2GB SD card w/ USB card reader *EDIT - Price lowered to $29.92, messes up GoogleCkout


52 (100%)
I decided to post this in its own thread because it is very popular in the thread for the 1GB card after rebate.


This is a great deal! It's $20 after Google Checkout and doesn't require a rebate. It ships for free if you choose the slow poke option!

It's a 2GB SD memory card with a USB SD card reader (comes in handy with older PCs).

A bunch of people have ordered this all ready, and with it not requiring a rebate, I imagine it will sell out pretty quickly.
nice find, too bad the page is saying "in stock soon, ships in 1-2 weeks"...
woulda loved to not have to deal with the mail in rebate on the other 2gb kingston sd...
Ordered one. Internet Explorer acted up a bit, so I had to open up a new browser window for every step of the checkout because the links would not open in the original window. Weird.
That's the deal I've been waiting for without actually waiting; wasn't planning on needing another SD card anytime soon. But I needed a reader to do anything with it besides pictures, so I bit.
Im in for one. I wasn't in a rush since the Wiis internal memory is more than enough for launch, but having this out of the way on the cheap is great. thanks OP
Thanks for posting OP. I'm in for one. I've been looking for a 2 GB and with the included reader along with Google Checkout and free shipping it was too good to pass up.
[quote name='Gojtron']Wow, those are bad reviews. Making me second-guess my order now.[/QUOTE]

72% gave it 5 stars, which is good enough for me. As long as the card itself works fine I'm happy.
man wondering if i should cancel the 2gig MMC plus card i ordered last week for $20 AR. =/ the possible backorder status of this worries me
Hmm, I thought Google Checkout wouldn't let you order things that aren't in stock, but it seems to work. But the fact that they charge your card right away is a little worrying. Good deal though.
I'm guessing that the card is one of the really slow ones (reads and writes really slow) and that's probably why it's so cheap. But $20 OTD for a 2GB SD card and reader/writer is a heck of a deal!

Thanks OP! In for one!
Does everyone ignore the BF deal that circuit city is going to have

1GB sd card for 2.99 or 3.99....that's what i'm going to do....buy myself 5 of those and then there'll be plently of space
[quote name='Bluesilo']Does everyone ignore the BF deal that circuit city is going to have

1GB sd card for 2.99 or 3.99....that's what i'm going to do....buy myself 5 of those and then there'll be plently of space[/QUOTE]

most of the problem with BF is the inventory will be very limited and stuff like this is selling fast. Unless you are first 20 person in the line , the chance you will get it is very slim.
[quote name='Bluesilo']Does everyone ignore the BF deal that circuit city is going to have

1GB sd card for 2.99 or 3.99....that's what i'm going to do....buy myself 5 of those and then there'll be plently of space[/QUOTE]

Right, but that's witha rebate. You'll have to at least spend $30 out the door. And who knows what the rebate limit might be. It might be 1, 2, or even five. Staples rebates are usually good for multiples but CC Rbates are hit or miss.

The negative thing is this is slow. I need a high speed one to take videos with or even pictures. It'll take over half a second to write one full 7.1MP image to this disc. and I think the entry level sandisk is even slower than this Kingston.

But it's a positive it also comes with a card reader. I guess it all depends opn your use. I don't think speed will be a factor with the Wii though.
Hmm one of the reviews on Newegg says this is ONLY a reader and not a writer. Does this mean I cant put mp3 files on the card from my PC to use on excitetruck for the custom soundtrack?
I'd hope it can read and write, otherwise it's pretty useless. I just want to be able to throw MP3s on there for my Wii. My digital camera maxes out at a 1GB limit anyway, so I already have a card for that. This is pure Wii.
I guess no one else read the other Wii memory card threads - we posted this deal there yesterday.

Anyway, another option if you have some empty printer cartridges (maybe raid your office :D) is OfficeMax. They have Toshiba 2GB cards on sale for $35 this week. I got $15 off by bringing in 5 empty Canon printer cartridges. So I got it for $20. There's no card reader, but my laptop has slots for that. The advantage here is that I have the card NOW and can start loading it up with pictures and have it all ready for my Wii on Sunday. I think they have 1GB's for $17 - so bring in a few cartridges (you get $3 for each one up to 5 max) and you can get that pretty cheap too!

Deal looks to be dead. When I try to checkout with google it doesn't take $10.00 off and it doesn't give free shipping like it says it should either. :(

[quote name='xbox_mole']Deal looks to be dead. When I try to checkout with google it doesn't take $10.00 off and it doesn't give free shipping like it says it should either. :([/quote]

I just tried it and google checkout gave me $10 off. You are clicking the google checkout button, right? Also, you have to choose "Budget" shipping from the drop down box in order to get free shipping.
Thanks guys, they must have been doing some maintenance or something it does work now. I am using IE 7.

