Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Deals and Discussion Thread


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The Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Thread
Physical media may not be as popular as it was in years past, but that has not stopped it from finding success in more niche areas of the market. In fact, we're seeing so many physical releases, these days, that it has become difficult for even dedicated collectors to keep up with all of them. Many games, usually indie titles, are seeing releases with highly limited prints, regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity or are simply appearing with little notification. The purpose of this thread is to identify, catalogue, discuss and post deals for these releases, in hopes of making information more accessible and supporting the medium.​


Q: tl;dr

A: There are probably games that were released physically that you don't know about. Find them here.

Q: What is the "master list"?

A: The master list is a catalogue of all the games that have been identified here that meet certain criteria that differentiates them from standard, mainstream releases. It offers information regarding regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity, print quantities and more.

Q: What are the criteria? How do you decide which games make the list?

A: For the most part, these will be "smaller" titles that were originally released as digital-only but have been given a physical release. Some exceptions may apply, like if an indie game launches with a physical release, it will likely be listed. Another exception would see a larger title that was only released digitally, for whatever reason, get a limited physical release (example: if Limited Run Games did a print of Fatal Frame V.)

Generally if a game is, as the title says, indie, limited or obscure and has a physical release, you'll see in on the "master list."

Also, the game must be region-free or NTSC-U and in English (subtitles are valid).

Q: Region free or NTSC-U? Doesn't that mean the list is only valid for North American users?

A: This means that every game on the list will be playable on North American consoles, though a few games may have versions that are region-locked on a certain console (this will be noted). Most games are now region free, so if you aren't from the NTSC-U region, it's very likely that the game will work for you. Knowledge of which systems do and don't have region-locking should allow anyone to make use of this list.

Q: What about games for collectors who aren't in the NTSC-U (North American) region or own consoles that can play region-locked games?

A: There may be a separate tab for you guys down the line. One step at a time.

Pre-Orders/Upcoming Releases

Notable Publishers/Distributors


A retailer, located in California, that sells all sorts of limited edition video game merchandise. They occasionally publish physical, indie titles for the PS4.

Limited Run Games

Based in California, Limited Run Games is generally accepted as the company that started the modern trend of releasing physical games in limited quantities. Currently, they publish several games a month but have stated they intend to ramp down. Their games come with collectible, trading cards and are sometimes offered alongside soundtracks, collector's editions and other related merchandise. The two heads of the company are very active on different forums and regularly engage with the community. They currently publish games for the PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch and occasionally the PC.


Play-Asia is an established retailer located in Hong Kong. They are well known for offering a large variety of imported merchandise, including many games that have not seen western releases but have English subtitles. They've recently partnered with eastasiasoft to distribute exclusive and limited, physical releases. These games are often offered with collector's editions which are highly praised for their presentation, content and low prices.

Special Reserve Games

A company based in Texas, Special Reserve Games currently publishes games in limited quantities with no discernible schedule. Their games are frequently offered alongside collector's editions. They also collaborate with Limited Run Games to create variant covers for some of their titles, which are then sold via Limited Run Games' website. They currently publish for the PS4, PS Vita and PC.

Strictly Limited Games

Based in Germany, Strictly Limited Games seems to publish one title a month with varied but highly limited quantities. Collector's editions and soundtracks are sometimes offered alongside game releases. They've published games for the PS4 and PS Vita.

Super Rare Games

Located in London, these guys are relatively new to the limited game market. Similar to Limited Run Games, they include trading cards and stickers with their games. They publish only for the Nintendo Switch and intend to release one game a month.

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Anyone else get their Shantae 1/2 Genie-Hero backer rewards and wanna post their thoughts on it? I just got my platinum pack (coin, OST CD, shirt, lenticular poster, hardcover artbook, and a digital copy of the game) and am pretty disappointed. The lenticular poster is nice but the artbook is kind of a joke- it's basically the same size as the one from the special edition the game launched with, except it has backer exclusive pages and is hardcover. Shirt is pretty cool design, and the CD and coin are just that.

This is not $200 worth of stuff IMO (assuming the game digitally, was $30).
I received mine as well and I think it's super mediocre. There is also no reason it should have taken them this long to deliver given that the art book is as you said pretty much the same as the retail version with a few minor additions. I've definitely cut my crowdfunding campaign support down to almost nothing at this point and this project is just one of the reasons why.

