Humble Bundle Thread

I'm not sure whether I should sell or keep it. If a complete edition is released for PC and is 50-75% off eventually, I'd probably rather wait since I doubt the DLC alone will ever be cheap. But if the DLC ends up being bad or isn't sold together, then playing now wouldn't be a bad idea.
After the shit they pulled on Destiny 1, if you play now, just know that theres probably gonna be a $20-30 paywall on the expansion. Then it will be repackaged, another expansion releases, repackaged until you will eventually get to a "Complete".

Played an hour of Playgrounds. Character unlocking is as annoying as I thought it would be.

Game: "You wanna use your favorite players right from the start? Sure thing, as long as your favorite players are Kent Bazemore, Alex Len, Nicholas Batum and Tim Frazier."

And I don't know why rebounding is so needlessly unpredictable and difficult to pull off. If I go up for a ball, I want to grab it, not slap it away.

So yeah, game is kinda trash IMO. Hopefully the sequel is a significant improvement because this seems like a waste of an idea and license.
hey, if your favorite players don't include kent bazemore, alex len, nic batum, or tim frazier i don't know what type of fan you are

I'm not sure whether I should sell or keep it. If a complete edition is released for PC and is 50-75% off eventually, I'd probably rather wait since I doubt the DLC alone will ever be cheap. But if the DLC ends up being bad or isn't sold together, then playing now wouldn't be a bad idea.
That's certainly one way to go at it: wait; buy it Complete later; and then play it all at once later.

Depends on if you want to do that...or get playing now to complete the base-game and (maybe) get to Level 20, I'd you don't have to do all of that later at once.

Took me around 16 hours to finish Destiny 2 PC base-game. I hit Level 18. Ain't hit 20 b/c...well, don't feel there's much reason to do so right now. IMHO: there isn't a ton of interesting stuff for End-game, once you beat the campaign.

I could probably learn how to land on the Mun and get back to Kerbin in the time it takes me to master rebounding in this game.
You should have played it before they "fixed" it.

Unless others are around stay on the ground for your rebounds.

And character unlocks is a pain, you should get all the players from your favorite team or at least a few players from them. Anyhow, play and level up your legends are rare players first. If you get a dupe it levels up that character a little but if that character is gold than that xp goes to you leveling up. Which means faster time to more cards/players.
Unclaimed stuff I already redeemed. Cherish these like DSP cherishes his twitch tips. WHY AM I TOXIC?

Citizens of Earth - Last letter is what comes after M


Sonic Adventure 2- Last number is what comes after 8


Unclaimed stuff I already redeemed. Cherish these like DSP cherishes his twitch tips. WHY AM I TOXIC?

Citizens of Earth - Last letter is what comes after M


Sonic Adventure 2- Last number is what comes after 8

Grabbed CoE. Thank you.

And character unlocks is a pain, you should get all the players from your favorite team or at least a few players from them. Anyhow, play and level up your legends are rare players first. If you get a dupe it levels up that character a little but if that character is gold than that xp goes to you leveling up. Which means faster time to more cards/players.
I did play for another couple hours and eventually unlocked Bob Cousy, so that was a nice surprise. Playing a Cousy/Magic duo seems like blasphemy but it'll hold me over until I unlock Russell. You need to put in at least a good 3 hours of playing time before you get a decent looking roster, and even then there's a chance you won't have any players from your favorite team unlocked by that point. It's mobile-style progression, right down to the option to pay more up front to unlock everyone.

The actual gameplay isn't terrible, though. I hate the character unlocks and rebounding sucks and the AI is so damn brain-dead and the shot meter for layups and dunks is problematic, but the arcade basketball itself is serviceable. It's no NBA Jam TE but the foundation is there for something good.

Having never played a Destiny, I started on Destiny 2 last night.. and jesus it was boring.  Literally bad guys just running at you... and you shooting them in the head to score yellows or missing their heads whites.  Honestly, this is it?  I hope it gets better but after an hour... I dunno.

Huh. Here I thought it was Ridge Racer. RIIIIIIIIIIDGE RAAACER!

(Sigh. I'm an old man with old man memes. I am disappoint.)

I played through Destiny 2's campaign at launch and found it adequate. Much better than the first, which I abandoned on, I think, the third planet. Then later I found out people were super pissed about the lack of an endgame, and I can't fathom how anyone could have the patience to just grind those games constantly to make their numbers a liiiiiittle bit higher.

