Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

Should Martin have waited until he had already experienced great bodily harm before he hypothetically shot Zimmerman?
Why and how does a teen have a gun? Last I check you need to be 21 years old. But to answer your question Martin would have been charged with 2nd murder and convicted since following someone is not illegal and posed no threat. Where as Martin was on top of Zimmerman punching him. Forcing Zimmerman to shoot. SYG was never brought up by defense or the prosecution. It came up when the judge was giving instructions to the jury.
Why and how does a teen have a gun? Last I check you need to be 21 years old. But to answer your question Martin would have been charged with 2nd murder and convicted since following someone is not illegal and posed no threat. Where as Martin was on top of Zimmerman punching him. Forcing Zimmerman to shoot. SYG was never brought up by defense or the prosecution. It came up when the judge was giving instructions to the jury.
Read dilemna's post again and then read my reply...again. It's takes a real special kind of reading comprehension to screw up 4 sentences.
What would he be defending himself from?   If someone is following him then call the police, if he got too close, he could draw his gun and ask questions.  At no point could following somebody lead to a shot unless somebody went from following to attempting something more.

The bigger point with Obama, is he had a chance to come out and fully be honest and upfront about the whole situation or to simply know it's not his place to talk on such a situation. Instead he tried to appease ignorant of the facts angry people, rioters, and all round just fueled more race baiting views. Not only that he insinuated SYG was primary responsible, and again compared himself. Which isn't a big deal if he was a pot smoking paranoid teen who sometimes punched people.  

There have been many cases such as when two black people shot a 13 month toddler in the head intentionally, he didn't talk about.  Or just today 4 blacks in georgia, beat to death a veteran of two duties.   So how can you pick and choose what to involve yourself on? It's why you don't comment really, not to mention he already commented on this case before.  He's exploiting the case for his own agenda with guns and laws, while trying to appease a large section of people who see things through a black tinted view or/and are rioting due to being ignorant of the full facts.

This case didn't and never did have anything to do with race.  So unless somewhere i missed it where that was shown otherwise, why the hell would he start comparing himself specificly which obviously related to color. 

It was a bad call today.  When you combine that with the keeping of GZ gun for longer at the request, and laughing off a question about GZ safety as 'ridiculous'  You have to wonder really when he says respect the verdict, if his administration and him are respecting the verdict.

Please don't waste my time with bullshit arguments. I'm not here claiming that every time something happens involving more than one race, there must be racism involved. Nor do I think that the fact that it doesn't happen every time means that racism never happens. That's just stupid. So is pretending that you, or "normal" people are colorblind. That's a lie, and everyone here knows it. I was wondering in my original post if people here find thesmselves thinking not about whether someone is Black or Hispanic, but about how black or Hispanic someone is.
I never said that we live in a post racial world. It is definitely a thousand times better than it ever was though.

The problem I have is that everyone thinks it is so obvious that Zimmerman was profiling because Martin was black. They make that leap too quickly and it is a baseless accusation that doesn't help anything because it overrides and derails legitimate explanations.

Regardless though, the whole point of those examples were to highlight that if there are legitimate reasons for conflict where race isn't involved, then there can be legitimate reasons for conflict when race is involved that don't involve race.

If a Hispanic person will murder a Hispanic person for whatever reason, then a white person murdering a Hispanic person may not be racial, it could possibly be for the same type dispute the Hispanic had with the Hispanic. Again this doesn't mean that people don't do things based on their dislike for a particular race, but that people do things for other reasons too that don't involve race.

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What about Martin's right to STAND YOUR GROUND against a racist stalker who was following him?

Why is Zimmerman the only one who had to right to kill Martin...

Oh and Obama talking about Martin, LOL.... you see all the right wing racist here who are even more gleeful that Martin was shot dead..

In fact Martin's death is a right wing rallying point to stab at Obama..

YAY!!! Love those right wing conservative racist republican voters here !!!!!

What would he be defending himself from? If someone is following him then call the police, if he got too close, he could draw his gun and ask questions. At no point could following somebody lead to a shot unless somebody went from following to attempting something more.
Well, if we're talking about hypotheticals, then it's fully possible that Zimmerman was wearing a KKK hood without the face-flap and lunged at Martin in a racist pederast rage and tried to get some of that teenage thug-lyfe know...since we're talking about hypotheticals and all. I mean we could make up ANY crazy scenario we can think of! :roll:

The bigger point with Obama, is he had a chance to come out and fully be honest and upfront about the whole situation or to simply know it's not his place to talk on such a situation. Instead he tried to appease ignorant of the facts angry people, rioters, and all round just fueled more race baiting views. Not only that he insinuated SYG was primary responsible, and again compared himself. Which isn't a big deal if he was a pot smoking paranoid teen who sometimes punched people.
How is it not his place? There are nationwide protests, with most being uneventful for that matter.

