.01 strat guides @BB LOZ:WW,Enter the Matrix 4.99 GhostRe:IT


seriously, it's ridiculous. i went for the f-zero guide, but all these others were also a penny. i only found out though cuz when the guy saw me with 4 guides for 4 cents, he grabbed a copy of each guide to check em. so have someone help ya go through the guides.
kingdom hearts was also a penny.
wind waker
kingdom hearts
enter the matrix
ghost recon: island thunder
Princeton NJ, BB no more F-Zero guides, I picked up the last pair. However there is a mamouth stack of VF4s (guides) that go for a penny.
Yeah, especially if you see it on the website. I asked the old guy in media to check the price of the F-Zero guide last night, and he told me that "If you see the price on the website, it's the price in the store."

And so far, he's been right, except for the cheap-ass DVDplayer I picked up, it was less in store.
You've gotta do a search for the specific titles, but they do disappear very quickly from the website. I can confirm that F-Zero, LoZ:WW, and EtM are no longer listed on the site.
VP- thanks for the link, it makes for a quick-check to see which ones got dropped to clearance price really quickly, just have to sort by price.

UPS to VP!
Man i just went to the local best buy here in Florida and i saw the F-zero guides so i picked up one to make sure it was a penny and sure enough it was. So i then proceeded to pick up the other 4 left and the cashier calls over another employee (not a manager) and he says "you can only buy 3"....what an asshole!!!...he probably got mad i was snatching them up thanx to my fellow cheapass gamers...lol...I gave him a piece of my mind and ended up leaving with my 3 guides.

I think he wanted to pick them up for hims own use. I told him i did'nt see no damn sign sayin i could only get 3. Moral of the story is.......bring a friend or talk to the manager cause i guess if you are tryin to get a good deal someone always has to try to f$%k it up for you
Does anyone know when these guides will be back to full price? Do they last until Saturday, like all sales in their ads, or is it until they run out? And if they're only temporary, do new ones go on sale each week?
I picked up 2 F-Zero guides last week for 1 cent each and I went back today and I got the following all for 1 cent each:

Zelda: WW
Zelda: OoT
NCAA Football 2004
Tomb Raider
Wario World

I made them scan pretty much all the other guides and they were all the right price. I wanted the Kingdom Hearts guide, but they didn't have any. The lady at the register was actually laughing so it was funny. Pretty good deal.
I went last night and found a few more guides for $.01:
Donkey Kong Country for Gba
Brute Force
DragonBall Z: The Legacy of Gokou 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
The Hulk
Action Replay Code book Vol 1
Gameshark Codes 2003
I picked up a few guides for a penny each, but I noticed something as I was searching for the ones I wanted - BB carries guides by different companies for the same game (i.e. Nintendo's Zelda WW guide and BradyGames' WW guide). Does anyone know if the different guides are still all $.01?
I was doing some thinking, and I thought - is it possible that BB marks down all guides that are either several months old or just plain not selling well? Is there anyone willing to check it out and do a price-check on each guide? I'm too wimpy to walk up to an employee and say, "Hey, can you check the prices on all these guides - I just want to buy all the ones that are a penny", but I'm sure there's at least one person here who wouldn't mind.
they will cancel the orders, I have ordered a ton of guides when they go down to a penny and I have never gotten 1. They always cancel my order.
Just reviving this post - I think this is a decent thread that should stay up towards the top, in case anyone finds new guides to add to the list.
I ran to the closest Best Buy after reading this and...I didn't see any penny guides. Mind you...I didn't see any left for F-Zero but I saw some for Ghost Recon and stuff...so I took a few to one of the guys and asked him to scan them. So he put the numbers in the computer and none of them were showing up in the database. I don't know...the guy was a little...slow...so I'm not sure if he just didn't know what he was doing or what. But when you all got them, was it displayed that they were a penny? And were they in a separate area from the other strat guides?
I'm heading to my local Best Buy tommorrow to buy a good 5 grand worth of TV's/Home Theater stuff.. I'll let you know if I see any guides.
I'm going to bb rite now... be back in around 30 minutes. I'll try to gather all the strategy guides listed, and ring up em to customer service. I'll then tell you all what I gathered up, and what was a penny, and what I bought later at the checkout. What I want personally are the Brute Force, RTCW, and Ghost Recon: Island Thunder strategy guides, which should cost me around $6.

