Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Deals and Discussion Thread


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The Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Thread
Physical media may not be as popular as it was in years past, but that has not stopped it from finding success in more niche areas of the market. In fact, we're seeing so many physical releases, these days, that it has become difficult for even dedicated collectors to keep up with all of them. Many games, usually indie titles, are seeing releases with highly limited prints, regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity or are simply appearing with little notification. The purpose of this thread is to identify, catalogue, discuss and post deals for these releases, in hopes of making information more accessible and supporting the medium.​


Q: tl;dr

A: There are probably games that were released physically that you don't know about. Find them here.

Q: What is the "master list"?

A: The master list is a catalogue of all the games that have been identified here that meet certain criteria that differentiates them from standard, mainstream releases. It offers information regarding regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity, print quantities and more.

Q: What are the criteria? How do you decide which games make the list?

A: For the most part, these will be "smaller" titles that were originally released as digital-only but have been given a physical release. Some exceptions may apply, like if an indie game launches with a physical release, it will likely be listed. Another exception would see a larger title that was only released digitally, for whatever reason, get a limited physical release (example: if Limited Run Games did a print of Fatal Frame V.)

Generally if a game is, as the title says, indie, limited or obscure and has a physical release, you'll see in on the "master list."

Also, the game must be region-free or NTSC-U and in English (subtitles are valid).

Q: Region free or NTSC-U? Doesn't that mean the list is only valid for North American users?

A: This means that every game on the list will be playable on North American consoles, though a few games may have versions that are region-locked on a certain console (this will be noted). Most games are now region free, so if you aren't from the NTSC-U region, it's very likely that the game will work for you. Knowledge of which systems do and don't have region-locking should allow anyone to make use of this list.

Q: What about games for collectors who aren't in the NTSC-U (North American) region or own consoles that can play region-locked games?

A: There may be a separate tab for you guys down the line. One step at a time.

Pre-Orders/Upcoming Releases

Notable Publishers/Distributors


A retailer, located in California, that sells all sorts of limited edition video game merchandise. They occasionally publish physical, indie titles for the PS4.

Limited Run Games

Based in California, Limited Run Games is generally accepted as the company that started the modern trend of releasing physical games in limited quantities. Currently, they publish several games a month but have stated they intend to ramp down. Their games come with collectible, trading cards and are sometimes offered alongside soundtracks, collector's editions and other related merchandise. The two heads of the company are very active on different forums and regularly engage with the community. They currently publish games for the PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch and occasionally the PC.


Play-Asia is an established retailer located in Hong Kong. They are well known for offering a large variety of imported merchandise, including many games that have not seen western releases but have English subtitles. They've recently partnered with eastasiasoft to distribute exclusive and limited, physical releases. These games are often offered with collector's editions which are highly praised for their presentation, content and low prices.

Special Reserve Games

A company based in Texas, Special Reserve Games currently publishes games in limited quantities with no discernible schedule. Their games are frequently offered alongside collector's editions. They also collaborate with Limited Run Games to create variant covers for some of their titles, which are then sold via Limited Run Games' website. They currently publish for the PS4, PS Vita and PC.

Strictly Limited Games

Based in Germany, Strictly Limited Games seems to publish one title a month with varied but highly limited quantities. Collector's editions and soundtracks are sometimes offered alongside game releases. They've published games for the PS4 and PS Vita.

Super Rare Games

Located in London, these guys are relatively new to the limited game market. Similar to Limited Run Games, they include trading cards and stickers with their games. They publish only for the Nintendo Switch and intend to release one game a month.

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Apparently Cat Quest 2 is being released in a dualpack with the first Cat Quest at a lower $29.99 MSRP:
According to JP Switchmania, both are on cart

And....pqube just replied to my tweet to confirm
And...... preordered! What a great price. Thanks for posting this and thanks for confirming it's all on the cart.

