35 minute video of 'Spore', the new game by Will Wright (creator of The Sims)

[quote name='evanft']This would be PERFECT for the Revolution.[/QUOTE]

Ha, you'd build the earth with your hands.

Talk about playing God!
Wow. I'll have to finish watching that tonight. When is this coming out for the Rev? ;) I would consider getting a new PC for that.
If it was even ported to a console, chances are it wouldn't be as great as the PC one we're watching now.

In recent memory, Maxis's games haven't been ported over to consoles and been as great as they were on the PC... the Sims games come to mind almost instantly.

Plus, I'm not sure if you'd actually need a top of the line PC to run this... Maxis usually makes games that run on a huge variety of PC's.

One of the greatest things to me is how its uploading your creatures, and downloading other ones from other players to fill your world. Plus he seems to have nailed so many different genres in one game... only Will Wright could do something that awesome. The entire game is what the player makes it... so many editors :drool:
I watched the video. Unbelivable. This could either turn out really cool or an overhyped garbage title. I'm REALLY hoping for the former.
[quote name='evanft']This would be PERFECT for the Revolution.[/QUOTE]

What about it would be PERFECT for the Revolution? Suer it look like an awesome game, but it's got a pretty standard control/input scheme, nothing really special there.
[quote name='rockhero']What about it would be PERFECT for the Revolution? Suer it look like an awesome game, but it's got a pretty standard control/input scheme, nothing really special there.[/QUOTE]
Mouse pointer = Revolution controller
[quote name='botticus']Mouse pointer = Revolution controller[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Other Maxis stuff hasn't faired well because it was ported from mouse to controller. I've never played The Sims on a console, but I have to imagine playing it with a controller is nothing but pain.
the thing I think that Will Wright is doing right (no pun intended) is the way he is approaching his development for a game with this much depth. Basicly, he has his main development team, and then contracts smaller development teams to work on primary parts, thus adding a huge leap of depth to the game. Very wise. I usually don't look forward to PC release games, but this game is so groundbreaking I will probably be getting this on day 1... when's the release anyway?
Does he have to say Procedural so god damn much?

Since it takes input from other players, you're going to have a lot of monsters that either resemble a cock, or have multiple cocks. You cant deny that this will happen.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']
Since it takes input from other players, you're going to have a lot of monsters that either resemble a cock, or have multiple cocks. You cant deny that this will happen.[/QUOTE]

Maxis will figure out some way to block it, trust me. Will Wright seems like the guy that's thinking 5 steps ahead of everyone else.
I dunno, he seems to be about freedom. Realistically its hard to stop things on the internet. I mean, I can go so far to use the mountain/volcano creator to make relief portraits out of my planets. Like a big 3d DS emblem editor.

But that means I can also write 'cocks cock olol" or build a vagina junction

whats your function
This should be a kick-ass game. It'd actually be a computer game that I'd buy that's for sure. Now the real question would be what would you try to create. What kind of videogame Creations would you try to import? Since we're able to create the vehicles, I'm going to try my hand at creating Starscream into the set myself. As for creatures, I'll probably try to recreate a moogle.
there is a rumor that it is comin to one or both hand held consoles

Job listing reveals Will Wright's eagerly awaited biosphere-civilization sim will come to unnamed portables.

With nearly 60 million copies sold across all platforms, there's no question that The Sims is one of the most popular franchises in gaming. Given its success, it only made sense for its publisher, Electronic Arts to bring the PC-centric series to every other device possible. Last fall, the company released The Sims 2 on all current-generation consoles and handhelds, including the Nintendo DS, the PlayStation Portable, and the Game Boy Advance.

Given that precedent, it should come as little surprise that EA is also planning to bring Spore, the next game from Sims creator Will Wright, to handhelds as well. That plan was confirmed by a recent job posting on GameDev.net for a "Handheld Designer: SPORE" position.

"Located in beautiful Emeryville, CA," read the ad, "the Spore team is looking for an experienced designer that will be responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining game systems and content for SPORE Handheld titles." The lucky recipient of the job will be asked to "drive vision and design for both internal and external design teams for launch of handheld titles for SPORE."

While the job listing laid out its requirements for candidates in extensive detail--anyone without "previous experience as a design lead" and less than five years of experience need not apply--it did not mention any specific platforms for a portable Spore. No version of the game has a concrete release date, but GameSpot's E3 2005 Impressions has more details on the PC edition.
I played this before it was called Seaman for the Dreamcast. I joke I joke. It looks good.

The next game by Wright, will make you a god in real life. This is when the world ends. Thousands of "god" gamers battling it out over the earth.
[quote name='Graystone']I played this before it was called Seaman for the Dreamcast. I joke I joke. It looks good.[/QUOTE]

???? The games seem vastly different.
[quote name='evanft']A DS version would roxzor.[/QUOTE]

I'd be surprised if they could fit most of what's on the PC version on a DS cart... but it would kick ass.

Not mine, but someones prototype creation in the Spore thread elsewhere on the interwookie. I lolled
[quote name='sleepy180']Is it just me or does this game look like a revamped and enhanced version of the SNES game "E.V.O. Search for Eden"?
[quote name='Scorch']Thanks for the huge, useless picture that stretched out the forum table, Dr. MK.[/quote]

Wasnt stretched for me...

Also, anyone think that if you have a 35 minute demo movie about something its usually:

A: A slow as hell game and B: You just saw all there is about the game.

I mean, he evolves pretty quickly.... I dunno, but I'm not really impressed...........yet.
bread's done