2 Explosions at Boston Marathon

[quote name='4thHorseman']As they should. People make these rights out like they were given to us by God instead of created by regular individuals a few hundred years ago. Times change and what worked then may not work now. These should be questioned and tested, and if changes need to be made to make this country a better place, then so be it.

But jeezus, why do people hold the founding fathers as this untouchable unquestionable force of patriotism that nobody in the rest of history will be able to have more reasonable views than?[/QUOTE]

Careful...those are fighting words in Columbia.
[quote name='Access_Denied']All I can say is that at least he's not bullshitting us. I can guarantee he's not the only politician with the same view, he's just the only one with balls enough to speak it.[/QUOTE]

While I can appreciate his candor, that's not an excuse for advocating torture.
[quote name='willardhaven']Are you guys being serious? This happens pretty regularly throughout history. It's why you can't call someone you don't like and threaten to kill him/her.

You can argue for a completely free gun market (I'd be interesting in reading it), but most people throughout history agree that our rights are subject to scrutiny.[/QUOTE]

Scruitny is all fine and good however effectiveness is key, and what people are proposing isn't effective, it is just their knee jerk reaction, or political ideology taking control.

How do you accept the outcry from Congress or the President for an assault weapon ban, when assault weapons are very clearly not the problem?

That won't be very effective, and it doesn't mean Citizens who are against it want grenade launchers.
I'm pretty neutral on the background check issue as a whole - I'm just amused that some of the folks who are completely against the idea of requiring ID to vote because it infringes on our rights have no issue with it in other situations, rights be damned.
Because obviously to hell with unreasonable searches... fucking hell... Please tell me this is out of context and they received a corroborated tip he was inside the house, something, anything to legally justify this disgusting level of disregard for people's rights, no matter how tenuous their argument is.

I just don't even know what to say...


The saddest part of this video reporting on the illegal police raids is the homeowners had NO problem whatsoever with it. The strongest language was when one homeowner said he was "stressed" that he was holding his infant daughter while having a rifle pointed at him. fuck being stressed, I'd be beyond pissed if I had been treated this was.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Because obviously to hell with unreasonable searches... fucking hell... Please tell me this is out of context and they received a corroborated tip he was inside the house, something, anything to legally justify this disgusting level of disregard for people's rights, no matter how tenuous their argument is.[/QUOTE]

I actually hope that is the case. This is not the only account of this type of forced entry though. To at least be fair I have read and watched interviews where people did say they were asked if it was alright to enter. Maybe as they closed in on the suspect they became increasingly more forceful which is not a valid reason but could explain the differences in people's experiences.
Hard to defend the cops there and I won't, but I barely trust the Daily Mail to even give me the date. I wish there was a better source for this.
[quote name='dohdough']Hard to defend the cops there and I won't, but I barely trust the Daily Mail to even give me the date. I wish there was a better source for this.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I am not an avid reader. Passed to me from Twitter so take it for what it is right now I guess.
Werid that the FBI screw the fark up and arrested and jailed a wrong man in regards to the Ricin letter mailing..

But when there is a "terror" attack all of a sudden they are 100% in busting the perps?
[quote name='4thHorseman']I love reading conspiracies, even if they ignore a lot of other things.[/QUOTE]

Sure like? .... feel free to dispute "their" account

What are you going to dispute their account with? The LEO/MEDIA account ?:booty:
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Sure like? .... feel free to dispute "their" account

What are you going to dispute their account with? The LEO/MEDIA account ?:booty:[/QUOTE]

I just find it funny that their own logic can ruin their own arguments. For example in the prediction, they pick out one sentence about the raid on Friday. Although it wasn't necessarily a raid and instead officers responding to a carjacking. Two completely different things. There were two males instead of one (which, males are usually the perpetrators anyways it seems, so picking the gender isn't that difficult), the powder used was from fireworks, etc.

Then it's easy to reinforce ideas using photos that are damn near impossible to tell anything from, another photo showing one of them still having a backpack (terrible quality by the way) and saying that's important while ignoring the other suspect doesn't have his...yada yada yada.

Just little things...
[quote name='bear489']Look like they didn't use gun powder for the bomb but powder from fireworks.


I am curious because if anyone here like science shows and watches NOVA on PBS, they would know that all explosions leaves traces chemicals that can be immediately identified from where it comes from..

How come the FBI took over a whole week before the sample tested = fireworks, they should of know then within a day of testing the crime scene.

If these TWO brothers had access to numerous guns and ammo? They could of easily use the gunpowder from the ammo by separating it from the casing, why go and get fireworks

Seriously? Do you understand how many people would have to be "in the know" to pull of some elaborate fucking conspiracy?

Jesus Christ... all it would take is one weak link for it to be exposed.

NEWSFLASH: The people who lost limbs (or worse their lives) aren't actors. That wasn't fake.

and CSI / = real life. Things take time to process.

