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  1. C

    [Working again!] Nintendo Europe giving Punchout codes for Animal Crossing

    I can't get the site to work... I see no Pete or Pelly... Also, since I've got some folks here talking Animal Crossing: I just got the game last weekend and accidentally -- okay, I'm a big idiot, started my game on the wrong memory card, deleted it, and started on the card that came with it...
  2. C

    Greatest Hits Vs. Non Greatest Hits

    I'm just poor.
  3. C

    Do you think the gamecube is really under rated.

    I came very close to not buying a Gamecube after trying one in at a store display. The controller just seemed too, well, funky. But a short while later I broke down and got one, and I have to say it feels pretty damned good. It could've just been that weird angle the store displays always...
  4. C

    Do you think the gamecube is really under rated.

    Is the whole "kiddie" thing because we all, every last one of us, played the NES when we were kids? Is that what it's about? Or is everyone just too cool for things like fun and colors and games without a body-countometer? I don't have much to compare to, though, 'cause I only have a 'cube...
  5. C

    Convinced PS2's are made to break.

    Heh. Funny where you find things. I've never owned a Sony anything -- well, except a discman and a big-ass cd changer -- but I've been wondering for a while now if that happened to anyone else's SNES. Still works, of course. Just kinda dingy-looking down south. I still remember the kid who...
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