2009 MLB Discussion Thread

Wow...ridiculous game tonight. I'm actually happy that "neighborhood play" in the 10th didn't decide the game. I really didn't want the haters to have another excuse for why the Yankees won. Although McCarver did back it up by saying that the Fox staff checked all of Aybar's other DP's and he touched the bag on every one.

I can't even remember a DP the Yanks turned (although I remember some botched ones), but if people can argue that strikezones can vary from game to game, I guess you can argue that an umpire's leniency on the "neighborhood play" can vary as well. As long as it was consistent all game, you can't really complain.

Either way though, the Yanks gave the Angels plenty of opportunities to win it and they couldn't do it. How many runners did Vlad strand tonight? This Yankee team just has something that they haven't had in years: a will to win. It's just crazy. No matter how well they play, the past 5 years have given me this expectation that something will go wrong and they'll blow a critical opportunity. I hope to God A-Rod, Jeter, Sabathia, and Mo continue to prove that feeling wrong.
Phillies just beat up on the Dodgers tonight. What a beating. 11-0 was the final score. Game was over in the first inning as Koruda just stunk up the joint. I am suprised that Torre started him over Billingsley. 2 horrible starts so far in the Series for the Dodgers who look to Randy Wolf to even up the series 2-2.
They had little chance with Lee pitching against them, but yeah, the choice of Koruda puzzled me. What happened to Billingsley, anyway? Guy's numbers took a tumble in the second half of the year.
The turning point of this series seems to be Kershaw getting beat up in game 1. The Dodgers were able to knock out Hamels and Kershaw still stunk and so did the bullpen. The two huge pluses from the regular season put the Dodgers in a huge hole.
I'm just thankful you can only lose one game a night. My Dodgers were so awful last night the Phils probably deserve to get 2 wins for that.
Wow...I guess Girardi didn't want to win this game. Why the fuck would he take Robertson out to bring in Aceves, who has looked like crap the entire postseason??? He has to be the last guy out of the pen now. His pitches are garbage, and he can't even get one out. I guess we're back to micro-managing again.

I still feel good about the series with CC going tomorrow, but for all the great plays that Jeter, A-Rod, Teixeira, and Mo made in this game, for Girardi to just throw it away on a hunch is beyond stupid. In an extra inning game, you go with the best pitcher you have for as long as they can go. No reason to take Robertson out. DUMB.
I am so glad that Kay and Cone called Joe out on his absolutely insane bullpen moves. He's been way too quick to pull guys all playoffs, and it simply got out of hand today. In a way, though, maybe it's a good thing, because maybe someone will get in his ear and tell him to knock the bullshit off before we're big trouble.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I am so glad that Kay and Cone called Joe out on his absolutely insane bullpen moves. He's been way too quick to pull guys all playoffs, and it simply got out of hand today. In a way, though, maybe it's a good thing, because maybe someone will get in his ear and tell him to knock the bullshit off before we're big trouble.[/QUOTE]

Well, it was just so stupid because once you're in extra innings, you STOP working "matchups" (although it's not like there was one there with Aceves vs Kendrick anyway...other than Kendrick being 1-2 lifetime off of Robertson...huge sample size, I know). It's like he was trying to run out of pitchers.

Even if Aceves somehow got out of that, and the Yanks scored in the next inning, was Joe expecting Aceves to close out the game too? Or would he have gone to Gaudin? Cause that's all he had left. I just didn't see any logic behind that move at all. I had to listen to the Fox broadcast of the game, but Joe Buck called him out on it too. You know it's a dumb move when even McCarver and Buck can pick up on it.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Wow. Phillies just won on a walk off 2-run double by Rollins.[/QUOTE]

yeah what a game. I dont think there is nothing that can stop the phillies unless you are wearing pin stripes or a halo.
Yeah...that win pissed me off.

If they make it to the World Series and win for the 2nd time in 2 years...Jesus fucking christ.
Talk about a kick in the nuts, once Broxton hit that batter I knew we were done. Damn, oh well at least I don't have to find a way to make it to LA for the WS now.
The bad umpiring continues. Swisher was out at second on the pick-off, but then he clearly did not leave early. So, like I said earlier in the thread, the bad calls go both ways, and that inning really proved that.

HAHA! McCarver just brought up a very good point. I officiate city-league and some high school sports, including baseball and softball. And yes, it's difficult to get into position to watch the catch and the runner. He asked if they back up a bit, and that is what I try to do. I try my best to get the fielder and the base into my view. And in a situation like that, where he clearly did not see if the runner left early, I almost automatically call them safe, unless when I look, they are so far up the line that they clearly left early.
I guess you guys have missed all the calls that went against the Yankees this series. Of course, whenever the Yankees win, it has to be something other than them just being better the other team. And mind you, neither blown call this game has led to a run.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I guess you guys have missed all the calls that went against the Yankees this series. Of course, whenever the Yankees win, it has to be something other than them just being better the other team. And mind you, neither blown call this game has led to a run.[/QUOTE]

And anytime the team opposing the Yankees win.....the Yankees lost it.

