360 Elite at ToysRUs.com

[quote name='Basticle']http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2711408

1 Xbox 360: Elite System - Item#:2711408 $479.99

Shipping & Handling : $17.59
Tax (OH) : $34.84

Google Checkout & Toys "R" Us Bonus - Limit 2 per person on orders over $30 before shipping & tax. Bonus may not appear in store email. -$10.00

Total: $522.42

is this a good deal?[/quote]

I say just wait to buy it in stores.. it most likely won't be sold out and you won't be paying shipping charges just tax.
I think I'm gonna go for it because the only store with video games in my town is Wal-Mart and with google check out its basically $7.59 shipping and that seems like a small price to pay to not have to go to Wal-Mart.
not a good idea, the elite only comes with a bigger harddrive that you dont need to begin with, the standard one is already more space than you need. Hdmi cable isn't even recognized by the 360 interface so basically your not getting the hdmi quality, just the convience of using a single wire instead of audio + component wires. Overall a big waste of money, get the standard 360. And if your planning on spending 522$ why not get a ps3 with blue ray technology? The elite doesn't even come with the xbox hd-dvd drive, its a gimmick and it looks like you fell for it.
[quote name='masterpain55']not a good idea, the elite only comes with a bigger harddrive that you dont need to begin with, the standard one is already more space than you need. Hdmi cable isn't even recognized by the 360 interface so basically your not getting the hdmi quality, just the convience of using a single wire instead of audio + component wires. Overall a big waste of money, get the standard 360. And if your planning on spending 522$ why not get a ps3 with blue ray technology? The elite doesn't even come with the xbox hd-dvd drive, its a gimmick and it looks like you fell for it.[/quote]
I thought we bought console systems to play games. HDMI and a bigger hard drives are just extras and big additions for owners who are new or want to upgrade to the X360 Elite to enhance their experience IF their setup supports it.

Does $653 sound any better? Not to mention, but if Sony skimped on the Blu-Ray player for the PS3 just like the DVD player for the PS2, then we will have another problem, huh? Disk-read error... Looks like you fell for the gimmicks of new technology.

If you want an Elite, just buy it B&M or just wait until a deal comes up.
[quote name='masterpain55']not a good idea, the elite only comes with a bigger harddrive that you dont need to begin with, the standard one is already more space than you need.[/QUOTE]
Holy crap, you mean my 360 hard drive isn't full and I'm not deleting demos regularly to make room for more stuff?
[quote name='masterpain55']not a good idea, the elite only comes with a bigger harddrive that you dont need to begin with, the standard one is already more space than you need. Hdmi cable isn't even recognized by the 360 interface so basically your not getting the hdmi quality, just the convience of using a single wire instead of audio + component wires. Overall a big waste of money, get the standard 360. And if your planning on spending 522$ why not get a ps3 with blue ray technology? The elite doesn't even come with the xbox hd-dvd drive, its a gimmick and it looks like you fell for it.[/quote]

From IGN:
The update also does some rumor busting, shooting down reports that Microsoft was forcing the developer to make Halo 3 1080p running at 60 frames per second. It is unrealistic to expect all the game's action running at those numbers, Bungie says. It will display 1080p on the Xbox 360 Elite, though.

Do DVDs upscale through the HDMI connection?
Yes. While DVDs do not upscale through composite or component connections, they will with a VGA or HDMI cable.

If I have an Xbox 360 already, will the Elite give me a better looking game?
Unless you have a high-end, large 1080p television or projector, it is unlikely you will notice any difference in quality in switching from component cables to HDMI. On our 720p capable screens, we couldn't see any difference. Obviously, this will vary by make and model of your TV. We'll continue testing the console on higher end televisions to see if we can notice any changes.

From my point of view it's not a gimmick. My TV only accepts 1080p through HDMI. So I am down a bit of money and I have a 360 to play in my bedroom.

What exactly do you mean by HDMI is not recognized by the 360 interface?
[quote name='gobz']
What exactly do you mean by HDMI is not recognized by the 360 interface?[/quote]

Yeah, what exactly do you mean?!?
[quote name='Basticle']I think I'm gonna go for it because the only store with video games in my town is Wal-Mart and with google check out its basically $7.59 shipping and that seems like a small price to pay to not have to go to Wal-Mart.[/quote]also, if you have any buddys that work at walmart have them use their 10% discount on it. i used to work in electronics sometime back, and the manager still gives me the discount on stuff! its great!
toysrus.com is the worst online retailer I have ever dealt with. I wouldnt bother with them.

Just wait and get one at the store like said before.
[quote name='Damian']Holy crap, you mean my 360 hard drive isn't full and I'm not deleting demos regularly to make room for more stuff?[/quote]Why are you keeping demos on there in the first place?
[quote name='garfep']If you're looking to buy online, Amazon is the better bet since there's no tax and no shipping.[/quote]

Tax varies by state with Amazon.
[quote name='King Bahamut']Doesn't Amazon only tax in 3 states for video games?[/quote]

i think they only tax in states that they have warehouses at.
OOS. This has me a bit worried because I can't imagine this is like the PS3 or Wii launch, but all the online sites going OOS so quickly goes against that. I wonder if people are camping out anywhere? I was hoping to hit up a Gamecrazy at opening that I know has one and only one system available Sunday. Wish me luck ;).
Can a moderator please stop all these "360 Elite in stock" threads in the video game deals section? How many more do we need? If its MSRP please dont post it here :roll:
[quote name='io']OOS. This has me a bit worried because I can't imagine this is like the PS3 or Wii launch, but all the online sites going OOS so quickly goes against that. I wonder if people are camping out anywhere? I was hoping to hit up a Gamecrazy at opening that I know has one and only one system available Sunday. Wish me luck ;).[/quote]

Oh, I was at Toys R' Us this morning in beautiful Staten Island New York, and they had like 9 of them. Best Buy next door had about 5. I only saw like 1-2 other people buying one. But then again, it was only 9 am.

PS: If you see people on a line, it isn't for the Elite. They are looking for Wiis. I was talking to someone while I was on line.
[quote name='oasisboy']Can a moderator please stop all these "360 Elite in stock" threads in the video game deals section? How many more do we need? If its MSRP please dont post it here :roll:[/QUOTE]

There is only 6 Elite threads right now...thats not alot! :cool:
bread's done