27 Confessions of a former Circuit City worker

#17 is the reason I stopped going to all but one location on Long Island. I'm not a big fan of employees lying to me (and quite horribly, most of the time) about why they don't have half of the things they have on sale when they open up on Sunday.

Well, that and taking 90 minutes for my brother to buy a TV/DVD combo because the floor associate tried to pull #17, #13, and #4 on us during the shopping/purchase. It also didn't help that it took 20 minutes for them to get it from the back because nobody was actually working in the back at all.

Oh well, c'est la vie. CC was much better elsewhere in my experience but these local LI locations are just abyssmal.
I just quit Circuit City last week, actually for many of those reasons. I only managed to work there for a couple of months before the place made me hate life... I worked at Best Buy for almost two years.

One of the biggest problems with the company is that it treats its employees with the "faith through fear" method; meaning you are scared of consequences all the time, thus making you do the shady stuff on that list. The only thing I didn't see happen at my store here in Tennessee was the customer service person switching out gift cards. Well, at least I didn't see it happen.

Oh, and I worked in the "PST" part, which is Games, CDs, and DVDs, and we only didn't look for things for people on the phone when they were assholes. It's one thing to call someone at a store and ask politely if they mind to see if something is in stock for you, and it's another thing to call and demand shit like an asshole.
sounds like this guy is just pissed that he got fired. but I sympathize, retail is such a shit hole for so many different reasons.

why is there never anyone working the registers at CC? i've seen this at a bunch of stores, in different states too. It seems like every time I go there, I have to stand there looking pissed before anyone helps.

not that I'm a good customer anyway since I pretty much only buy clearance items at B+M stores these days.
4. Every salesman is ranked by the number of protection plans (or extended warranties) that they sell. At my store all the time we would throw on scratch protection plans to CD's, since they're only a buck, most people don't notice. During the $9.99 CD special days, customers who weren't aware of the sale were easy prey.

If someone did that to me they would probably be getting punched in the face.
^ What would happen if someone got caught doing that and the customer complained a lot?

Wow, I said "WTF" when I read about switching the giftcards out. That's definitely shady. Reading stories/experiences like those is what makes me want to avoid retail. Luckily I work on campus where we don't have such huge demands and they're flexible with you.
I'd imagine the employee would get fired...

Realistically would I hit them, I don't know. I really don't, something like that is basically robbery. Sure it's onnly a dollar, but if someone reaches into your wallet and pulls a dollar out and puts it in their own pocket that's gonna make you pretty mad. You could probably get away with a slap... a danza slap that is.
Anyone know how to get a story posted on their site? I just quit Vector Marketing (Cutco) a week ago, and really want to get some things off my chest. I figured, just maybe some other people would find them interesting, and the Consumerist is the place to do it.
[quote name='Greetard']Anyone know how to get a story posted on their site? I just quit Vector Marketing (Cutco) a week ago, and really want to get some things off my chest. Maybe other people will find them interesting.[/quote]

I should hope most people won't. That place is a scam all the way. Never worked there, but I did get hired into another "marketing company" which turned into a door-to-door sales job somehow overnight. Shortly after finding that out, my next line was "Well I'll see ya lata then."

The BBB (better business bureau) website will probably have some dirt on Vector among other places though.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I should hope most people won't. That place is a scam all the way. Never worked there, but I did get hired into another "marketing company" which turned into a door-to-door sales job somehow overnight. Shortly after finding that out, my next line was "Well I'll see ya lata then."

The BBB (better business bureau) website will probably have some dirt on Vector among other places though.[/QUOTE]

My post wasn't clear at all, and I apologize. I actually meant that other people may find my "confessions" interesting. But yeah, that's exactly why I want to write this, uh, I dunno what to call it, article? Theconsumerist.com is a fairly popular site that can be seen on the first few pages of a google search, and I want to get a warning out to any prospective "employees" looking up information about the company Hellspawn. My time there was the worst week and a half of my life.
I know what you mean. The "company" I worked for was crap. Not a totally worthless experience though, as it wisened me up to the work world.

The guy was all smoke and mirrors, I go in for the first interview, and he's talking about this great "sports marketing" job, and that I'm exactly the type of person he's looking for. Then goes on to say how he worked with the Tigers, Pistons and other local businesses that I knew very well. Right...

Well that all sounded good to me, so I went home, later in the day got a call that I was going on a second interview. Well the second interview was at a very professional looking place and I was put in a room with a bunch of other younger people, many recent college grads like myself at the time. Then a few older guys who tried to get everyone all psyched up. They had weird little sayings that I found quirky, but I went along with it, still not knowing what the job really entailed; Red flag #1.

