1 MILLION Wii's (worldwide) and counting...

that's great. Hopefully they can reach 10 million soon so that the nay sayers and developers can't dismiss it as a "gimmicky" passing fad.
MOre like 1.5 million or more sold now because it launched in Europe and the US has seen 1 or 2 more shipments since the the first 8 days. Japan might have seen a restock already too.

WE should see over 3 million by the end of the year easy.
I wonder if they'll meet their 4 million goal. It seems like they're really going to have to pour on the supply to meet that.
[quote name='daroga']I wonder if they'll meet their 4 million goal. It seems like they're really going to have to pour on the supply to meet that.[/QUOTE]

I think the demand is there but the supply is going to be lacking. Which I don't understand since Nintendo was the one who came up with that number to begin with. We'll see if there is another huge Christmas push. I remember with the GC they had one final push, even though there were crap loads to begin with.
Its crazy how fast they are selling out. Like the targets around here are getting 100+ units a shipment and they are selling out within a few hours. Even if nintendo doesn't meet the 4million mark they are still way better of than both sony and ms and release.
I went to Best Buy and TRU tonight after work. Neither store had systems or controllers of any kind. The only accessories available were the wickedly overpriced Nintendo branded SD cards, system tray stands, and game cases. Even controller gloves were sold out.

Even more disheartening were the number of customers asking the sales people for Wii stuff. Demand for this thing continues to be huge.
I just want one fucking nunchuk! That's all I need! I'm glad I went out on launch day and got an extra remote because I haven't seen one since then (they had like 8 out at the time too).
I haven't been able to find a Wii anywhere around here since launch, well not true since I didn't even get in on at launch.

360's I have noticed have seen a sharp increase of people buying them around here at stores like BB and Fry's. BB just keeps piling them into this one aisle and people keep grabbing them.
bread's done