3 out of 4 want illegal immigration decreased


34 (100%)
WASHINGTON (CNN) - A new national poll indicates that nearly three-quarters of all Americans would like to see a decrease in the number of illegal immigrants in the country.

Seventy-three percent of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday morning called for a drop in the number of illegal immigrants, with 22 percent saying the number should remain the same and just 3 percent stating that there should be an increase in the number of illegal immigrants. That 73 percent figure is the highest number since CNN started asking this question four years ago.

According to the poll, 37 percent want to see all illegal immigrants deported, also the highest number since the questions was first asked in 2006, and another 23 percent say that the number of illegal immigrants in the country should be decreased significantly.

"Support for deporting all illegal immigrants is highest among older Americans and people who live in rural areas. It's highest in the South and Midwest and nearly as high in the Northeast, but only one in four Westerners think that all illegal immigrants should be deported," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted October 16-18, with 1,038 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.


from CNN no less. so 3/4 of america wants illegal immigration reduced, 37% want total deportation and yet both parties in congress and the white house will not go near this issue. with unemployment so high right now this should be a very hot button issue (i would think). you can tell me there arent people out there who would take jobs that illegals typically work (construction, janitorial, etc).
Will they work those jobs for the same under-the-table minute wages that the illegals do?

If not, then I don't understand your point. If so, then they should get out to those street corners and start hopping into the backs of pickup trucks.
[quote name='Fanboy']Will they work those jobs for the same under-the-table minute wages that the illegals do?

If not, then I don't understand your point. If so, then they should get out to those street corners and start hopping into the backs of pickup trucks.[/QUOTE]

No, I have a job that pays far more than minimum wage.

However, 20% of this country isn't working full time.

Those people still need to eat and gubmint isn't going to pay all of their bills.

The article claims some illegals are leaving this country because their jobs have dried up.

The jobs simply aren't there anymore, legal citizens are willing to work for cash under the table or both.
Um, a family member of mine works at a farm picking once a week under the table to supplement income. Apparently ya'll haven't stared into the financial abyss many are dealing with. Good for you. Let's hope you're always so fortunate.
[quote name='speedracer']Um, a family member of mine works at a farm picking once a week under the table to supplement income. Apparently ya'll haven't stared into the financial abyss many are dealing with. Good for you. Let's hope you're always so fortunate.[/QUOTE]

I delivered pizza for over two years. The tips weren't completely under the table because I didn't claim mileage at the end of the year, but who really knows if I owed the IRS more taxes or not?
[quote name='speedracer']Um, a family member of mine works at a farm picking once a week under the table to supplement income. Apparently ya'll haven't stared into the financial abyss many are dealing with. Good for you. Let's hope you're always so fortunate.[/QUOTE]

exactly, when you have 10%+ unemployment people are willing to do jobs typically held by illegals. under the table or otherwise.

[quote name='perdition(troy']We really needed a study to tell us people don't want ILLEGAL immigration to continue?[/QUOTE]

poll after poll shows this same thing, people want something done about illegal immigration. but washington doesnt address the issue. when they do it quickly gets put to the back burner or they discuss something like amnesty, which would upset a lot of people.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']poll after poll shows this same thing, people want something done about illegal immigration. but washington doesnt address the issue. when they do it quickly gets put to the back burner or they discuss something like amnesty, which would upset a lot of people.[/QUOTE]

Illegal immigrants make great scapegoats and a slave class.

Do you want your food growers to pay their workers minimum wage or working conditions as good as a burger flipper?

Also, no illegal immigrants would mean other countries would have to ask for more foreign aid from the US. We can't have that.
I'm honestly in different on illegal immigrants. I don't support people coming into the country illegally, but I'm not up in arms over it either, and think the real solution is much more liberal legal immigration policies, guest worker programs etc.

As for the job loss issue--don't care. As I've said before I'm not going to feel bad for anyone who fucked up their life so much that they have no marketable skills and can't even beat out an illegal immigrant who has little education, little english ability etc.

