

A: This means that every game on the list will be playable on North American consoles, though a few games may have versions that are region-locked on a certain console (this will be noted). Most games are now region free, so if you aren't from the NTSC-U region, it's very likely that the game will work for you. Knowledge of which systems do and don't have region-locking should allow anyone to make use of this list.

Q: What about games for collectors who aren't in the NTSC-U (North American) region or own consoles that can play region-locked games?

A: There may be a separate tab for you guys down the line. One step at a time.

Pre-Orders/Upcoming Releases

Notable Publishers/Distributors


A retailer, located in California, that sells all sorts of limited edition video game merchandise. They occasionally publish physical, indie titles for the PS4.

Limited Run Games

Based in California, Limited Run Games is generally accepted as the company that started the modern trend of releasing physical games in limited quantities. Currently, they publish several games a month but have stated they intend to ramp down. Their games come with collectible, trading cards and are sometimes offered alongside soundtracks, collector's editions and other related merchandise. The two heads of the company are very active on different forums and regularly engage with the community. They currently publish games for the PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch and occasionally the PC.


Play-Asia is an established retailer located in Hong Kong. They are well known for offering a large variety of imported merchandise, including many games that have not seen western releases but have English subtitles. They've recently partnered with eastasiasoft to distribute exclusive and limited, physical releases. These games are often offered with collector's editions which are highly praised for their presentation, content and low prices.

Special Reserve Games

A company based in Texas, Special Reserve Games currently publishes games in limited quantities with no discernible schedule. Their games are frequently offered alongside collector's editions. They also collaborate with Limited Run Games to create variant covers for some of their titles, which are then sold via Limited Run Games' website. They currently publish for the PS4, PS Vita and PC.

Strictly Limited Games

Based in Germany, Strictly Limited Games seems to publish one title a month with varied but highly limited quantities. Collector's editions and soundtracks are sometimes offered alongside game releases. They've published games for the PS4 and PS Vita.

Super Rare Games

Located in London, these guys are relatively new to the limited game market. Similar to Limited Run Games, they include trading cards and stickers with their games. They publish only for the Nintendo Switch and intend to release one game a month.

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Super Rare Games just put up the card packs for Flame in the Flood, and the Shopify interface indicates they're down to a few hundred copies of their first game (although I realize that number isn't always accurate and can be manipulated.)

I'd been wavering due to international shipping but decided to pull the trigger on both games today. That special edition of Flashback broke my US/JP only limitation, so the floodgates have opened, haha.

Order number 48XX, so they seem to be continuing to move copies at a decent pace despite "artisanal" publishing fatigue.

Anyone know if Aksys going to release more vita version of code realize future blessings limited edition. Sold out already and ridicolous you can’t find in week of release
Anyone know if Aksys going to release more vita version of code realize future blessings limited edition. Sold out already and ridicolous you can’t find in week of release
Wouldn't printing more copies kind of defeat the purpose of a limited edition? It's pretty standard fare for limited editions to be sold out shortly after release, or even before release for some titles.

Is the Switch version of Wild Guns Reloaded a Gamestop-exclusive?  Gamestop has it listed as coming out this Tuesday 4/17, yet it is not listed anywhere else - not at Amazon, Best Buy or every other place I checked.

Is the Switch version of Wild Guns Reloaded a Gamestop-exclusive? Gamestop has it listed as coming out this Tuesday 4/17, yet it is not listed anywhere else - not at Amazon, Best Buy or every other place I checked.
Natsume's Twitter says it will be listed on Amazon soon. So far it looks to be Amazon, Walmart (which has it for $6 and change above MSRP) and GS exclusive in the US.

Natsume's Twitter says it will be listed on Amazon soon. So far it looks to be Amazon, Walmart (which has it for $6 and change above MSRP) and GS exclusive in the US.
Thanks for the info. Looks like I will hold out for Amazon and hopes it gets listed in time for the 20% Prime preorder discount to take effect.