Saved me from spending $44 after rebate for the SanDisk one in the BB ad this week.
Is there any good reason to get one of these for the Wii? The system already comes with 512mb for saves, and I don't really plan on getting many virtual console games (if any ... I've already got most of the old Nintendo games I want). Isn't 2gb kind of overkill? By the time I might actually need an sd card they could be seriously cheaper.
[quote name='slappynutz']Is there any good reason to get one of these for the Wii? The system already comes with 512mb for saves, and I don't really plan on getting many virtual console games (if any ... I've already got most of the old Nintendo games I want). Isn't 2gb kind of overkill? By the time I might actually need an sd card they could be seriously cheaper.[/quote]

My reason for getting it is I want to be able to transport my saved games to other people's Wiis. For example, I will get a Wii and so will my parents (my mom is a Zelda nut). When I visit the 'rents for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I want to bring my saved games with me so I can play over the holidays.
Plus if you want use the photo channel or put MP3's on it you need to use the removeable SD card.

Now, here's a question - does anyone know if there has to be a certain layout for the pictures and music on the card like for the PSP (specific folder names and all that)? I guess I'll just make "Pictures" and "Music" folders and see what the Wii does with it :D.
No virtual console games? see...as they have released which games will be on the VC, i have sold those game to free up space in my ever-expanding game cabinet...for instance..legend of zelda is $5 on the wii VC, sold it for close to 30 on ebay.
[quote name='whoislain']My reason for getting it is I want to be able to transport my saved games to other people's Wiis. For example, I will get a Wii and so will my parents (my mom is a Zelda nut). When I visit the 'rents for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I want to bring my saved games with me so I can play over the holidays.[/QUOTE]

I imagine that this is either a misunderstanding or something that can be gotten around, but Joystiq is saying that they couldn't copy their game saves to an SD card, even though the manual says that you can.

Picked this up because, at this cheap of a price, you can't go wrong with more space.

Thanks BCJ.

I think this is the same card that was $18ish after MIR on Buy.com as well. The card writes a little slow but that seems to be the only problem I can find.
Awesome deal, i already have a reader in my printer, so this will be an awesome deal. I was waiting for blackfriday but this deal actually is saving me more money.

Thanks OP!
[quote name='io']I guess no one else read the other Wii memory card threads - we posted this deal there yesterday.

Anyway, another option if you have some empty printer cartridges (maybe raid your office :D) is OfficeMax. They have Toshiba 2GB cards on sale for $35 this week. I got $15 off by bringing in 5 empty Canon printer cartridges. So I got it for $20. There's no card reader, but my laptop has slots for that. The advantage here is that I have the card NOW and can start loading it up with pictures and have it all ready for my Wii on Sunday. I think they have 1GB's for $17 - so bring in a few cartridges (you get $3 for each one up to 5 max) and you can get that pretty cheap too![/quote] How fast (??X) is the Toshiba card?

This Kingston card is 6MBps write speed. That's about 40X. Is this fast enough for video (640x480) using a Canon SD550?

I don't really need a card reader since I already have one. I'm more concerned about speed for video capture.
[quote name='eau']How fast (??X) is the Toshiba card?

This Kingston card is 6MBps write speed. That's about 40X. Is this fast enough for video (640x480) using a Canon SD550?

I don't really need a card reader since I already have one. I'm more concerned about speed for video capture.[/QUOTE]

How in the hell can you tell? Maybe it's a bad sign that I don't see anything on the package that indicates speed :D... I haven't opened it yet, just in case I find a better deal, but I probably will in the next day or two so I can load it up with pictures and music to be ready for Sunday.

There's a bunch of crap on the back showing how many pictures it can store for various Megapixel cameras, and how many hours of MP3 and video it can store :roll:. All rather useless, really.

OK, digging into Toshiba's web site I found a PDF file that talks all about their SD cards. It seems the blue ones are all "Class 4" which means 4MB/sec. They claim their white ones are 6MB/sec and they consider that for high-speed devices like high-end digicams, etc... So if the Kingston is really 6MB/sec that is pretty good. It appears there are also 2MB/sec ones, which I guess you'd want to avoid.

When I dump a bunch of pictures using my laptop SD card slot I'll do a little benchmarking on it and let you know how it does.
Damn, I was going to order one of these yesterday . . . not a biggie but a good deal.

I got hung up because I have no clue how Google checkout works (or anything about it).

I know I sound like a newb . . . so don't flame me . . . how do you do Google checkout?
bread's done