Wario64 Jun 11, 2013 FYI, it's been 4 years since @kudotsunoda has been catching up on video game playing.
Wario64 Jun 11, 2013 RT @alex_navarro: No big stream tonight due to aforementioned thievery issues, but we're not ed for the duration. We'll gather ourselve…
RT @alex_navarro: No big stream tonight due to aforementioned thievery issues, but we're not ed for the duration. We'll gather ourselve…
Wario64 Jun 11, 2013 RT @mbdamiani: I'm also interviewing Hideo Kojima, so you can also send some Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain questions my way. Only MG…
RT @mbdamiani: I'm also interviewing Hideo Kojima, so you can also send some Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain questions my way. Only MG…
Wario64 Jun 10, 2013 Ok, I watched more of that 2K Drive gameplay video for iOS and...what the hell... http://t.co/tIMOYO0V0P
Ok, I watched more of that 2K Drive gameplay video for iOS and...what the hell... http://t.co/tIMOYO0V0P
Wario64 Jun 9, 2013 RT @alex_navarro: What is this insane place we've found ourselves in? http://t.co/Gcwr0ReVyO
Wario64 Jun 9, 2013 RT @geoffkeighley: First he yelled at me, now Reggie is ready to take my name! http://t.co/x5Ph4tiRL3
RT @geoffkeighley: First he yelled at me, now Reggie is ready to take my name! http://t.co/x5Ph4tiRL3
Wario64 Jun 9, 2013 Apparently part of Disney's setup for Disney Infinity at E3. http://t.co/FoyWJObNps
Wario64 Jun 8, 2013 RT @geoffkeighley: How big is e3? So big we brought a giraffe. http://t.co/1jqgGN6AVi
Wario64 Jun 8, 2013 It seems like Redbox is concerned about the used games thing on Xbox One http://t.co/aQot41gyHF
Wario64 Jun 8, 2013 So far I've made $11 from selling Steam cards. Not bad for just idling in video games
Wario64 Jun 7, 2013 RT @bittripfan: I'm look for someone who would use a WinRT license. Contact me if your interested. I have one available for free. http://t…
RT @bittripfan: I'm look for someone who would use a WinRT license. Contact me if your interested. I have one available for free. http://t…
Wario64 Jun 7, 2013 Didn't realize more games were added to Steam Trading Cards. Time to farm some cards.
Wario64 Jun 6, 2013 RT @jasonschreier: In 20 years, if/when Microsoft's servers go down, the Xbox One will no longer play video games. Think about that.
RT @jasonschreier: In 20 years, if/when Microsoft's servers go down, the Xbox One will no longer play video games. Think about that.
Wario64 Jun 6, 2013 Amazon has Battle Royale Blu-ray for $7.99, since a week ago http://t.co/qs79yiH16I