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  1. Filler2001

    Amazon's Holiday Deals Calendar: Cyber Monday Deals Week

    MK8 slowness makes sense because most people who want it have it already and a lot of people already bit the Sears and Walmart deals.  It's also pretty much the ABSOLUTE HIGHEST me and many other CAGs would be willing to pay, so a tiny bit of hesitation isn't uncalled for. I'm calling $40 LBP...
  2. Filler2001

    Amazon's Holiday Deals Calendar: Cyber Monday Deals Week

    MK8 is going to be $35. Im in.
  3. Filler2001

    Amazon's Holiday Deals Calendar: Cyber Monday Deals Week

    I wonder how MK8 is going to do sale-wise and sell-out wise. The deal seems relatively under-advertised so far and a lot of people probably got Walmart/Sears copies OR already own it.  If they can get me a copy for 30 or 35, I'm in.  LBP needs to be $35 for me to get in on that, and Alien Iso...
  4. Filler2001

    Amazon's Holiday Deals Calendar: Cyber Monday Deals Week

    Can someone please explain what the word is on that Mario Kart 8 deal? Are they just going to drop it out of nowhere or will it pop up as an upcoming lightning at some point?
  5. Filler2001

    CAGcast #372: Healthy Consumer Demand

    Even though Shipwreck is usually the most knowledgable, I like how not-mean-spirited the Wombat/Cheapy duo is. When Ship is on, it feels like every show starts and ends with Shipwreck shitting on Wombat for something that is almost always pointless and unnecessary. Sure, Cheapy and Wombat will...
  6. Filler2001

    CAGcast #360: A Major Console In Our Lives

    Am I the only one who noticed that Shipwreck used to be the most reasonable on the crew and now he's the biggest fanboy out of them all? I know this show has been more of an Xbox show that happens to feature multiplat for the longest time, but Shipwreck feels like he goes into full apologist...
  7. Filler2001

    GameFly 2012 Year End Used Game Sale

    So, Gamefly said my order was made to be an "exception" because they couldn't authorize my debit card (and did it again after I attempted to authorize). This is especially confusing since my balance is definitely above the 12 dollars needed for Revelations, and I doubt that they would charge me...
  8. Filler2001

    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread VI Resistance Vita for 22 bucks. Not the best deal ever, but it was the price I needed to bite
  9. Filler2001

    3 Select Vita games for $40 + tax

    I really just wanted Resistance and it didnt go back in stock, I just got it on Warehouse deals for 22 bucks when I bought LBP Vita. With only 22 bucks, no tax, and free prime shipping, I think I did okay.
  10. Filler2001

    3 Select Vita games for $40 + tax

    I cancelled my order and those fucking assholes shipped me a 15 dollar copy of Modnation Racers. Fuck, fuck fuck.
  11. Filler2001

    3 Select Vita games for $40 + tax

    It went out of stock in the cart
  12. Filler2001

    3 Select Vita games for $40 + tax

    I wanted Uncharted, but settled for Resistance, Wipeout, and Modnation Racers. Is it possible to cancel individual games to get it cheaper?
  13. Filler2001

    CAGcast #292: An Incredible, Exceptional Podcast

    Cheapy is so anti-Nintendo that it's just silly now. While I disagree that the 3DS XL is so amazing, stop putting iPhone in a category so far above it without accounting for higher price and a worse game library, you arrogant piece of shit. It's a phone. Not a dedicated game console.
  14. Filler2001

    Gamefly Daily Deals - Cities XL 2012 $13.59, Expansion $5.10 (PC)

    Couldn't resist Rayman Origins at 13 dollars.
  15. Filler2001

    GameFly Used Game Sale: Catherine $15, Deus Ex HR $13, FEAR 3 $10

    Bit Trip Complete came in today. 10.50 with coupon, perfect condition, perfect disc, only took 3 days to get here (maybe 4), and came with an untouched soundtrack. Perfect. My Uncharted 3 rental also came in today, so the game will probably be sitting in my room until next week, after RE...
  16. Filler2001

    GameFly Used Game Sale: Catherine $15, Deus Ex HR $13, FEAR 3 $10

    Saw No More Heroes for 15 but decided having the first two on Wii was enough. Decided on Bit Trip Complete because I never played the series (10.50 after coupon)
  17. Filler2001

    GGT 171 asked Shrike to be its Valentine. . .

    Gamefly question: So there's a game I want to play (Uncharted: GA), but don't want to pay 50 for. If I get a month of Gamefly (for about 11 bucks for two at a time because I have a "Please come back" email), and I just leave Uncharted in my queue, could I bypass the waiting list once it's...
  18. Filler2001

    Best Online Game Retailer 2011

    Amazon wins every year, and I really think their deals have went a tiny bit downhill in 2011. Now, Best Buy got me Saints Row: The Third for 30 dollars and Steel Diver for 5 I'm throwing my vote in for BB, although Gamefly certainly deserves an honorable mention.
  19. Filler2001

    GameFly Nightly Deals Strike Back! Alice & Portal 2 $14.99, L.A. Noire $12.99 & More

    Pokemon Black and White is 20 each. 5 dollars too much to pick up the other version. If you havent played 5th gen before, its a fucking steal though
  20. Filler2001

    GameFly Nightly Deals Strike Back! Alice & Portal 2 $14.99, L.A. Noire $12.99 & More

    here's hoping for 15 dollar Pokemon White
bread's done