Which game has you the most hyped in 2024?

Grey Swordsman

Don't Let Your Dreams Be Memes!
5 (100%)
Here's my top 3 most anticipated games for next year:
  1. Persona 3 Reload (February 2nd)
  2. Tekken 8 (January 26th)
  3. Civilization VII (N/A)
There's no info on the release date for the next Civ game, but I'm way too keen on seeing what it will look and play like that I had to throw it on this list anyway. No other games stand out as much as these three to me personally. What about you guys, any games coming up soon that you are dying to get ahold of?
I am still going to be trying to catch up on all of the games that came out this year but the one game I have been waiting to play for a while is Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
I looked up the trailer to that game, and it looks B-E-A-uuutiful. Lol I don't know if I'd actually get it while it's not at least 50% off, but it does look epic.
There's only a handful of games that I am looking forward to playing, but I will probably pick up some others throughout the year as they come out. Here's what I can think of off the top of my head:
Helldivers 2
Star Wars Dark Forces Remastered
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
Contra: Operation Galuga
Killer Clowns From Outer Space
Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater
I'm really excited for Persona 3 Reload and there's been all the talk that the big announcement next month will be a Johto Pokemon game so that will be cool.
Dude, if that Johto Pokemon game comes true I'd be so hyped for that. I had no idea there was any talks about it though, so I'll keep my expectations before any announcements in check haha.
I guess it's all the remakes for me.

  1. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - I haven't even played the first part yet, but I'd be curious how this next installment does. How much of the original is left to remake after Rebirth?
  2. Silent Hill 2 Remake - Nothing beats the original. It's not only the game itself, but the time it was released in. I watched the "Theme of Laura" trailer, and I said, "yup, Bloober Team's missing the point." I'd still like to see what the final product brings. It's not over until everyone plays it.
  3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Delta: The Remake - First Snake Eater, then Subsistence, then the Bluepoint release. MGS3 has seen plenty of coverage. Is this an attempt to ease customers into a Kojima-less MGS universe? Will the remake keep the spirit of the original alive, or will it change a whole bunch of stuff? We'll see.
  4. Prince of Persia Remake - Is this even coming out, or is it in the Duke Nukem Forever zone? Another fantastic 6th gen game that will either benefit from a facelift or be altered too much to attract the original audience. (Ubisoft was an underdog when the original came out, and it's interesting how "AAA" the company became.)
I'm intrigued by remakes of excellent games, but I'm just as cautious because of how new teams put their own spins on classics.
I guess it's all the remakes for me.

  1. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - I haven't even played the first part yet, but I'd be curious how this next installment does. How much of the original is left to remake after Rebirth?
  2. Silent Hill 2 Remake - Nothing beats the original. It's not only the game itself, but the time it was released in. I watched the "Theme of Laura" trailer, and I said, "yup, Bloober Team's missing the point." I'd still like to see what the final product brings. It's not over until everyone plays it.
  3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Delta: The Remake - First Snake Eater, then Subsistence, then the Bluepoint release. MGS3 has seen plenty of coverage. Is this an attempt to ease customers into a Kojima-less MGS universe? Will the remake keep the spirit of the original alive, or will it change a whole bunch of stuff? We'll see.
  4. Prince of Persia Remake - Is this even coming out, or is it in the Duke Nukem Forever zone? Another fantastic 6th gen game that will either benefit from a facelift or be altered too much to attract the original audience. (Ubisoft was an underdog when the original came out, and it's interesting how "AAA" the company became.)
I'm intrigued by remakes of excellent games, but I'm just as cautious because of how new teams put their own spins on classics.
Never could get into any FF game myself, although the huge boss summons look epic, and out of those 4 games I'd likely just get MGS3: Delta. More of a MGS fan than the other series' games.
It is going to be on Game Pass.
Thanks for the heads up, might end up buying an Xbox Series console soon, so when I also get GamePass then I'll check it out (although I'm sure it will be available on PC too). Basically going back to consoles soon enough because I run every PC I touch into the ground somehow lol can't play Tekken 7 without it CTD.

Edit: Forgot all about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. It's on my Steam wishlist right now, but who knows when that will release. IDK if I'll end up getting it though, I loved Dragon Age Origins and it's DLC, DA: II sucked in my opinion, and Inquisition I'm actually downloading to see if I might enjoy it.
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Never could get into any FF game myself, although the huge boss summons look epic, and out of those 4 games I'd likely just get MGS3: Delta. More of a MGS fan than the other series' games.

Thanks for the heads up, might end up buying an Xbox Series console soon, so when I also get GamePass then I'll check it out (although I'm sure it will be available on PC too). Basically going back to consoles soon enough because I run every PC I touch into the ground somehow lol can't play Tekken 7 without it CTD.

