Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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I seen it somewhere this morning, but I don't remember where. There's a Japanese twitter post from Sega that shows an employee laying on a desk with their arms making an X and there's a cardboard box between them implying "Xbox".
Rocket League plus $10 coupon at no cost? There's always a price to pay for something "free"...


Not sure I buy that happening, Japan doesn't really like the Xbox branding very much.
At least at the time of the original Xbox release, Sega was deeply tied to Microsoft. Going as far as cloning the original Xbox hardware for their arcade hardware (the Sega Chihiro is a nearly exact clone of the Xbox). And in the other direction, Microsoft took heavy design cues from Sega on almost every aspect of the Xbox. Of course, the Sega-Microsoft partnership goes back further: the Dreamcast itself had already run a Microsoft Windows CE DirectX SDK.

Since then, the Sega ties have remained very deep, and I'm only surprised the acquisition hasn't already happened by now.

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At least at the time of the original Xbox release, Sega was deeply tied to Microsoft. Going as far as cloning the original Xbox hardware for their arcade hardware (the Sega Chihiro is a nearly exact clone of the Xbox). And in the other direction, Microsoft took heavy design cues from Sega on almost every aspect of the Xbox. Of course, the Sega-Microsoft partnership goes back further: the Dreamcast itself had already run a Microsoft Windows CE DirectX SDK.

Since then, the Sega ties have remained very deep, and I'm only surprised the acquisition hasn't already happened by now.
I wouldn't call those ties very deep, Sega still releases more exclusives for Sony than Microsoft. The main reason the Sega/Microsoft relationship happened at all back in the 6th generation was because Microsoft was trying so hard to break into the Japanese market with their brand new excursion into the console business. Microsoft was courting every Japanese publisher who would give them the time of day. But Japan is fairly xenophobic when it comes to the products it buys—obviously there are major exceptions, but despite Microsoft's best efforts during the 6th and 7th generation, and many Japanese publishers getting on board, the Japanese public just never gave any Xbox the time of day, they literally sold worse than the Vita there—maybe even the Wii U. They seem to have largely given up during the 8th generation, and while I could see them making another attempt, they've got virtually no market share whatever over there, and buying Sega wouldn't be enough to change that.

Thing is: how would the audience in Japan react to this? If M$ bought SEGA, would a lot of the Japanese audience just suddenly flip from Playstation to Xbox for next-gen consoles? Or would they even entertain the thought of buying both console platforms?
As I've attempted to explain so far in my last couple posts, the Japanese audience would respond by ignoring the fact that Microsoft has a gaming console, the exact same way they've done every time Microsoft has tried to establish the Xbox brand in Japan. There were some fairly highly regarded Japanese-developed Xbox-exclusives in the 6th and 7th generations, and Xboxes still sold like crap in Japan. One medium-sized Japanese publisher that's been pretty inconsistent in delivering quality titles over most of its existence isn't going to change that. Even if Atlus was included in the deal (I'm pretty sure they're owned by SEGA's parent company, not SEGA themselves), it still wouldn't make a difference, and if Microsoft has learned anything from its previous experiences in Japan, they wouldn't even try to enforce any kind of exclusivity on any SEGA or Atlus titles in Japan, they wouldn't make any money.
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That seems crazy... but I suspect it would be cheaper than ZeniMax as I don't think Sega has to many studios... Just an impressive catalog of games.

That catalog would be a big boom to Game Pass.
Not to mention they get atlus in the deal more than likely that will be huge.

I seen it somewhere this morning, but I don't remember where. There's a Japanese twitter post from Sega that shows an employee laying on a desk with their arms making an X and there's a cardboard box between them implying "Xbox".
That's just a joke image that along with a few others started circulating after the sonic themed blue xbox controller announcement.

