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  1. L

    The Official Warhawk CAG Clan - Join in!

    I'll take an invite: Limelicker Limelicker Central Yes
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    PS3 Game Case Size Comparisons

    LOL.....posters being critical of a game case. I've seen it all now.
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    The PlayStation 3: 24 things you need to know

    Actually, it's not an issue. Sony has already stated that if a battery runs dead, they will exchange the controller without charging the consumer. This was posted soon after the initial story about the battery being non-replaceable. Sony said they don't expect to exchange controllers very...
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    Sony May Not Meet PlayStation 3 Shipment Targets?

    Or, in the case of this message board, fanboy excitement about possible downfall of Sony turns to nothing but overexaggerated claims. You'd think at some point people would just sit back and see how the next 6 months go. I guess it's a bit too much to ask.
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    Sony May Not Meet PlayStation 3 Shipment Targets?

    Several media sources have now posted new information. Bloomberg got the information incorrect. The shortage that they reported was the one that caused the European launch to be pushed back. Japan and US will still easily meet targets. Honestly, if it weren't for the media anymore, we might...
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    Lots of updated previews.....

    IGN has a page dedicated to PS3 stories coming out of the expo.......
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    Sony to miss this year's PS3 production estimates (link)

    One more quick point. Sony is also stating that they will have 6 million units on the market by March 2007 as previously stated. So this isn't really a problem outside of the first month or two. Much ado about nothing in the end.
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    Sony to miss this year's PS3 production estimates (link)

    Just a FYI......that does not reduce the 400,000 that will be released at launch. It only reduces the year-end numbers.
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    Lots of playback, options and interface information.....
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    SIXAXIS batteries non replaceable.......or are they? UPDATE

    Not really. The controllers still work when they are plugged in even if the battery is absolutely dead. The price they are willing to offer would obviously be not that good, but you get a controller for dirt cheap if you were willing to take it as is. I'm not saying I would do it, but I'm...
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    PS3 Online Information Revealed

    Ah, this could be an extremely good development. Sounds like Sony is going to try to go towards new games by indie and small-time developers versus the retro arcade route that Microsoft has taken (Yes, MS has the development tool, but nothing substantial has been created thus far). Also, it...
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    More EA stupidity in BF 2142 game......

    Oh, wow. This is getting much worse by the moment...... EA released a patch for Battlefield 2142 today, and I noticed this while looking through its ReadMe:"Players who have the Windows security update KB917422 installed may suffer from an application error when running Battlefield 2142. This...
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    Ebay bans ps3/presale auctions

    Not sure why. It's a very good policy and I'm glad they're enforcing it.
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    More EA stupidity in BF 2142 game......

    Now this is an interesting concept. You have stated that EA would never do something that would cause a lawsuit that they might lose. Yet EA has lost many lawsuits during its history of doing business. They disclosed two lawsuit judgments against them this past year in their financial...
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    500Gig PS3 Hard Drive...?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Sony make the hard drive port to where you don't have to buy a Sony specific drive and can install any 2.5" drive you want? I'm pretty sure that I won't need more than 60 GB, but I thought that was an option if you wanted to do so.
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    More EA stupidity in BF 2142 game......

    Just when you think EA can't get worse, they decide to start doing this....... Ummmm, hello? So now I'm going to have EA servers constantly monitoring my web surfing and other habits in order to put advertisements in my games? How desparate are...
  17. L

    For those of you who thought nobody would buy the PS3 at Full price.......

    Agreed, Gamecube didn't have any problem. PS2, Xbox, 360 all had problems upon launch. It's certainly pretty common as of late for launch systems to have some problems.
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    Lots of Blu-ray movies now in stock......

    I was a bit surprised to see how many Blu-ray movies are on sale in Best Buy already. Granted, some of them were older movies just in a new format. But it is nice to see that we will have the opportunity to buy a lot of the new releases on Blu-ray right off the bat. Also, Sony must have paid...
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    PS3 Launch List Leaked?

    Well put. :applause: :applause: :applause:
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    No kiosk 1 month b4 launch?

    Honestly, who cares? There's plenty of time to put out kiosks. Right now, I want them putting every PS3 in consumer hands until they get to the point where they have excess PS3's on the shelves. Then they can start advertising via kiosks.
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