Well... the day goes on and later on we end up driving about an hour north to start working. Door-to-freakin'-door; Red flag #2. I was so confused, I thought this has got to be a joke, no way this is the actual job. I asked a bunch more questions and the guy doing my interview said this was just something they do to see how tough people are and how bad they want to work for this company. I figured ok, no big deal, and asked if this was all the job was (going door-to-door) and he assured me it wasn't. Lies, all lies!

Well, I got back to their office around 9-ish and they give me the job. I needed a job badly, and figured that the door-to-door thing was just random and so I took it. Oops.

Since the training was paid for, I signed an agreement saying I would be with the company at least 10 days. I found that rather odd, why would someone want to leave right after training? Red flag #3. Took off for the "road trip" which involved riding in a car 2 hours north for 5 days of you guessed it... DOOR-TO-F'n-DOOR sales. Oh I was not happy. Most of the guys were cool, so I remained fairly calm, but I was quite unpleased. That was pretty much it.

I worked out the rest of the days of that "contract" and then left without notice. I probably should've just left earlier, after returning from the road trip, as I'm sure the contract wasn't valid.

Wasn't much better back at their office either, I'd go in at 9am. We'd do cult brain-washing for 3-4 hours and then go out to a designated territory to sell these "smart circle" (google 'em) cards door-to-door for different companies. That would last from around 1 until 8pm. Then get back to the office for more brain-washing until around 10pm. Although, I'd usually leave right away. The owner frowned upon that, always asking me why I didn't want to stay and hang out.

I was a pretty crappy salesperson, but I'm pretty humorous so I got along with everyone there rather well. The people whose doors I came to, generally didn't want to buy anything from me (I was crappy, not pushy) but a lot of them wanted to help me get a better job. I had a few good laughs as people would give me all sorts of information and advice to get out of that and that I could do way better.

I probably made about $50 a day doing that, so roughly $500 total. Pretty crappy when you figure that's $250 a week, working 12 hour days. Oh they liked to work Saturdays too; yet another red flag.

The last day I was there the owner handed out custom made shirts that were actually fairly nice to everyone with the company logo on them. When I didn't show up the next day he called telling me he wasn't all that surprised and that he didn't need me anyway. Then called up later begging for his shirt back, no I didn't bother returning it.

Anyway, right after that I got the Chrysler contract and felt somewhat re-deemed. I have been much more careful since then in job searches. I can easily pick out all the signs of one of these door-to-door scams now. I also trust my gut more and pay attention to those red flags.

I did feel sorry for a lot of those guys working there though, as some of them really believed they were going to be successful going door-to-door and eventually own their own office. Some other college grads and just nice people that were only destroying their lives by staying in that crap.

The reality is the whole thing is a scam, probably none of those guys will get their own office and instead will spend their gas money, time, and sanity making the office owner money.

I know this is a crazy long post now, but if anyone you know is in something like this or considering something like this, get them out or talk them out of it! I was only got suckered into 10 days, I couldn't imagine someone that has been in that cult for years.

There's some good stuff online if you check the BBB or another business report site and type in "Smart Circle" another good one is "Enterprise" there's a whole website dedicated to how bad they are as an employer. I got offered an interview there and shot it down instantly after reading up on them.
[quote name='Greetard']I just quit Vector Marketing (Cutco) a week ago[/quote]

I had a friend who worked there a few years ago, quit after about a week and regretted every day he worked for them. From what I heard from him and around the net after some googling, Vector is one pretty shitty company to work for. I'm kind of surprised they're still in business.
[quote name='Kapwanil']#17 is the reason I stopped going to all but one location on Long Island. I'm not a big fan of employees lying to me (and quite horribly, most of the time) about why they don't have half of the things they have on sale when they open up on Sunday.

Well, that and taking 90 minutes for my brother to buy a TV/DVD combo because the floor associate tried to pull #17, #13, and #4 on us during the shopping/purchase. It also didn't help that it took 20 minutes for them to get it from the back because nobody was actually working in the back at all.

Oh well, c'est la vie. CC was much better elsewhere in my experience but these local LI locations are just abyssmal.[/quote]

Which CC do you go to?
[quote name='help1']Which CC do you go to?[/QUOTE]

Yea, I'd like to know too =O

And #1 is really easy to make the employees look dumb, all you have to do is ask them why they sell faulty parts if they are just going to break after a year - most of them have no fucking clue what to say.