White-washing is race baiting too. Seems like you're only interested in legitimizing white experience and delegitimizing the perspective of people of color.

There have been many cases such as when two black people shot a 13 month toddler in the head intentionally, he didn't talk about. Or just today 4 blacks in georgia, beat to death a veteran of two duties. So how can you pick and choose what to involve yourself on? It's why you don't comment really, not to mention he already commented on this case before. He's exploiting the case for his own agenda with guns and laws, while trying to appease a large section of people who see things through a black tinted view or/and are rioting due to being ignorant of the full facts.
And how many of those cases weren't prosecuted? How many riots were there? And black communities shouldn't have a voice or be able to give their perspective on this?

This case didn't and never did have anything to do with race. So unless somewhere i missed it where that was shown otherwise, why the hell would he start comparing himself specificly which obviously related to color.
You and others said exactly why it has to do with race: black burglars and Martin was a black kid that was walking around suspiciously in the rain with a hoodie on aka walking in the rain while talking on a headset.

It was a bad call today. When you combine that with the keeping of GZ gun for longer at the request, and laughing off a question about GZ safety as 'ridiculous' You have to wonder really when he says respect the verdict, if his administration and him are respecting the verdict.
The DoJ is doing an investigation and wants to hold on to evidence and as for Zimmerman's safety, that would be upto the Sanford Police Department unless you don't have faith in them to do their jobs right.
That author, and I am assuming you, seem to be getting the verdict and what you think may have happened mixed up.

What Martin should have done is not what is on trial. Whether or not Zimmerman should be convicted of the charges was. The jury could not convict a man because they could not be sure what happened in that period of time.

We can't ask "what Martin should have done differently", because we don't really know what he did besides zimmermans biased side of the story.

If Zimmerman kept harassing him and trying to detain him, then maybe there would of been a conviction, but no one knows that.

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Yep, not sure how you can call something guessing and making up a good article. It's somewhat unlikely that Zimmerman would try to detain, he's never done it before to all knowledge.  And when following he kept a clear distance.  If anything he'd look to know where he went then again keep an eye on him so he'd know where he was when the cops came.  I really don't see him wanting to get too close. 

Here's the response from Zimmerman's defense on Obama

We have listened to President Obama’s comments about the verdict in the Zimmerman Case. People are focusing on this quote: “Trayvon Martin could’ve been me 35 years ago.” To focus on this one line misses the nuances of the President’s message, which includes comments about how African Americans view the Zimmerman Case in the context of the history of racial disparity in America.

For more than a year, we have been listening to the conversation about this case — from voices on every side — and we have become very sensitive to the racial context that surrounds this case. We acknowledge Mr. Obama’s remarks regarding the frustration felt by some when viewed in context of our nation’s history, which includes racial insensitivities spanning generations, and existing even today, including within our criminal justice system.

While we acknowledge and understand the racial context of this case, we challenge people to look closely and dispassionately at the facts. We believe those who look at the facts of the case without prejudice will see that it is a clear case of self-defense, and we are certain that those who take a closer look at the kind of person George Zimmerman is — something we understand the Department of Justice is currently doing — we are confident they will find a young man with with a diverse ethnic and racial background who is not a racist, a man who is, in fact, sensitive to the complex racial history of our country.

It takes courage to talk about race. It took courage for our President to address the Zimmerman Case and candidly discuss how and why people are upset by the verdict. We would like to stress that the verdict was reached fairly and justly and that it reflects the letter of the law and represents the law’s proper application to the facts. While we acknowledge the racial context of the case, we hope that the President was not suggesting that this case fits a pattern of racial disparity, because we strongly contend that it does not.

This case has given the nation an opportunity to have a candid conversation about race. We would like to contribute to this discourse. Our President has clearly indicated he is willing to contribute to the discourse. As we begin this conversation, we want to say this: we cannot talk about race in sound bites. Before you cast an opinion about what the President said, be sure to listen to his comments in full. Before you judge George Zimmerman or disparage the verdict of the citizen jury, understand the facts in full. Agree not to listen to just what meets your predisposition, but to accept what exists.

Only in this way can we assure that the conversations we want to have, that we need to have, will be attended and listened to by those whose presence is necessary for a full discourse — a discourse that can have positive consequences for our growth as a nation.