I have Cat Quest on cart from it's launch (back when there was the Prime discount)... so I don't really need a compilation like this, but I've been waiting for 2 to get a physical release before buying. So, maybe I'll sell CQ1 off at some point since it was already somewhat rare and has held it's value pretty good. I'll wait till this is out and I'm sure it works great and everything before parting with the original. Cat Quest was such a fun experience. Love the story, puns, and the overall game world was fun to explore.

Yeah re-releases that are better value generally kill the original's value. Sell that Cat Quest ASAP to get the most value.

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Exactly. Unless you're a fullsetter, there's no need to hang on. I'm having trouble getting rid of my Guacamelee PS4 since the two-punch collection came out. Similar for the FFX HD remasters for PS3.... yeesh. I paid out the ass for the square enix limited edition. Never again.

I don't mind taking the risk and holding it.  Worst case if I do sell it I don't make as much back.  If there's some issue with CQ1 on the cart and it needs a patch, then I'll just keep the original because it's easily one of my favorite indie games this gen.  It's a challenging yet still remarkably chill experience.

Also: PS4 collecting (and PS3 for that matter) is different than Nintendo.  Not a lot holds value there until way later when the system is long dead and complete copies are mega rare (or highly desirable) and only certain genre matters as well as packaging style.  Like Castlevania SotN original black box release versus the cheaper green greatest hits.

Nintendo stuff also tends to follow waves where it comes back in value later, but it tends to hold value longer during it's actual life before dipping a lot.  Also complete copies tend to hold value unless the game is just not desirable at all.  Like a lot of sports and licensed games end up being the cheapest games to buy unless the license is strong and the game is excellent.  Even compilation stuff like the GBA Castlevania Double Pack didn't kill the value of Castlevania HoD and Aria of Sorrow.

If the print run of this Cat Quest compilation is low and it runs out of stock it'll do like the original release and hold value really well and possibly go up.  In the end, I love this series enough to possibly just hold on to CQ1 out of pure love for it rather than sell it on even if the compilation is pur-fect.

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I generally don't buy games to hope for the best value. I am more of the style of beating games and selling/giving them to my sis or donating if the value is nothing. That's just me though. I don't really replay super long games (like a lot of RPGs). I am a sucker for rogue and rougelite games though.

Cat Quest isn’t a super long game. I beat it in a week or something and explored every thing doing every quest I could find. It will be a joy to replay it. Most games though are once and done and I move on. But I don’t like to buy physical just to resell later when I’m done because it ends up a huge job to picture, list, ship, and deal with customers. So I’m being very picky about what I buy physical with most games being keepers. Never would have considered selling Cat Quest if not for this compilation.
SISTERS ROYALE - SLG Editions on sale Saturday, February 22, 2020 6:00PM EST 2nd batch 12:00PM Sunday at

Strictly Limited edition will feature a stunning cover artwork and individual numbering! The Five Sisters Under Fire Edition is

limited to 2500 Nintendo Switch copies and 1500 PS4 copies DLC on Cart and Disc

worldwide and both versions will be available for the price of 29.99€.

The Collector's Edition is limited to only 1500 copies (Switch) and 999 copies (PS4)

worldwide and will be available for the very affordable price of 49,99€ (Switch/PS4) .

Sisters Royale - I'm being Harassed by Five Sisters and it Sucks Collector's Edition, which includes the following...

  • Hardcover CE Box /w Magnetic Latch
  • Individually Numbered Game 
  • Hardcover Artbook /w Lovely Culture
  • Official CD Soundtrack 
  •  6 Character Cards Royale
  • A Fierce and Cutesy Poster
  • Two Stickersheets /w Lots of Line Stamps
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SLG confirmed to me that their version of Sisters Royale will be fully-patched and all DLC on cart/disc

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Nobody here hyped for world of goo? That's one of my top wants. And did I read it was in hand and not a preorder?
I was interested in World of Goo and Octahedron. I thought shipping would be cheaper if I bundled them together and while it is I just can't justify the price right now. Both games with shipping is $80. I've only bought one game from SRG, SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, mainly because I am a huge fan of he Steamworld series. I am still thinking about these two but I will probably pass due to cost right now.

