Search results

  1. mr.ratburn

    FS: SOLD

    I have digital codes for: Nothing! PayPal Friends and Family Only Have a nice day!
  2. mr.ratburn

    H: Minecraft Xbox One w/ DLC and Minecraft Win10 W: $10 PP each

    I have a code for the Xbox one version of Minecraft along with a code for the builder's pack that I'm selling for $10. I also have the Windows 10 edition of Minecraft on sale separately for $10. I only accept PayPal friends and family. PM me if interested.
  3. mr.ratburn

    Nothing at the moment

    Got the code and redeemed it.  Thx
  4. mr.ratburn

    Nothing at the moment

    Accepted trade for Tomb Raider.  Giving them my Gears of War UE code.  Sent the code.  Awaiting my code.
  5. mr.ratburn


    Sent you a PM.
  6. mr.ratburn

    sold out, it's over

    Yes, I believe so.  It's hard to get a proper Steam key for Ubisoft games at the lowest price available these days.
  7. mr.ratburn

    sold out, it's over

    Morning bump.
  8. mr.ratburn

    sold out, it's over

    Nothing to see here . . .
  9. mr.ratburn

    gone like the wind

    morning bump
  10. mr.ratburn

    gone like the wind

    nightly bump
  11. mr.ratburn

    gone like the wind

    all gone.
  12. mr.ratburn

    Radio Shack clearance Nintendo 3DS $75, PS3 12GB Slim + Sports Champions 2 Move Bundle $97, Xbox 360 Slim 4GB $97

    Thanks OP!  Scored a Super Slim 12gb for $103.  Apparently the student discount does not stack though.
  13. mr.ratburn

    [H]: 1 Mario Kart 8 Free Game Code. [W]: $20 PayPal

    Payment received, still trying to get code from buggy club nintendo site.
  14. mr.ratburn

    [H]: 1 Mario Kart 8 Free Game Code. [W]: $20 PayPal

    Sorry accepting PayPal only.  Code's still up for grabs.
  15. mr.ratburn

    [H]: 1 Mario Kart 8 Free Game Code. [W]: $20 PayPal is currently down which means I'll be unable to retrieve the free game code for now.  Please take this into account when requesting a code. EDIT: website is back up.  wasn't long lol.
  16. mr.ratburn

    [H]: 1 Mario Kart 8 Free Game Code. [W]: $20 PayPal

    Hello, I just got Mario Kart 8 and I'd like to sell the free game code since I own all the free games.  You must choose one of the following games: The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Pikmin 3 New Super Mario Bros. U Wii Party U Please send me a PM with your choice of game and I will reply...
  17. mr.ratburn

    Which genre is better? JRPGs or WRPGs

    Hmm, this is tough, especially for me as RPGs are my favorite genre of games and I'm an avid retro game fan and modern gamer. The problem is, the best JRPG's by far came out in the pre-PS2 era which IMO is still part of the retro game era. This last few years have seen far far less quality...
  18. mr.ratburn

    SOLD! 2000 Wii Points Card for $12

    Yes, I know, but I wanted to buy Wii U games using it, not Wii VC games. Also, BUMP.
  19. mr.ratburn

    SOLD! 2000 Wii Points Card for $12

    Hello, Just bought a Wii points card thinking it would work for the Wii U. It didn't. PM if you're interested, and I will send you the paypal info. Once the money comes through, I will immediately PM your code. Thanks :) UPDATE: SOLD
  20. mr.ratburn

    The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

    Just got my own Wii U Deluxe bundle from FYE today!! There were literally two pepople in the store and they were looking at CD's. Getting the preorder was a cinch, the only thing is that fye has a ridiculous policy where you must purchase two games or accessories with any console purchase...
bread's done