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Estimated that Zimmerman has recieved over 150,000 ......death threats.   This woman has gotten 100 just for having a number close to Zimmerman's

Cant be bothered to post the articles but numerous hispanics attacked by anti zimmerman protesters, robbed and what not.  Amazingly there's people thanking Obama for bringing up the issue of race, despite the negative impact it's having on these people attacked.

Eric Holder the man who doesn't care about the IRS report, the man who when he came into his new job dropped the case against the Black Panthers(same black panthers who scream in the street kill their babies, about white people it's on video) the man who supplys Mexican drug gangs with weapons.....has now said he told his son about racial profilling due to this case, and has instructed that Zimmerman doesn't get his gun back yet as they study the evidence.    From the best country in the world to this....Amazing.

Most polls show majority of people agree with the verdict. And majority don't think it was racism.   Wouldn't think that judging by the media.

It's so crazy all this shit about a case with no indication of race being a factor, i keep saying it but it's crazy.  

Zimmerman called non emeregency cops over 30 times, fact he called on white people, hispanic people and black people.  He saw somebody acting suspicious, wal but king slow in the rain, at night, looking around, so he did what he usually does, take no chances, call non emergency get a patrol car to check him out or circle the area. 

That's that.  But somehow we only talking about race from this?  Am i an idiot cos i just cant grasp how people assume with certainty it was racially motivated, absolutely nothing to suggest it?

Pre concieved views on people's prejudice?  Automatic response to a black male seen as suspicious?  Unable to shake off the media's initial malacious editing and false portrayal of what was said?    Strange but it's not productive whatsoever to be speculative without foundation in such an unprovable and not applicable case.

I mean people are encouraging others not to report or be vigiliante against suspicious people that are black in fear of being branded racist.  Imagine you're a neighborhood watch or security person now?    You'd be shit scared to approach or call up on a black person, cos if the situation develops, you'd worry the media will look to frame you for sensationalistic purposes, race baiters will jump all over it, the person can then claim discrimination to help get away with whatever they were doing, or teach you a lesson.  It's just mindless.

If he signalled him out cos he was black, you can have the debate ok he racially profilled him but still was he within his rights to defend himself or why do people profile and subjects about race.  But there's no indication at all he racially profilled.   This is the world of liberals though.

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who the fuck  cares what obama says... o i can be him..

if  obama cares about people why dont he say he could of been the  poor  13 year old boy who  was killed by the 65 year old white man  cause he thought the kid broke in his house and took his guns...

Why the fuck    did this never make the national news ...

o thats right cause obama is just playing the race card.....

hey obama if you gave a damn about people maybe instead of taking at  100 million buck  trip you could of gave it  to the people  in the poor areas   ...... hell no you will never do that.

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That author, and I am assuming you, seem to be getting the verdict and what you think may have happened mixed up.

What Martin should have done is not what is on trial. Whether or not Zimmerman should be convicted of the charges was. The jury could not convict a man because they could not be sure what happened in that period of time.

We can't ask "what Martin should have done differently", because we don't really know what he did besides zimmermans biased side of the story.

If Zimmerman kept harassing him and trying to detain him, then maybe there would of been a conviction, but no one knows that.

Why is it everytime when someone tries to really talk about race relations in America all these racist white conservatives keep calling it "stiring the pot"

It seems like these white right wing conservatives can't even bring themselves to admit or talk about the truth, they just want to it ignored ..  Why?  cause you know you lost your precious civil slavery war?  you lost your attempts to segregate?  you lost your attempt to kill blacks without reason?

WHY? because institutionalized racism is your last ability to hold on to being a racist without admitting you are a racist, your last stand on keeping the white power structure, your ability to degrade minorities without actual direct seeable action?

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Why is it everytime when someone tries to really talk about race relations in America all these racist white conservatives keep calling it "stiring the pot"

It seems like these white right wing conservatives can't even bring themselves to admit or talk about the truth, they just want to it ignored .. Why? cause you know you lost your precious civil slavery war? you lost your attempts to segregate? you lost your attempt to kill blacks without reason?

WHY? because institutionalized racism is your last ability to hold on to being a racist without admitting you are a racist, your last stand on keeping the white power structure, your ability to degrade minorities without actual direct seeable action?
Oh no, talk about racism openly. It'll completely obliterate all the ignorant clueless people who continue to call conservatives racists while encouraging racism.

Check out the statistics. They don't lie, even if you do.

If you really care about 'racism' then why are you directing your racist accusations purely at conservatives? Are you suggesting there's no racist democrats, no racist blacks? I've came across about 10,000 in the last week.

