200+ MSP Free At Coke Zone


CAG Veteran
Click the link, sign up to Coke Zone, register your points off Coke bottles and get your MSP.

You get 2 CZ points for signing up, and that's all you need for your free points. You can get more in polls and what not, but I think 400MSP is the max for today.

(£1 price is there because CAG screwed up last time when I put 0 in).
From the site :

Yea, keep it on the hush before this gets abused. Actually, it wont matter since UK points wont work in the US.
[quote name='help1']Yea, keep it on the hush before this gets abused. Actually, it wont matter since UK points wont work in the US.[/quote]

Guys, today is the second Friday of this giveaway, and I've been trying to get the points on the Coke Zone website...

...But I can't see any links or instructions on how to get them :'(

When I go to http://www.cokezone.co.uk/home/catalogue/category/Xbox, it just shows the flash video, that tells me to "register now for free points", and when I log in, it takes me to the front page of cokezone.co.uk.

Is there some other special page we're supposed to go to?

Is there some special link that I'm not seeing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yup, the flash animation just changed a few minutes ago to the one with the link to get your points, but of course they were already sold out long before that.

Way to screw up a promotion, Cokezone!
I've been checking this regularly for the past 8 hours and somehow inbetween me finishing work and getting home these went up and went out? pfft! How many codes did they release? 2?
That's the thing. They went up but the flash never changed and no link to the "real" page was made available. I rang 'em up to tell 'em that it's not exactly fair and why, so apparently they'll be initating conversation with me over email and I can explain just how badly they screwed up.
You go girl!

Guess I got lucky last week...
Still thanks for pointing out cokezone. I should be able to get at least a couple of decent freebies a year from it.

Maybe if I raid the neighbours bins.... PROFIT!
Wow, what an ass. I'll admit...I got my 400 points last week, and I obviously do not live in the UK. I suppose, I'm no better than him, but at the very least, I didn't kill it for too many people. That's 46 people who could have gotten 400 points, and one person who could have gotten 200. Wow.
Last week I got 600, went to the toilet, got some food, came back and bought Penny Arcade Ep. 2. When the Deals of the Week suck, I make my own!

Looks like next weekend will be way harder to get any points at all (after seeing so many people after them) - do any of you know what time they updated the site for the past 2 weeks?
[quote name='Firestorm']~12:30 PM GMT last week
~1:00 PM GMT this week[/quote]
Thanks - looks like I wont get a chance to get any points myself if it's around that time :(.
bread's done