How was your Shantae stuff shipped, UPS, USPS, FedEx? And did you guys get a tracking notice before hand?

Sadly, I'm shocked we got this stuff at all considering how long they took. I also kept my hopes in check, as they hardly ever gave updates or showed pictures, so not surprised the extras ain't anything great(I'll report back once mine arrives). As most places with quality extras, show them all the time during production, pretty much from start to finish, as they are proud of said items. When places don't, that's a red flag for sure.

These guys for sure where more concerned with the game, than the extra's it seems. I backed this as I was a fan of the series, but always wondered why Wayforward needed KS to begin with. I've seen other places that I know can cover the cost, doing KS pretty much so they have no risk, and the fans are now on the line for said situation. Which is fine when you deliver above and beyond, but I don't see them getting these types of funds a second time, especially if most buyers regret the physical items. And if I don't like what they send, I'll be the first to report those issues to new customers if and when they offer another game in this fashion.

I for sure would never back them again, as they just took there time, and didn't really seem all that interested in the physical stuff at all. But I've had great experiences with others, so one bad campaign isn't the end of the world. Just a lesson to be more selective and follow one's own instincts more often than not.

How was your Shantae stuff shipped, UPS, USPS, FedEx? And did you guys get a tracking notice before hand?

Sadly, I'm shocked we got this stuff at all considering how long they took. I also kept my hopes in check, as they hardly ever gave updates or showed pictures, so not surprised the extras ain't anything great(I'll report back once mine arrives). As most places with quality extras, show them all the time during production, pretty much from start to finish, as they are proud of said items. When places don't, that's a red flag for sure.

These guys for sure where more concerned with the game, than the extra's it seems. I backed this as I was a fan of the series, but always wondered why Wayforward needed KS to begin with. I've seen other places that I know can cover the cost, doing KS pretty much so they have no risk, and the fans are now on the line for said situation. Which is fine when you deliver above and beyond, but I don't see them getting these types of funds a second time, especially if most buyers regret the physical items. And if I don't like what they send, I'll be the first to report those issues to new customers if and when they offer another game in this fashion.

I for sure would never back them again, as they just took there time, and didn't really seem all that interested in the physical stuff at all. But I've had great experiences with others, so one bad campaign isn't the end of the world. Just a lesson to be more selective and follow one's own instincts more often than not.
I got an email from LRG, one of those "order confirmation" emails with the tracking (just like you do when an actual LRG order ships). The items were packed well, in a box, and shipped via UPS innovations on Monday. I checked the tracking daily and it showed the 'waiting to be picked up' status every day up to yesterday (Thursday) and this morning, it suddenly showed the entire history and that was out for delivery by USPS. It was weird.

I backed them for the same reasons you did, their games are great and I wanted an actual HD Shantae but I feel like shafted by this- I paid a lot of money to show my support but definitely will hesitate to hack them on anything again. This was made worse by the wait because they kept assuming people it'd be worth it.

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Anyone else get their Shantae 1/2 Genie-Hero backer rewards and wanna post their thoughts on it? I just got my platinum pack (coin, OST CD, shirt, lenticular poster, hardcover artbook, and a digital copy of the game) and am pretty disappointed. The lenticular poster is nice but the artbook is kind of a joke- it's basically the same size as the one from the special edition the game launched with, except it has backer exclusive pages and is hardcover. Shirt is pretty cool design, and the CD and coin are just that.

This is not $200 worth of stuff IMO (assuming the game digitally, was $30).
Welcome to Kickstarters…..

Yeah, I did get a notice mine shipped, just got lost in my gazillion emails. LOL

It's due Monday, so I'll keep an eye out and report back than with my opinions on the items in question.

I backed Shantae kickstarter I was pissed when they just started to give some of the backer exclusive stuff to non backers I could of gotten the Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition for Switch for $40 and get the CD, artbook and all the DLC thanks a lot wayforward 

I didn't back the HGH Kickstarter, but I just want to remark how disappointed I was when I first heard her name pronounced "shon-tay" in-game. I always thought it was as in "sea shanty."

I backed Shantae kickstarter I was pissed when they just started to give some of the backer exclusive stuff to non backers I could of gotten the Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition for Switch for $40 and get the CD, artbook and all the DLC thanks a lot wayforward
Yeah, that pissed me off too. They said we voted on it but I def don't recall any such vote.