Nobody here hyped for world of goo? That's one of my top wants. And did I read it was in hand and not a preorder?
Yes, though the steelbook version is delayed a few weeks for production issues. This was one of the first indie games I fell in love with, still listen to the soundtrack when I work. Main reason I picked it up was out of gratitude for 2D Boys great work.
Physically? Isn't that the whole point of these threads?
Well yeah, but I feel some of the value comes from not having a low value game physically for a higher price that is 12 years old, but that's just my thinking. I mean cool if you really want some plastic, though I do like steelbooks.

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Well yeah, but I feel some of the value comes from not having a low value game physically for a higher price that is 12 years old, but that's just my thinking. I mean cool if you really want some plastic, though I do like steelbooks.
For me, value comes much more from the quality of the game itself rather than what the publisher charges for it digitally. A great game that I'll likely still want to play years into the future is worth buying physically no matter how cheap I can get it otherwise. I'm not super interested in the resale value of my games. I mean it's nice and all, but in order to access that value you need to actually sell them and selling them is work.
Anyone played Sisters Royale? It's got such middling reviews online that I decided to grab it digitally to try before the sale today. That... is not a very good shmup. It screams low quality at every junction.

Sent from my Razer Phone 2 using Tapatalk
Anyone played Sisters Royale? It's got such middling reviews online that I decided to grab it digitally to try before the sale today. That... is not a very good shmup. It screams low quality at every junction.

Sent from my Razer Phone 2 using Tapatalk

Everything I've read about is well.....its a game. Not a terrible one but not a very good one either. I'll get it digitally one day when there is a sale going on but that's it. From what I've seen of it there are too many other games I'm more interested in to worry about this one.

SISTERS ROYALE - SLG Editions on sale Saturday, February 22, 2020 6:00PM EST 2nd batch 12:00PM Sunday at

Strictly Limited edition will feature a stunning cover artwork and individual numbering! The Five Sisters Under Fire Edition is

limited to 2500 Nintendo Switch copies and 1500 PS4 copies DLC on Cart and Disc

worldwide and both versions will be available for the price of 29.99€.

The Collector's Edition is limited to only 1500 copies (Switch) and 999 copies (PS4)

worldwide and will be available for the very affordable price of 49,99€ (Switch/PS4) .

Sisters Royale - I'm being Harassed by Five Sisters and it Sucks Collector's Edition, which includes the following...

  • Hardcover CE Box /w Magnetic Latch
  • Individually Numbered Game
  • Hardcover Artbook /w Lovely Culture
  • Official CD Soundtrack
  • 6 Character Cards Royale
  • A Fierce and Cutesy Poster
  • Two Stickersheets /w Lots of Line Stamps

SISTERS ROYALE - SLG Editions on sale Saturday, February 22, 2020 6:00PM EST 2nd batch 12:00PM Sunday at

Strictly Limited edition will feature a stunning cover artwork and individual numbering! The Five Sisters Under Fire Edition is

limited to 2500 Nintendo Switch copies and 1500 PS4 copies DLC on Cart and Disc

worldwide and both versions will be available for the price of 29.99€.

The Collector's Edition is limited to only 1500 copies (Switch) and 999 copies (PS4)

worldwide and will be available for the very affordable price of 49,99€ (Switch/PS4) .

Sisters Royale - I'm being Harassed by Five Sisters and it Sucks Collector's Edition, which includes the following...

  • Hardcover CE Box /w Magnetic Latch
  • Individually Numbered Game
  • Hardcover Artbook /w Lovely Culture
  • Official CD Soundtrack
  • 6 Character Cards Royale
  • A Fierce and Cutesy Poster
  • Two Stickersheets /w Lots of Line Stamps

Cat Quest and Cat Quest 2 Pawsome Bundle is up for preorder a BB, if you still have GCU and were waiting for it to show up there.