As for instituionalized racism, which is a nice phrase, given you're of the thinking that this case was a product of institutionalized racism, it pretty much confirms you'll cite anything in that category to keep the idea institutionalized racism is rampant, something hard pressed to prove or disprove is perfect for somebody like yourself.

As for the civil war comments, do your research man. But tell me do you think slavery made slaves and black people racist? Being treated like 2nd class citizens? Would you be surprised if it did make some a bit racist?

So what if you have a miniority committing the majority of the crimes, what if your daughter got sexually assaulted, raped, by this miniority. What if your kid got bullied in school by this miniority, what if your house got burgled, your car stolen by this miniority. Then what if this miniority glorified this behavior, and boasted about it with many others finding it funny. Then what if this miniority claimed they were victimized and treated unfairly, while being supported and defended by braindead liberals just because they hate conservatives and like to believe right wing = backward and racist? Would you be a bit racist? You probably would, but guess what many of those who've suffered due to this crime manage to not hold racist views, yet they'll be labelled racist, for simply relaying their experience.. Most of what conservatives say about race is based on facts, almost nothing you say isn't remotely close to a fact yet very prejudice and stereotypical, precisely the things you claim to be against. But guess what, slavery is over, times have moved on, i don't know why slavery would even be brought up in this day and age except in a history class. There's no logical reason for people to dislike black people or be racist. There is logical reasons for people to dislike a culture or actions by most of the time black people things backed up by statistics and crime rates. So if you hate racism(which quite clearly you don't as you're guilty of it in every post you make) wouldn't you want to tackle those crime rates, those actions that culture...therefore eliminating the #1 cause of possible racist stereotypical views? Yet that's the last thing you focus on. Pretty strange.

Speaking of facts.

Warning as some graphic pictures but just sums up the GZ case perfectly. Real truth see if you liberal guys can take your liberal hat off and actually wonder if you got this story right.

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Why is it everytime when someone tries to really talk about race relations in America all these racist white conservatives keep calling it "stiring the pot"

It seems like these white right wing conservatives can't even bring themselves to admit or talk about the truth, they just want to it ignored .. Why? cause you know you lost your precious civil slavery war? you lost your attempts to segregate? you lost your attempt to kill blacks without reason?

WHY? because institutionalized racism is your last ability to hold on to being a racist without admitting you are a racist, your last stand on keeping the white power structure, your ability to degrade minorities without actual direct seeable action?

Hey Mr. Racist! Let's pretend you're black and have a young black child. You don't believe in fairy tells (Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Racist Neighborhood Watchmen) and always shoot it straight with your son.

He is old enough to know the truth about the world and he asks you who is most likely to harm him. You live in the internet age and have countless information at your fingertips.

Do you tell him the truth (i.e. that he is most likely to be harmed by someone of his own race) or do you lie?

Alternate juror the only male in the jurors list who just happenend to be black as well...says he would have found GZ not guilty.

Expect a change from 'old white jury'  to 'prosecution didn't make their case well'   Also he says he doesn't think he racially profilled.  So yet another black person who actually studied all the evidence comes to a different conclusion to the rioters who mostly have no clue about anything

Seems like judging by the lawsuit against NBC.   Atorneys for the teen approached NBC's Al Sharpton in an attempt to make it racial to help sue the police department.   May even explain the subsequent editing of the 911 call by mysterious people at NBC who were since fired, which began the race talk and interest.   So a race baiter looking for $$ was the root of all this?  What a surprise.

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Why is it everytime when someone tries to really talk about race relations in America all these racist white conservatives keep calling it "stiring the pot"

It seems like these white right wing conservatives can't even bring themselves to admit or talk about the truth, they just want to it ignored .. Why? cause you know you lost your precious civil slavery war? you lost your attempts to segregate? you lost your attempt to kill blacks without reason?

WHY? because institutionalized racism is your last ability to hold on to being a racist without admitting you are a racist, your last stand on keeping the white power structure, your ability to degrade minorities without actual direct seeable action?

I for one love the fake concern for violence in chicago or insert urban place here.

They call it stirring the pot because this case wasn't related to race at all you twits.

Please give me some evidence that racism was present here besides your own racist "well it was a kinda white guy watching a black kid, and everyone knows that people suspect black kids, so it must have been racially motivated".

They call it stirring the pot because this case wasn't related to race at all you twits.

