11/17/2006 a disaster..

[quote name='KaneRobot']
Goes to show two things: Playstation's fanbase stretches far, far beyond the hardcore gamer (duh) and Playstation fanbase has a lot of clueless putzes (DUH).[/QUOTE]

:rofl: QFT

You should live near some of the rednecks I know.
What really cracks me up and baffles me at the same time is the ignorance of some of the people buying this thing. I saw one guy on Gamespot in line who had been there for nearly 3 days, and when asked what games he would be buying tonight, he named something that isn't out yet along with "Call of Resistance." Another guy didn't know what Blu-Ray was. Both insisted they were keeping the system. Stuff like this was repeated more times than I would have expected for such "dedicated fans."

Goes to show two things: Playstation's fanbase stretches far, far beyond the hardcore gamer (duh) and Playstation fanbase has a lot of clueless putzes (DUH).
[quote name='KaneRobot']What really cracks me up and baffles me at the same time is the ignorance of some of the people buying this thing. I saw one guy on Gamespot in line who had been there for nearly 3 days, and when asked what games he would be buying tonight, he named something that isn't out yet along with "Call of Resistance." Another guy didn't know what Blu-Ray was. This was repeated more times than I would have expected for such "dedicated fans."

Goes to show two things: Playstation's fanbase stretches far, far beyond the hardcore gamer (duh) and Playstation fanbase has a lot of clueless putzes (DUH).[/QUOTE]

Same thing. I was talking to this kid I work with and he said the best game thats coming out on launch is a gae called Tomahawk. I'm guessing he meant Warhawk and its not a launch game.
[quote name='gofishn']That's because they aren't part of Playstation's fanbase. They're part of the eBay profits fanbase.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, meant to add that both people I mentioned insisted they were keeping the system.

These people are spending 600 bucks and don't even know what they are buying.
[quote name='Dhuk']I hate how the media is eating it up, thats why there is so much chaos, and people getting hurt.

"PS3 GOES FOR $9,000." It's like... check to see if the bidders are legit, moron. :roll:

I think you may be right about Sony doing this on purpose, BUT...if no one is buying the games, Sony is losing money.[/QUOTE]

Makes you wonder.

Also the media is really getting out of hand. My wife seems to think the world is getting worse. That is only because the media will let you know about anything in the world in about 5 seconds or less. Though the stupidity of some of these people might make me rethink my theory.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Same thing. I was talking to this kid I work with and he said the best game thats coming out on launch is a gae called Tomahawk. I'm guessing he meant Warhawk and its not a launch game.[/quote]

unless he meant Tony Hawk (project 8)
[quote name='David85']This is free Ads for Sony. I'm sure Sony is happy as can be, they get free ads and all the violence make their new system seem cooler than it really is.[/quote]

Hey look at what GTA III was as a selling point.
[quote name='tomfoolery']i don't understand why people are so f u c k i n g stupid and are fighting over a goddamn game system...or paying 1200+ dollars on ebay for it. it's idiotic. nintendo is way smarter and actually shipping a shit ton of systems...it makes way too much sense I think to actually have enough product in the stores. too much is way better than not enough on day one.

T. Foolery[/quote]

Well, you've got too look at from this perspective. All Sony is doing is drumming up hype and support from their already installed user base. Those that were going to get the system anyways. Had the price tag not been $600 you could have counted me in after how great the PS2 was. Plus if the PS3 would have had the added benefit of a similar system to Xbox Live I would have been sold as I had been, but rather thanks to there terrible marketing, terrible price, their business model of taking out that certain online retailer we all (most) loved, still remembering that stupid DRM thing from their cds, the lack of games, and at the time I would have needed to buy an HDTV have made me lose my support for Sony.

Right now, these are going to go for a insane amount of money then they are actually worth on Ebay. Hell, they aren't worth the $600 people are paying for, but rather than have a great enough quantity to meet the demand that there is, they are going to sell less systems. I've taken my fair share of economics classes, but even to me this makes no sense and why Nintendo will have a better holiday season. Why not have enough product to sell, then to have little and not make every single penny you can?
[quote name='pimpinc333']Sure but it's not making people want there product. Most people are buying to sell to the few that actually want it. Seriously who needs a PS3 when you have a 360?[/quote]

First off, not to be a grammar nazi but it's their not there. Anyhoo, I agree the 360 is great. Once I get some money, I wouldn't even mind owning the HD Player, where as one of the reason I don't care to own a PS3 is the fact I'm absolutely abhorrent to the Blu-Ray.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Same thing. I was talking to this kid I work with and he said the best game thats coming out on launch is a gae called Tomahawk. I'm guessing he meant Warhawk and its not a launch game.[/quote]

Nor if my sources are correct, will be released for at least 6-8 months.
[quote name='tomfoolery']i don't understand why people are so f u c k i n g stupid and are fighting over a goddamn game system...or paying 1200+ dollars on ebay for it. it's idiotic. nintendo is way smarter and actually shipping a shit ton of systems...it makes way too much sense I think to actually have enough product in the stores. too much is way better than not enough on day one.

