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  1. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    On the same notion that you presume that Martin attacked him. You don't know, therefore it could have happened like that. If you can't see that the fight could have occurred because Zimmerman tried to hold him up, then you need to take a step back because you are assuming just like the people...
  2. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    I wasn't aware that the person you were responding to was even referring to court definitions in particular. I believe he was trying to make a point about the negative connotations of murderer, and that he was trying to get around to the fact that unless you are convicted of the crime of murder...
  3. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    mur·der /ˈmərdər/ Noun The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Verb Kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation. Technically no, especially when you are acquitted of all charges. He did not murder, he killed in self defense. Who needs words and their...
  4. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Nope but I do remember when I brought up a more comparable story where the alleged "murderer" was not even touched when he defended himself and he was still acquitted. There is a glaring difference where the white kid was actually doing something wrong in the first place. But I didn't see...
  5. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Actually they did make that argument. Your post further underlines that Zimmerman should have been quite responsible. So where is the X factor? All of the evidence does not seem as if he were looking to kill someone, it looks as if he was trying to aid police. So what happened? Did he try to...
  6. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    That would be profiling!
  7. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch New York: Tougher gun laws, tougher self defense laws. Still acquitted.  
  8. Knoell

    Miss. Police Find $360K in Secret Car Compartment and STOLE ( CONFISCATED ) IT

    I agree, it is pretty suspicious. I think you guys would do well to read the stolen property laws and the rights our government have provided police have when they suspect it. If you dislike it, then get mad at the laws not the people charged with indiscriminately enforcing them. I definitely...
  9. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    They call it stirring the pot because this case wasn't related to race at all you twits. Please give me some evidence that racism was present here besides your own racist "well it was a kinda white guy watching a black kid, and everyone knows that people suspect black kids, so it must have been...
  10. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Not quite, but whatever you say.
  11. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    That author, and I am assuming you, seem to be getting the verdict and what you think may have happened mixed up. What Martin should have done is not what is on trial. Whether or not Zimmerman should be convicted of the charges was. The jury could not convict a man because they could not be...
  12. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    I never said that we live in a post racial world. It is definitely a thousand times better than it ever was though. The problem I have is that everyone thinks it is so obvious that Zimmerman was profiling because Martin was black. They make that leap too quickly and it is a baseless accusation...
  13. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    By normal people I mean people who don't look to the shade of someone's skin to explain every action and reaction. White person A performs some action towards another white person B. We look to why White Person A would do something to White person B but we leave race out of it because they are...
  14. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch
  15. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Willfully Said or done on purpose; deliberate Maliciously having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone : given to, marked by, or arising from malice <malicious gossip Repeatedly More than once; again and again makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in...
  16. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Plain and simple normal people do not think like this. I mean you can use hindsight to take all the evidence and evaluate just what shade someone is but again normal people don't do that. As for police "being able to charge someone without sufficient evidence" that is simply not true. Let me...
  17. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Seriously? You guys are definitely the media's target market. Jesus Christ.
  18. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Then what was throwing the manslaughter charge in there for? To cover up the plan of the obvious cover up to make sure Zimmerman gets off? Hmmm not a very effective plan.
  19. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    So he was REALLY prepared to go out and randomly run into a black teen? Or was he REALLY prepared to defend himself? Why do you keep trying to pair the two. He carried a gun. Yes. He carried a gun to try to confront a black teen. No. You also tote manslaughter as if you didn't just recently...
  20. Knoell

    Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

    Why do you continue to argue that Zimmerman hated black people and was gunning for one to shoot, but he didn't shoot him, he decided he wanted to wrestle first? Does that honestly make sense to you? You can't have it both ways. This Zimmerman guy is one brilliant strategist.
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