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  1. Hereticked

    I want to be Koei

    It's not the "same exact" story though. It's the same GENERAL story, but Romance of the Three Kingdoms is such a huge piece of literature to draw from that in each iteration of Dynasty Warriors they've been able to add on more story elements which weren't covered in the previous games, as well...
  2. Hereticked

    I want to be Koei

    Koei makes games for history buffs (particularly those interested in Asian history). The drama and pageantry of the history comes first. Similarly, RPGs are made for those who value an epic story, and that aspect of the game comes first. If you're not playing the game for those reasons, then you...
  3. Hereticked

    ROTK XI and Samurai Warriors 2 Empires pre-order $39.99

    The Romance series usually retails for $50, so there actually is a discount there. Thanks OP, RotTK 11 pre-ordered!
  4. Hereticked

    Final Fantasy XII $40 shipped @ Outpost

    Nice find! I pre-ordered, thanks! :)
  5. Hereticked

    Mel Gibson's drunken, anti-semitic, sexist tirade

    Oh man.... this BABY GOT BOOK
  6. Hereticked

    So the UMD Movie is Dead, Finally

    Wow... someone doesn't know American History. "When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our...
  7. Hereticked

    Sieg Bush!!!

    Your rolling eyes have convinced me! This is all part of a healthy, functioning democracy.
  8. Hereticked

    Bush's budget proposal

    Wait...... I got more good news!!! So PAD, is this also a running theme in all administrations? Because I can't recall anything this like happening in recent history. Bush 41 didn't really have a choice, but at least he was smart enough to recognize that. Sadly, Too-Stupid-To-Eat-A-Pretzel...
  9. Hereticked

    Sieg Bush!!! You're going to tell me we're not heading directly for Fascism? Hahahaha..... yeah right.
  10. Hereticked

    The State of the Union, or, my talking points for GWB

    Then we finally agree on something. Though I highly doubt we'll ever agree on how much is needed. I blame our leadership for allowing themselves to be corrupted by corporate influence as well, but if you're thinking no blame need be assigned to the very entities that pollute our air and water...
  11. Hereticked

    Favorite Game Music?

    There's way too many awesome videogame soundtracks for me to pick a favorite..... Right now I'm really digging the music in Shin Megami Tensei - Nocturne, it's insane! :shock: I've also always thought that the music in the Dynasty Warriors series was vastly underated. I think its a great...
  12. Hereticked

    Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne will it ever drop ?

    I've got 52 hours clocked on the game right now and I'm absolutely loving it. Best rpg since Vagrant Story in my opinion. Maybe even since FF6/FF7.... I doubt it will drop in price, but this is definitely a game worth paying $50 for anyway.
  13. Hereticked

    Bush's budget proposal What a complete and utter JOKE.
  14. Hereticked

    The State of the Union, or, my talking points for GWB

    The fact that we buy products and services from them does not change the fact that we set the rules by which they must conduct themselves. Our government was instituted of, by and for the people. ALL the people, not just those whose only goal in life is to be wealthy. You admit that the sole...
  15. Hereticked

    The State of the Union, or, my talking points for GWB

    No, corporations exist because the people who control them want to make a profit, not because we want them to. They are ALLOWED to exist based on the rules of business which the people set through their elected representatives. Corporations don't "give us" anything. They utilize our labor in...
  16. Hereticked

    The State of the Union, or, my talking points for GWB

    You're wasting your breath Msut77. You're trying to have a rational discussion of politics and economy with a guy who's already called the current system we live under Communism, then Fascism, then admitted the system he advocates is a form of Fascism. And yes, he'd rather Walmart get that dime...
  17. Hereticked

    Ministry of Truth (aka White House Press Room) reporter Jeff Gannon

    More assumptions and misrepresentations...... not surprising at this point. :roll: Yes, the press secretary for every administration has to occasionally put a spin on things, but to compare any past administration to these bunch of lying thugs is beyond the pale of any rational human being...
  18. Hereticked

    Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Guide $7.99 AC with HB20 coupon at EB

    Dammit! I paid $20 for my guide :x Oh well.... this is a great deal and kudos to those who had the patience to wait for it or the luck for the timing to be right. Awesome game and the strategy guide is VERY helpful.
  19. Hereticked

    The State of the Union, or, my talking points for GWB

    No, its rich coming from the person who bases his political philosophies on the most basic of our instincts, someones whos entire view of the world is based on the cut-and-dry, the simplistic. Tell that to my grandmother who lived through the Great Depression. Not for long. For someone who...
  20. Hereticked

    The State of the Union, or, my talking points for GWB

    No, thats a ridiculous oversimplification of what I said. However, assuming if everyone invests that money in the stock market they'll be better off when it comes time to pull it (whether its because theyve become debilitated or just for retirement), that IS stupidity. You see, the majority of...
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