Thanks for the info. Looks like I will hold out for Amazon and hopes it gets listed in time for the 20% Prime preorder discount to take effect.
I can't find my orders on Amazon but I seem to remember them not qualifying for the discount because they were sold by Natsume and fulfilled by Amazon, not sold by Amazon.
I can't find my orders on Amazon but I seem to remember them not qualifying for the discount because they were sold by Natsume and fulfilled by Amazon, not sold by Amazon.
My River City: Rival Showdown preorder with keychain from last October was $23.99 (so it had the 20% discount).

senko no ronde collector's is going suprisingly slow.
The high cost probably has something to do with it. You basically get an art book, CD and DVD for an extra $50. Most other places would charge an extra $20 to $30 for these types of items in a CE.

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fwiw it's a pretty nice looking art book compared to what you usually get in a CE
Yeah, I'm sure that is where the bulk the extra funds went. I've actually been hoping they offer more high quality art books, but sadly, this offering wasn't on a system or genre I normally collect for, so it was a pass.

I do get the point though, as some of these CE just don't stand well along side many other comparable products. I guess since LRG is dealing with such small qty's, they probably don't see much in the way of discounts for the items they include. Where Iffy and other places I'm sure order way more and in turn get better rates on their included items.

It is what it is I suppose, and if LRG offered a CE of a game I was in to, I'd be happy to pay $100 if I saw the value. And nice art books are for sure the best way to make that happen, as most of the stuff offered is throw away stuff for me and don't normally warrant the extra cost.

I'm sorry but the LRG CEs aren't cutting it.  They make CEs because the margins are higher.  = more profit.  But the stuff included in them just even close to the quality of what you'd get in a normal retail CE.  I mean some of them are basically a thin box stuffed with papers like Thimbleweed. 

Wario pointed out that the physical RockMan X legacy collection 2 is up for us orders on Amazon Japan, only way to get it physical
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I'm sorry but the LRG CEs aren't cutting it. They make CEs because the margins are higher. = more profit. But the stuff included in them just even close to the quality of what you'd get in a normal retail CE. I mean some of them are basically a thin box stuffed with papers like Thimbleweed.
A "thin box"? I was under the impression that box was the size of the old LucasArts big box PC games. I don't think it's really that small. And that CE I consider to be better than most, but probably because they selling nostalgia more than anything (sold).

This Senko No Ronder CE is actually the first one they did that has everything I'd want in a CE. But, the game itself along with the price kept me away. I would've loved to just buy it to support that kind of CE, but I have to really think I'll be into the game at that price point. Otherwise, I'd be buying every single NIS LE.

A "thin box"? I was under the impression that box was the size of the old LucasArts big box PC games. I don't think it's really that small. And that CE I consider to be better than most, but probably because they selling nostalgia more than anything (sold).

This Senko No Ronder CE is actually the first one they did that has everything I'd want in a CE. But, the game itself along with the price kept me away. I would've loved to just buy it to support that kind of CE, but I have to really think I'll be into the game at that price point. Otherwise, I'd be buying every single NIS LE.
It says a lot that the senko game hasn’t sold out yet (regular SE or CE) given it’s a psudo shooter. Shooters are usually insta-sell outs, I remember thinking there was no way that skyforce game would sell out quick and it was gone in like 10 minutes. As others mentioned it’s gotta be a mix of the price and high number of offerings all at once (including a PAX variant of that game that did sell out quick). I can’t imagine there are many “LRG completionists” left given the high number of releases and variants they pump out now.
A "thin box"? I was under the impression that box was the size of the old LucasArts big box PC games. I don't think it's really that small. And that CE I consider to be better than most, but probably because they selling nostalgia more than anything (sold).

This Senko No Ronder CE is actually the first one they did that has everything I'd want in a CE. But, the game itself along with the price kept me away. I would've loved to just buy it to support that kind of CE, but I have to really think I'll be into the game at that price point. Otherwise, I'd be buying every single NIS LE.
I'm pretty sure he means the actual box housing the contents is thin, not that the contents itself are thin.

