S S Slader166 Jul 4, 2017 RT @KoeiTecmoUS: It's the #4thOfJuly tomorrow so we'll do a giveaway! RT before 5:30 PM PST 7/5 for a chance on winning one game we publish…
RT @KoeiTecmoUS: It's the #4thOfJuly tomorrow so we'll do a giveaway! RT before 5:30 PM PST 7/5 for a chance on winning one game we publish…
S S Slader166 Jul 3, 2017 Hi @AirbnbHelp, a host will not stop harassing me with emails. We had to leave because the apartment was disgusting
Hi @AirbnbHelp, a host will not stop harassing me with emails. We had to leave because the apartment was disgusting
S S Slader166 Mar 29, 2017 RT @Thomasintokyo: It's still early but we are now seriously considering the possibility of working on a sequel or spin-off of Oban Star-Ra…
RT @Thomasintokyo: It's still early but we are now seriously considering the possibility of working on a sequel or spin-off of Oban Star-Ra…
S S Slader166 Jun 24, 2016 RT @Minecraft: Did you miss E3? Been living under rock? No matter! We've done a round-up of all the Minecrafty news for you: https://t.co/M…
RT @Minecraft: Did you miss E3? Been living under rock? No matter! We've done a round-up of all the Minecrafty news for you: https://t.co/M…
S S Slader166 May 21, 2016 RT @realDonaldTrump: Over 50 women were interviewed by the @nytimes yet they only wrote about 6. That’s because there were so many positive…
RT @realDonaldTrump: Over 50 women were interviewed by the @nytimes yet they only wrote about 6. That’s because there were so many positive…
S S Slader166 Apr 30, 2016 RT @fourzerotwo: Hi. I'm making a reservation for November at "Grandma's House" by stone bridge. Thank you, please bring claymores. https:/…
RT @fourzerotwo: Hi. I'm making a reservation for November at "Grandma's House" by stone bridge. Thank you, please bring claymores. https:/…
S S Slader166 Apr 23, 2016 RT @Neil_Druckmann: (blood + sweat + tears) x years = https://t.co/NfYcfhrcZA
S S Slader166 Apr 11, 2016 RT @Razer: Praise the Sun! Enter to win a Lord of Cinder statue, Razer Wildcat & copy of Dark Souls 3 https://t.co/6JdRPYpR6R https://t.co/…
RT @Razer: Praise the Sun! Enter to win a Lord of Cinder statue, Razer Wildcat & copy of Dark Souls 3 https://t.co/6JdRPYpR6R https://t.co/…
S S Slader166 Apr 1, 2016 RT @LarryBundyJr: Mind blown Cat!!! The humans are replicating us! https://t.co/TbD1oj5AhF
S S Slader166 Mar 19, 2016 RT @KoeiTecmoUS: Atelier Sophie coming to the west June 7th in America & June 10th in Europe. For #PS4 Physical & #PSVita Digital https://t…
RT @KoeiTecmoUS: Atelier Sophie coming to the west June 7th in America & June 10th in Europe. For #PS4 Physical & #PSVita Digital https://t…
S S Slader166 Mar 14, 2016 RT @realDonaldTrump: Just received from @PeteRose_14. Thank you Pete! #VoteTrump on Tuesday Ohio! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https…
RT @realDonaldTrump: Just received from @PeteRose_14. Thank you Pete! #VoteTrump on Tuesday Ohio! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https…
S S Slader166 Mar 12, 2016 RT @realDonaldTrump: Just finished my second speech. 20K in Dayton & 25K in Cleveland- perfectly behaved crowd. Thanks- I love you, Ohio! h…
RT @realDonaldTrump: Just finished my second speech. 20K in Dayton & 25K in Cleveland- perfectly behaved crowd. Thanks- I love you, Ohio! h…
S S Slader166 Feb 26, 2016 RT @Pokemon: Retweet if you’re excited about #PokemonSunMoon! https://t.co/TdtER1xzGe https://t.co/UZ9zQI0KEr
RT @Pokemon: Retweet if you’re excited about #PokemonSunMoon! https://t.co/TdtER1xzGe https://t.co/UZ9zQI0KEr
S S Slader166 Feb 22, 2016 Hey @BestBuySupport, my order was cancelled after I was already charged, now I have to wait 3-7 business days for a refund.