Edit: Ooops... I've already said too much. Illuminati FTW!
[quote name='4thHorseman']I just find it funny that their own logic can ruin their own arguments. For example in the prediction, they pick out one sentence about the raid on Friday. Although it wasn't necessarily a raid and instead officers responding to a carjacking. Two completely different things. There were two males instead of one (which, males are usually the perpetrators anyways it seems, so picking the gender isn't that difficult), the powder used was from fireworks, etc.

Then it's easy to reinforce ideas using photos that are damn near impossible to tell anything from, another photo showing one of them still having a backpack (terrible quality by the way) and saying that's important while ignoring the other suspect doesn't have his...yada yada yada.

Just little things...[/QUOTE]

Sure but you also got to find it strange that they brought ever weapons, tanks and men out of the woodwork for a 19 yr old kid ... It was like they were trying to capture a ALIEN.

I only find it werid that the FBI fark up the Anthrax cases and now the Ricin case but all of a sudden a mass bombing is a 100% closed and done case
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Sure but you also got to find it strange that they brought ever weapons, tanks and men out of the woodwork for a 19 yr old kid ... It was like they were trying to capture a ALIEN.

I only find it werid that the FBI fark up the Anthrax cases and now the Ricin case but all of a sudden a mass bombing is a 100% closed and done case[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's that weird. I don't know the town at all, but I'm guessing it would take quite a few people to hunt down one individual. And if that individual is rumored to have suicide vests on a number of people, possibly have hidden bombs around the town, and all of the other rumors going around at the time, I'm sure you would have more than just the normal cops going door to door asking questions.

And I haven't been keeping up with the ricin thing (other than hearing the suspect was let out of custody), but I don't think the mass bombing is closed. I hear they are still trying to figure out why the older brother went back to Russia last year and what may have come out of that. Then there's still potential helpers out there who may have assisted, etc.

Again, I could be wrong as I don't keep too up to date with everything other than some things I hear, but this is what I've been led to believe.
Yes it is not weird to use fireworks as the main explosive mix, when they had access to all that ammo and could have used a more potent explosive..GUNPOWDER

Fark if they had all that ammo why didn't they load those pressure cooker bombs with bullets instead of metal trinkets ?
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Yes it is not weird to use fireworks as the main explosive mix, when they had access to all that ammo and could have used a more potent explosive..GUNPOWDER

Fark if they had all that ammo why didn't they load those pressure cooker bombs with bullets instead of metal trinkets ?[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to pretend to know anything about building bombs, but is the pressure cooker method more for the explosion itself, or the use of projectiles? If it is projectiles, they may think the gunpowder method was overkill when they could just use fireworks. And if I plan on being in a firefight, I would want as much ammunition on hand as possible and wouldn't want to use it elsewhere.

And to go against conspiracies also, why keep this second suspect alive? Usually this would end with both suspects dead, it feels like a loose end they would want to tie up if this was all one big government conspiracy. Not to mention, who would even be willing to do something like this knowing they would die in the end?

"Hey...we want to blow up some people at a marathon. Could you show up with these backpacks, run away as if you don't know anything about it, and then take all of the heat?"

"What do we get from it?"

"Well, we're going to kill you within a week, but at least you'll be immortalized as the Boston Bombers! Of course, it'll be just your faces, because nobody will know how to really pronounce your name."

"You've got yourselves a deal!"
[quote name='GBAstar']WTF...

Seriously? Do you understand how many people would have to be "in the know" to pull of some elaborate fucking conspiracy?

Jesus Christ... all it would take is one weak link for it to be exposed.

NEWSFLASH: The people who lost limbs (or worse their lives) aren't actors. That wasn't fake.

and CSI / = real life. Things take time to process.

Edit: Ooops... I've already said too much. Illuminati FTW![/QUOTE]

You're in no position to lecture someone on conspiracy theories, one who parrots other conspiracies blatantly.

Tell us, how you can still show your face in here? Don't you have any sense of shame? I mean, you were completely dressed down by berzirk on your amusingly assinine post on Palestinians celebrating 9/11 which was WIDELY debunked. Which rock do you live under? I mean seriously, no apologies for posting rank stupidity and no thanks for having folks like berzirk educate your ignorance. So please here's one thing you can educate me on, how you can still show your face in here and not have any sense of shame?
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Why should I have a sense of shame?

Less the one week after you parroted the ol' "Brawk The attackz wuz due to de U.S. foreign policy bawk" a bunch of Muslims tried to blow up a train headed for.... wait for it... wait for it...


So that must mean...

U.S. foreign policy = Canadian foreign policy

And you're really going to say the the quotes and celebrations were made up? That they didn't happen? Must have taken place in the same holly wood stage as the moon landing... right?
[quote name='GBAstar']Why should I have a sense of shame?