Also I generally have low expectations for Humble Monthlies (actually found this one worthwhile just for Ruiner, non-Windows Store copy of DR4, and Jalopy) but ha ha I'm pausing for this month.

Yeah, I'm hoping for some good reveals too. A Bungie game on Battle.Net isn't very exciting to me and I have yet to skip a Humble Monthly since I started with them.

And then there's stuff like this: "Is Destiny 2 dead?"
Im really tempted to pick it up to try Destiny 2 on PC. From playing the first one the only thing I thought was 'this would probably be fun on pc' for strikes and pvp alone.

But for the most part I hated Destiny 1. And it seems Bungie is going at Destiny 2 the same way. Still not sure if it's worth picking up for PvP and Strikes or if that stuff is mostly closed off unless you own the expansions bc in that case, no shot
Online games that spew out expansions at a rapid pace are nothing but naked cash-grabs catered to people who absolutely must play the latest and greatest hits according to the hype.  My concern with this bundle is that it's going to be more Activision games -- and I can't think of one I have interest in playing.

My concern with this bundle is that it's going to be more Activision games -- and I can't think of one I have interest in playing.
I Could obviously be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Activision rarely even gives their games a decent sale, let alone bundles them. Destiny 2 was obviously bundled because the number of active players is low and it's an ideal type of title to bundle anyway because for every player they hook they can make a bunch of money off of selling expansions. I doubt you're gonna see Call of Duty or Transformers or something as a reveal.

I'm sorry for not knowing more about these but the PS bundle caught my attention enough to start following the thread. Can someone please tell me, how often do they typically do PS bundles? Thanks in advance!

I think I've only seen a couple of PS bundles... but since IGN took over that might change.
They've actually done at least two since IGN bought them out. I think the key thing to remember here is that with the coming of IGN the quantity of bundles has increased, the quality appears to have decreased (although I'm not saying all new Humbles are bad--when you spit out bundles close to the rate of IndieGala, you're going to get some sketchy stuff), and they're far more willing to do more off-the-wall bundle types like PS3 bundles and weird book and software bundles (Python, RPGMaker, learn programming, travel guides, MAKE, random music maker things).

They've actually done at least two since IGN bought them out. I think the key thing to remember here is that with the coming of IGN the quantity of bundles has increased, the quality appears to have decreased (although I'm not saying all new Humbles are bad--when you spit out bundles close to the rate of IndieGala, you're going to get some sketchy stuff), and they're far more willing to do more off-the-wall bundle types like PS3 bundles and weird book and software bundles (Python, RPGMaker, learn programming, travel guides, MAKE, random music maker things).
It wasn't right before the IGN takeover, but there was a period Humble was putting out significantly more bundles in an average month than it has been since the takeover, and they were doing all of those types of "off the wall" bundles before the takeover, as well.

I mean, let's be fair: IGN sucks, but Humble was owned by a venture capitalist group for most of its life before that, and they really weren't that much better.
Humble stopped being "really good" a while ago (and before IGN).  It's just that every other bundle site has become exponentially worse (when was the last Indie Gala* bundle worth mentioning?) so they stayed looking good by comparison.

*No offense to Nitrosmob who is doing God's work by actually paying attention to and giving opinions on the IG bundles

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Humble stopped being "really good" a while ago (and before IGN). It's just that every other bundle site has become exponentially worse (when was the last Indie Gala* bundle worth mentioning?) so they stayed looking good by comparison.

*No offense to Nitrosmob who is doing God's work by actually paying attention to and giving opinions on the IG bundles
Very much agree with this, Humble is still easily the best thing going but they haven't been consistently great in awhile...I mean when's the last time a Humble Indie Bundle didn't suck? I don't think I've bought the last couple of them and a few years ago I'd buy every one of them at bta tier without fail. It's rare I buy anything outside of the monthly bundles now, occasionally I'll pick up the dollar tier of a weekly bundle but even that's kinda rare.

Cryengine bundle is terrible, when I saw the tittle I rushed in, and games sucks.

I only want Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 but at $15 its too much, and I already have everything else.

If anyone wants to sell me that only game or wants a Deus Ex Mankind Divided gift link, contact me!