Life is what you make of it. Sure some people have skills but get laid off and can't find another job because of the economy etc. But most (with exceptions of coruse) of those people think they're too good to flip burgers, work retail, deliver pizzas and other jobs--much less do the manual labor immigrants are doing for less than minimum wage.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']poll after poll shows this same thing, people want something done about illegal immigration. but washington doesnt address the issue. when they do it quickly gets put to the back burner or they discuss something like amnesty, which would upset a lot of people.[/QUOTE]

That's because most people don't know the law. If they suffered the effects they'd change their tune.
The reason Washington won't go near the issue is the same reason they won't go near issues that affect seniors. Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the US, and they vote in comparatively high numbers. They also lean overwhelmingly Democrat, so no shit the Dems want to see them get Amnesty. Of course, the GOP isn't much better, I seem to remember George Bush and McCain holding similar positions as well.
if you substitute "armed robberies" for "illegal immigrants" in the quoted article in the OP, then you'll see the fallacy of asking the survey question the way they did, as well as the fallacy in drawing conclusions that people want "something done about it."
If you want to do the work that illegals do, then you better get down to Lowe's at 5am. Get your hustle on instead of whining about not having a job. You'll have the same chance of getting hired that any of those guys do. Then you can see how hard getting paid $32 for a 16 hour day really is.
[quote name='mykevermin']if you substitute "armed robberies" for "illegal immigrants" in the quoted article in the OP, then you'll see the fallacy of asking the survey question the way they did, as well as the fallacy in drawing conclusions that people want "something done about it."[/QUOTE]

so youre point is people are against crime? i get that. my point is, people are against crime and washington is doing the opposite of what this survey shows.

[quote name='depascal22']If you want to do the work that illegals do, then you better get down to Lowe's at 5am. Get your hustle on instead of whining about not having a job. You'll have the same chance of getting hired that any of those guys do. Then you can see how hard getting paid $32 for a 16 hour day really is.[/QUOTE]

yup, all illegals find work at a lowes parking lot. none of them do janitorial, construction, warehouse or any other labor.
There's more to it than that, though. Do you think you'd get the same response rate if you asked about armed robberies?

22 percent say the number of armed robberies should stay the same?
[quote name='mykevermin']There's more to it than that, though. Do you think you'd get the same response rate if you asked about armed robberies?

22 percent say the number of armed robberies should stay the same?[/QUOTE]

i typed out a rant, but i deleted it because its a silly comparison.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']so youre point is people are against crime? i get that. my point is, people are against crime and washington is doing the opposite of what this survey shows.

yup, all illegals find work at a lowes parking lot. none of them do janitorial, construction, warehouse or any other labor.[/QUOTE]

You didn't get my point at all. One of the main arguments against illegal immigration is that illegals take jobs that average Americans would love to do just to make a little money. That being said, I never see any average Americans down at Lowe's at 5am.

Yes, illegals work at many different places. Lowe's is not the only place they work at. I never said they only find work at Lowe's.
just further proves this is still a Racist White America. People of all colors should be embraced and welcomed into our country. The way to achieve this dream is to deport racists instead of immigrants.
[quote name='rumblebear']just further proves this is still a Racist White America. People of all colors should be embraced and welcomed into our country. The way to achieve this dream is to deport racists instead of immigrants.[/QUOTE]

You do know that this isn't strictly an American concept, don't you? Head over to a lot of Asian cultures, Japan specifically, and you'll find some hardcore racism that almost make the KKK look like a humanitarian organization. In fact I'd argue over there it's even worse. At least in this country, racism is, for the most part, a kook fringe belief that no one takes seriously, and just about everyone disagrees with. In Japan, the idea of kicking all non ethnic Japanese people out of the country (and that includes people who have lived in the country for generations, but whose ancestors were born elsewhere) is a legitimate political platform that a lot of people over there believe in.
[quote name='depascal22']When did this become about Japan?[/QUOTE]

It didn't, I just wanted to point out that racism isn't a uniquely American problem as some might suggest, nor is it always an underlying motivator in immigration debates, as others seem to believe.
Racism is a problem with every society on the planet. Humans seem to naturally divide on arbitrary things and skin color is usually the easiest.

Hell, you could argue that most wars (that aren't started over money or land) are started over race.
Because people point at illegals and say that they're robbing this country of jobs. You'd think the Statue of Liberty was being raped every time an illegal crossed the Rio Grande.

Thing is, it's always Mexicans. They could be from Guatemala, China, or Slovakia but people always equate illegal immigration with Mexicans. Why is that? It's like illegal immigration is cool as long as it's not "wetbacks."