I wouldn't call those ties very deep, Sega still releases more exclusives for Sony than Microsoft. The main reason the Sega/Microsoft relationship happened at all back in the 6th generation was because Microsoft was trying so hard to break into the Japanese market with their brand new excursion into the console business. Microsoft was courting every Japanese publisher who would give them the time of day. But Japan is fairly xenophobic when it comes to the products it buys—obviously there are major exceptions, but despite Microsoft's best efforts during the 6th and 7th generation, and many Japanese publishers getting on board, the Japanese public just never gave any Xbox the time of day, they literally sold worse than the Vita there—maybe even the Wii U. They seem to have largely given up during the 8th generation, and while I could see them making another attempt, they've got virtually no market share whatever over there, and buying Sega wouldn't be enough to change that.

As I've attempted to explain so far in my last couple posts, the Japanese audience would respond by ignoring the fact that Microsoft has a gaming console, the exact same way they've done every time Microsoft has tried to establish the Xbox brand in Japan. There were some fairly highly regarded Japanese-developed Xbox-exclusives in the 6th and 7th generations, and Xboxes still sold like crap in Japan. One medium-sized Japanese publisher that's been pretty inconsistent in delivering quality titles over most of its existence isn't going to change that. Even if Atlus was included in the deal (I'm pretty sure they're owned by SEGA's parent company, not SEGA themselves), it still wouldn't make a difference, and if Microsoft has learned anything from its previous experiences in Japan, they wouldn't even try to enforce any kind of exclusivity on any SEGA or Atlus titles in Japan, they wouldn't make any money.
Yeah that makes sense . In theory if they had sega jump back into the console game they could just release their stuff on segas version of the xbox there and that would at least skirt the xenophobic stuff a bit.

I wouldn't call those ties very deep, Sega still releases more exclusives for Sony than Microsoft. The main reason the Sega/Microsoft relationship happened at all back in the 6th generation was because Microsoft was trying so hard to break into the Japanese market with their brand new excursion into the console business. Microsoft was courting every Japanese publisher who would give them the time of day. But Japan is fairly xenophobic when it comes to the products it buys
That's not remotely true. Isao Okawa travelled to visit Bill Gates at Microsoft many times to try to get him to include Dreamcast compatibility in the Xbox. It was very much a move by Okawa to try to transition the Dreamcast audience onto the Xbox platform. Sega went to Microsoft, not the other way around. And ultimately Microsoft turned them down because of the network features, leading to some hurt words from Okawa briefly in the media, but not hurting the relationship in the long term, with Sega putting out a bunch of exclusives and remasters of Dreamcast games on the Xbox and, as I mentioned, building its entire product line around the Xbox with Chihiro cloning the Xbox hardware.

I think the word you're looking for is more ethnocentrism than xenophobia. Although certainly the two often go hand in hand, I wouldn't accuse a Japanese person of xenophobia simply because they prefer Japanese games.

There are also, by the way, domestic business reasons why Xbox fails in Japan. There are very tight domestic regulations on business that make it extremely hard for any foreign firm to operate in Japan. It's not at all just about market tastes, it's also about complex protectionist business regulations that one could easily argue are designed specifically to make it hard for foreign firms to succeed in Japan, and are very good at accomplishing that goal.

I would say, however, there is quite a lot of domestic pride, and many of Okawa's statements referenced that pride in regards to why Sega was maintaining an independent status when it seemed to all outside observers like a Microsoft acquisition would be a very natural move.

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Muh Lenovo Ideapad 330 laptop died after only about two years.  Only used it for work but I might consider a semi-gaming laptop this Black Friday assuming the pricing of whatever the mobile equivalent of an AMD 580 or similar Nividia are driven down by current tech.

Muh Lenovo Ideapad 330 laptop died after only about two years. Only used it for work but I might consider a semi-gaming laptop this Black Friday assuming the pricing of whatever the mobile equivalent of an AMD 580 or similar Nividia are driven down by current tech.
Can I interest you in a lapizza top? Buy it now and I'll throw in some cheesy bread and marinara for free


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Sega has been doing such an improved job with their software development in recent years.  Everyone should check out Vanquish if you haven't.  That was an excellent game and goes on sale quite frequently for five bucks. 