Get the fuck' out.
I guess it's bad umpiring that is letting CC make the Angel hitters look stupid and silly.

WHOA! There goes that bad umpiring again, helping the Yankees bash Palmer around.

I guess, at this point, it's pretty clear we shouldn't even have a World Series this year. The Yankees are obviously gonna win thanks to the umpires. Might as well just shut down MLB while we are at it.
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Just an awful post season thus far...at least for fans who's teams aren't in it.

Divisional round was 3 sweeps and a 3-1 series. Both LCS at 3-1. And the Yankees look like world beaters again. :bomb:
Wow, the Yankee haters are out in full force tonight. I don't think anybody said last night that the umpires gave the game to LAA. Pretty much every person I know was upset with Girardi for being an idiot and overmanaging the bullpen. That's blaming our own team is it not?

Rather than making retard statements that the Yankees are paying off the umpires, why not look at the stats for Chone Figgins, Torii Hunter, Vlad Guerrero (except one hit yesterday), and Kendry Morales (except one hit today). That's a lot of production the Angels have been missing. Their biggest hits have come from the bottom of the lineup, from guys like Aybar, Izturis, and Mathis. And outside of Lackey, Saunders and Jepsen, the pitching hasn't been very good.

Instead of being a bunch of parrots with no brains, why don't you haters get some baseball knowledge and learn a thing or two about how to win games.


As for the blatant blown calls early in the game, I thought they were ridiculous. Calling Swisher out tagging up was clearly a make-up call for him not being called out on the pickoff at 2nd. I didn't mind the out, but it's still no excuse for not getting the call right the first time. Make-up calls piss me off because the more you do that, the more rigged the game feels.

Also, the play with Posada and Cano was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I feel bad for McClelland because I think the play was so stupid, his brain just couldn't process what was happening. Robinson Cano is without question the dumbest baseball player on the planet. He's fortunate to be blessed with so much talent, because Derek Jeter could get beaten in the head with a hammer for 90 minutes and he'd still have more baseball sense than Cano has.

Cano clearly had no idea what he was doing because by advancing to 3rd base, he's basically giving up Posada to be tagged out. That's fine. That's the right play. Posada got himself hung up out there. And barring a terrible throw, he's not getting out of that rundown anyway. But the only "reason" (and I use that term loosely) Cano wouldn't just plant himself on 3rd base, is maybe if he's thinking if Posada gets back to the bag, they'll tag him (Cano) out instead, and Posada will get to stay at 3rd.

There is no reasoning at all behind this line of thinking, except maybe...seniority??? Like since Posada has been a Yankee longer, he deserved to be safe more than Cano? But it was almost as though the umpire took pity on him because it was so incredibly stupid, it shouldn't be allowed to happen. It was like they adopted Special Olympics baseball rules and put them into place for poor Robinson Cano. What an idiot.
Also, the play with Posada and Cano was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I feel bad for McClelland because I think the play was so stupid, his brain just couldn't process what was happening.
100% correct. Like I said earlier, I do some officiating and umpiring, and there are plays that happen that are so dumb, you do get screwed up sometimes, because you honestly cannot believe this is happening. He was probably just waiting to call Posada out and had zero clue Cano was off the base. After all, like you said, why the hell would be off the base? For the rest of his career, McClelland will never assume that play again.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow, the Yankee haters are out in full force tonight. I don't think anybody said last night that the umpires gave the game to LAA. Pretty much every person I know was upset with Girardi for being an idiot and overmanaging the bullpen. That's blaming our own team is it not?

Rather than making retard statements that the Yankees are paying off the umpires, why not look at the stats for Chone Figgins, Torii Hunter, Vlad Guerrero (except one hit yesterday), and Kendry Morales (except one hit today). That's a lot of production the Angels have been missing. Their biggest hits have come from the bottom of the lineup, from guys like Aybar, Izturis, and Mathis. And outside of Lackey, Saunders and Jepsen, the pitching hasn't been very good.


You forgot to mention that Abreu has been MIA for the first 4 games after beating up on the Red Sox in the first round.

So far two former Indians are dominating the post season. CC and Cliff Lee are by far the two best pitchers this post season. One has to think what if the Indians had kept the two. ARod and Howard are just hitting the cover off of the ball. Both LA teams so far have just run into a team with the hot pitcher and hot batter.
The Yanks should be up 3-1.....they'll most likely no doubt win the series and the World Series.

But you're a fuckin' homer idiot if you don't think calls like that kill a team....the momentum was in the Angels favor after a walk-off Game 3 win....and when one call...then two....then three go against you....the team itself starts to realize "Just ain't our night"....

This isn't being mentally tough....it's just getting the calls fuckin' right....
[quote name='ph33r m3']The Yanks should be up 3-1.....they'll most likely no doubt win the series and the World Series.