And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Even CNN shows the Rio Grande when they do illegal immigration stories. Not once do you see some Eastern European girl being smuggled in for prostitution.
OK, I only read the first post, but it tells me one of two things. Either 25% of the country are illegal immigrants, or 25% of this country is stupid because they don't realize the negative effects of illegal immigration.
[quote name='spmahn']At least in this country, racism is, for the most part, a kook fringe belief that no one takes seriously, and just about everyone disagrees with.[/QUOTE]

This is quite wrong.
[quote name='depascal22']Because people point at illegals and say that they're robbing this country of jobs. You'd think the Statue of Liberty was being raped every time an illegal crossed the Rio Grande.

Thing is, it's always Mexicans. They could be from Guatemala, China, or Slovakia but people always equate illegal immigration with Mexicans. Why is that? It's like illegal immigration is cool as long as it's not "wetbacks."

And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Even CNN shows the Rio Grande when they do illegal immigration stories. Not once do you see some Eastern European girl being smuggled in for prostitution.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? Sure there are illegal immigrants from other countries. But guess which border they almost always cross to do so? Guess what percent of illegal immigrants are from latin countries? The vast vast vast majority of them. It's logical because they live on our border. That's not racism, it's fact. I'm sorry if not focusing on a fraction of a percentage of illegal immigration from other countries in news media is not politically correct enough for you.

Showing latin people or referring to latin people when discussing illegal immigration is no more racist than showing black people when talking about rap music.
[quote name='depascal22']Because people point at illegals and say that they're robbing this country of jobs. You'd think the Statue of Liberty was being raped every time an illegal crossed the Rio Grande.

Thing is, it's always Mexicans. They could be from Guatemala, China, or Slovakia but people always equate illegal immigration with Mexicans. Why is that? It's like illegal immigration is cool as long as it's not "wetbacks."

And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Even CNN shows the Rio Grande when they do illegal immigration stories. Not once do you see some Eastern European girl being smuggled in for prostitution.[/QUOTE]

That's because if you're an illegal immigrant from China or Russia there's the huge presumption that those are educated illegal immigrants. Ignore the fact that China still has a huge rural slant towards most of the provinces, ignore the fact that a lot of Russians have been jobless for quite a while and or with outdated education. NO Those are EDUCATED illegals and therefore SUPERIOR because they didn't swim over here or hop a fence. They got here on a boat and possibly took huge debt to get here. That's different then athletic ability.
[quote name='Fanboy']Will they work those jobs for the same under-the-table minute wages that the illegals do?

If not, then I don't understand your point. If so, then they should get out to those street corners and start hopping into the backs of pickup trucks.[/QUOTE]
Yea... and with Slaves we would save 100%. What is your point?
[quote name='thrustbucket']Are you serious? Sure there are illegal immigrants from other countries. But guess which border they almost always cross to do so? Guess what percent of illegal immigrants are from latin countries? The vast vast vast majority of them. It's logical because they live on our border. That's not racism, it's fact. I'm sorry if not focusing on a fraction of a percentage of illegal immigration from other countries in news media is not politically correct enough for you.

Showing latin people or referring to latin people when discussing illegal immigration is no more racist than showing black people when talking about rap music.[/QUOTE]

Would it be such a big issue if the Canadian border was the same way? If 250,000 Canucks crossed the border illegally every year, would those staunch conservatives be making such a fuss?
[quote name='depascal22']Would it be such a big issue if the Canadian border was the same way? If 250,000 Canucks crossed the border illegally every year, would those staunch conservatives be making such a fuss?[/QUOTE]

NO because they're Westernized immigrants which means they have feminist laws, feminist bullshit and are essentially American in everything BUT name.
[quote name='depascal22']You didn't get my point at all. One of the main arguments against illegal immigration is that illegals take jobs that average Americans would love to do just to make a little money. That being said, I never see any average Americans down at Lowe's at 5am.

Yes, illegals work at many different places. Lowe's is not the only place they work at. I never said they only find work at Lowe's.[/QUOTE]

you left out other areas that illegals do work in. what does out of work americans not pandering for jobs at a hardware store have to do with anything? those are jobs that americans worked before and are losing to illegals. areas like custodial, warehouse and construction are areas that americans have worked in the past and are losing jobs in thanks to illegals.

[quote name='depascal22']
Thing is, it's always Mexicans. They could be from Guatemala, China, or Slovakia but people always equate illegal immigration with Mexicans. Why is that? It's like illegal immigration is cool as long as it's not "wetbacks."

