Recent content by karasu-tengu

  1. karasu-tengu

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine - May 1, 2009

    He was Agent Zero previously known as Maverick, one of the original Team X along with Wolverine, Sabertooth, Kestrel(John Wraith, the black guy), Mastodon(Not in the movie, instead we have Bolt, The Blob, and Deadpool), and Silver Fox(altered as Kyla Silverfox, Logan's lover).
  2. karasu-tengu

    Chuck! - Mondays on NBC

    I never suggested they were. You made a lame statement that Reaper was a rip off of another show, I sarcastically said that chuck is a rip off of Jake 2.0(mocking your goofy butt), and you want to be an airhead talking about them not being the same actor. No shit. They are also not the same...
  3. karasu-tengu

    Chuck! - Mondays on NBC

    In other words you have nothing but lame insults to hurl at the Reaper show, nothing substantial to suggest that Chuck is in fact superior or at least on par. Take point 6, your lame attempt to say Reaper is a rip off of Dead Like Me is comparable to me saying Chuck is a rip off of Jake 2.0...
  4. karasu-tengu

    Chuck! - Mondays on NBC

    You utterly fail to convince me to support Chuck. Attacking Reaper with insults is lame. *"Chuck has nothing but eye candy and a barbie doll', or how about 'I liked this show better the first time I saw it: when it was called "Jake 2.0", /sarcasm* talk about garbage. Give me something...
  5. karasu-tengu

    Chuck! - Mondays on NBC

    I like Chuck, but I'm miffed that people give this show love and let a great show like Reaper die. I can't give this show more favor than I do the Reaper, where's the Reaper love?
  6. karasu-tengu

    Crank: High Voltage - In Theaters Now!

    I liked the first one better. Some of the camera antics were retarded and in bad taste, like you'd expect out of a student director. Definitely obscenely ridiculous. I thought it was alright, could have been better.
  7. karasu-tengu

    This is the second notice that the factory warranty on your vehicle MAY have...

    I'm on T-Mobile, and I get these calls too, I've been getting a series of them every blue moon for the past several years.
  8. karasu-tengu

    What ethnicity do you prefer?

    I'm white; Scot-Irish, Welsh, and a pinch of Cherokee(Native American). My general order of preference: Asian (All of 'em, not just the East Asia ones) Latina White Black
  9. karasu-tengu

    What are you currently reading? Post here!

    Recently finished Terry Pratchett's Last Hero and Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, currently reading Douglas Adams' The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
  10. karasu-tengu

    Understanding Prejudice Quiz - Sexism

    I got: Hostile: 2.91 Benevolent: 1.91
  11. karasu-tengu

    Douchebag living downstairs: Advice

    How to Get Neighbors to Turn Down the Volume It's 2 in the morning. You're lying in bed trying to sleep because you have a big meeting tomorrow morning. You feel a pounding sensation in your head. At first, you think it's a headache. But then you...
  12. karasu-tengu

    What was the last CD you bought? - The Sequel

    Franz Ferdinand - Tonight
  13. karasu-tengu

    Is there a proper way to clean a plunger after usage?

    After the initial flush after plunging, I flush once or twice more and rinse the plunger in that, letting the flushing water do the work, then place it back in it's bowl behind the toilet.
  14. karasu-tengu

    Portable Music Player Recommendation Please Dear CAGs Sansa Clip
  15. karasu-tengu

    How to shop for a new mattress?

    "I've been in the furniture and bedding business since birth.... yes birth. (33 years) I hope this info is useful. I know it is long but you do spend 1/3 of your life in bed a good mattress and box spring set is worth the investment. However it doesn't have to break the bank. An excellent...
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