Please give me some evidence that racism was present here besides your own racist "well it was a kinda white guy watching a black kid, and everyone knows that people suspect black kids, so it must have been racially motivated".
Feelings are the new facts for liberals, why bother with evidence or testimony when their feelings trump your facts. But it only works their way. If you disagree with abortion for example because you feel it's a human life, you lose the argument because conservative feelings are not valid, and oh yeah your a racist for thinking abortion is wrong even though your argument has nothing to do with race and you didn't even mention it.

"Statistics says BLACKS are responsible for more crimes"  - by conservative posters

But statistics also says racists tend to be white, conservative, republican voters, HOWEVER conservatives will be the first to say DON'T paint a broad stroke against us.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!

I ain't racist, you see my neighbor is black, I give to churches who give MY money to minorities, heck I got ONE black friend, so I can't be racist... I however am very much ok when a innocent black teen gets murdered, minorities gets profiled, and throwing more minorities in jail for the same offenses as whites :) but hey I ain't raccccciiiiiist, I just see things "politically different" then you........

Who knew RACISTs want to be a part of the political system and keeping certain political practices against minorities in place... Color me FARKING SHOCKED, that racists want to be part of the political system, and their excuse is because they see this politically different.. 

Why don't you people just put on you farking white robe, and recite the white brotherhood pledge of allegence, and just admit it.  I rather have you be proud of your racism then to be coy and sneaky about it...

"Statistics says BLACKS are responsible for more crimes" - by conservative posters

But statistics also says racists tend to be white, conservative, republican voters, HOWEVER conservatives will be the first to say DON'T paint a broad stroke against us.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!

I ain't racist, you see my neighbor is black, I give to churches who give MY money to minorities, heck I got ONE black friend, so I can't be racist... I however am very much ok when a innocent black teen gets murdered, minorities gets profiled, and throwing more minorities in jail for the same offenses as whites :) but hey I ain't raccccciiiiiist, I just see things "politically different" then you........

Who knew RACISTs want to be a part of the political system and keeping certain political practices against minorities in place... Color me FARKING SHOCKED, that racists want to be part of the political system, and their excuse is because they see this politically different..

Why don't you people just put on you farking white robe, and recite the white brotherhood pledge of allegence, and just admit it. I rather have you be proud of your racism then to be coy and sneaky about it...
Congrats on showing your extreme intelligence Lol. But listen if there was a right wing version of you then yes im sure he'd be everything you describe. However the fact that these so calls liberals on here actually entertain your posts pretty much sums up they'll high five the biggest braindead lunatic if they happen to be anti conservative. Which to me totally discredits them as rational or balanced.

But anyway your claim on statistics is false(what a surprise) Only thing ive seen was some weird study why they asked question like ''do you asscoiate latinos with A drug B hard work C'' And depending on the answers made a staistical analysis about prejudice and racism. Pretty flawed idea. It came to the conclusion 55% of white democrats were explicitly racist btw. And didn't bother releasing any info on blacks answers.

''Statistics says BLACKS are responsible for more crimes'' No dude, MAJORITY of crimes.

Obviously i know im dealing with somebody irrational, but try making a post that isn't a bunch of prejudice assumptions. You don't seem to realize that's exactly what you're claiming conservatives do...yet you do it every post. Lol

Trying to decipher between your babble you suggest that profilling is responsible for the staistics. I cant even begin to elaborate on how stupid that point is.

But in summary your view is that the statistics showing that blacks commit the majority of crime is because the system the police are all racist?

So how comes in New York where such profilling has been rampant, since it was introduced, crime went down 80%? Good luck with that one.

Apart from the glaring fact a teen was shot and unforunately got killed. This case is really showing more than anything else personally ive seen in the last 5 years how flawed the liberal pysche is. I think this case is a game changer quite frankly. Nothing can be as illustrative to show how people ignore facts and evidence to continue their agenda driven pre concieved notions. And when the penny drops (cos i do believe some liberals are so entrapped in their own nonsense they haven't actually realized what's what in this particular case) Then maybe some reasonable people will question if their agenda has any real basis in America.


A Hispanic guy who campaigned for the democrats.

Campaigned for Obama

Took a black girl to the prom

Had a black great grandfather

mentored two black kids

went out of his way to help a black homeless man against an attack

had a black business partner

can be demonized and labelled a disgusting racist based on THIS 4 minute convo

a convo on which he showed absolutely no racism, and no indication of race being remotely his motive.

Then what chance of rational sense would you have from liberals if this was a white conservative? Absolutely none. And that's simply dangerous.

A murderer who does a good deed is still a murderer. What's your point?

EDIT: Also, one of the first things they teach you in First Aid/CPR classes is that you never remove someone from a crashed vehicle unless you can visibly see that they about to die as a direct consequence of their inability to move (i.e. fire).

