10% off Bioshock 2 plus free Bioshock 1

[quote name='volt1up']longshot, but if anybody wants to sell their gift copy of bioshock1 cheap, lmk.[/QUOTE]Sent you a PM.

[quote name='BXVeTeRaN']If anyone is still looking for group members plz let me know. I know I don't have any posts on this forum but I have been a member for a long time. Also I have Heatware if anyone wants to check me out. Heatware= BXVeTeRaN[/QUOTE]Are you the same BXVeTeRaN on [H] I dealt with last night on this deal? Just saying hello on this forum too :)
I'm looking for a four pack group if anyone has spots/is doing it. PayPal verified and all that.

Also, on the SecuRom and stuff:


Sort of a summary:

"SecuROM for the retail version is ONLY a disc check, and there are NO limits for it. As for GFWL, there are 15 activations that can be reset if you reach the cap. There is no 5 activation limit anywhere with this game - in any version whatsoever."
I am also looking for a four pack group. I was gonna pre-order from Amazon for the $10 credit deal, but this beats it hands down.
[quote name='Statonxyb']I'm looking for a four pack group if anyone has spots/is doing it. PayPal verified and all that.

Also, on the SecuRom and stuff:


Sort of a summary:

"SecuROM for the retail version is ONLY a disc check, and there are NO limits for it. As for GFWL, there are 15 activations that can be reset if you reach the cap. There is no 5 activation limit anywhere with this game - in any version whatsoever."

GFWL Live has no revoke and Microsoft's official policy for GFWL live resets is ONE TIME ONLY. This has been confirmed in the GFWL forums multiple times.
Hi everyone! Great thread; wonderful way for the community to come together and help one-another out.

I'm interested in jumping in on a 4-pack deal, please PM me. I'd prefer to deal with someone who's established here or can assure me in some way. Everyone here seems great, but you can never be too careful.

I'll pay via PayPAL. Thanks everyone!
I'm interested in joining up a 4-pack group. I've done this with L4d2 and Borderlands (on this forum). If anyone needs one more, I can pay with Paypal verified (no fees!) as well. You can check out my profile for the positive feedback I recieved for one of those games. I think I did L4D through Steam forums. But I can send money stat.
Shoot me up a PM if you guys can.
If I don't get a PM I can think about doing the mega-purchase and disbursing, but I'd rather join a group and 33.75 or whatever it is to whomever.
Peace and thanks!

I got in a group, like a half hour after posting this. Good luck to everyone else, and happy Rapture-ing in 2 weeks
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Im gonna pull some funds out of my savings to join in on the 4-pack. I can make a group or send me a PM if you got a spot open.

Edit: looks like I'm going to create a group. Got a person that wants to join. Send me a tell if you want in as well. You need to be Paypal Verified and have traded on CAG. Thanks!
[quote name='vlv723']Im gonna pull some funds out of my savings to join in on the 4-pack. I can make a group or send me a PM if you got a spot open.

Edit: looks like I'm going to create a group. Got a person that wants to join. Send me a tell if you want in as well. You need to be Paypal Verified and have traded on CAG. Thanks![/QUOTE]
There is one slot open if anyone is interested.
Did anyone purchase the 4 pack and only got 2 copies of Bioshock? I own Bioshock as well but I should got 4 gift copies.

Edit: Nevermind. Fixed. Got an extra copy of Bioshock. Send me a PM if you're interested to purchase it.
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I'm also looking to get in on a 4 pack.

Just checking, but can we preload yet? Unfortunately my campus internet service has a 3GB up/down limit per day, so I'll have to take my laptop home, install it on the steam installation there (though it has no hope of playing it since it's using an intel gfx chipset...and Ubuntu 9.10), back up the game files and then restore on my desktop.
I'm interested in starting a group. I'd like to get at least two of the three slots filled before I actually purchase, so PM me if you want in/need more information. I won't expect payment until after the purchase has been made.

@Brian9824 If you still need a spot let me know, I did the Borderlands 4-pack with you.

EDIT: Group is full, assuming the first three go through with it.
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[quote name='banzaiwolfe']I'm interested in starting a group. I'd like to get at least two of the three slots filled before I actually purchase, so PM me if you want in/need more information. I won't expect payment until after the purchase has been made.

@Brian9824 If you still need a spot let me know, I did the Borderlands 4-pack with you.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='banzaiwolfe']I'm interested in starting a group. I'd like to get at least two of the three slots filled before I actually purchase, so PM me if you want in/need more information. I won't expect payment until after the purchase has been made.

@Brian9824 If you still need a spot let me know, I did the Borderlands 4-pack with you.[/QUOTE]
If anyone wants Bioshock 1 for like $5, toss me a PM. I've already got a copy on D2D, so I don't need the Steam version.

I'm in a group, so let me know ASAP.

And it's gone!
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Want to trade an extra copy of Bioshock for Alien vs. Predator 2000 or selling for $5 Paypal...send me a PM if you're interested.
Any 4-pack groups still open? I seem to have caught a PM from yesterday rather slowly and missed out. :x

PayPal verified.

Steam ID: Dirxyboc
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[quote name='Xfactor19990']if i have the game, can I gift it?[/QUOTE]
Yes, you can gift BioShock if you already have it on Steam.

(If anyone's willing to gift me BioShock I will love them forever :lol:)
I'm interested in joining a 4-pack group, if someone can help out a CAG lurker. I'd pay through Paypal, and I'll be verified as soon as the Paypal deposits post in my bank account.
[quote name='colk']Ill buy it tonight when I get home I dont have access to steam here[/QUOTE]
let me know im interested in 2 copies one for me and one for a friend
Heres who I have under me if you are on this list please PM me if you havent already

[quote name='colk']Hmm Ok so I got 4 copies of Bioshock and it didnt even want to redeem one for me thats funky?[/QUOTE]
I think they set it up to allow you to gift one to yourself though, where normally you wouldn't be able to.
that would make sense because the prior way it would simply try to register it so if you already owned it that copy became redundant and disappeared. Cudos to steam for doing it this way.
[quote name='helmet']I purchased a pack for myself, so if anyone is interested in a copy of Bioshock or Bioshock 2 send me a pm. :)[/QUOTE]

Sent you a PM.
[quote name='helmet']I purchased a pack for myself, so if anyone is interested in a copy of Bioshock or Bioshock 2 send me a pm. :)[/QUOTE]

sent a PM as well.
bread's done