360 Games - Buy, Sell or Trade Thread! - Remember 1 Post Rule

Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Batman: Arkham City
Borderlands 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition
Madden NFL 12

NOTE: All of these are for the Xbox 360

Halo 4
Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012)

360 versions only please
Alan Wake
Batman Arkham City
Castlevania Lord of Shawdows
1600 points code from MS store (might sell it, make an offer, paypal only)

Max Payne 3
Sleeping Dogs
Lollipop Chainsaw
The Saboteur

Heavenly Sword

ungeon Siege III (sealed) $15.00 shipped
LA Noire Complete Edition (sealed) $20.00 shipped
14 Day Xbox Live Gold Code $3.25 for immediate PM
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Dont be shy to PM me a Trade List to consider
ALL codes are available now!

Halo 4 Pre-Order Codes:
Halo 4 Avatar Blue Warrior Armour Male
Halo 4 Avatar Green Warrior Armour Male
Halo 4 Avatar Red Warrior Armour Male
Halo 4 Avatar Red Warrior Armour Female
Halo 4 Avatar Blue Warrior Armour Female
Halo 4 Avatar Gold Warrior Armour Female
Halo 4 Haven Theme
Halo 4 Spartan Emblem
Halo 4 Circuit Armour Skin
Halo 4 Hazop Armor Skin
Halo 4 Artic Weapon Camo Skin

Forward Unto Down - $35/2800msp (some MP say 3200 mine says 2800)
Cyrotube Prop - $5
Spartan 4 Recruit Avatar Outfit m/f - $10

Gold Armors Coming Soon!

Also Have For Trade:
1 Month Xbox LIVE
14 Day Trial
Dishonored Corvo Mask
MW3 Special Ops Juggernaut Female x2
UFC 3 Alistair Overeem DLC
Halo CEA Master Chief Avatar Armor Female x2
SR-2 Normandy Prop
Halo CEA Grunt Funereal Skull DLC
Borderlands 2 Premium Club DLC x2
N7 ME3 Shirt
Liquid Green Metal Gears Of War 3 Skin
Darksiders 2 Avatar T-shirt Male

Microsoft Points
Games On Demand Games
Game DLC Codes
Arcade Games
Pre-order Content For Other Games
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Like new, Nuketown 2025 code used)

Want: (can be opened but prefer complete atleast)
Assassin's Creed III
Halo 4
Forza Horizon
All are in great condition and complete.
Assassins Creed 1
Lego Batman 1 *pending*
Star Wars Lego Complete Series
Saints Row 1
Saints Row 2
Time Shift *factory sealed*
Tenchu Z *factory sealed*
Burnout Paradise
Ace Combat 6
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 *pending*
Rain *factory sealed*
Rockstar Table Tennis
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Call of Duty 2
Condemned 2
Bully scholarship edition *factory sealed*
Burnout Revenge
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
GI Joe
Operation Darkness *factory sealed*
Dynasty Warriors 6 *factory sealed*
Terminator Salvation *factory sealed*
Bionic Commando *factory sealed*
Flatout Ultimate carnage
pirates of the carribean at worlds end *factory sealed*
Chronicles of Riddick Dark Athena *factory sealed* also comes with
escape from butcher bay
Silent Hill homecoming *factory sealed*
Bourne conspiracy *factory sealed*
Jericho *factory sealed*
Turning Point *factory sealed
Bolt *factory sealed*
Devil May Cry 4 *factory sealed*
Infinite Undiscovery *factory sealed*
Street Fighter 4
Gears of War 1
The Outfit *factory sealed*
Lost: Via Domus
Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix
Dead Space *factory sealed*
Resident Evil 5 gold edition *factory sealed*

Ps3 games mint and complete with scratch free disc
Blu Rays mint and complete with scratch free disc
No ex-rentals etc.