Less the one week after you parroted the ol' "Brawk The attackz wuz due to de U.S. foreign policy bawk" a bunch of Muslims tried to blow up a train headed for.... wait for it... wait for it...


So that must mean...

U.S. foreign policy = Canadian foreign policy

And you're really going to say the the quotes and celebrations were made up? That they didn't happen? Must have taken place in the same holly wood stage as the moon landing... right?[/QUOTE]

Why did you post right-wing BS that had been discredited almost 10 years ago??? Aren't you ashamed?
[quote name='joeboosauce']Why did you post right-wing BS that had been discredited almost 10 years ago??? Aren't you ashamed?[/QUOTE]

You mean discredited FALSELY like this?

There was also rumour that the footage of some Palestinians celebrating the attacks was stock footage of Palestinian reactions to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. This rumour was proven false shortly afterwards, and CNN issued a statement to that effect.

A poll conducted by the Fafo Foundation in the Palestinian Authority, found that 65% of respondents supported the September 11 attacks
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']

What is that glowing blue thing? OMGZ! The police is ... CYBORGS. :whee:

Did you post this pic in here before or after everyone debunked it in the regular boston thread?
[quote name='GBAstar']You mean discredited FALSELY like this?

There was also rumour that the footage of some Palestinians celebrating the attacks was stock footage of Palestinian reactions to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. This rumour was proven false shortly afterwards, and CNN issued a statement to that effect.

A poll conducted by the Fafo Foundation in the Palestinian Authority, found that 65% of respondents supported the September 11 attacks[/QUOTE]

You posted about them CELEBRATING. You do realize this? Or do you not? Did you already drop your post into the memory hole? Address THE POINT. Quit dodging like a little bitch. ADMIT your mistake you fucking child.
[quote name='joeboosauce']You posted about them CELEBRATING. You do realize this? Or do you not? Did you already drop your post into the memory hole? Address THE POINT. Quit dodging like a little bitch. ADMIT your mistake you fucking child.[/QUOTE]

Exactly and celebrate they did.

Shortly after the attacks, CNN showed footage of a group of Palestinians appearing to be cheering in response to the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Some reported that this was old footage taken out of context, although this was not the case. This rumor was proven false shortly afterwards, and CNN issued a statement to that effect.
The demonstration did happen and was condemned by Yasser Arafat; the footage was current.

It was not old footage. Stay current yo.
[quote name='joeboosauce']You posted about them CELEBRATING. You do realize this? Or do you not? Did you already drop your post into the memory hole? Address THE POINT. Quit dodging like a little bitch. ADMIT your mistake you fucking child.[/QUOTE]

Even if he made a mistake, (which it looks like he didn't) you guys are ridiculing him as if palestinians celebrating civilian death in the US was such an outrageous notion.

Going after his post only, makes you seem like you are dodging any coherent point and just looking to discredit him. You would be better off discrediting the survey he posted, if you can.

Just saying.
^ I love the "I'm not supporting the actions of the Muslims...." BUT "the actions are understandable because of U.S. foreign policy" posts...

and then like two days later Muslims try to blow up a train going to Canada.

So I guess we should put Canadian foreign policy under a microscope too? And maybe all other primarily white Christian countries as well.....
[quote name='Knoell']Even if he made a mistake, (which it looks like he didn't) you guys are ridiculing him as if palestinians celebrating civilian death in the US was such an outrageous notion.

Going after his post only, makes you seem like you are dodging any coherent point and just looking to discredit him. You would be better off discrediting the survey he posted, if you can.

Just saying.[/QUOTE]

If you look here, its not just this one absurd post of his everyone is going after. This mentally handicapped fool has even admitted he does not have any knowledge base on what he comments on, yet he believes his ideas have legitimacy. Well, we have a prime casualty of right-wing media.
[quote name='GBAstar']^ I love the "I'm not supporting the actions of the Muslims...." BUT "the actions are understandable because of U.S. foreign policy" posts...

and then like two days later Muslims try to blow up a train going to Canada.

So I guess we should put Canadian foreign policy under a microscope too? And maybe all other primarily white Christian countries as well.....[/QUOTE]

Please tell us why you only posted what you posted from WIKIPEDIA and did not post the preceding paragraph???

Annette Krüger Spitta of the ARD's (German public broadcasting) TV magazine Panorama states that footage not aired shows that the street surrounding the celebration in Jerusalem is quiet. Furthermore, she states that a man in a white T-shirt incited the children and gathered people together for the shot. The Panorama report, dated September 20, 2001, quotes Communications Professor Martin Löffelholz explaining that in the images one sees jubilant Palestinian children and several adults but there is no indication that their pleasure is related to the attack. The woman seen cheering (Nawal Abdel Fatah) stated afterwards that she was offered cake if she celebrated on camera, and was frightened when she saw the pictures on television afterward.[30]

US media runs over for some staged celebrating maybe...
Why does literally every single fucking event have to be a conspiracy theory now? I mean for god's sake it's getting really fucking old at this point. It's definitely gotten worse since 9/11 but there was this garbage before then too with everything from the Kennedy assassination to the war in Kosovo.

