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  • Tip of the hat for your comment regarding Chu. As for not posting the Daily HaHa it really hasn't been from being banned its just I have not had the time like I use to have. Thats why I have just randomly blogged "Quick Jabs" since they are just smaller posts but its only when I get the chance.

    I think Chu is just being over dramatic he should just take a moment step away from the comp and just relax instead of just attacking the site and mods.
    Hey there! Thanks for you comment on my first blog post! Yeah.. I LOVE the Wild Arms series... I actually had 1-5 and Alter Code F. But I recently purged out games I would NEVER play again on my ps2 and I tried to sell 3,4 and Alter Code F. But they only offered .25 cents for 3 so I refused.
    Thanks for offering Garou, but I already have that one too. Good luck finding your copy of Sonic Jam.
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