Hell Warders and Black Future '88 are also up for preorder at BB now too if you were waiting for those.

Read about the game's history, and you'll see why.
I don't want to ruin anything. I watched a short video and liked what I saw. So I'll give it a shot.

Always on the look out for games like this. I'm getting tired of bigger mainstream games, and indie games with retro graphics. Hard to find a good medium ground.

It's only peripherally related, but Analogue is doing a final run of their NT-mini console. This will likely be the last time it is produced. Anyone interested will probably want to get a pre-order in quickly.

Sadly, it is still being sold for $500. As much as I salivate over that thing, I just can't push myself to spend that much. I already acquired a Super NT and a Mega SG without spending that much. (and the Pocket is due out sometime this year as well) As much as I want an NT-mini, it's just out of my range.

For those in a similar situation to me, there will most likely be other options in the future. While we are getting this final NT-mini production, there are rumors that Analogue will release a new NES-focused console sometime in the future that mimics what has been done with the Super NT and Mega SG. (and would presumably be more affordable, as those consoles are) One of the biggest actual draws of the original NT-mini is actually the Famicom data port on the back. That's a feature that probably wouldn't show up in future versions, and allows the NT-mini to be fully compatible with all import Japanese famicom hardware. (like the Famicom Disk System) Missing out on this re-release will likely mean missing out on that feature.

Thankfully, the analog support of the NT-mini has already been supplanted by the DAC adapter. So Super NT and Mega SG owners can now use Super Scopes or Menacers with their legacy light-gun games, and can do so without breaking the bank.

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but the NT mini looks lovely!
It's an extremely attractive system, with clean, industrial design. And it is basically the new gold-standard for retro reproductions. It has everything from a Famicom-Disk-System port to analog video output. (for light gun games) It can literally play any and all NES and Famicom titles without fail. It even has a microphone port for supporting Famicom games that required the built-in microphone on the original controller. (like the original FDS-version of the Legend of Zelda)

This is retro 8-bit gaming with zero compromises. I have their subsequent Super NES and Genesis repros, and I can say from personal experience that their FPGA approach is second to none. It gives you the best visuals, the best audio, and the best customization, hands down. The only thing keeping me from leaping on this thing is the price tag. As enthusiastic as I am, $500 is too rich for my blood. I'm hoping we get a plastic 8-bit version of this down the line. I already have the DAC they released, and it is compatible with both their subsequent systems, so I can still get a sizable amount of functionality.

Anyone have experience with Super Rare's customer service? I ordered Steamworld from them but got sent Smoke and Sacrifice instead. I sent off an email already, just wondering if they're usually pretty good about fixing this stuff or if they'll try to charge me for return shipping or restocking or anything like that.
Got my Vasara order for SRG yesterday.  It came with an acrylic? (not sure of the material) art card that wasn't originally mentioned under the contents, which was a nice bonus.

Got my Vasara order for SRG yesterday. It came with an acrylic? (not sure of the material) art card that wasn't originally mentioned under the contents, which was a nice bonus.
that something that they are giving to orders that had a delay I got one with slaps and beans and got one with my ultra core CE order

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I got PS4 UltraCore from SLG and it was opened not sealed. I sent them a ticket and they replied they're were many PS4 copies that left unsealed/new. Then why ship them! Do they not have packing QC?

My PS4 Ultracore CE wasn't sealed. Not a big deal as I was going to open anyway. Switch version was sealed but both coasters or whatever are very scratched up. 

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that something that they are giving to orders that had a delay I got one with slaps and beans and got one with my ultra core CE order
Yea, that's what I figured since I also got an extra postcard apologizing for the delay and stuff. It's still a decent thing to offer, especially if you consider that LRG would've likely done nothing, but tweet an apology and Josh responding to some responses justifying the delay.

bread's done