Yeah, that pissed me off too. They said we voted on it but I def don't recall any such vote.
Yeah, I don't remember voting either, or ever being asked for that matter, but this campaign took so long from start to finish, anything could have happened. LOL

Yeah, I don't remember voting either, or ever being asked for that matter, but this campaign took so long from start to finish, anything could have happened. LOL

it was in update #104 aug 8 2017

NOTE: We’d like to remind everyone that DLC was created exclusively for Backers at the “$55 and above” Tier. Since then, a lot of you have requested that this be released publicly for those who missed it. At this time, our desire is to keep this content exclusive to those who backed it. However, we’re considering releasing it at some later date, after a lengthy exclusivity period.

We’d really like to hear what you, our Backers, think about this. Please share your opinions in the comments section of our Kickstarter Page.

I think all the stuff looks cool. But not $200 cool.

But that's kickstarter. You never give money expecting your full value in return. Its nice that you get some cool stuff and helped contribute to the game being made. But if you treat kickstarter as an investment strategy you're gonna have a bad time.

I think all the stuff looks cool. But not $200 cool.

But that's kickstarter. You never give money expecting your full value in return. Its nice that you get some cool stuff and helped contribute to the game being made. But if you treat kickstarter as an investment strategy you're gonna have a bad time.
Most well done KS actually have great values compared to what retail will be. Then you have those like this one, where no savings at all is offered, and your paying retail and then some. Which isn't how backers should feel in the end, but it does happen.

Most of the KS I have participated in that had bundles like this, have all been great. As almost everyone gave great value for the items offered, and due to KS exclusive stuff, all had great value over what was originally paid. With a KS like this, I could see from the start the best I could hope for was some form of "retail" value, but once you take ages to ship and the exclusive items are no longer exclusives, retail value becomes a pipe dream and that's what happened here. As I had to pay retail for everything and after the wait, I can get all items cheaper if I had waited. This is not the way to treat KS pledgers.

If all this stuff was exclusive, even if you may not see $200 worth of stuff(which it wasn't), you could still sell it for what you paid and then some. So then the delay and lack of quality isn't that big of a deal, because at least you can say you made money for your troubles. The Muv-Luv I'm waiting on would be a perfect example of this done right, as it's been delayed, and while I don't know what the end quality will be, there are tons of items exclusive to the KS where I know I can sell that set for double what I paid, EASY! LOL So no real risk, unless it doesn't ship for some reason.

The new Sense Cyberpunk campaign is another one with no value at all, and I knew that before I pledged. I was OK with the possible burn and huge gamble, as Cyberpunk games don't happen often, and this one look worthy of support. If a Shantae situation happens again, I'm OK with that. As I rarely if ever end up on the short side of KS, so a risk here and there is fine. That's why I'm not to bent out of shape for the Shantae issues others may be having, but Wayforward is for sure on my "No KS List" from this point "forward". LOL

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Sounds like a lot of people don't understand what Kickstarter is.
I think all the stuff looks cool. But not $200 cool.

But that's kickstarter. You never give money expecting your full value in return. Its nice that you get some cool stuff and helped contribute to the game being made. But if you treat kickstarter as an investment strategy you're gonna have a bad time.
I think we all knew the risks of KS by the time this campaign went live... there'd had already been a number of high profile KS scams/flops by the time this campaign. But this was being done by a reputable company and one I wanted to support so I figured they'd do a better job than this.

I also dumped a lot of money on Shenmue III. I never cared for the games and never understand the following but man oh man, both the fans and Yu Suzuki's passion are amazing that I actually wanna see the game happen.

I also dumped a lot of money on Shenmue III. I never cared for the games and never understand the following but man oh man, both the fans and Yu Suzuki's passion are amazing that I actually wanna see the game happen.
LOL, the reasons you gave is exactly why I avoided this campaign. I couldn't stand the game, and really didn't get the push for III, so I steered cleared of this with a passion. I also didn't think it would arrive in my lifetime, so that may have been another reason why I avoided it.

With Severed on Thursday and the LRG releases on Friday, it is going to be an expensive couple of days!
Agreed. I've been pretty conservative on LRG purchases lately but with my desire to get Severed, Everspace, and Exile, I'm really hoping the mystery game is something I actually don't want.