And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Even CNN shows the Rio Grande when they do illegal immigration stories. Not once do you see some Eastern European girl being smuggled in for prostitution.[/QUOTE]

its associated with mexicans because nearly 60% of illegal immigrants are from mexico. other central/south american nations account for a little over 10% of illegals. asia & india another 10%. the other 20% is from "other".

[quote name='depascal22']Would it be such a big issue if the Canadian border was the same way? If 250,000 Canucks crossed the border illegally every year, would those staunch conservatives be making such a fuss?[/QUOTE]

well 250k would instantly put them as the 5th highest country of origin for illegals, but still a few million behind mexico. if this hypothetical canadian population continued to grow exponentially over the next 15 years, they yes, they would raise a fuss.

[quote name='The Crotch']Go feminism![/QUOTE]

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']what does out of work americans not pandering for jobs at a hardware store have to do with anything? those are jobs that americans worked before and are losing to illegals. areas like custodial, warehouse and construction are areas that americans have worked in the past and are losing jobs in thanks to illegals. [/QUOTE]

The biggest argument against illegal immigration is that illegals continue to TAKE jobs from hard working Americans and it's bullshit. In one sentence you asked what it matters if out of work Americans are out "pandering" for jobs and then in the next you say that illegals are taking the jobs. You act like illegals are forcing Americans out of jobs. You act like an American can't sit there at Lowe's and compete for the same jobs.

You're fixated on Lowe's so just replace it with something else. Anything else to put your mind at ease and get you off this one track thinking.

My point is that if Americans are so hard working and willing to do menial jobs, why aren't they out there on the block looking for a construction job that pays $2 an hour for a 16 hour day?

Do you really think average Joes will flock to Lowe's or any other place that hires day workers if we get rid of illegals?

Even when the menial jobs are open to everyone (not hiring some under the table worker), most of the people that apply are minorities. I've worked in a dozen hospitals and I'd say 95% of the housekeeping staff are minorities. In New York, they were blacks, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans, Here in Indiana, it's blacks and Africans. Are you telling me that there wasn't a single White person that applied for the job?

The attitude that prevails is that menial work is beneath a decent hard working American. How is that going to change if we somehow get rid of all illegals?
I can't imagine how someone can defend someone when the term is illegal immigrant? Why can't they just.. become citizens? I mean, I am almost positive there are more LEGAL immigrants than illegal..so..if they can do it, why not them?
[quote name='depascal22']The biggest argument against illegal immigration is that illegals continue to TAKE jobs from hard working Americans and it's bullshit. In one sentence you asked what it matters if out of work Americans are out "pandering" for jobs and then in the next you say that illegals are taking the jobs. You act like illegals are forcing Americans out of jobs. You act like an American can't sit there at Lowe's and compete for the same jobs.

You're fixated on Lowe's so just replace it with something else. Anything else to put your mind at ease and get you off this one track thinking.

My point is that if Americans are so hard working and willing to do menial jobs, why aren't they out there on the block looking for a construction job that pays $2 an hour for a 16 hour day?

Do you really think average Joes will flock to Lowe's or any other place that hires day workers if we get rid of illegals? [/QUOTE]

im not fixated on lowes. you brought it up, not me. im still not sure why you brought it up. let me clarify my previous post, because after rereading it, i can see where it might be confusing.

my point about lowes and workers standing out looking for work. this is not something american citizens ever did. they didnt do it 5 years ago, they didnt do it 30 years ago. for the most part, those illegals are not stealing jobs from americans. yes, some contracters are getting less jobs because of these guys. maybe someone is having them build a deck in their backyard instead of doing it themselves with their kids or neighbors. but its not a signifigant dent in anything that was done in the past. same goes with say, landscapers. 30 years ago, most people did pay a group of immigrants to mow their lawn, people did it themselves. this isnt something that illegals have taken over, because there wasnt a job sector for this 30 years ago.

the jobs i am referring to, are sectors that americans worked in the past. contruction (dont confuse helping build a deck for a day with actual construction), custodial (illegals havent been cleaning motels forever), warehouse jobs, slaughter house jobs, your blankhouse jobs. these are sectors that illegals have moved into and have taken jobs from americans.

earlier this year in bellingham washington 28 illegals were arrested by ICE (it was a big deal because napolitano slammed the raid after) that were working in an engine shop. when yamato engine specialists put an ad out to replace the workers, hundreds of citizens lined up for the job. these are the types of jobs that i am talking about.