An employee tried to do that shit to me once, and I went to the manager and told me how he lost out on a sale because the employee explained to me how things will break pretty quickly and I will go somewhere where that doesn't happen.

Manager looked pissed as all hell.

This whole article is why people should buy PC's direct from the manufacter or just build it themselves.

17. Sales from ads primarily work off the bait-and-switch tactic. It's most likely that the item you're looking for is out of stock or no longer carried. It is hoped that since you came in to buy one and can't, that you will find a better and more expensive alternative

So fucking true,
24. Circuit City has violated "minor labor laws" to the extreme. I know of 16 year olds who worked 50 hour weeks, when it was only legal for 20.

Well at least when I turn 16 I know of a place that won't refuse me lol.
This stuff about pushing warranties and BS is odd, considering most every circuit city I've been to nobody seems to give a shit about anything, whatsoever.
[quote name='jer7583']This stuff about pushing warranties and BS is odd, considering most every circuit city I've been to nobody seems to give a shit about anything, whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

I've learned if you go when the career sales people are there, i.e., during the day, you get the hard sell far more than from 7-9pm, when all the high schoolers are there. That's unfortunate, because I like going when it's not so busy. I do like going during peak hours to get my questions answered. The h.s.ers are just happy to show off their knowledge, unrelated to sales.
Wonder if Wal-Mart is gonna turn into this way since recently they've been pushing the hell out of accessories computers and offering our extended warranty (aka product care plan). But I don't see how they can't just handle the heat when it comes to pushing for sales, especially if they aren't getting commission. I'm guessing cut hours and coaching.
[quote name='browneyedgal68']I've learned if you go when the career sales people are there, i.e., during the day, you get the hard sell far more than from 7-9pm, when all the high schoolers are there. That's unfortunate, because I like going when it's not so busy. I do like going during peak hours to get my questions answered. The h.s.ers are just happy to show off their knowledge, unrelated to sales.[/QUOTE]

What Circuit City do you go to where the store is busy from 7 -9 pm, much less busy at all? :lol:

The CC here is a graveyard at all times during the day, no matter what day you go. I always get a spot near the front, as opposed to Best Buy where half of their parking lot is always full.

I noticed, the last time I went to CC, two or three employees actually asked me if I needed help, which was a shocking change since they usually just ignore you.
[quote name='Roufuss']What Circuit City do you go to where the store is busy from 7 -9 pm, much less busy at all? :lol:

The CC here is a graveyard at all times during the day, no matter what day you go. I always get a spot near the front, as opposed to Best Buy where half of their parking lot is always full.

I noticed, the last time I went to CC, two or three employees actually asked me if I needed help, which was a shocking change since they usually just ignore you.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I go to the Circuit City in Meriden, CT and sometimes the one on the Berlin T Pike. I've been there on Saturdays at 4pm and the stores are *DEAD*, and I've been there at 10am where I'll be one of two shoppers in the store and I get looked at like I was a ghost. Most of the customers that go in there are also going to the Verizon kiosk.
[quote name='Apossum']sounds like this guy is just pissed that he got fired. but I sympathize, retail is such a shit hole for so many different reasons.


EXACTLY and he gives it away here:

25. Circuit City has laid off over 4 thousand employees recently to hire cheaper workers. They fired associates who were highly ranked in sales and service, and paid well for that reason.

They were there for a long period and paid well for what reason? Items 1-24? Sounds like they needed to let these crooks go to me!
He may just be mad over getting fired from Circuit City, but at least this is nowhere near as bad as that emo kid on Youtube who bitched about Gamestop while crying.
The reason it's difficult to find someone to check out with your purchases at Circuit City is because there is no such thing as an employee who simply works the register there.

They have customer service, and then the people in the games/movies/cds part are supposed to watch the registers and check out people if they need it. Ironically, in the store I worked in, they were pretty much on opposite sides of the store.

At least when I worked at Best Buy they hired register people.
There's been times I've left Circuit City empty-handed simply because I was never checked out.

Not in the defeatist sense; the "fuck this shit" sense.

