14 ipad game reviews


I love the price of ipad games compared to other systems. I use my ipad so much that these are now pretty much the only games I buy.

The ones below that are marked with an asterisk have been good to play with the wife while waiting for dinner in a restaurant.

This is a disappointing on rails shooter with a long cutscene intro. It's made by John Carmack, but was too fast and hard. I couldn’t be bothered to spend the time to get good at it. It was too expensive at a few hundred yen. It certainly ain't the experience I remember from first playing Doom and Quake (but then what is?) . 1/5

Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit.
Not too bad but hard to control the car by tilting the ipad sometimes. It looked good when showing people the ipad but I don't know if I got my money's worth as I've stopped playing it. I think because it was the same thing over and over. 3/5

* Collision Effect.
Two good space ball games - there is an arcade style game and a puzzle game. 4/5

Osmos HD.
Pretty good space ball game. Sometimes quite soothing. Not sure how much longevity in it. 3.5/5

Tiny Wings.
Pretty good, although I felt the difficulty level ramped up hard after a certain point. It would have been a lot of work to advance further. Wife hates it. 3.5/5

* Art Puzzles HD.
It's a jigsaw game using famous old master paintings. There are 12 free paintings to start with and then we bought the optional Rousseau pack. Worth playing on the hardest setting as it just means the pieces are smaller. Have had hours of fun with this. 5/5

Drop7 Free.
Addictive Tetris style game that has a simple math element. It's free and is easy to waste a lot of time with. Wife loves it. More of a solitary kind of game than one you can play together. 5/5

* Slice HD.
Very fun game that involves trying to manipulate knives on the screen. There will be blood. Can be done by two people (easy mode) or singly (much harder). 4.5/5

* Cut the Rope HD.
Worth paying for. 5/5

Angry Birds Rio.
Easier than the earlier versions and better graphics. This time I felt it was worth paying for. Wife not keen. 4/5

* Sandslides.
Free and quite fun for a while. Wife quite likes it. 3.5/5

* Blue Block.
Thousands of puzzles. Quite pretty for games of this type (of the get one item out of the container type). Free demo available. 4/5

World of Goo.
Too frustrating after a while. The damned goo bridges keep falling down and I don't have the patience to keep trying new patterns that will soon fall over. 2/5

Labyrinth 2 HD.
Very expensive and I think I might have been better just doing the free demo and leaving it at that. 2/5

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