Hey @BestBuySupport, my order was cancelled after I was already charged, now I have to wait 3-7 business days for a refund.
S S Slader166 Feb 15, 2016 RT @Wario64: Happy 4th Birthday PS Vita. You're already dead https://t.co/TWv1TkLJew
S S Slader166 Feb 13, 2016 RT @notaxation: You see the GOP clown car, another Clinton, and the socialist, and you get scared. Just remember: one day, I'll be presiden…
RT @notaxation: You see the GOP clown car, another Clinton, and the socialist, and you get scared. Just remember: one day, I'll be presiden…
S S Slader166 Feb 10, 2016 Hey Andrew, any plans on picking up Street Fighter V? I'm not sure if it's your thing, but I'm looking for a sparring partner
Hey Andrew, any plans on picking up Street Fighter V? I'm not sure if it's your thing, but I'm looking for a sparring partner
S S Slader166 Feb 6, 2016 RT @Wario64: Uncovered Final Fantasy XV tickets go up in 5 minutes https://t.co/RT2v0RcRbb https://t.co/JHGQ6M4HRh
RT @Wario64: Uncovered Final Fantasy XV tickets go up in 5 minutes https://t.co/RT2v0RcRbb https://t.co/JHGQ6M4HRh
S S Slader166 Feb 4, 2016 RT @JoolsWatsham: Crazy (But Serious) Question Time! Would you back a Dementium 3 @kickstarter? RT = Yes. RT + FAV = HELL YES! https://t.co…
RT @JoolsWatsham: Crazy (But Serious) Question Time! Would you back a Dementium 3 @kickstarter? RT = Yes. RT + FAV = HELL YES! https://t.co…
S S Slader166 Feb 3, 2016 I entered to win a Street Fighter V FightPad PRO from ENGRVSGaming & MAD CATZ! You should too! https://t.co/swbentWVWh #MadCatzSFV
I entered to win a Street Fighter V FightPad PRO from ENGRVSGaming & MAD CATZ! You should too! https://t.co/swbentWVWh #MadCatzSFV
S S Slader166 Feb 2, 2016 I entered to win a Street Fighter V FightPad PRO from MarkManSDT & MAD CATZ! You should too! https://t.co/PPANmH92zZ #MadCatzSFV
I entered to win a Street Fighter V FightPad PRO from MarkManSDT & MAD CATZ! You should too! https://t.co/PPANmH92zZ #MadCatzSFV
S S Slader166 Jan 31, 2016 It's pouring down outside, time to play Life is Strange. @DONTNOD_Ent #LifeIsStrange
S S Slader166 Jan 30, 2016 Hey @XSEEDGames, what's the chance of a localization for Fuuraiki 3? It looks like a really cool game that I'd love to play!
Hey @XSEEDGames, what's the chance of a localization for Fuuraiki 3? It looks like a really cool game that I'd love to play!
S S Slader166 Jan 29, 2016 RT @notaxation: I'm gonna give it to Donald Trump. The debate is way more boring without him there. You win, Donald. You win. #GOPDebate
RT @notaxation: I'm gonna give it to Donald Trump. The debate is way more boring without him there. You win, Donald. You win. #GOPDebate
S S Slader166 Jan 28, 2016 RT @RareLtd: We're giving away a #Battletoads soundtrack vinyl on Facebook! Take it away #Dancing Adam https://t.co/f0154vODHw https://t.co…
RT @RareLtd: We're giving away a #Battletoads soundtrack vinyl on Facebook! Take it away #Dancing Adam https://t.co/f0154vODHw https://t.co…
S S Slader166 Jan 26, 2016 RT @garfep: oh my god, detective pikachu could not possibly be more perfect 🕵 https://t.co/0EM0RXJrWo
RT @garfep: oh my god, detective pikachu could not possibly be more perfect 🕵 https://t.co/0EM0RXJrWo
S S Slader166 Jan 22, 2016 Hey @XboxP3 and @majornelson, when will you guys announce the next batch of BC games?
S S Slader166 Jan 1, 2016 RT @sonic_hedgehog: It's been a good year. Here's to a great 2016! https://t.co/fehl2SifF4
S S Slader166 Dec 22, 2015 RT @starwars: It's true. All of it. #TheForceAwakens https://t.co/7pT0Hjeg6R