But you're a fuckin' homer idiot if you don't think calls like that kill a team....the momentum was in the Angels favor after a walk-off Game 3 win....and when one call...then two....then three go against you....the team itself starts to realize "Just ain't our night"....

This isn't being mentally tough....it's just getting the calls fuckin' right....[/QUOTE]

So, you're ignoring the calls that went against the Yankees tonight then? And you're seriously saying the UMPIRES were the reason the Angels couldn't hit Sabathia? That's fucking ridiculous. Most of the bad calls you're referring to happened when the Yankees were batting, but yet no runs resulted from them. I agree that it breaks up the flow of the game, but any "momentum" the Angels had from squeaking out a win was halted by the 6'7" 290lb lefty named Carsten Charles. The umps had nothing to do with it.
[quote name='ph33r m3']The Yanks should be up 3-1.....they'll most likely no doubt win the series and the World Series.

But you're a fuckin' homer idiot if you don't think calls like that kill a team....the momentum was in the Angels favor after a walk-off Game 3 win....and when one call...then two....then three go against you....the team itself starts to realize "Just ain't our night"....

This isn't being mentally tough....it's just getting the calls fuckin' right....[/QUOTE]

I think the Momentum left the Angels when Melky got the 2 run single. The Angels died last night when Arod hit the 2 run homerun. Yankees had a 3-0 and a 5-0 lead when both bad calls were made. The umps even madeup a call for the Angels.

The Angels had no momentum going into the game anyways. The had Kazmir starting who stunk this season and in his playoff start against the Red Sox. The Rays just gave him away for nothing. Baseball is all about pitching in the playoffs and you are only as good as your starting pitcher.
bad calls can only help determine a game if its close. Nothing was stopping the yankies that night. dominating pitching performance by Sabathia followed by great hitting off a really crappy Kazmir.

The Angels are losing this series because of sloppy defense,bad pitching, and an anemic offense. Everything you cant have when you want to win the playoffs. Sure there are more bad calls but they go both ways. Yanks got some and the angels got some. It still doesnt make up for the Angels short comings in this series.

plus when A-Rod somehow turned on mr.october mode. Its pretty hard not to lose lol. Something we havent seen in how long?
Just for the record, the pitch track had all four "balls" to Howard as strikes. 3 of the 4 "balls" to Utley were strikes, and 2 of of the 3 "balls" as strikes to Werth. The 4th pitch was virtually identical to the 1st "ball" to Werth and was then called a strike.

So everything not down the pipe is a ball. Got it.

Yea, I'm bitter.
[quote name='speedracer']Just for the record, the pitch track had all four "balls" to Howard as strikes. 3 of the 4 "balls" to Utley were strikes, and 2 of of the 3 "balls" as strikes to Werth. The 4th pitch was virtually identical to the 1st "ball" to Werth and was then called a strike.

So everything not down the pipe is a ball. Got it.

Yea, I'm bitter.[/QUOTE]

haha now thats when umps do make a difference lol.
sorry for the double but anyone in the NYC area, are you watching fox news.....I can't believe im watching this story about steve phillips and his affair with a 22 year old production assistant. This story is so fucked up.
[quote name='wildcpac']Dodgers had a chance in the top of the 8th. Bases loaded and no outs. Only scored 1 run.[/QUOTE]

That definitley was metsish. I thought only the Mets can blunder bases loaded no outs...but couldn't believe the dodgers messed that up. Madson really held it together.

yankee vs phillies should be a great match up to watch for the pure fan. These two teams match up so well...pitcher for pitcher, hitter for hitter. I think this is a series thats going to depend on clutch hits and good managing.

edit:good to see Bobby V back on ESPN. now NY, do the smart thing and put this guy back in the Mets uniform. Get the bad Manuel manager out of here pronto!
Yeah, that home plate umpire was awful tonight.

Phucking Phillies. I hate saying it, but I REALLY hope the Yankees (or the Angels, but I don't see them reaching the WS) beat the Phils. As much as I grew up hating the Yanks, it's the lesser of two evils.
fuck, that was horrible. Nevermind the strike zone crap, got a god damn hit with runners on. We fell apart, same as last year, sweep a team in the first round we weren't supposed to beat, then get beat by the Phils. It was a team effort, starting, relief and hitting, At least defense was solid through the series.
this could be a long inning

wat a game. hughes should stick with the curve . his fast ball has poor location tonight.

edit 2:

HUGE SPOT here. Swisher needs to break out of his slump NOW or else its back to the Bronx for game 6.
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YANKEES!!!! Can't wait for Wednesday! I don't take the Phillies lightly at all (I actually think they're the most AL styled NL team), but I feel like the Yankees match up much better with them than they did with the Angels. I just hope Posada and Matsui can pull their heads out of their asses by then. And I hope Tex and A-Rod continue to rake. Gonna be a fun Series! :)
bread's done