Trying to make Yakuza into a Microsoft exclusive would be a complete death sentence for those studios though lmao. That would be like EA levels of bad where they acquire new studios just to let them fail. 

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The quality of that build is on par with the quality of Little Caesars pizza.

Wait. I have another:

Fake picture. There is no Little Caesars box that wasn't completely destroyed by their greasy pizza such that anything placed in it would not just fall out the bottom.

..okay. And if I'm being honest? I seriously love Little Caesar's Pizza. :( Shameful.
I'm actually around today to try to get Serious Sam 3 key... and the website isn't loading. 

Stupid bots.

I didn't need it anyways.

I kind of surprised most of you don't have SS3 by now.  Think it's been bundled multiple times and/or 90% off on Steam.  Definitely worth it... especially since SS4 has turned out to be trash.

Little Caesars is the most aptly-named of the chains. John isn't my Papa, Pizza Hut buildings aren't huts, I don't know what the fuck a Sbarro is, and Domino's stores don't topple over as easily as the name implies. But I'll be damned if I don't want to stab Little Caesars cooks in the back for making such shitty food.

Not that I would do that. Probably slip and fall down on all the grease before even getting close.

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Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Konami Collector's Series: Castlevania & Contra are now available on GOG:

Awesome to see all of this stuff get re-released on GOG.

Also, everyone be aware - the Konami Castlevania and Contra Collection now on GOG is the old one from retail, which came out in the early 2000's. I have that from retail on disc.

The newer Anniversary Collections for Contra and Castlevania on Steam have all of those games in that old collection version and also some others that weren't on PC before and some Japanese versions of these games from arcade too - i.e. Kid Dracula, Super Castlevania, Contra 3, etc.

Let's hope Konami brings more of the MGS games (especially the ones not on the PC - i.e. MGS3 and 4) and Silent Hill games (especially ones not on the PC - i.e. Downpour, Origins, etc) over to the PC on Steam and GOG too.

that's a very weird collection to have considering the other collections they have
That's the OLD Castlevania/Contra collection from early 2000's, which was sold on retail. I have this one, BTW. This time, though - no disc DRM here on GOG version.

Hopefully, Konami brings the newer Castlevania and Contra Collections that are on Steam (with more titles) over to the PC also.

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Konami puts the least amount of effort possible into their gaming back catalog. This seems like they sent an intern down to the basement to grab whatever pc compatible software they could find to make a little scratch, garage sale style.
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Konami puts the least amount of effort possible into their gaming back catalog. This seems like they sent an intern down to the basement to grab whatever pc compatible software they could find to make a little scratch, garage sale style.
This is still better than nothing. At least this stuff's easy to find and back in print so-to-speak, all over on GOG.

Don't really have to go EBay hunting to find old disc-copies of MGS1 PC and MGS2 PC anymore.

I do hope this start on GOG here leads to more ports of the better collections that are on Steam (i.e. Castlevania Steam Collection and Contra Steam Collection), to be brought over to GOG. They'd probably have to also make sure it works w/ Galaxy and get Achievements going - since Steam-versions do have Achievements.

Would love to see more MGS and SH games be ported to PC also; especially the ones missing on PC.

Your positivity and glass-half-full mentality is refreshing, MysterD. I see your point that "it's better than nothing", but these games deserve the very best in optimization/remastering/polish for their re-releases and I cannot see that ever happening or it'll take the modding community to get it done. Unless something drastic happens to Konami's upper management, they'll continue to just shit on the gamers who love their IPs. I still wake up sweating and shaking my head in disbelief that Silent Hills was unceremoniously dumped. I'd LOVED to be proved wrong, but as always, hope in one hand, shit in the other. See which fills up first.

