Search results

  1. joeboosauce

    Teen Kills 4; Judge LITERALLY Lets Him Off Because He is Rich!

    Obviously, everyone is going to agree this is massively f-d up. Just hearing the father's sorrow is heartbreaking. This touches upon the class (and the linked racial) divide in America. "Tell me again how there are not two Americas and two sets of rules. Does anyone for a second think if this...
  2. joeboosauce

    Seymour Hersh says official story of bin Laden killing is ‘one big lie, not one word is true’

    Who else called this shit??? And Hersh is a dead man... Seymour Hersh says official story of bin Laden killing is ‘one big lie, not one word is true’
  3. joeboosauce

    Obama's "Insider Threat Program"... I love me those 80s... especially 1984!

    So, if you work in government, you can look forward to your fellow colleagues watching you and reporting you to Big Brother. Well, looks like we are not in 1984 enough so let's just descend further.  The Obama administration calls this the "Insider Threat Program." Coming soon to a corporation...
  4. joeboosauce

    Russell Brand vs Morning Joe

    This video has been making the rounds. It's pretty hilarious watching Russell Brand destroying these MSNBC puppets. I don't know if he went in with the intent to do this or it was because these guys were complete jackoffs. Maybe intended because I think he might have seen the clip of Glenn...
  5. joeboosauce

    Mosque arsonist tells court: ‘I only know what I hear on Fox News’

    Surprise, surprise... Faux News, perpetuating ignorance, racism, bigotry, violence, and all the finer things in life. Mosque arsonist tells court: ‘I only know what I hear on Fox News’ By David Edwards Thursday, December 20, 2012 13:03 EST An Indiana man convicted of setting fire to a mosque...
  6. joeboosauce

    Does Obama Really Want To Tax The Rich?

    I think this is the serious issue that needs to be discussed and that is the empty "liberal" packaging of right-wing policies and candidates such as Obama. Obama doesn't want to tax the rich. He has said this much in terms of "I want to reduce taxes on corporations." Now, here is where these...
  7. joeboosauce

    Most likely the most realistic Presidential debate tonight!

    Moderated by Larry King nonetheless. (I wonder how the hell he agreed to do this.) Being broadcast by Al Jazeera, RT America, Link TV, and now CSPAN has agreed as well. Obviously, not covered (censored) in the US mainstream media, but I wonder how many here have actually heard of this? AJE...
  8. joeboosauce

    So, Repukes don't like online gaming...

    Talk about demonstrating the lack of serious and legitimate criticism of your opponents. Online gaming? From the party of the brain dead and pious charlatans... This is just another example of the disconnect of this party and their irrelevance. When do people think the Republican party (staying...
  9. joeboosauce

    Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

    This video is great. He's stating what needs to be said. Some ideas DO damage and hurt defenseless children. And apparently, there was a rumor he was dead. At least this video has gone viral... Bill Nye...
  10. joeboosauce

    Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card'

    Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card'; Priebus Calls Matthew 'A Jerk' (VIDEO) Anybody see this? Not a fan of Chris Matthews by any means but props to him. Matthews did a great job pressing this guy. Most these MSM "journalists" hardly challenge the guests. So sad that none...
  11. joeboosauce

    Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably says new study)

    Here is yet another study that shows links between conservatism and lower intelligence, etc. What perplexes me is why it has taken so long to conduct such research. It is an elephant in the room. I guess people didn't want to hurt the imbecile's feelings. I'll blame that on liberal bleeding...
  12. joeboosauce

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    I saw the burglar thread and thought this warranted a post. WHO DA SHAF-FU thinks we live in a post-racial society??? Blows my mind. And I wonder WHY the white guy wasn't arrested... When was the last time you heard of a white guy shot for holding skittles and an iced-tea? This is equality in...
  13. joeboosauce

    Of False Flags and Israel...

    Is Israel attempting to spark a conflict with Iran? Now, how often do you think Israel does this? What about false flags and recruiting terrorist organizations in general? Here a report from Foreign Policy magazine. Read, discuss... False Flag A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli...
  14. joeboosauce

    Best Deals on SOCOM 4 Full Deployment Edition

    Does anyone know what the best deal out there is on the SOCOM 4 Full Deployment Edition package is? This is a beast of a deal already with the value of everything adding up to $210-ish. But, hey, I'm a CAG so looking for more of a deal. And this drops on 4/19. Amazon is selling it for it's full...
  15. joeboosauce

    UN Report: Israel Executed Flotilla Activists

    Not covered by the mainstream news. We all know why. I guess there is one nation that may execute US citizens with impunity. Don't forget Rachel Corrie either. UN Report: Israel Executed Flotilla Activists
  16. joeboosauce

    Study: Americans shockingly ignorant when it comes to U.S. History

    Reminds me of this older article which made me wonder... Percentage of Americans who believe the sun revolves around the Earth: 18%. And 3% answered "No Opinion" on this one. I was not aware this was an opinion. Now, who is stupider? In any event, I'm gonna thank religion for this one...
  17. joeboosauce

    The original IPad announcement that was ditched.

    These were Apple's original plans that they scrapped. Looks like they should have stuck with it...
  18. joeboosauce

    New FPS announced that will de-throne COD MW2!

    This is the next evolution that COD fans are looking for. The multiplayer is AMAZING!...
  19. joeboosauce

    Planet Earth Vol 1 BD + 12ft HDMI Cable $9.95

    Found this randomly. Searched and didn't see this posted. Looks like a decent deal if you want both. Amazon has the entire series for $50. They do not have just this disc though. I believe the collection is 4 discs. If you want the this plus the cable, I don't think you can go wrong. Only heads...
  20. joeboosauce

    Target website now has a clearance section

    I got an email from target publicizing this. You can navigate to the video games section but this link should save you the trouble. Nothing too interesting for me, but who knows if you see...
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