Even when the menial jobs are open to everyone (not hiring some under the table worker), most of the people that apply are minorities. I've worked in a dozen hospitals and I'd say 95% of the housekeeping staff are minorities. In New York, they were blacks, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans, Here in Indiana, it's blacks and Africans. Are you telling me that there wasn't a single White person that applied for the job?

The attitude that prevails is that menial work is beneath a decent hard working American. How is that going to change if we somehow get rid of all illegals?

you do realize that minorities can be legal tax paying citizens right? not sure why you assume i mean white workers, when i talk about these jobs. i am talking about tax paying american citizens, whether they are a 16th generation wasp or a 3rd generation african. for that matter, i dont care if they are a LEGAL immigrant with proper documentation. so please, dont assume i mean white when i say american.
My point about Lowe's is that there are jobs out there that average Americans can go get instead of bitching about not having any options.

I still don't see how illegals are stealing jobs. No one is forcing them to take the jobs. They're working here for little money and living in conditions many average Americans would consider third world.

Maybe you should be more pissed at business owners that go out of their way to hire under the table. But that would affect the bottom line and we can't have that.

And you didn't get my point about minorities. I'm not saying they're illegals. My point is that many white people deem menial work beneath them. That's why you (almost) never see white people working as janitors or housekeepers anymore. Those jobs are all open but you never see a young hot blonde lining up to swing that mop because it's "gross". Quit acting like any average American will take any job when we all know that there are several jobs out there that are demeaning in their mind.
Claiming the biggest argument against illegal immigration is that they "steal jobs" is most certainly NOT true.

I am not sure who you are arguing with, depascal, but I have heard few claim that was their biggest issue with illegal immigration.
Claiming the biggest argument against illegal immigration is that they "steal jobs" is most certainly NOT true.

I am not sure who you are arguing with, depascal, but I have never heard anyone claim that was their biggest issue with illegal immigration.
Does anyone really want "illegal" immigration?

Either you want the current laws enforced/tightened or you want them to be repealed/loosened so that you are no longer "illegal".
the only reason i brought up jobs in the first place was because of current unemployment rates. when it comes to illegals id say its not even in the top 5 in a list of problems illegal immigration causes.

[quote name='depascal22']My point is that many white people deem menial work beneath them. That's why you (almost) never see white people working as janitors or housekeepers anymore. Those jobs are all open but you never see a young hot blonde lining up to swing that mop because it's "gross". Quit acting like any average American will take any job when we all know that there are several jobs out there that are demeaning in their mind.[/QUOTE]

alright, we arent going to budge, so ill just say one more thing. i will agree that there are many people (white or otherwise) that would think that work illegals do are beneath them. im not expecting a hot blonde to pick up a mop anytime soon. but i promise you there is some 40 something year old with a family that has been out of work the last year who would be more than happy to mop floors and clean toilets if it meant a steady paycheck.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.co...-out-of-4-want-illegal-immigration-decreased/

from CNN no less. so 3/4 of america wants illegal immigration reduced, 37% want total deportation and yet both parties in congress and the white house will not go near this issue. with unemployment so high right now this should be a very hot button issue (i would think). you can tell me there arent people out there who would take jobs that illegals typically work (construction, janitorial, etc).[/QUOTE]

Here's the fucking OP. Read the last sentence again very closely. And now you want to say you don't know what I'm arguing about?

Go and look at Faux News coverage of any immigration topic and it always goes to jobs.

No. They don't pay income tax but most don't earn enough to pay that anyway. And what's so wrong about educating their children? We have kids in this country that abuse that privilege all the time but we have kids that would die to get into a class and learn about anything but you'd kick them out like garbage just because their parents don't have documents.

And they do pay sales tax on everything they buy. The money the spend here does go toward local businesses that pay taxes and employ people but I guess that doesn't matter.

Grow up, people. Start treating everyone on this planet like our brothers and stop acting like this country is some sort of country club.

What happened to the land of opportunity? We should be glad that people would walk through the desert for hours (or even days) just for the chance to clean your shit out of the toilet for $2 an hour.
Nothing ever happened to the land of opportunity. It's still right there, available for the millions of people who choose/have chosen to come here legally.

edit: Do you assume every illegal immigrant is ignorant and not competent enough to hold a decent job? I assume that illegal immigrants don't all come here and clean toilets for $2.
bread's done