Search results

  1. G

    H: Wind Waker Wii U code W: $15 Amazon Payments/GCs/Offers

    Are you there? The code expires in like 20 minutes. 
  2. G

    Breaking news in regard to Osama bin Laden--HE'S DEAD!

    Osama dying was a loss. I'm an american who absolutely despises American foreign policy. It takes some serious balls to stand up to the worlds strongest super power. In retrospect the loss of life during 9/11 was a fraction of what the loss of life that happened afterwards funded by American tax...
  3. G

    For Sale: Absolutely nothing right now!

    Please pm me payment details for points
  4. G

    Have 3 Codes to make BFBC2 Vietnam pc $5 on eastore. Want: Steam gifts or Xboxlivepts

    Exactly as the title states I have 3 codes that can be redeemed on the eastore to make the bfbc2 vietnam addon 4.99. I want steam game gifts or xbox live points please pm me with offers. Gcg
  5. G

    Free Burnout Paradise: The ultimate box from EAStore (UK)

    Nice couldn't get this to work earlier even while using a uk proxy but this worked just fine. Merry Christmas!
  6. G

    Free Burnout Paradise Ultimate on UK

    i used a proxy but when I try to submit the order it says payment authorization failed, anyone in the christmas spirit that can grab me a code and pm it ?? :)
  7. G

    Humble Indie Bundle(steam copies if u bought it already)+bundle #2 this holiday

    I paid what I could afford, take from that what you will.
  8. G

    Humble Indie Bundle(steam copies if u bought it already)+bundle #2 this holiday

    Hate to say it but this year I'm the one that could use some charity so I paid $.35, hopefully I'm not going to hell!
  9. G

    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    Im also looking to get in on Dawn of War if anyone has one left
  10. G

    H: Paypal W: Steam Games n' Stuff

    Well I just found out tonight that I have lost my job, so in short I need to retract my bids. I apologize, I am a 27 year old man and I rarely fuck around when it comes to money, trust me, this was sudden. Neg me if you feel it necessary. It seems I have been outbid on just about everything, if...
  11. G

    H: Paypal W: Steam Games n' Stuff

    FF: Tactics $5.50 Tales of Phantasia $5.50
  12. G

    H: Paypal W: Steam Games n' Stuff

    Disgaea 3 guide - $7 Megaman Gc - $8
  13. G

    ALIVE!!! WaveBird Clone (Shockwave) $8.99 shipped! wireless + rumble Wii & Gamecube

    I have one of these from before they were rebranded. This thing takes 3 triple A batteries which is a bitch if you use rechargeable.. i dunno maybe its just my charger but I can only charge in pairs. Also, this thing fucking eats batteries. Enjoy!
  14. G

    Gameshark Store has SF4 Fightsticks up for sale for both 360 and Ps3

    Im pretty pissed, my card got hit for the hold so I assumed I was charged, of course now the charge is no longer on my statement. What a bunch of shithead's, why not send out an email saying things were backordered so I could of ordered from one of the other 10 places that were in stock.
  15. G

    Arcade/Fight Sticks.. in toronto?

    guys these arn't the only sanwa sticks out their, I picked up a byrdo for $200 shipped
  16. G

    Ebay Auctions: Lot of 5 Xbox 360 games (Gears, HALO 3, Call of Duty 4, Rainbow 6 1&2)

    hate to say it bud, but you set the bid level way too high, you would be lucky to get anywhere near your bundle prices with a fierce bidding war.
  17. G

    GameStop Game Days! Final Clearance begins 5/3 and lists are in!

    yay got vc for $7 with shipping worth waiting up for!
bread's done