This guy would have made a terrible cop.

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I read somewhere that Trayvon pulled his dad out of a house fire.
He did. His dad was heating some grease to cook fries. Over heated and started a fire, his dad tried to put it out but the pan over turned onto his legs. Martin was able to drag him out.
He did. His dad was heating some grease to cook fries. Over heated and started a fire, his dad tried to put it out but the pan over turned onto his legs. Martin was able to drag him out.

How old was he when he did this?

I find it odd that people have no problem believing a child can drag a grown man out of a fire yet can't imagine a much older version of the same "child" having the strength to subdue another man.

How old was he when he did this?

I find it odd that people have no problem believing a child can drag a grown man out of a fire yet can't imagine a much older version of the same "child" having the strength to subdue another man.
You know what I find odd? The fact that no one here made that argument. know...maybe you should address that point with those that did.

"Child" or not, you're still putting the burden on a 17 year old kid to be more responsible than a 29 year old adult with MMA and CCW training. Facts are a bitch like that.

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You know what I find odd? The fact that no one here made that argument. know...maybe you should address that point with those that did.

"Child" or not, you're still putting the burden on a 17 year old kid to be more responsible than a 29 year old adult with MMA and CCW training. Facts are a bitch like that.
Actually they did make that argument.

Your post further underlines that Zimmerman should have been quite responsible. So where is the X factor? All of the evidence does not seem as if he were looking to kill someone, it looks as if he was trying to aid police. So what happened? Did he try to detain Martin? Did Martin attack him? Only he knows and there was only evidence to reinforce his claims, therefore he was acquitted.

We are going in circles though. I am starting to wonder if they should lock this thread? Or have the moderators completely abandoned VS?

Actually they did make that argument.
Here's where I ask you to name names.

Your post further underlines that Zimmerman should have been quite responsible. So where is the X factor? All of the evidence does not seem as if he were looking to kill someone, it looks as if he was trying to aid police. So what happened? Did he try to detain Martin? Did Martin attack him? Only he knows and there was only evidence to reinforce his claims, therefore he was acquitted.
Where the fuck in this thread did I ever say that Zimmerman was looking to kill someone? Strawman much? Oh right, that's your m.o.

The only evidence was that there was a struggle and Zimmerman killing Martin. Martin wasn't doing a ground and pound because his hands and wrists are virtually injury free. There's no conclusive evidence as to who was screaming. The witness that saw Martin on top of Zimmerman can't say with certainty that what he saw was an accurate portrayal of what happened because he didn't see or hear how they ended up on the ground. We don't know when the gun came out either. Zimmerman didn't say shit under oath and his various accounts aren't consistent. The only thing reinforcing his various claims is your narrative, which is different from the facts.

One of the first things they teach you in martial arts is to never seek out conflict and always try to avoid it...same thing with CCW. Letting "those assholes get away" is exactly what Zimmerman should've done instead of creepily following a kid in a car to then follow on foot. Because Zimmerman decided to be a vigilante and therefore act irresponsibly, he'll be in fear of vigilantism for the rest of his life and he ended the life of a 17 year old kid whose only intention that night was to get home with some Skittles and Iced Tea. All this could've been avoided if Zimmerman stayed in the car. It's called causation.

We are going in circles though. I am starting to wonder if they should lock this thread? Or have the moderators completely abandoned VS?
They're only present when someone reports a post and even then, it only affects a select few individuals. I'm guessing the mods want to turn Vs. into You and yours would fit in right at home there. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if a few of you were already members of that shithole.

edit: Here's where I give credit where credit is due and egofed deserves some for not trolling it up like Spokker and GBAStar in regards to Zimmerman pulling some people out of a car/Martin saving his father. You get a +rep for that one. bear489 too.
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How old was he when he did this?
I find it odd that people have no problem believing a child can drag a grown man out of a fire yet can't imagine a much older version of the same "child" having the strength to subdue another man.
I heard the father tell the story on dr.phil good's show. I looked it up on the web and found some details. According to his dad Trayvon was 9 at the time. He was able to pull his father out, put the fire out, and call 911. That is one strong kid. But about that night we can only go by the evidence, recorded phone calls, and independent witness's accounts. Anything else is just left up to the person's imagination and what they believe who was the true victim that night. One person can say Zimmerman was only doing his duty as a watch man and was jumped by Trayvon, thus making Zimmerman the victim or another person could say Zimmerman did chase down Trayvon after hanging up with the non-Er line and tried to subdue Trayvon. Trayvon was only defending himself the entire time till he was shot and killed. No one knows what happened that lead up to the fight but Zimmerman, Trayvon, and God.
So Zimmerman comforted and helped a traumatized young woman after two black teens broke in when she was alone with her two year old son.  A woman who was very appreciative and greatful as he dedicated time to secure her house and make her feel safe.

