Search results

  1. Jcole432

    EA Online Codes Free!

    Looks like EA is finally offering some online codes for free! Also, American McGee's Alice is being offered for free on Xbox Live, but requires the Alice Madness Returns disc to play. :applause: Links! American McGee's Alice -...
  2. Jcole432

    H:MW2 Stim Code(Ps3) Want: All sorts of stuff!

    Have: -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Code (PS3) -Perfect Dark XBLA Code Want: -PSN points -MSP (Xbox 360) looking for roughly 800 points for the map pack -PSN Codes (I'd like to get some PS1 originals) -XBLA Codes PM me if you are interested, maybe we can work out a deal!
  3. Jcole432

    Raystorm HD code for WaW maps or XBLA!

    I have a code for Raystorm HD which is worth 1200 MP. I'm looking to trade for World at War maps or something else. Let me know if you want it, and what you would be willing to trade for it!
  4. Jcole432

    Xbox 360 REFURB w/ Extras $139.99

    May be a repost...but it is still an amazing deal... Xbox 360 refirb. w/ 20gb HHD, Wireless Controller, and Headset! $139.99 With shipping my total came to ~$155, which is still a great deal for this bundle! :D
  5. Jcole432

    Possible "Collection" Titles

    My friend and I visited Gamestop today when he brought up a pretty interesting idea :D. Why don't game companies make more games like the God of War Collection for the PS3? We could have a revamped GTA Collection, or maybe even a revamped Metal Gear Solid Collection. I for one would love the...
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