We've also been here since the beginning of Humble, it'll take a lot to make us happy at this point. While some of the recent bundles were objectively good, owning more than half of the games makes them ultimately disappointing.

Humble stopped being "really good" a while ago (and before IGN). It's just that every other bundle site has become exponentially worse (when was the last Indie Gala* bundle worth mentioning?) so they stayed looking good by comparison.

*No offense to Nitrosmob who is doing God's work by actually paying attention to and giving opinions on the IG bundles
Absolutely. Indiegala bundles have objectively dropped quite significantly in quality, from when their bundles tended to have at least 1 or 2 solid games. Some of those games were older games, but they are still much better than brand new asset flips custom made for bundles. But if the goal is just to grow one's library and idle trading cards, these newer games are probably better suited to that objective.

We've also been here since the beginning of Humble, it'll take a lot to make us happy at this point. While some of the recent bundles were objectively good, owning more than half of the games makes them ultimately disappointing.
stop making sense and being rational dammit, we want games!
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Yeah, I'm hoping for some good reveals too. A Bungie game on Battle.Net isn't very exciting to me and I have yet to skip a Humble Monthly since I started with them.

And then there's stuff like this:

"Is Destiny 2 dead?"
Destiny 2's campaign IMHO was awesome, which I mostly played alone - but if we're talking EndGame stuff, right now, it's a barren Wasteland. And with everyone else hitting Level 20 or 25, it's a waste to do Crucible unless you are those higher levels.

With just the base-game, there aren't much to do and/or not much incentive to really to just keep going. Like Diablo 3 base-game (before ROS's adventure mode and Season), there's no real end-game in Destiny 2 right now.

If they can't put out a great expansion soon and players pretty much quit - they better just make the game work in offline mode and add some bots or something.

If they can't put out a great expansion soon and players pretty much quit - they better just make the game work in offline mode and add some bots or something.
Haha, no. They'll just shutter the game. Well, first they'll put it in a lengthy maintenance mode where it's not being updated and just sits idle for six months to a year and announce that it's ending on [date], then they'll shutter it. They're not going to waste resources making a dead game playable offline.

Haha, no. They'll just shutter the game. Well, first they'll put it in a lengthy maintenance mode where it's not being updated and just sits idle for six months to a year and announce that it's ending on [date], then they'll shutter it. They're not going to waste resources making a dead game playable offline.
They will just put out the next game and we all go through this again. (I think I remember that Bungee is contracted for one more Destiny game.)

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They will just put out the next game and we all go through this again. (I think I remember that Bungee is contracted for one more Destiny game.)

Sent from my LGUS991 using Tapatalk
Ten years. When they first started talking about destiny they were talking about a ten year plan. That's at least 4 games. 5 if they release one every two years which seems like the trend with most companies. 3 if they get really freaking lazy. After September or whenever the live team takes over, if the game doesn't get better like d1 did I'm done. No third game for me. They screwed d2 hardcore.
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Ten years. When they first started talking about destiny they were talking about a ten year plan. That's at least 4 games. 5 if they release one every two years which seems like the trend with most companies. 3 if they get really freaking lazy. After September or whenever the live team takes over, if the game doesn't get better like d1 did I'm done. No third game for me. They screwed d2 hardcore.
As I understand it... It was the live team that unfucked Destiny 1.
In for the 15$ Capcom PlayStation bundle. The only game I already have is the steam version of Valkyria chronicles. All I have to do now is pick up a ps4 pro
Now this, this is a bad bundle. Remember when Insurgency was free for 3 friends?

Humble War Gamez Bundle


  • Panzer Corps
  • Panzer Corps: Allied Corps DLC
  • Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition
  • Insurgency


  • Day of Infamy Deluxe Edition
  • Gloria Victis
  • 8-Bit Armies


  • Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Deluxe Edition
  • $2 Humble Wallet for Monthly Subscribers
Now this, this is a bad bundle. Remember when Insurgency was free for 3 friends?

Humble War Gamez Bundle


  • Panzer Corps
  • Panzer Corps: Allied Corps DLC
  • Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition
  • Insurgency


  • Day of Infamy Deluxe Edition
  • Gloria Victis
  • 8-Bit Armies


  • Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Deluxe Edition
  • $2 Humble Wallet for Monthly Subscribers
yeah easy pass for me

bread's done