Zimmerman helped a homeless man beat up by an officers son

Zimmerman helped a family who's car was in an accident

It seems that the big bad Zimmerman seems to be doing a lot of good, perhaps he isn't that bad after all?

Now apparently according to his father this kid at 9 helped him from a fire, lets just assume that story is  true.

Now 17, no longer a nice sweet 9 yr old boy.  Now a guy regularly in fights.  A guy who 5 days before this incident with ZImmerman swung at a bus driver who wouldn't let him on for free.  A guy kicked out of school 3+ times.  A guy who went to the 7/11 to get ingredients for a drug called lean he planned to make with his friend. 

Now this guy comes into contact with the guy looking to protect the neighborhood. In particular scared women of young teens breaking in. Here was a young teen loitering around, looking around, walking slowly in the rain.  So he called on emergency lets check this guy out.

The teen notices the car had been following him, and the guy has now got out.  He walks towards Zimmerman makng gang like gestures, he tries to pretend he has a gun by going near his waist, he tries to intimidate the good neighbor.  Eventually he changes tact and decides to move away, Zimmerman begins to give chase, before stopping quite soon afterwards.

This teen has a lot of thoughts in his head. Is this a cop, is this a rapist, who the fuck he think he is coming after me i outta smack his teeth out.  Damn cracka la la la.   So instead of heading to the residence only 90 yards away, he insteads stands around, calls his friend and discuss what they saw, while in this convo he notices Zimmerman now walking near hm again.  

Zimmerman  then notices the teen and due to how close they are panics and goes to get his phone to call 911, while the teen says what the fuck is your problem you got a problem, Zimmerman quietly says no still reaching looking for his phone, then the teen decides to swing at him and the onsuing struggle begins.

Zimmerman screams for help numerous times, but just like liberal people want it, those looking were too scared to get involved, and instead retreated into their homes to call the police. So Zimmerman unsure what this violent teen is going to do, is now scared for his life, and decides he's gotta do something to protect himself and there we have it.

It's as likely as anything, yet public enemy num #1. 

My theory is that morally society has become accostomed to spin that truth doesn't concern them.

Sure it's sad this guy lost his life.  Wasn't he trying to get a gun himself though.  A guy who swings at people without much care, what would he be like with a gun?   Would it really be justice for him to be in jail for 40 years while someone else is killed?  Is that liberal justice? 

Because they'd prefer that the people arguing against Zimmerman would prefer that Zimmerman was dead and TM was in jail for 40 years.

So Zimmerman comforted and helped a traumatized young woman after two black teens broke in when she was alone with her two year old son. A woman who was very appreciative and greatful as he dedicated time to secure her house and make her feel safe.

Zimmerman helped a homeless man beat up by an officers son

Zimmerman helped a family who's car was in an accident

It seems that the big bad Zimmerman seems to be doing a lot of good, perhaps he isn't that bad after all?

Now apparently according to his father this kid at 9 helped him from a fire, lets just assume that story is true.

Now 17, no longer a nice sweet 9 yr old boy. Now a guy regularly in fights. A guy who 5 days before this incident with ZImmerman swung at a bus driver who wouldn't let him on for free. A guy kicked out of school 3+ times. A guy who went to the 7/11 to get ingredients for a drug called lean he planned to make with his friend.

Now this guy comes into contact with the guy looking to protect the neighborhood. In particular scared women of young teens breaking in. Here was a young teen loitering around, looking around, walking slowly in the rain. So he called on emergency lets check this guy out.

The teen notices the car had been following him, and the guy has now got out. He walks towards Zimmerman makng gang like gestures, he tries to pretend he has a gun by going near his waist, he tries to intimidate the good neighbor. Eventually he changes tact and decides to move away, Zimmerman begins to give chase, before stopping quite soon afterwards.

This teen has a lot of thoughts in his head. Is this a cop, is this a rapist, who the fuck he think he is coming after me i outta smack his teeth out. Damn cracka la la la. So instead of heading to the residence only 90 yards away, he insteads stands around, calls his friend and discuss what they saw, while in this convo he notices Zimmerman now walking near hm again.

Zimmerman then notices the teen and due to how close they are panics and goes to get his phone to call 911, while the teen says what the fuck is your problem you got a problem, Zimmerman quietly says no still reaching looking for his phone, then the teen decides to swing at him and the onsuing struggle begins.