Edit: Forgot all about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. It's on my Steam wishlist right now, but who knows when that will release. IDK if I'll end up getting it though, I loved Dragon Age Origins and it's DLC, DA: II sucked in my opinion, and Inquisition I'm actually downloading to see if I might enjoy it.
Yeah, another MGS fan! MGS used to be a big deal, but that had waned by Phantom Pain. MGS4 may have finished the series in people's minds, and MGSV was also infamously unfinished. Bumping David Hayter for Keifer Sutherland for that "Hollywood feel" didn't help matters. I really like the original three releases, and the GBC game was fun too. Good times.

Sorry for derailing the topic, by the way.
Yeah, another MGS fan! MGS used to be a big deal, but that had waned by Phantom Pain. MGS4 may have finished the series in people's minds, and MGSV was also infamously unfinished. Bumping David Hayter for Keifer Sutherland for that "Hollywood feel" didn't help matters. I really like the original three releases, and the GBC game was fun too. Good times.

Sorry for derailing the topic, by the way.
My personal favorite is still MGS2. Played it first when I was a BrokeAssGamer with only a PS2 a few other games. The worst and best time of my life with that console and a good ol' 13" Sanyo CRT to just get lost in another world and forget everything lol. I really dig David Hayter's voice, my brother in law (who I cannot stop mentioning) is an even bigger fan of him and the series, but he despised the 5th entry. Although I enjoy that one for what it was myself, gameplay-wise at least.

And no worries about derailing the topic, I do that all the time.
My personal favorite is still MGS2. Played it first when I was a BrokeAssGamer with only a PS2 a few other games. The worst and best time of my life with that console and a good ol' 13" Sanyo CRT to just get lost in another world and forget everything lol. I really dig David Hayter's voice, my brother in law (who I cannot stop mentioning) is an even bigger fan of him and the series, but he despised the 5th entry. Although I enjoy that one for what it was myself, gameplay-wise at least.

And no worries about derailing the topic, I do that all the time.
Yeah, I was lucky to grow up in the pre-HD days, so I got to appreciate the CRT experience. To be honest, I keep thinking the sound quality was more immersive, whether it was an NES or a PS2. That could just be the nostalgia talking, since I was younger then.

I remember how I didn't gel with MGS2's story at first. Then, the gameplay brought me back, and I slowly understood what Kojima and the team wanted from it. I consider it as enjoyable as any of the original trio. MGS3 was my personal favorite. Even at half the FPS of MGS2, it had great gameplay and presentation, and I went from not really liking Nakd Snake to really appreciating the character. What a game.

What were your thoughts on MGS4 and V? Anyone can jump in.
For me, it's rise of the ronin. I like Persona 3, Final Fantasy, etc. But the thing is as great as they are, we've seen them before. So my attention goes to the new stuff
For me, it's rise of the ronin. I like Persona 3, Final Fantasy, etc. But the thing is as great as they are, we've seen them before. So my attention goes to the new stuff
No shame in that. One of the reasons I haven't tried the Resident Evil 4 Remake is because I played through the original many times. Many many times. I'm thrilled they didn't keep it 1:1 for the remake, so when I'm ready, it'll be a different (enough) experience.
Dota 2 and its new update, which I have been waiting for since January until yesterday. And this is not a full patch. Love u valve lol. Not gonna play it until they released a Ringmaster. Just gonna return to https://www.pashacasinosikayet.com/ , why not if the "small indie" comany can not release the full patch
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Postmortem, both lived up to the hype. Dragon's Dogma 2 is my GOTY.
Looks like I wouldn't be able to run Dragon's Dogma 2, bit of a shame since it looked pretty good. Glad you enjoyed it though, seems like it lived up to your expectations.

I ended up playing the Tekken 8 Demo, but I haven't bought the full game just yet. I don't like the changes to my main character is why I didn't bother with it. In hindsight it was a smart move, dodging all those pesky MTX in Tekken 8 was a blessing in disguise. Can't say the same about Civilization 7 when it releases alongside it's DLC though. If it has any sort of realistic looking graphics, and they keep the hex grid movement, I'm buying it all lol. As for Persona 3 Reload, I bought the most expensive edition on a Steam account I no longer have access to, and Atlus/Sega spit on the faces of the playerbase by being the greedy company they are, by making "The Answer" an additional DLC that the $100 edition doesn't include. So, that all adds up to roughly $150 after tax where I'm at. All for one game, jesus this industry. They know they can milk gamers for all they're worth.
Tough call! So many great games on the horizon this year. For me, it's a toss-up between:
Indiana Jones: Who wouldn't be hyped for a new Indy adventure from Bethesda? Bullwhip cracks and hidden tombs, here I come
Star Wars Outlaws: Open world Star Wars exploration? This has the potential to be incredible, assuming they can nail the atmosphere and freedom.

It has to be one of this
bread's done