Nothing for me from this week (unless that LRG mystery game ends up being Fez or something else I really want). I played enough Exile from the PS+ freebie for the Vita to know it's unpolished and really not a great game at all. Severed... that was PS+ too I think. I'm fine just having it digital. Everspace... I don't think its for me.

I also dumped a lot of money on Shenmue III. I never cared for the games and never understand the following but man oh man, both the fans and Yu Suzuki's passion are amazing that I actually wanna see the game happen.
As one of the huge fans of Shenmue (it's pretty easily my favorite game series of all time). Getting deep into the game it really starts to feel like you are living this other life because of how much detail there is. Playing it in December is pretty perfect since it matches up the typical weather and holidays in game and it makes it that much more immersive. I did back the Kickstarter (my first one ever) and it was worth it because Yu Suzuki is the mastermind of the game series and this was his life long passion project... so it's in the right hands. I didn't go for all the extra crap... just a physical copy for PS4 and I'm good.

I can totally understand people not wanting to get involved with the series when it was incomplete. Hopefully with it done and the other two games getting ported, people will open their minds a bit and give it another chance. It's just not the kind of game you rush through to finish... it's more for people that love to explore and really enjoy the game world, solve mysteries, fight, goof off, and so on.

Just noticed has OXENFREE (Nintendo Switch) for pre-order starting 8/3/2018.

Even though I bought a digital copy from eShop for $4.99, I might also order a physical cartridge as well...

Anyone else get their Shantae 1/2 Genie-Hero backer rewards and wanna post their thoughts on it? I just got my platinum pack (coin, OST CD, shirt, lenticular poster, hardcover artbook, and a digital copy of the game) and am pretty disappointed. The lenticular poster is nice but the artbook is kind of a joke- it's basically the same size as the one from the special edition the game launched with, except it has backer exclusive pages and is hardcover. Shirt is pretty cool design, and the CD and coin are just that.

This is not $200 worth of stuff IMO (assuming the game digitally, was $30).
My stuff just arrived today, and yeah, this is $50 worth of stuff at best. This art book is a HUGE disappointment, especially when you consider the full size ones that are often a part of CE's now a days. The 3D picture is really nice, but still not $200 nice, as I would have rather just paid for this on it's own. As it's really the only nice unique item that was offered.

This is really the first bundle set I have received where I felt "ripped off" from a KS, and I had pretty low expectations from the start. I'm still glad I supported the project, as it was mostly to see that the game was made, and paying above and beyond for stuff like this, is how that happens. Was all the funds put to good use, who can say? As I have stated, Wayforward is for sure on my "no fly list" going forward, but I still plan to support KS for stuff like this, as I have personally had great experiences in the past.

I only ever had one campaign that didn't deliver, and I got a "credit" for that situation, so it was far from a total loss. And this was the first campaign that delivered, and I was less than thrilled about what was offered. So over many years, my track record has been very good, but I will continue to size up each campaign going forward and act accordingly. Also, thanks to LRG for handling the shipping, as once again my box was pretty beat up, but the contents arrived in great shape. As I have had several "damaged" items from KS over the years, so proper packing is always great when it happens.

Upcoming limited releases for the next several days:

July 26th:
Severed - Play-Asia - 11:00 AM EST (Limited)

July 27th:
Everspace - Limited Run Games - 10:00 AM EST (Open Pre-Order)
Exiles End -  Limited Run Games - 10:00 AM EST (Limited)
Mystery Game - Limited Run Games - 10:00 AM EST (Open Pre-Order)

July 28th:
Steredden - Strictly Limited Games -  6:00 PM EST (Limited)

As one of the huge fans of Shenmue (it's pretty easily my favorite game series of all time). Getting deep into the game it really starts to feel like you are living this other life because of how much detail there is. Playing it in December is pretty perfect since it matches up the typical weather and holidays in game and it makes it that much more immersive. I did back the Kickstarter (my first one ever) and it was worth it because Yu Suzuki is the mastermind of the game series and this was his life long passion project... so it's in the right hands. I didn't go for all the extra crap... just a physical copy for PS4 and I'm good.
My brother loves the series, he even imported the European release of Shenmue II on Dreamcast (long before the Xbox port). I wanted to give the games another go but just couldn't get used to the controls. I'm glad they're getting a PS4 release, gonna def give it another go.