Zimmerman screams for help numerous times, but just like liberal people want it, those looking were too scared to get involved, and instead retreated into their homes to call the police. So Zimmerman unsure what this violent teen is going to do, is now scared for his life, and decides he's gotta do something to protect himself and there we have it.

It's as likely as anything, yet public enemy num #1.

My theory is that morally society has become accostomed to spin that truth doesn't concern them.

Sure it's sad this guy lost his life. Wasn't he trying to get a gun himself though. A guy who swings at people without much care, what would he be like with a gun? Would it really be justice for him to be in jail for 40 years while someone else is killed? Is that liberal justice?

Because they'd prefer that the people arguing against Zimmerman would prefer that Zimmerman was dead and TM was in jail for 40 years.
Like I said make sure you use a condom ok.... don't want you to catch something

So Zimmerman comforted and helped a traumatized young woman after two black teens broke in when she was alone with her two year old son. A woman who was very appreciative and greatful as he dedicated time to secure her house and make her feel safe.

Zimmerman helped a homeless man beat up by an officers son

Zimmerman helped a family who's car was in an accident

It seems that the big bad Zimmerman seems to be doing a lot of good, perhaps he isn't that bad after all?

Now apparently according to his father this kid at 9 helped him from a fire, lets just assume that story is true.

Now 17, no longer a nice sweet 9 yr old boy. Now a guy regularly in fights. A guy who 5 days before this incident with ZImmerman swung at a bus driver who wouldn't let him on for free. A guy kicked out of school 3+ times. A guy who went to the 7/11 to get ingredients for a drug called lean he planned to make with his friend.

Now this guy comes into contact with the guy looking to protect the neighborhood. In particular scared women of young teens breaking in. Here was a young teen loitering around, looking around, walking slowly in the rain. So he called on emergency lets check this guy out.

The teen notices the car had been following him, and the guy has now got out. He walks towards Zimmerman makng gang like gestures, he tries to pretend he has a gun by going near his waist, he tries to intimidate the good neighbor. Eventually he changes tact and decides to move away, Zimmerman begins to give chase, before stopping quite soon afterwards.

This teen has a lot of thoughts in his head. Is this a cop, is this a rapist, who the fuck he think he is coming after me i outta smack his teeth out. Damn cracka la la la. So instead of heading to the residence only 90 yards away, he insteads stands around, calls his friend and discuss what they saw, while in this convo he notices Zimmerman now walking near hm again.

Zimmerman then notices the teen and due to how close they are panics and goes to get his phone to call 911, while the teen says what the fuck is your problem you got a problem, Zimmerman quietly says no still reaching looking for his phone, then the teen decides to swing at him and the onsuing struggle begins.

Zimmerman screams for help numerous times, but just like liberal people want it, those looking were too scared to get involved, and instead retreated into their homes to call the police. So Zimmerman unsure what this violent teen is going to do, is now scared for his life, and decides he's gotta do something to protect himself and there we have it.

It's as likely as anything, yet public enemy num #1.

My theory is that morally society has become accostomed to spin that truth doesn't concern them.

Sure it's sad this guy lost his life. Wasn't he trying to get a gun himself though. A guy who swings at people without much care, what would he be like with a gun? Would it really be justice for him to be in jail for 40 years while someone else is killed? Is that liberal justice?

Because they'd prefer that the people arguing against Zimmerman would prefer that Zimmerman was dead and TM was in jail for 40 years.
This is exactly why this whole case has been fucked from the beginning. Everyone desperately wants to paint each party in broad strokes as how somehow specific instances will entirely dictate how they acted in this situation, and to a lesser extent, whether they deserved to live or die. I propose the approach I've had for a while, maybe both of them screwed up here but neither deserved to die. Labels of "good" or "bad" don't matter here.
Sure Zimmerman may have done good in the past and will do good in the future, that doesn't mean he didn't up this time and it doesn't mean he doesn't have racist attitudes/mindset. Same for Trayvon, that kid could have gone on to do great things, we'll never know because he's dead now.
I dislike the result of the case but I won't call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings. Here's the deal that people seem to forget time and again though, it was only after heavy political pressure (by those likely not law trained) that they even brought charges against Zimmerman. The reason they were slow to bring those charges is because the prosecutor knew it was a weak case. Did Zimmerman really want to kill the kid? I don't know, we'll never know unless he outright tells us but what he did was found to not be criminal, it's unfortunate but sometimes we get results we don't like in our court system.
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