I should just walk out with the item next time. If I get busted, I'll play stupid and say I was seeing if the registers were moved outside.
ive never really dealt much with cc aside from those really cheap games sales online. but the one time i did call mine locally was about tp for gamecube and funny enough they told me they had the game and even sold it to me before it was due to be released so i think shitty customer service is dependant on the person you get and their mood.
[quote name='Brak']

I should just walk out with the item next time. If I get busted, I'll play stupid and say I was seeing if the registers were moved outside.[/QUOTE]

Now that is funny! I mean really funny. Thanks!
19. If you're buying an item with multiple gift cards, check to make sure that you're given back the gift card with the remaining balance. Several times I've seen associates give back the empty card, and keep the card with the remaining balance.

Some cashier at Best Buy pulled this one on me. Either by accident or on purpose. I realized it in the car and promptly went back in and cut in line in front of everyone while the door security started to come over thinking I was robbing the guy or something to get the gift card back that still had $50.00 on it after he gave me back the $0.00 one. He said he was going to throw it out at the time when he rang me up because it was used up, but when I told him he gave me the wrong one back and kept the one with $50.00 left on it still, he took it out from under a stack of papers by the register.
[quote name='Brak']There's been times I've left Circuit City empty-handed simply because I was never checked out.

Not in the defeatist sense; the "fuck this shit" sense.

I should just walk out with the item next time. If I get busted, I'll play stupid and say I was seeing if the registers were moved outside.[/QUOTE]

Last time I was at CC, getting a price adjust on something, there was this older guy ahead of me who was screaming at the tops of his lungs at the vacant customer service desk.

At first he was like "HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HELLOOOOOOOOO" then he started to get more pissed, and was like "YOU fuckERS I NEED SERVICE WHAT THE fuck IS GOING ON" and started pounding on the door and window next to the CS desk.

After this, he starts wandering around the store yelling "WHERE IS EVERYONE STOP WANKING IT I NEED HELP" before he finally tries to leave - but he goes out the wrong door and it won't open, and I didn't hear what he was saying but he just starts throwing his arms up and stamping his feet, and I swear has was about to cry.

He then did one of those angry stomp runs and marched out the other door.

Everyone was just kind of like "What the fuck?".
I've worked retail I've been fired, and quit. I was never bitter afterwards. The type of people that make these lists are bitter people that are mad they've been fired or let go.
[quote name='Greetard']Anyone know how to get a story posted on their site? I just quit Vector Marketing (Cutco) a week ago, and really want to get some things off my chest. I figured, just maybe some other people would find them interesting, and the Consumerist is the place to do it.[/quote]

HAHAHA Vector Marketing aka Cutco is still around?!?
[quote name='Roufuss']Last time I was at CC, getting a price adjust on something, there was this older guy ahead of me who was screaming at the tops of his lungs at the vacant customer service desk.

At first he was like "HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HELLOOOOOOOOO" then he started to get more pissed, and was like "YOU fuckERS I NEED SERVICE WHAT THE fuck IS GOING ON" and started pounding on the door and window next to the CS desk.

After this, he starts wandering around the store yelling "WHERE IS EVERYONE STOP WANKING IT I NEED HELP" before he finally tries to leave - but he goes out the wrong door and it won't open, and I didn't hear what he was saying but he just starts throwing his arms up and stamping his feet, and I swear has was about to cry.

He then did one of those angry stomp runs and marched out the other door.

Everyone was just kind of like "What the fuck?".[/QUOTE]

those who said WTF, where they the employees wanking it off or the customers??
I like CC.
No complains, but for BB I do.

So I went to BB with the CC ad. I was going to price match Fight Night 3(PS2). CC had it for $9.99, BB for $19.99. So as I go to the cashier I show her the ad. She takes it to some computer and calls the CC nearest to the BB I'm at.

She comes back saying that she can't price match it because the CC nearest doesn't have it in stock. I said what? She says to price match the store which I am price matching has to have the product in stock. I said I had done it before she just says well... then I say forget it and leave took my CC ad. I was still gonna go to another BB to get Wild Bunch because they didn't have it in this first BB. I get to a second BB I get Wild Bunch for $4.99 and I price matched Fight Night 3 no questions asked.

Another thing with BB, so they had the $7.99 error on a DBZ boxset, as I got it priced matched the lady was folding my internet printout and getting ready to through it out. I said I want my print out, she gave me the printout along with a look. I should've gone back to get another boxset.

:lol: :lol: These are cool.:lol: :lol:
The last time I was at CC I was buying my TV and 360. The guy tried to sell me the remote because he was pretty sure it was required to play DVDs. :roll:

I told him it didn't. I could see him wanting to push it, but he also knew I knew more than him. :lol:

I did wind up getting the remote later anyways, but I got it from BB with a $5 off cupon!
bread's done