T. Foolery[/quote]

nintendo has more because theirs is cheaper to produce and its also smaller, making productions for the unit much quicker. and they also want to contend being the third in line for next gen systems, giving you more hope than you could ever get from sony. they are prepared and thats why people are secured to get one even if they dont go in line.

as for people cutting in line or buying spots, ive noticed this on the sonystyle line. a friend actually is like #20 in line was telling me a few people offered already. the biggest amount he got offered was $1000 for his spot. i asked him why he didn't take it, he said he would have if people infront of the line (infront of him) were "saving spots" for their non-existent friends, charging them money for it while they still wait in line. we had a funny encounted in the back when someone was trying to sell spots he didnt have. he wasnt even in line. then when people noticed that he let people in, we all started yelling at him and the guy he let in. so many people though did cut in line because sony's security didnt do anything about it.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Disasters and Chaos are good for business. Ask the Bush Administration ;)[/quote]

You could go both ways with that statement you know.
I think it's safe to say that PS3 launch was probably the biggest disaster of this year, excluding governmental and political affairs of course.;-)

I wonder how much of a success Sony will tout their launch as.
[quote name='Strell']WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPS3, fuckERS. [/quote] Not sure if you noticed or not, but you seem to have misspelled apocalypse ;)
[quote name='whoknows']Not sure if you noticed or not, but you seem to have misspelled apocalypse ;)[/QUOTE]

B3lieve it.
[quote name='Vinny']I think it's safe to say that PS3 launch was probably the biggest disaster of this year, excluding governmental and political affairs of course.;-)

I wonder how much of a success Sony will tout their launch as.[/quote]

Not sure if anyone listens to Rover's Morning Glory but they had someone on from Sony this morning. He was touting how great the PS3 and how much it is in demand because of ebay auctions going for thousands. That's when i turned it off.
the blue diode shortage is industry wide though, even other companies who make blu-ray players are experiencing shortages and problems, so Sony didnt do it deliberatly, at least not this time.

all this sort of chaos though only establishes the PS3 as a hot item that everybody must have. It sounds horrible but really that's how it works.
[quote name='News Article']
Andrew Templeton, 20, and David Wiggins, 28, of Sullivan, Ind., were assaulted by two teens after waiting for 36 hours at a Super Wal-Mart, police said.

They were unloading their PlayStation 3s from their car when two teens approached them carrying a chain and a tire iron and demanding their consoles, said Sullivan Police Chief David Story.

A fight broke out. Wiggins' nose was broken, and he stabbed one of the attackers, Dylan Moss, 19, police said. Moss was in critical condition after surgery, officials said.

Score one for the good guys... uh sort of.
This is bullshit, riots, beatings, robberies? Yet no one will hold any of the stores or Sony accountable... there really needs to be a better way to do this, because obviously "camping" dosen't really work out.

This is just saddening at this point.
[quote name='schuerm26']Not sure if anyone listens to Rover's Morning Glory but they had someone on from Sony this morning. He was touting how great the PS3 and how much it is in demand because of ebay auctions going for thousands. That's when i turned it off.[/QUOTE]

What a douche... "everyone wants a PS3, I mean, just look, people are getting robbed and shot and stabbed for them, that shows you just how awesome the system is!!"
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']First off, not to be a grammar nazi but it's their not there.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Plus if the PS3 would have had the added benefit of a similar system to Xbox Live I would have been sold as I had been, but rather thanks to there terrible marketing,[/QUOTE]

Not to be a grammar nazi but it's their not there. ;)
[quote name='Roufuss']This is bullshit, riots, beatings, robberies? Yet no one will hold any of the stores or Sony accountable... there really needs to be a better way to do this, because obviously "camping" dosen't really work out.

This is just saddening at this point.[/quote]

How is its the fault of Sony or any other store that people are greedy? Their launch numbers were projected months ago off the assumed availability of components. Afterwards, those components became scarce industry wide. Nintendo was able to make so many Wiis because -of their own admission- its basically a slightly beefier Gamecube.

Could Sony have pushed the launch back until they had more units? Yes, however, there are a multitude of reasons why they shouldn't. For one, assholes everywhere just want to complain no matter what Sony does. "LOL!!!!!! SONI ARE FAIL!!!! THEY CULDNT MAKE LUNCH D8!!" Secondly, from a marketing standpoint, they have all this material that says 11-17. It'd double their marketing expenses to have to re-print/post/air all their adds with new dates. Also, you have to think of investors. If they didn't make it out the gate when they promised, they would have lost a lot of face. They made it to launch with about 300-400 thousand units. Thats a fairly respectable number when you consider how many gamers would have actually both desired the console and could afford it. Gamers is the important part there. The biggest reason this launch was a bumblefuck was because people that have no interested in it bought it to resell. There are also those short sighted people that bought it just to say they got something rare before everyone else, like Sony wouldn't produce more or something....

Did Sony fall short? Yea. Did Sony put the gun in people's hands and say 'hord up a War-Malt'? fuck no. Thats like saying Rockstar travels the country handing out rifles to elementary kids!

If you want to blame someone, blame all the people buying and selling on ebay. Blame the people the the scalper thread.
Don't see why its a bad move on Sony to release it now. It would be worse for them to hold the systems for another 6 months because that means no one is buying games, accesories, and so on for the 400,000 units they have launched. Inventory = bad in today's business world.

There is no doubt they could have waited 6 months and launched then with more units but why? Then you would have people complaining they couldnt get their kid a PS3 for christmas and you would have game companies mad that their games were gathering dust.
While at work yesterday, I was reading the news pages, and was stunned by all the insanity.

People attacking each other over a game console... sheesh.

I don't hate the PS3, I just hate the assholes who fought each other over them... for bragging rights or profit.

Maybe I'm a little old-fashioned. :whistle2:\

P.S. DarknessBear - enjoy.

//only launch system is a SNES
///will be at work on Wii day, but it will be mine. Oh yes, it WILL be mine.
bread's done