Just fucking stop it. A healthy criticism and skepticism of your government is fine but these conspiracy theories are fucking bonkers and get in the way of real issues involving these incidents.

Just ask yourself this, when was the last time a conspiracy of some kind was outed as being true...
[quote name='GBAstar']^ I love the "I'm not supporting the actions of the Muslims...." BUT "the actions are understandable because of U.S. foreign policy" posts...

and then like two days later Muslims try to blow up a train going to Canada.

So I guess we should put Canadian foreign policy under a microscope too? And maybe all other primarily white Christian countries as well.....[/QUOTE]

And with a racist xenophobe like you its going to be "Muslims" committing these acts and then on the other hand its not "Christians" or "whites" committing their own terrorism.

So, we should all refer to US terrorism as white or Christian? Or maybe both?!?!?!??? Let me know your preference.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Why does literally every single fucking event have to be a conspiracy theory now? I mean for god's sake it's getting really fucking old at this point. It's definitely gotten worse since 9/11 but there was this garbage before then too with everything from the Kennedy assassination to the war in Kosovo.

Just fucking stop it. A healthy criticism and skepticism of your government is fine but these conspiracy theories are fucking bonkers and get in the way of real issues involving these incidents.

Just ask yourself this, when was the last time a conspiracy of some kind was outed as being true...[/QUOTE]

I think the reason why people entertain these theories is since they've seen the Operation Northwoods documents.
[quote name='joeboosauce']And with a racist xenophobe like you its going to be "Muslims" committing these acts and then on the other hand its not "Christians" or "whites" committing their own terrorism.

So, we should all refer to US terrorism as white or Christian? Or maybe both?!?!?!??? Let me know your preference.[/QUOTE]

Acts committed by Muslims would have been committed by Muslims. Yes very good. You're learning.
[quote name='GBAstar']Acts committed by Muslims would have been committed by Muslims. Yes very good. You're learning.[/QUOTE]

Then you agree whites and Christians commit the most terrorism. At least you're not being a hypocrite. I like the term "White Terror" and "Christofascists" and I look forward to your hillbilly-ness to use these terms. So, why didn't you post the preceding WIKIPEDIA paragraph?
Serious question. Does the way a person injures a group of people make it Terrorism or their reasons behind it or both? I only ask because the Boston bombing was labeled terrorism but Sandy Hook shooting was not. If I run my car into a crowded market is that terrorism? It seems that this bombing has really called into question for me what we consider terrorism. I mean Jared Lee Loughner shot 19 people and killed 6 for what seemed to be anti-government feelings yet not terrorism.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Serious question. Does the way a person injures a group of people make it Terrorism or their reasons behind it or both? I only ask because the Boston bombing was labeled terrorism but Sandy Hook shooting was not. If I run my car into a crowded market is that terrorism? It seems that this bombing has really called into question for me what we consider terrorism. I mean Jared Lee Loughner shot 19 people and killed 6 for what seemed to be anti-government feelings yet not terrorism.[/QUOTE]

I think it's a matter of agenda. If you kill a bunch of people because you wanted to make a point about politics or religion, then it's terrorism.

if you kill a bunch of people simply because you're batshit crazy, it's not.

Obviously, batshit people might sometimes cross over into political agenda but for the most part, it's a case of whether it's "i'm insane" or "i'm trying to make a political point because i hate x group."
[quote name='bear489']Look like they didn't use gun powder for the bomb but powder from fireworks.



[quote name='cancerman1120']Lets do a little cross thread commentary. Looks like the NRA and gun makers decided a long time ago to not allow taggants to be added to gun powder. Those taggants could have been used to help trace the gunpowder used in the Boston Bombing.

"In the past, the NRA has argued that taggants could affect the trajectory of bullets and would also be a de facto form of weapons registration, reported the Los Angeles Times in 1995."


Anyone know if MSNBC has printed a correction or follow up? :D
[quote name='joeboosauce']I think the reason why people entertain these theories is since they've seen the Operation Northwoods documents.[/QUOTE]

Fair point, BUT those were just proposals and everyone that wrote those are long since dead or at the very least retired. I also remember in my western civilization class there was a proposal/military plan that if Canada ever invaded the US (because they went full commie from socialism during the cold war, of course...) through North Dakota the plan was to wall of North Dakota and let them have it. Point being, there's plenty of pie in the sky proposals and plans out there, that doesn't mean they're even close to happening, it just means some military analyst needs to justify their job. At the end of the day, the main failure of every single conspiracy theory is too many people need to keep their mouths shut for it to work.
bread's done