Not looking at lists, pm an offfer.
Viva Pinata Party Animals
Pop Cap Arcade Volume 1
Darksiders 2(sealed)
Medal of Honor Warfighter(sealed)
Need for Speed Most Wanted Limited Edition(sealed)(the newest version)
Forza Horizon(sealed)
Black Ops 2 nuketown map(game not included)
Resident Evil 6 Press Edition(game not included)
Gears of War Limited Edition
Gears of War 2 Limited Edition
Halo 3 Legendary edition
Halo 4
(2) Medal of Honor Warfighter best buy preorder dlc(game not included)
Assassin's Creed 3 uplay passport(game not included)
Ghost Recon Future Soldier uplay passport(game not included)
Gears of War 3 Epic Edition(sealed)
(2) halo 4 forerunner wireless controllers(console editions)

other xbox 360 games
Alan Wake
Resident Evil 5
Rock Band 3
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Trials HD
usps money order

I AM NOT INTERESTED IN TRADING A GAME FOR A GAME OF LESSER VALUE(trades must be equal in value). My paypal is currently not working so I can't give or recieve money through paypal.
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Have: Paypal
Amazon Payments

Want: I'm looking for a cheap Guitar Hero or Rock Band guitar. I know some of you probably have one sitting around that you hate looking at. Here's the kicker though: It must be shipped APO (I know some people consider APO to be 'international' for some reason). I understand shipping be a bit pricey for it, so I hoping someone has one that they would be willing to cut me a solid deal on. eBay prices have been a lot higher for controllers from a dead genre than I would have expected.
I'm looking for a GH3 Les Paul or later model from the Guitar Hero series or a RB2 Wireless Stratocaster or later model (precision bass, Beatles instrument, etc) from the Rock Band series. I know of the issues surrounding the Les Paul; mine back in the states works great and is my favorite, so I hope I could get another working model, but I hear the later guitars (GHWT, GH5) were better.
I ran into an issue where I did not bring my instruments with me, got the bug to play RB, and bought a Pro Guitar. While it is becoming fun to learn it, the Pro Guitar sucks for standard non-pro songs. So I need another guitar.
Please shoot me any offers via PM, thanks!
H: All xbox 360
Black ops 2 sealed
assassins creed 3 sealed
saints row the third full package sealed
need for speed most wanted (opened but never put in xbox or used code)

W: Paypal/CYL
SNES Console/games
007 Legends (Like New) - $35 Shipped

Paypal/Amazon Payment or Giftcard
Wii U Games
Persona 4 Arena (360)
Dead or Alive 5 (360)
Assassin's Creed III (360)
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed (360 or Wii U)
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
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3 Month LIVE, 1600 MS points, Dishonored(new or used, like new preferably), or 360 offers.


The Walking Dead: The Complete Season 2[Blu-Ray -2 disc] -NEW/FACTORY SEALED
Feedback history

Ebay seller/buyer username is mrlost47 with 76/76 positive feedback
Bluray.com member username is Mr. Lost with 113/113 positive feedback (http://forum.blu-ray.com/itrader.php?u=173538) (Feel free to pm me!)


Forza 4 brand new and sealed (Holiday bundle)-30 shipped
Skyrim game download (Holiday Bundle)-20 shipped
Halo 4 (Brand new and sealed)-55 shipped


360: Assassin's Creed, Bioshock

Old xbox: Red dead revolver, Halo 2
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Batman Arkham City GOTY Sealed
Bionic Commando
Blood Stone 007
Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway Best Buy Edition
Bulletstorm Epic Edition
Burnout Paradise
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3 Complete Package
Dead Space
Eternal Sonata with Official Strategy Guide
F.E.A.R. Files Disc
Fight Night Round 3
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights Disc
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
Metro 2033
Monopoly (First Game)
Motionsports Kinect
NBA Live 2010
Quake 4 (Will include Quake II Full Game Bonus Disc)
Quake II Full XBLA Game Disc (Came with Quake 4 Limited Edition)
Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy
Rock Revolution
Shadowrun with Official Strategy Guide
Street Fighter IV
Supreme Commander
Big Bumpin, Pocket Bike Race, Sneak King Discs (Exclusive at Burger King)