Also, as someone who acknowledges that graphics aren't everything, I still find technical aspects of games super impressive. I thought the Saturn version of Shenmue was absolutely amazing- they had some talent people working on that game.

My stuff just arrived today, and yeah, this is $50 worth of stuff at best. This art book is a HUGE disappointment, especially when you consider the full size ones that are often a part of CE's now a days. The 3D picture is really nice, but still not $200 nice, as I would have rather just paid for this on it's own. As it's really the only nice unique item that was offered.

This is really the first bundle set I have received where I felt "ripped off" from a KS, and I had pretty low expectations from the start. I'm still glad I supported the project, as it was mostly to see that the game was made, and paying above and beyond for stuff like this, is how that happens. Was all the funds put to good use, who can say? As I have stated, Wayforward is for sure on my "no fly list" going forward, but I still plan to support KS for stuff like this, as I have personally had great experiences in the past.

I only ever had one campaign that didn't deliver, and I got a "credit" for that situation, so it was far from a total loss. And this was the first campaign that delivered, and I was less than thrilled about what was offered. So over many years, my track record has been very good, but I will continue to size up each campaign going forward and act accordingly. Also, thanks to LRG for handling the shipping, as once again my box was pretty beat up, but the contents arrived in great shape. As I have had several "damaged" items from KS over the years, so proper packing is always great when it happens.
Well... if it's any consolation, by my count, only about 1,000 of those artbooks were made based on backers- so we can feel special about that. But I wouldn't be surprised if Wayforward pulls another fast one on us and say "due to fan feedback, we decided to release a better artbook with all the KS exclusive stuff bc they said it was ok during some vote somewhere".

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Shipping not free anymore?

Finally showed free after 5 minutes. They got some folks I’m guessing.
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I bought Severed this morning with the hope it has a new trophy list. I have looked everywhere and found no confirmation of a new list but most of Play-asia releases have had a separate trophy list. Fingers crossed this is the case. I would really enjoy playing the game again and earning another platinum for this release.

I bought Severed this morning with the hope it has a new trophy list. I have looked everywhere and found no confirmation of a new list but most of Play-asia releases have had a separate trophy list. Fingers crossed this is the case. I would really enjoy playing the game again and earning another platinum for this release.
Unlikely--most (if not all) of those Play-Asia releases with separate trophy lists were games by eastasiasoft.

Unlikely--most (if not all) of those Play-Asia releases with separate trophy lists were games by eastasiasoft.
That is not entirely true. Sir Eats Alot, Reverie, Unepic, One More Dungeon, Bleed, Bleed 2 all have separate trophy lists in NA and AS. That is the reason I bought these specific releases. There are others releases with separate trophy lists that I did not buy also.

Eastasiasoft is a publisher and a game developer. The games they developed are Rainbow Skies, Lost Sea, Rainbow Moon and the Söldner-X.

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That is not entirely true. Sir Eats Alot, Reverie, Unepic, One More Dungeon, Bleed, Bleed 2 all have separate trophy lists in NA and AS. That is the reason I bought these specific releases. There are others releases with separate trophy lists that I did not buy also.

Eastasiasoft is a publisher and a game developer. The games they developed are Rainbow Skies, Lost Sea, Rainbow Moon and the Söldner-X.
My mistake, thanks for pointing that out.

It couldn't hurt to ask Play-Asia on Twitter if their release of Severed has a separate trophy list, as they tend to be quite responsive there. Full disclosure: I'd buy a copy if they confirmed a separate list.

My mistake, thanks for pointing that out.

It couldn't hurt to ask Play-Asia on Twitter if their release of Severed has a separate trophy list, as they tend to be quite responsive there. Full disclosure: I'd buy a copy if they confirmed a separate list.
Many people have asked them on Twitter but they have not responded.

I even DMed eastasiasoft and they didn't reply to my message.

It seems to be a mystery at this time with lots of speculation either way.

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Was going to skip this game, but then I listened to the soundtrack just now.  Holy crap that thing is banging!  Insta-bought the Steredenn soundtrack bundle.

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Not a bad retail release for Salt & Sanctuary on Switch:


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bread's done