Personally, I skipped because SnR because it's a not a true bullet hell game. The PVP aspect just isn't as fun. That and I slept in so beggars can't be choosers even though I really wanted that variant of Oddworld.
The Senko No Ronde CE is one of the nicer CE's they've done, but definitely not worth that price. I would have a hard time even justifying buying the standard edition at the price they set.. I guess other people feel the same way, cuz only the PAX variant has sold out.

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Is that true of both the PS4 and Switch versions?
No, only for the Switch version--the PS4 physical release contains 2 discs (one for X Legacy Collection 1, one for X Legacy Collection 2) for both Japan and US. The Switch combo-pack contains a voucher for X Legacy Collection 2 in both territories, but Japan is getting exclusive separate physical Switch versions of X Legacy Collection 1 and X Legacy Collection 2.

Shit; I forgot all about Thimbleweed Park for Switch.

Oh well; I wasn’t planning on having a full LRG Switch collection, anyway. I was mainly buying it just because it was # 1.

I’ll just have to stick to getting the games I actually want; LRG can turn into quite an expensive hobby in and of itself, and I’d rather not go down that rabbit hole.
Shit; I forgot all about Thimbleweed Park for Switch.

Oh well; I wasn’t planning on having a full LRG Switch collection, anyway. I was mainly buying it just because it was # 1.

I’ll just have to stick to getting the games I actually want; LRG can turn into quite an expensive hobby in and of itself, and I’d rather not go down that rabbit hole.
Yeah, I grabbed Thimbleweed CE as I'm a big P&C fan, and portable was the way to go(for me at least). No telling when I'll ever get an NS, but I have been grabbing the occasional game here and there. I'm of the same mind set, as getting each title will be a fools errand, and I can already see how many games and CE are being offered.

With the Vita winding down, and with no plans for collecting all NS offerings, this year should be a much needed break to my finances. Which is great, as I just paid off all my outstanding CC balances and plan to stay debt free.

Shit; I forgot all about Thimbleweed Park for Switch.

Oh well; I wasn’t planning on having a full LRG Switch collection, anyway. I was mainly buying it just because it was # 1.

I’ll just have to stick to getting the games I actually want; LRG can turn into quite an expensive hobby in and of itself, and I’d rather not go down that rabbit hole.
they'll have extras at some point. Extra stock and from people who inevitably cancel

No, only for the Switch version--the PS4 physical release contains 2 discs (one for X Legacy Collection 1, one for X Legacy Collection 2) for both Japan and US. The Switch combo-pack contains a voucher for X Legacy Collection 2 in both territories, but Japan is getting exclusive separate physical Switch versions of X Legacy Collection 1 and X Legacy Collection 2.
Hopefully it'll be like "I am Setsuna" and play in English when you pop the JP cart in an American system. :pray:

To be fair, I saw the email about 5 minutes after it sent, dicked around for 20 minutes, posted on here, then ordered it. It didn't exactly vanish in a heart beat.

To be fair, I saw the email about 5 minutes after it sent, dicked around for 20 minutes, posted on here, then ordered it. It didn't exactly vanish in a heart beat.
Yeah, I would say it was up an hour total, and maybe half of that was after you posted, so I guess 1 in 24 is no longer being lucky. That's good to know.

Finally received the long delayed Don't Starve Mega Pack (PS4) from Best Buy that I preordered February of 2017.  Closed out my last Visa Checkout open order as well.  Came out to under $19 after GCU and Visa Checkout discount.

I think I may have gotten a sign up for that one a few weeks back, and just didn't get around to listing it here. But yeah, these "limited" releases seem to be coming faster, and more often for sure.

The free shipping is pretty awesome, too. Although I feel like the price of this release went up to compensate for it. I'll be taking a hard look at future releases to see if that's actually the case. 

Finally received the long delayed Don't Starve Mega Pack (PS4) from Best Buy that I preordered February of 2017. Closed out my last Visa Checkout open order as well. Came out to under $19 after GCU and Visa Checkout discount.
Just an FYI, it sounds like there was a replication error and the "pack" doesn't include either the DLC or the original game on disc.

bread's done