Assassin's Creed 3
Crackdown 2

Darksiders 2
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
Doom 3: BFG Edition
Dragon Age II + DLC
Dungeon Siege 3
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Ghost Recon Future Soldier
Goldeneye 007: Reloaded
H.A.W.X. 2
Jurassic Park: The Game
Max Payne 3
Magna Carta 2
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
Rayman Origins
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
Resonance of Fate
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and DLC
The Walking Dead
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:360:Assassins Creed Revelations $12

:360:Kinect Sports $19

:360:Lego Batman 2 $22

:360:Resident Evil 6 $41


Amazon Gift Cards
Halo 4
Other Games
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Feedback history

Ebay seller/buyer username is mrlost47 with 76/76 positive feedback
Bluray.com member username is Mr. Lost with 113/113 positive feedback (http://forum.blu-ray.com/itrader.php?u=173538) (Feel free to pm me!)


Forza 4 (Brand new and sealed)(Holiday bundle)-30 shipped
Halo 4 (Brand new and sealed)-55 shipped


360: Assassin's Creed, Bioshock

Old xbox: Red dead revolver, Halo 2
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Have - Dance Central 3 (Brand New - Never played but shrinkwrap removed and pre-order DLC code removed / not included)

Want - Amazon Giftcard Payment
Wow, lots of people trying to flip Walmart BF games for wicked profit. :roll:

Speaking of, I have:

NFS Most Wanted Walmart Edition, brand new and sealed. :360:


Borderlands 2 :360:

I just want to do a straight-up trade, since my store ran out of BL2 really fast on Black Friday.
Feedback history

Ebay seller/buyer username is mrlost47 with 76/76 positive feedback
Bluray.com member username is Mr. Lost with 113/113 positive feedback
http://forum.blu-ray.com/itrader.php?u=173538 Feel Free to pm me!

Forza 4 (Brand new and sealed)(Holiday bundle)-30 shipped
Halo 4 (Brand new and sealed)-55 shipped


360: Assassin's Creed, Bioshock

Old xbox: Red dead revolver, Halo 2

Angry Birds Trilogy
Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition
Forza 4
Lollipop Chainsaw

Have: Still have the 2
Mass Effect 3 Collectors Edition(sealed) - 60
Halo 4 Collectors Edition(Sealed) - 75
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Mass effect 3
transformers ( disc only)
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Tomd raider legend

Want 30 shipped for all four


Battlefield 1 & 3
Kingdom of Aumlar
Spiderman edge of time
Amazing Spiderman
Harry Potter Kinect
Harry Potter TOOTP
Avengers battle for earth

BRAND NEW need for speed most wanted xbox 2012 shipped with tracking number. make your offer.

ad will be pulled when its gone.
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Have: The games that dont have prices I dont know what the market is for them so please send an offer and I will check if its fair or not. I'm just listing them here to see they can be sold.

Assassin's Creed 3 - $33 shipped with uplay pass
Burnout Paradise
Halo 4 $46 shipped
CoD: BO 2 $46 shipped
Tales Of Vesperia (Original print)

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Gears of War 2
Halo 4 - 35$!!!
US Only: Xbox Live 3 Months code! (Instant email delivery) -10$ - Sold!

Dark Souls
Record of Agarest War
Lost Odyssey
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Feedback History

115/115 positive feedback on bluray.com http://forum.blu-ray.com/itrader.php?u=173538 (Feel free to send me a pm for verification)


Halo 4 Brand new and sealed-55 shipped
Forza 4 Brand new and sealed (Holiday Bundle)-25 shipped
3 month xbox live code-20 shipped


360: Assassin's Creed, Bioschock

Old xbox: Halo 2, Red dead redemption
Call of Duty Black Ops II: $45 shipped
Lego Star Wars III: $10

Amazon Gift Card

If you buy both I'll throw in a $10 Microsoft Store Gift Card. :applause:
bread's done