Your positivity and glass-half-full mentality is refreshing, MysterD. I see your point that "it's better than nothing", but these games deserve the very best in optimization/remastering/polish for their re-releases and I cannot see that ever happening or it'll take the modding community to get it done. Unless something drastic happens to Konami's upper management, they'll continue to just shit on the gamers who love their IPs. I still wake up sweating and shaking my head in disbelief that Silent Hills was unceremoniously dumped. I'd LOVED to be proved wrong, but as always, hope in one hand, shit in the other. See which fills up first.
Remind me never to shake your hand.
Your positivity and glass-half-full mentality is refreshing, MysterD. I see your point that "it's better than nothing", but these games deserve the very best in optimization/remastering/polish for their re-releases and I cannot see that ever happening or it'll take the modding community to get it done.
What they are doing here: well, it's a start.

I'm sure it didn't take much to get these going, as these ports already existed and modders have already tinkered away at these.

Modders already fixed MGS1 and MGS2 long ago.

MGS 1 -

MGS 2 -

Hopefully, fan patches and widescreen fixes still work.

Plus, these two for MGS1 and MGS2 - no Achievements existed, back in the day. So, it's probably as simple as make sure these still exist in the attic on some CD/DVD's or something; make sure these masters work; and ship 'em off to GOG...or let GOG fix 'em up. [shrug]

I do hope we get better versions of these on GOG and the ones w/ more games in there - i.e. MGS HD Collection (from consoles); Castlevania Steam Collection; Contra Steam Collection. Fans of these games - especially the GOG fans - deserve to be able to purchase GOG Copies of these classics without any DRM.

And of course, I'd love to see more ports of classics properly; especially ones that never came here. If Konami sees these MGS1+2 do well on GOG and even Castlevania/Contra Collection (early 2000's collection) - maybe they'll realize there definitely is a PC Gaming Fan Base that loves these games and wants them here. They run a business and are here to make money. And if these games still print $ - that just means more $ for them, so hopefully they can give us more great games.

As a PC gamer, I love seeing all these classics come to the PC, where they never really have to die. Whether it's companies doing lots of remasters & doing it properly (that is great and should be the way it's done) and/or modders fixing them up (better than nothing)....I just really want these games here, in the first place.

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I know now how stupid it was, but for just a moment, I had a logic lapse and thought the 2 x $10 coupons on Epic would stack so I could get Mafia or Tony Hawk for ~$20. Almost got my moneys, Timmy. Almost.

I uninstalled it last week on Steam when they started requiring an Epic account and linking with Steam. I've purposely avoiding linking those two as I don't want Sweeney anywhere near my Steam info.
I had a pretty bad time when I linked my PlayStation account to Epic. PlayStation bans cross-play, so because I had linked my PlayStation and Epic accounts, I had to set up a new Epic account to play Fortnite on my Nintendo Switch with my nephews when I visited them a few holidays ago.

By now I think it's changed, and you can unlink/relink accounts at will, but it was frustrating at the time.

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I had a pretty bad time when I linked my PlayStation account to Epic. PlayStation bans cross-play, so because I had linked my PlayStation and Epic accounts, I had to set up a new Epic account to play Fortnite on my Nintendo Switch with my nephews when I visited them a few holidays ago.

By now I think it's changed, and you can unlink/relink accounts at will, but it was frustrating at the time.
That's what you get for playing Fortnite.

Wasteland 3.

After an approximate 67h 24m or so, the awesome & out-standing Wasteland 3 here is now completed, now in the books. With lots of choices that feel like they matter to shape the entire game's journey and its final outcome/permutations; really good writing & dialogue; really good voice-acting; and great strategic-style turn-based combat here - it's hard to argue against the game. While the game's technical performance, load times and having to lock it down even further down to 35fps just to keep it stable was annoying, that still doesn't stop this game from being great. These are minor problems here, as this game's great at...pretty much everything else. This really is the true spiritual successor Fallout 1 & 2 and also a true modernization of those style of strategic party-based and turn-based CRPG's set in an post-apocalyptic setting. This is a trip to Colorado that no gamer should miss. Take this trip to Colorado; it's a great one.

