Search results

  1. D

    Stupid Affordable, Franken-Switch?

    I'm familiar with the tech. It's the "far sighted" variety, and I'd rather hold the system in front of me like I'm taking passersby's pictures with it.
  2. D

    Stupid Affordable, Franken-Switch?

    Okay, so I guess this falls squarely into the "Advice" as well as "Deal Request" category. I currently find myself in the silly and amusement, yet irritating situation of living in a shared home with a fairly wealthy individual. I, however, am typically dead broke. Remedying that with...
  3. D

    Circuit City Clearance list. 5 - 10 dollar games as of June 18

    I hate to say it, but someone's been posting these deals at IGN's video game boards as well. They've given credit here and there, but it does bother me, knowing full well that if people want these deals, all they have to do is a search of Video Game Deals, Video Games Cheap (I honestly found...
  4. D

    Free games at

    Okay gang, I got my first shipment yesterday, and it was a sweet shipment at that. A free Game Boy Advance SP Platinum. Haven't been charged anything crazy yet, and I started all this in November, so you'd think by now I'd have been scammed if it was gonna happen. I just need...
  5. D

    New 4-game trade in offers at EB (DOA Online, NFL Street, Pokemon Stadium)

    > Then you'd be spending $40 to get one of these three games... am I right? Is that such a great savings? I'm trying to figure this one out, but I'm awfully sleepy, :). I can't find cheapass games cheap enough to validfy getting 4 for 1 new game. Just those $10 games at CC. Oh wait... duh...
  6. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    Just wanted to thank the fellow who mentioned SSX Tricky. It's definately not as good as SSX3, but considering it was $5, I feel it was WELL worth it. So these aren't all clearance, in the sense that they're just laying around in that cheapy section, right? Some actually are BEHIND glass...
  7. D

    E-Reader Cards (GBA) $ .99 at Best Buy B&M!

    I took several NES-e cards up, and they always ring up less than listed. Donkey Kong 3, for instance, said one price, but ended up $0.99 ~Dak
  8. D

    Free games at

    I've got a GBA SP on back order -- anyone think I'll get it? Heh, I sure hope so, because I conned my wife into being okay with getting a GBA SP Flame in the meantime, so when the other comes, I'll sell it. Anyhoo, glad to see this thing's still alive in some form or another (even if some of...
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    [Dead] TRU/ - Coupon Code of the Day

    ::sigh:: You'd think Toys-R-Us would be down with the GameCube. ~Dak
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    [Dead] TRU/ - Coupon Code of the Day

    Where am I missing the GameCube deals?
  11. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    ::c-cough:: Now, are these sale prices you could raincheck, if they're out of them? Sorry if bringing up this raincheck thing bothers people in the Target thread here -- but it's too great a deal. ~Dak
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    The Target Clearance Thread

    (double post)
  13. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    Okay, I called my local Target, and they said today couldn't be the last day of a sale, because their sales begin and end on Sunday -- thus Monday can't be the last day of the "Lion King" sale. THEN, I call another one and get some crap about how it was a price-cut, and I can't get a raincheck...
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    The Target Clearance Thread

    You know it! LOL -- I'm jonsing for that 44% off GBA raincheck, but all I got in return is this 2, 30% off X-Box raincheck to trade. I just hope the same guy isn't in the Electronics section as last time. He either knew I was up to something, or thought I was stoned (my wife noted my eyes were...
  15. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    Well unfortunately my raincheck is for two, 30% off X-Box games, if your local Target is out of "Conflict: Desert Storm" -- but applied to two, $50 X-Box games, that's a $30 savings. I'm gonna give this "Lion King" thing a shot, unless there's any takers on what I got. :) ~Dak
  16. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    Ouch -- BUY unwanted games, and just return them all? LOL, now that's Cheap Ass! So, Lion King, for the GBA, huh? Awesome -- I was wanting Pokemon Pinball for the GBA, but they wouldn't let me turn a GameCube 30% off into a GBA 30% off. My offer for 2, 30% receipts still stands, especially if...
  17. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    So I've got this, "Reg. $19.99 @ 30% off -- Choose a substitute and receive the same percentage off (listed above) on a regular-priced item within the same product category (i.e. TV for TV)." Now, that's a bit untrue. It's apparently got to be "brand for brand" too (though I suspect it's...
  18. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    Daaaaaaamn straight! ~Dak
  19. D

    The Target Clearance Thread

    (Repost) What an experience this was... Okay, I asked for Luigi's Mansion, and they didn't have it. Cool. "Can I get a rain check?" The guy pauses, looks off... mumbles, "Yeah." He then asks how many I'd like. I wasn't thinking, and was just ecstatic and replied, "Oh, just one." Then I felt...
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    [Dead] KBtoys Sale - Official CAG Thread

    GameCube owners might be thinking what I'm thinking.... one giant "meh". 2 Copies of F-Zero GX for $19.99, at my local KBToys -- not a game I want, though highly rated -- not worth getting up this morning for. Meh. ~Dak
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