Good Luck 2 Me :eek:
[quote name='Smoke']they will cancel the orders, I have ordered a ton of guides when they go down to a penny and I have never gotten 1. They always cancel my order.[/quote]

I was at one yestersday, and got 19 various guides. One of which that no one has mentioned being 1 cent is Soul Caliber 2. Picked up 7 of them.
They must have just made the SC2 guide a penny because I scanned a SC2 guide a month ago and it was the normal price. I think I'll go there tonight and see what I can get for cheap. :)
I realize it's only a penny, but what's the big deal about these guides? I mean, sure, if you need help with the game I can understand it, but why buy 7 copies? What are you gonna do with them, put them in a box in your closet?
[quote name='mmn']I realize it's only a penny, but what's the big deal about these guides? I mean, sure, if you need help with the game I can understand it, but why buy 7 copies? What are you gonna do with them, put them in a box in your closet?[/quote]
I like to either sell them for cheaper than retail, or include them as freebies in trades.
Came back only with Soul Calibur 2 guide for a penny. I tried FFTA and KOTOR but they were still $15. My Best Buy got TONS of new guides, I can't wait for those to go down to a penny. :)
out from my local BB, from the list posted, they only had:

ncaa football (2)
f-zero (3)
brute force (1) :D
wario world (1)
dbz: legacy of goku 2 (1)
donkey kong country (1) copies
for a penny... darn the idiot(s) who took out the poster from the Brute Force Strategy Guide, and the promo dvd disk from the DBZ: Legacy of Goku 2 strategy guide :x

All the strategy guides for console games were in the video game section, in the shelves.

I'd wish my BB had Soul Calibur II and RTCW in stock and for a penny. The other strategy guides, not for a penny, were all in shown in the front of the shelves... besides the penny guides, the shelves were mostly filled with Fire Emblem, Manhunt, Star Wars: Jedi Knight, Star Wars: KotoR, GR:IT, Mario and Luigi: SS, Legend of Zelda Promo, Mario Kart: DD, Final Fantasy(s), CS, DBZ: Budokai, DBZ: Takeishi, Clock Tower 3, and some few other ones.
I just went to best buy and snagged 3 copies of the Soul Calibur II guides...i should've got all of them....I wonder why no employe ever seems to know about when they are a penny...oh well...better for all of us..lol
I bought 17 guides and my store still has more!

Extras for trade:
1 Sonic DX
3 Zelda WW
1 Tomb Radier
4 F zero
3 Soul Calibur

If you have any other guides you'd like to trade I'm
looking for all sorts of stuff.... Enter the Matrix, VF4, Tenchu... lots
of stuff.
I'd also trade for games...

What else have folks found recently? Pokemon Saph/Ruby (and anything still listed on the web site) was still full price.

[email protected]
I just picked up an NCAA 2004 guide along with a few other things, and I only noticed once I got home that it was free! It apparently rang up at $0.00 with a note under it saying "regularly $0.01". Has anyone else had this same experience, either on the NCAA guide or another guide?
Just got a couple of guides yesterday for $ .01 8)
Soul calibur guide
enter the matrix
Silent hill 3
and tomb raider

wanted to pick some more from thier website but I saw that the guides they had listed for a penny yesterday are back up in prices. I'm not sure if its over or not. But it looks to be over. :cry: Can anyone confirm.

EDIT: Just talk to BB rep and they said that since the new pricing has taking effect the $.01 guides are over. :cry:
Today I picked up

Tomb Raider angel of darkness

Silent Hill 3

Enter the matrix

For the grand total of 3 cents :)

Also, there is a huge number of soul caliber 2 guides at the Princeton bestbuy for only a penny
I'm never going to finish this game.

The game ending glitches won't let me even if I were so inclined.

This way, I shaft Eidos for all but a penny of the price, and get to see what the hell they were thinking when they made this game.

Not only is the Eidos boycott still on, but as it certainly contains more than a penny's worth of paper,so it's the beginning of the $50 refund they owe me :D

Although granted,no amount will ever be enough to allow me to recover from the horrible trauma of actually having played the game :whistle2:(
Are these guides marked at $0.01? Or do we just have to check and see what they are at the register? I just got back from my local BB and didn't see any that were even marked below cover price.
got back from BB..picked up:

2 soul caliber 2
2 brute force
2 silent hill 3
2 ncaa football 2004
1 f-zero gx

there were a few more SC2, BF, SH3 and some donkey kong and a wario world guide..but i didnt wanna take em...maybe some other time when i pass by again..
bread's done