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  1. P

    Ico/Shadow PS3 pre-order now available

    Some HD pictures of Ico with a widescreen FOV fix were shown on a certain gaming forum lately. It was from a Last Guardian behind-closed-doors preview of some conference lately, Gamescom I believe. Yea, it has all but been confirm at this point. Ico in HD Pics
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    PS3 (I know people ask about this a lot...)

    Most of the specials are going to be around holidays and the fall season. I would go ahead and buy the system and make up the saves on games you buy.
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    GAMESTOP: Fatal Frame 1, 2, &3 (ps2)

    I still think they are by far some of the most twisted horror games out there. That being one of the biggest reasons I think the series never sold particularly well. I usually don't scare easily but Fatal Frame is one series that seriously made me think twice about what was gonna happen in the...
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    The Wire: The Complete Series $89.99 (was $99.99) w/FSSS

    Good deal either way. For anybody who hasn't seen the show though you just have no conceivable idea how good this show is. It lives up to the hype and then some. As someone else said I do not care for crime dramas and it just doesn't matter.
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    Gamestop tiered trade begins Mon 10/26 up to 50% with edge card

    So any word on just how confirmed this is?
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    PSN store sales. Siren : Blood Curse ($29.99 for full, $11.99 per pack), MORE

    If you haven't played Siren go buy it now! The best traditional survival-horror this gen for sure.
  7. P Pre-Owned Box & Manual Guarantee - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

    I am gonna pick up UFC for the PS3. I got replace the PS3 though as well. PS3 is giving me a YOLD now... Lighting just took out $1500 worth of electronic equipment in the house. Router, modem, 60gb BC PS3, 2 x UPS, etc. Definitely not a good week. :cry:
bread's done