[quote name='ChuckyDJ']$2.28 shipped for EACH game and almost everything I looked at is out of stock. Maybe good for others but for me...No Sale![/QUOTE]
[quote name='stikman']i got 6 used xbox360 games...overall good deal but the shipping fee of $14 for standard shipping seems a bit high.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='xRemnant']I want to buy something but the shipping kills the deal.[/QUOTE]
This has been covered like 1000x already. The items ship from individual stores and not from some central warehouse, so the shipping charge per item is typically very warranted since a five game order may ship from five seperate locations.
Besides which, $2.28 shipping for a single game is about $.50 or so cheaper than when you send a game package via USPS at the post office($2.70) with Delivery Confirmation.
But I guess as usual people expect companies to lose money shipping items individually just to get them a deal.

[quote name='Zin_LG']I'm still waiting to see if I get my other items from gohastings. I got caught in their whole "its in stock when you order, but its out of stock after they charge you" thing. Two of the three things I ordered a few days ago went "out of stock" despite being in stock on their website. I called CS yesterday to cancel those to items so I could get a refund faster only to get a confirmation this morning that they shipped. The messed up thing is I already ordered a replacement for one of the items from another place.[/QUOTE]
Patience is a virtue. There's no game out now that just HAS to be played right this millisecond. Personally I'm waiting for the people who bitched during the last sale about being double and triple charged(because they kept re-ordering an OOS game that came back IN stock before getting the refund for the prior copy they ordered that was cancelled) to come in and start that vicious cycle again.
Patience people. If you learn to have some of it you won't have that many issues with GH.