While the game's technical performance, load times and having to lock it down even further down to 35fps just to keep it stable was annoying,
Curiously, I had no issued with performance or FPS running at 1440p with everything turned up. I'm running a beefier system (i5-8600K @ 4.6 and a GTX 1080) but that shouldn't be the difference between 35fps and 135fps especially knowing that you weren't running it at 1440p.

Load times were ridiculous though.

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Curiously, I had no issued with performance or FPS running at 1440p with everything turned up. I'm running a beefier system (i5-8600K @ 4.6 and a GTX 1080) but that shouldn't be the difference between 35fps and 135fps especially knowing that you weren't running it at 1440p.

Load times were ridiculous though.
My gaming laptop PC - i7 7700 HQ; 16 GB RAM; 6GB GTX 1060; W10 x64.

It was bouncing b/t 30 to 60fps a lot. That's why I locked it down to 35fps. It smoothed performance out, pretty much.

It would NOT work in full-blown exclusive full-screen. Only would work in windowed fullscreen, which is probably why performance was not as good as it could be. Not sure if that's a Windows Store bug or what. Plus, we don't have real access to INI files or anything here, so....can't edit those. [shrug]

Curiously, I had no issued with performance or FPS running at 1440p with everything turned up. I'm running a beefier system (i5-8600K @ 4.6 and a GTX 1080) but that shouldn't be the difference between 35fps and 135fps especially knowing that you weren't running it at 1440p.

Load times were ridiculous though.
My gaming laptop PC - i7 7700 HQ; 16 GB RAM; 6GB GTX 1060; W10 x64.

It was bouncing b/t 30 to 60fps a lot. That's why I locked it down to 35fps. It smoothed performance out, pretty much.

It would NOT work in full-blown exclusive full-screen. Only would work in windowed fullscreen, which is probably why performance was not as good as it could be. Not sure if that's a Windows Store bug or what. Plus, we don't have real access to INI files or anything here, so....can't edit those. [shrug]
I've been playing it at 1440 on ultra on my i5 2550k 1060 6gb and while I don't know the FPS it's running fine for me. I mean, it's an SRPG where people are standing still most of the time; crazy FPS aren't gonna mean much. Loading games and new areas takes 10-15 sec which could be faster I suppose, but seems reasonable. Most things load about the same on my potato
Yeah, there's so little going on on-screen that I can't imagine why it would be chugging on FPS.  Maybe some hardware incompatibility, driver issue or issue with the Game Pass version (I played it on Steam). 

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I would bet it's the MS version at fault. I had issues with Metro Exodus where it was basically unplayable for me while Syntax had no issues with the Steam version. They'll eventually fix it.
i remember streets of rage 4 not really working online for me on game pass. i bet some gamepass games are just broken and the devs dont care enough to fix that version specifically

I would bet it's the MS version at fault. I had issues with Metro Exodus where it was basically unplayable for me while Syntax had no issues with the Steam version. They'll eventually fix it.
Yeah, wouldn't be the first time and certainly won't be the last time that it's an issue w/ the MS Version/Game Pass Version/W10 Store Version.

Metro Exodus was a great game - but yeah, W10 version had some weird issues of its own.

Fallout 76 PC for MS Version has to be installed on C Drive...or it won't boot into the servers. Good luck, if you have a small SSD with not much space w/ that one. [shrug]

Meanwhile, FO76 PC version for the Bethesda Version - sure, throw it on any drive you see fit. It works fine. It'll connect to the servers.


I've been playing it at 1440 on ultra on my i5 2550k 1060 6gb and while I don't know the FPS it's running fine for me. I mean, it's an SRPG where people are standing still most of the time; crazy FPS aren't gonna mean much. Loading games and new areas takes 10-15 sec which could be faster I suppose, but seems reasonable. Most things load about the same on my potato
Yeah, it certainly isn't the end of the world, that a game is running here locked down at 35fps at 1080p, which is an old-school turn-based CRPG.

For something action-packed and fast-paced - yeah, that certainly would not be ideal.

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